Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 717 Lu Yuan's Qualification!

The special training of Emperor Faqiang is still in progress.

In this battle with the winner group, if it hadn't been for the rise of Lu Yuan's foreign army, the loser group would have been a great disgrace.

It seems that my previous training for the loser group is not enough.

Emperor Faqiang thought secretly in his heart.

Of course, Lu Yuan should practice well, which is his big killer to deal with the winner's group in the future.

"Good, I learned how to deal with the civilized words of the civilization of medicine here. I'm here. I'm just teaching you the basic methods, and it's up to you to what you really want to do." Emperor Faqiang said lightly, "Next, I'm going to talk about the civilized writing method of wind civilization."

Emperor Faqiang said behind him, "There are basically two aspects of the civilization of the wind."

"First, make its function faster. The people of the civilization of the wind are already extremely fast. If the words of the civilization of the wind can be added, it will be faster and faster to an incredible point."

"And the second type is aimed at the space iron rule. There is no doubt that the people of the civilization of the wind should be restrained by those who are good at using the space iron rules. However, the civilization of the wind is at least one of the civilizations. How can it be willing to be restrained by the space iron? Therefore, the words of The important role is to counter the space iron rule, so that the people in its civilization will not be controlled by the space iron rule.

"The way to deal with the civilized words of the wind should be," the Faqiang Emperor said that when the Faqiang Emperor was talking, he couldn't help frowning and found that Lu Yuan was still not very attentive, and when learning the method he taught, he was still not very serious. The Faqiang Emperor couldn't help frowning. How Things? What kind of state is Lu Yuan in?

The emperor of Faqiang was puzzled, but he still did not give up and planned to continue to observe.

In fact, I don't know the reason why Lu Yuan is not interested in the text of the civilization of the wind, and the reason is also quite simple. The wind and thunder belong to the big category of wood. Although the dragon swallowing wood can't completely devour the wind text because after all, there is a special dragon that swallows the wind, It was also suppressed by the dragon swallowing wood, and the effect Lu Yuan also tried, which was better than the method taught by the emperor of Faqiang.

Of course, if you can become a wind-swallowing dragon, it will directly swallow up the essence of the text.

After teaching the method of dealing with the civilized text of medicine, the emperor of Faqiang finally began to teach the method of dealing with the civilized text of copper. At this time, Lu Yuan no longer dared to be careless at all.

Copper is the sworn enemy of the sword! He is also his own sworn enemy!

Moreover, I can completely devour the words of medicine, and I can restrain the words of the wind, but for copper, I can't.

Therefore, this should be learned seriously, not as lazy as the first two.

Faqiang Emperor Taro took 31 people to the place where he learned the copper civilization this time, Wanfa Waterfall!

The emperor of Faqiang said, "The characteristic of the copper civilization text is that you don't know whether you pay attention to it. Copper is quite similar to the sword, and there are many sections on it, and the copper civilization text is also a quite practical and quite strange text. The general function of the text used to fight is: to make the opponent's One section, let the opponent's moves one section at a time, anyway, it is not smooth.

"That is to say, once you fight with the person who uses the copper civilization text, you want to lift the mana, but the mana is made intermittent. If you want to use the move, the perfect move is also hit intermittently, which is very uncomfortable. This is the power of the copper civilization text. This is a very depressing text.

"And the way to deal with this kind of civilized text is..." Emperor Faqiang slightly dragged his voice slightly, waiting for everyone's appetite to be satisfied, and then said, "It's flowing clouds."

"Look at the top of your head, there are countless white clouds here."

"Look at this waterfall, the water keeps flowing."

"This is the so-called flowing clouds and flowing water."

"The role of the civilized text of the ceros is mainly to interrupt the opponent's moves, the mana operation, and the flowing clouds and flowing water are the moves that make your moves run and the mana run to the flowing point of the flowing clouds." Emperor Faqiang said with his hand in his hand, "So, what we need to learn now is running clouds and flowing water."

"The line, the cloud, the flow, the water refers to the law of heaven and earth, the law of the heaven and earth of the cloud, the law of the heaven and earth of the flow, the law of the heaven and earth of the water, and the combination of the four laws of heaven and earth. If these four laws of heaven and earth are combined, Emperor Faqiang began to read the content of this skill.

Lu Yuan listened to the words of Emperor Faqiang according to his own understanding.

That is also to say, you have to do your own sword! The sword of the cloud! The meaning of the sword! The four swords of water are combined into one. I (the wing extension update group) now have more than 100 swords, but I have never tried four swords to combine into one.

I know the meaning of the sword of the cloud! The meaning of the sword! The sword of water! What's worse is the sword of action!

Well, let's understand the sword meaning of the action first.

