Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 704 The Domineering Secret of the Dharma!

The son of the Faqiang Emperor is the fifteenth emperor of the Fagu Nvming.

This is also a world figure.

Although in the ancient French civilization, he is just an unimportant emperor, but when he is put outside, he is also a famous figure. He dare not say that he shocked the heavens, but there is no problem with the powerful parties.

Emperor Faqiang stood with his hands on his hand: "One hundred and fifty of you have to sign a contract now before you can receive special training."

The so-called contract is actually quite simple.

All the trained people cannot take the initiative to attack the French ancient civilization.

That is to say, if the ancient civilization does not pick you first and attack you first, you can't attack the ancient civilization first.

The French ancient civilization rules the land and trains these geniuses. Naturally, it is impossible to train without any benefits. Now this contract requires you not to take the initiative to attack the ancient French civilization. In fact, the requirements are really not high at all. One hundred and fifty people have signed it.

In the process of signing, you should drop a drop of blood on it to show that the contract is effective.

After signing this contract, Emperor Faqiang said, "The routine that should be done has been done, and it's time to teach you the real formula."

Emperor Faqiang said, "I am the emperor of the ancient Fa civilization, and I am naturally good at magic, and you are from all forces, including the civilization of wind, the civilization of copper, the civilization of medicine, and all kinds of messy sects."

"Many of you are weapons flow, and it is impossible to change them all to spell flow."

The powerful emperor said, "However, by the way, whether it is the flow of weapons or the flow of spells, all the moves are used."

"So this time, what I have taught you is a mental method that is quite applicable to both the flow of weapons and spells." Emperor Faqiang said, "It's also the domineering secret of Fa Zun."

Among the 150 people, many people understood what the domineering formula of Fa Zun was, and their faces were happy.

However, there are also some people who can't understand the domineering formula of Fa Zun at all, such as Lu Yuan.

Emperor Faqiang obviously expected this situation, so he said faintly, "In heaven and earth, there are all kinds of qi, such as domineering, such as murderous, such as magic, such as demon, such as righteousness, such as Buddha's, and many qi have mutual effects.

"The imperial spirit can make you involuntarily submit to it."

"Kill killing can make people tremble involuntarily."

"Magic spirit can attract the mind, pull people into the devil's way, and it will be doomed forever.

"Correctness makes people automatically produce a sense of righteousness, and the ears can ward off evil spirits."

Lu Yuan listened to the words of the Emperor of Fa Qiang, and thought about it. He has also come into contact with these qi before. For example, he has a terrible magic spirit on Ren celibacy. For example, he has righteousness in his body. These qi do have a role in fighting, but it seems to be naturally emanating.

Under Lu Yuan's heart, a trace of curiosity flashed.

And the powerful emperor said, "Yes, after reaching the high level, these gases can also be collected and used, just like moves."

"So, there are some skills that use Qi as a move."

"The domineering formula I practiced is a kind of method that uses hegemony, and it is a relatively high-level method."

Emperor Faqiang said to 150 people, "You are behind me now. I'll take you to a place." After saying that, the strong emperor flew up by himself. He flew like a cloud. There were flying spells, defensive spells, and so on, all kinds of mysteries in the clouds.

Immediately, 150 people also followed, using their own flying methods, some of which are based on spells, like the powerful emperor of the Dharma, some of them fly with magic weapons, such as stepping on two fire wheels under their feet, and some of them fly with weapons. For example, the people of the copper civilization walk with copper, such as Lu Yuan and others walked with the sword.

There were a total of 151 people. They flew about half a circle around the stars and had flown to the other side of the stars. Emperor Faqiang finally stopped. Lu Yuan also looked at the surrounding environment and found that he and others had reached a rather beautiful environment.

In front of him, there is a huge waterfall that is suspected to be hanging down in nine days, falling straight down from the air.

It rumbled, and the huge sound was loud.

This waterfall is almost ten thousand feet long.

In fact, it is not too long now, but this waterfall is not a single color, but colorful, red, orange, yellow and green are intertwined, like a dream.

"This is Wanfa Waterfall." Emperor Faqiang said, "It is said that some people competed here in the past, and finally led to the change of heaven and earth. Finally, this Wanfa waterfall, also known as the dream waterfall, was formed, and the water flow of this waterfall is different from that of other places. At the same time, there is also a precious Tianjing fish in the waterfall."

"Of course, I didn't ask you to enjoy the waterfall, nor did I ask you to see the fish in the waterfall." The emperor of Faqiang said with a back hand, "I called you here because of this waterfall, which is especially beneficial to practice the domineering secret of Dharma."

