Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 697 Little Kendo Tree!

When everyone thought that Lu's side was 60% synchronized.

Seven! The synchronization rate with the kendo tree is 70%.

Eight roots! The synchronization rate with the Kendo tree is 80%.

Nine roots! The synchronization rate with the Kendo tree has reached 90%.

Ten! The synchronization rate with the sword and the Taoist tree has reached more than ten!


The synchronization rate between Lu Yuan and Kendo Tree actually surpasses that of the Son of the Sword. What's going on?

Isn't the son of the sword insurmountable? Lu Yuan's 30,000 streak in the challenge tower has long been analyzed by people. The son of the sword met the son of the fairy, and Lu Yuan did not meet the people sent from the five ancient civilizations at all, so in the end he got more than the son of the sword's 30,000 winning streak. It is not that Lu Yuan's

And now, what's going on?

There are various factors that can affect the final record.

But the Kendo tree will not have any factors to affect it. What's going on?

At this time, many people on the sword cultivation star are full of people, and they also feel quite strange. The son of the sword, one of the seven sons of luck.

What is Lu Yuan's sword? In some ways, it can be compared with the son of the sword, or even surpass it.

This is really weird!

Of course, Lu Yuan doesn't have time to pay attention to these now. At this time, he only feels that the small kendo tree in his space is about to germinate. Once he germinates his own luck, it will begin to rise. This is a very cool thing. There is not much reaction when 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones are thrown

There is no way to invest another 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones!

Lu Yuan is also extremely generous now. Recently, he has been dealing with Jianhui and others, as well as the ancient civilization and others. The number of top-grade spiritual stones has reached three million." It is really rich and rich, and he doesn't care about this at all. 100,000 top-grade spiritual stones are constantly thrown down, so that 1.5 million top- Only then did I feel that the new kendo tree in the ground had absorbed enough aura!

Although Lu Yuancai thought he was rich, he immediately found that this small kendo tree was simply like a wild monster that ate spiritual stones, and it was a huge of 1.5 million yuan. Next, he had to wait for Lu Yuan to arrive, so he waited there, and swallowed 1.5 million of super-grade spiritual stones. It seemed that something had exploded. "A sapling suddenly collapsed on the ground. The sapling was very small, but even if it was so small." Lu Yuan instinctively felt a sense of luck. Wrap it around here.

This is a small kendo tree!

In his own space, he finally developed his own small kendo tree.

As soon as the small kendo tree appeared, Lu Yuan even felt that there was a trace of iron on the small kendo tree. The kendo tree would have its own iron rule, and as long as the small kendo tree grew to a certain extent, it could really generate real iron rules, and once the small kendo tree really grew to master the iron, Lu It's also much easier.

I don't know what kind of iron rules will be carried on this small kendo tree!

Lu Yuan was extremely happy. Now he only feels that no matter how many spiritual stones are hit on the small kendo tree, it is worth it, because one is to add luck, and the other is that bringing your own iron can help him understand the iron rule.

This is really a good thing!

Lu Yuan smashed another million spiritual stones. This small kendo sapling has grown a lot under the watering of one million top-grade spiritual stones, and gradually formed a tree shape. The iron on it has also increased to a certain extent, but Lu Yuan obviously felt that the iron is still very light. I can't understand anything by myself.

At this time, Lu Yuan did not dare to smash the spirit stone again. He just used 2.5 million of the top-grade spirit stone to smash it, and then hit the current result. "This little kendo tree is really a monster that eats the spirit stone.

I still have 800,000 top-grade spiritual stones left, I still have spiritual beasts to raise, and there are many others that need top-grade spiritual stones. Forget it, let's do it for the time being. Well, with this little sword, Taoist tree's own space is finally no longer completely monotonous.

Lu Yuanzhi finally came to his senses at this time.

After coming to his senses, Lu Yuan found that a teleportation point appeared in the sword tree in front of him.

Is this? Lu Yuan looked at the side and found that there should have been a transmission point here, but it was blocked by the ten circular branches. Now the ten branches are all bright, and at the same time, the road is out of the way, so the transmission array appears. This transmission array should be transmitted to the final inheritance place of the Sword Gate. The place to return to the sword pool.

Lu Yuan stood on the transmission array. "The light flashed, and Lu Yuan had disappeared at the top of the Kendo tree." Obviously, he went to Guijian Pool.

And Lu Yuan went back to the sword pool, and everyone also dispersed. Most of the core disciples were talking about it. The master concubine fairy was behind the sword and silently looked at the top of the tree. "I didn't know when I didn't get to the sword to cultivate the stars." Lu Yuan, you have become the overlord of .

What is the principle of space transmission of the transmission array? The so-called transmission array, I didn't care about it, but now I'm practicing the space iron rule. The transmission array should be the one to change the firm, and the sword intention to change is the majority. If you practice the space iron rule, you can also make the transmission array by yourself.