Lu Yuanduan sat down and began to realize the meaning of the sword.

Lu Yuan looked up at the cloud!

The cloud is moving slowly! The white clouds are flowing slowly.

What is the meaning of the sword?

Lu Yuan fell into meditation and looked at the white clouds.

Suddenly, I was shocked to realize that I haven't watched the white clouds basking in the sun so leisurely for a long time. It's really difficult to come back in leisurely days, but there is no way. What I have to take is an extremely difficult road. With so many enemies of ancient civilization and copper civilization, it's not easy to

Insistible, people can't help but be crazy and enjoy the leisurely white clouds.

It's so comfortable! I really want to float freely between heaven and earth like a cloud.

Between such thoughts and thoughts, Lu Yuan was suddenly stunned, and he seemed to faintly see the trajectory of the cloud action. It was an extremely comfortable and leisurely trajectory, and what was the purpose of such a trip? Lu Yuan suddenly thought of the meaning of the sword. At this time, he realized that he understood the meaning of the sword.

The so-called sword meaning, to put it bluntly, is similar to the meaning of the sword of the stream. Its function is to enable the tens of thousands of heavens and earth to communicate, and will not make a place like stamen. This is quite similar to the sword meaning of the stream, but there are some different sword intentions. Lu Yuan also understands This aspect is understood very quickly, and this kind of understanding understands the meaning of the sword.

The 110th ancient charm was raised, and a line of words floated on it.

Finally understand the sword meaning of Zi Xing!

Then he began to practice, and Lu Yuan began to practice the flowing heart method according to his method.

When Lu Yuan was practicing, the Faqiang Emperor was also watching it in his back.

After he finished speaking, thirty-one people began to practice. To practice this method of flowing water, we must first learn the law of heaven and earth, the law of heaven and earth of clouds, the law of heaven and earth of flowing, and the law of heaven and earth of water. There is no doubt that none of the thirty-one of them have learned all four

Let's see which one is the fastest to practice a law of heaven and earth! Emperor Faqiang is watching.

As a result, not long after, I saw that an ancient charm had appeared above Lu Yuan's head, which was the law of heaven and earth!

So fast!

Emperor Faqiang was shocked. He really didn't expect that Lu Yuan had practiced a law of heaven and earth so quickly? So fast! Emperor Faqiang felt that he didn't practice the law of heaven and earth so quickly! Is this Lu Yuan's talent? Emperor Faqiang has been carefully observing Lu Yuan, because Lu Yuan is most likely to be a big killer to deal with the winner group. Since he trained Lu Yuan, he has not found any advantages and specialties of Lu Yuan. Whether it is practicing the domineering formula before or dealing with civilized words before, now, he has finally found Lu Yuan's specialty. .

Lu Yuan, is it finally your turn to start to give full play to your ability? I am looking forward to it.

The emperor of Faqiang began to observe attentively.

Once the four laws of heaven and earth are practiced, the next step is the combination of the law of heaven and earth and the law of cloud, the combination of the law of heaven and earth of flow and the law of the law of the heaven and earth of water, and finally the combination of clouds and flowing water. Among them, the combination of the combination of the line

However, the combination of Xingyun and running water is quite complicated, and some people can't practice it all their lives.

This is about the combination of the laws of heaven and earth.

Emperor Faqiang can only pay attention to Lu Yuan now, because other people are obviously still practicing the law of heaven and earth, so he can only pay attention to Lu Yuan alone. He wants to see Lu Yuan practice.

Generally, the combination of line and cloud takes quite a period of time. After all, it is quite difficult in itself.

The combination of flow and water also takes a considerable period of time.

Lu Yuan is indeed practicing the combination of Xingyun and the cloud now. Is it difficult to combine Xingyun? Lu Yuan found that it was easy to combine Xing and cloud, and almost instantly practiced the combination of Xing and Yun. It seemed that in Lu Yuan's view, Xing and Yun themselves should be combined. It was just an instant. Around Lu Yuan, it was like a cloud entangled, and the cloud still moved gently, wandering, just like the sky. The clouds are average.

The emperor of Faqiang's eyes are about to stare down. What's going on?

It's like a cloud in the sky winding around. This is a cloud!

Only the combination of the line and the cloud can be turned into a cloud! As a result of the current situation.

No, the combination of Xing and Yun is difficult to hide. How come Lu Yuan has become Xingyun in such a short time! This is really a normal human being.

Is this a demon? Emperor Faqiang was shocked and speechless. His eyes were bigger than that of a bear. How did he feel that this man's talent had been chasing the level of Qi's luck? No, how can it be possible to chase the level of Qiyun Qizi? Anyway, let me continue to observe and watch.