"Now we will start to talk about the mind of the domineering formula of the Dharma, the so-called domineering formula of the Dharma, the domineering person, the domineering spirit of heaven and earth." The emperor of Faqiang read the mind of Fa Zun's domineering secret. After reading the formula, I explained it briefly, and then said, "You can practice the domineering formula with this Wanfa waterfall. Once you practice the domineering formula of the magic master, you can slow down the flow of the waterfall in a section of the area. Once the domineering formula of the Dafa master is completed, you can stop the flow of the waterfall

"Domineering is originally to deter the enemy.

"Domineering, practice to the extreme, can make the other party almost unable to move."

"Each world has its own needs, and each has its own uses."

He finished explaining everything. Next, everyone began to practice this domineering formula. This is a very useful mental method. Once practiced, it can deter the other party and make the other party dare not move. Of course, it is not the enemy that should be deterred now, but the Wanfa Waterfall in front of us.

One hundred and fifty people in the loser group began to practice.

Lu Yuan also began to practice by himself.

The mind of the Dharma Zun's domineering secret has flashed in his mind. Word by word, Lu Yuan began to think about this Dharma Zun's domineering secret, which vaguely seemed to have some understanding, domineering! In fact, I have also had it before. For example, when I was the leader in Huashan, facing the only subordinates such as Yuanling and others, I was also extremely domineering at that time. When I said a few tricks to destroy the opponent, I killed the opponent with a few tricks.

One man is the key, don't open it.

If you want to die, you have to die.

These are domineering.

Lu Yuan is quite interested in the domineering formula of Fa Zun.

With the operation of the mind method, Lu Yuan has found that there seems to be a domineering spirit in his body. This spirit is quite powerful and domineering. He has practiced the domineering formula of Fa Zun. Lu Yuan is trying to use the method taught by the powerful emperor to input the domineering spirit into the body to see if his The waterfall solidifies a certain area.

As a result, when the domineering gas is about to be output, another air movement in the body is moved, and the domineering air is lowered. This gas is full of the righteousness of heaven and earth.

Is this?


How can there be such a sense of righteousness in his body, and it seems to be surprisingly powerful. In fact, it is very simple. Although Lu Yuan has never practiced anything related to righteousness, since he stepped into the road of immortality, he has been holding the word "nursing me". The righteousness of his whole body is like the Yangtze River.

Such a huge righteousness is far above the newly born domineering spirit.

Zhengqi and abandonment are not the same attribute of Qi. Domineering should be output out of the body. Naturally, Zhengqi does not allow it, and domineering is suppressed to death.

Lu Yuan has now understood one thing. His domineering should be imported out of the body. One thing to do is to do this domineering, even if he can't compete with the righteous spirit, at least he can't be too weak, otherwise the domineering can't be exported out of the body at all.

Er, who told me that he was originally vast between heaven and earth, full of righteousness like the Yangtze River.

The powerful emperor is watching the 150 people in the loser group. He wants to see which characters are the first to practice domineering. The earlier he practices domineering, the higher the talent is. After all, domineering is also a kind of the mental method, which is regarded as an auxiliary mental method. He is observing.

The emperor of Faqiang looked at the past. Among the 150 people in the loser group, there were already several people, such as the copper Xuangang of the copper civilization, the wind of the wind of the Mid-Autumn Festival of the civilization, and the Hua Yuesheng of the medicine civilization. These people were all mixed in the cave, and they were relatively the fastest

Emperor Faqiang is counting and intends to count 30 people to really teach. One of them has to teach 150, and teaching can be taught, but because there are too few teachers and too many students, it is impossible to teach well. He plans to select 30 to teach attentively, and simply select them at a domineering speed.

Emperor Faqiang clicked one by one.

After a little time, he pointed out the first 30 people and planned to teach these 30 people attentively. These 30 people wanted to compete with the winner group, including Fu Qiu from the supreme religion, one of Lu Yuan's enemies.

And Lu Yuan is obviously not among them.

The Faqiang Emperor looked at Lu Yuan. He heard the Fasheng Emperor mentioned this Lu Yuan, and he still valued Lu Yuan in his tone. However, in this way, it seems that Lu Yuan's talent is not very good, at least it is not suitable for him to teach himself. He has never practiced this domineering formula, but the Faqiang Emperor The reason is that it is domineering early in the morning, but it can't be exported and is suppressed by righteousness.

And to be honest, if it weren't for the suppression of righteousness, Lu Yuan would definitely be one of the top ten domineering figures.

Unfortunately, the powerful emperor can't see it at this time.