While Lu Yuan was thinking deeply about the principle of space transmission, he had already reached Guijian Pool.

Lu Yuan saw ten gates carved with swords.

Each door is full of the breath of a sword. This is a door composed of a sword. Lu Yuan looked over, and the first door suddenly wrote four words of the door of time. The door of time, Lu Yuan was stunned. Is this the place to practice the iron rule of time? Lu Yuan doesn't plan to practice the iron rule of time now, because he is now practicing the iron rule of space and the iron rule of cause and effect at the same time. It's enough to practice two at the same time. "No need to practice more.

Lu Yuan arrived at the second door. This second door is the door of space. It seems that it should be the place to practice space iron rules. You can go in and have a look, but don't worry, and look at the other eight gates.

On the third door, it says the door of reincarnation, which should be the place to practice the iron rules of reincarnation, which basically has no effect on yourself.

On the fourth door, it says the gate of war, the gate of war? Fight against the ancient civilization? Lu Yuan was a little strange, and he was not in a hurry to see it first.

On the fifth door, the door of the fast sword is written, which seems to be a place to practice the fast sword.

On the sixth door, it says that the body is like electricity. It seems to be a place to practice fast movement. Be sure to go in and have a look when you have time.

On the seventh door, it says Zhou Yiweibu, and I don't know what it is for.

The eighth door" says that the epee is unparalleled, which is probably the place to practice epee.

On the ninth door, is the "undead sword spirit method, is it a mental method? I basically don't need it myself.

On the tenth door, it says the Wanbai Zhenjing, Wanbai Zhenjing, what is this? Lu Yuan also felt quite strange.

At this time, the sword master also saw the situation of returning to the sword pool in the secret room of the head. The sword master couldn't help muttering, "Wanbai Zhenjing finally appeared." "Wanbai Zhenjing?" Taishi was stunned.

"That's right, it's true." The sword master put his hand behind him: "The first generation of sword master was a strange man. The kendo in those years was even worse than now. At that time, the only kendo of the Yinjian Sect was the Hidden Sword Sect, but the Hidden Sword Sect was chased everywhere." The normal sword trainer was going to be destroyed."

"And the sword master of the first generation has many adventures, but unfortunately, even if it is a repeated adventure, he is chased and killed everywhere."

"The first generation of sword masters will know five iron rules, but two of them were obtained for other people's reasons." When it was passed on, it was said that it could not be passed on to future generations, so it has not been passed on.

"And the first sword master established the Guijian pool, so he put his ten stunts in the Guijian pool." "Time iron rule, space iron rule, reincarnation iron rule, these three irons occupy three seats. The stunts of the ancient civilization conceived by the first sword master are placed in the fourth seat, and the fifth seat is the best Behind the door is the method of fast body shape. The seventh door hides the dodge heart method. The first generation of the sword master in those years, known as the three fast, the sword fast, the man fast, and the dodge fast. If it weren't for these three fast, I'm afraid that he would have been chased and killed by all kinds of

"The ninth door is his mind method in those years. This is the master's heart method. In addition to the master of all dynasties, he can also practice if he can reach a 90% synchronization rate with the kendo tree." The sword owner said, "In those years, the son of the sword got this supreme sword spirit method, and also practiced this method." "And the content of the tenth door has never appeared. This is the most proud place of the first sword master. The first sword master was chased and killed by all kinds of people in those years." He could not escape and repeatedly encountered failures, Wanbai Zhenjing, when he used this Wanbai Zhenjing for 9,990 consecutive defeats, he was close to the level of the vice lord of civilization.

"Unfortunately, at the time of the first ten thousand defeats, I met the Lord of ancient civilization who personally took action." His last words, if you practice the true scriptures of ten thousand defeats and can experience defeats without death, you can reach the level of the vice lord of civilization." The sword master said with a heavy face, "In fact, the Wanbai Zhenjing has been changed to the Baibai Zhenjing by the first sword master before his death, but the name has never been changed."

Tai Shikong was suddenly shocked. The vice master of civilization, that is the swordsman of this era, has never reached the level, and the swordsman is bound by heaven and earth, and has never reached the way to reach the vice master of civilization. People say that the son of the sword may reach the vice master of civilization in the future, but it is only possible

And this book can actually reach the level of the vice master of civilization!

How can he not be surprised!

At the same time, Tai Shikong said, "Sword master, why did you tell me? These are only known by the leader. "Because, I don't know when the faction of the copper civilization will start to act in the sword gate." This time, the fight with the wild emperor" reveals that I have really suffered a lot of injuries. The copper civilization has penetrated into our sword gate very deeply. You are proficient in space iron. If I die in the future, Some things will be passed on.