Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 817 The power of the world is in hand!

On the screen of the light brain, the evaluation of Lu Yuan's floating dream is constantly flashing.

Finally, the light brain gave an evaluation.

, "The perfect level in terms of body skills!"

The perfect level!

The third thousand light slave knows that the evaluation of the light brain is quite harsh, and it is quite great to give a pass at most general move. It is great to give a standard. It is quite great to give an excellent, and it is almost difficult to see it for perfection. Now the evaluation of this young man is the top perfect!

Exeed! Top! It's over! Beautiful! Grade!

This is amazing.

The third thousand Guangnu's face darkened, and he never thought that today's young man's move would have such an evaluation.

The perfect level in terms of body skills!

Which civilization-level creation method is this? Let the young man learn it. If he knows that this move is not created at the civilization level, but by Lu Yuan himself, I'm afraid that his light brain may crash immediately.

The third thousand Guangnu immediately commanded the mechanical life of his men and played three-seven-seven-seven arrays. These three-seven-seven-seven arrays can kill the three people in the world. The soul and vibration caused by this moment can simply make the space shake together. If the space shakes together, everything in the space

Three-seven-seven-seven arrays, quite extreme.

At this moment, Lu Yuan moved his dream again.

It can make the soul of the space explode, and 3,777 mechanical poisonous birds explode at the same time. Can this break the dream?

The momentary space vibration simply made the watcher's spirit float, and it seemed that the spirit far away had also been greatly impacted. However, after that, it was found that Lu Yuan was still standing well. It seemed that the formation that made all the space in the soul explosion could not hurt the perfect level of floating life. Ruo Meng.

This move itself is a great abnormality.

The third-thousand light did not hesitate to play a five thousand array, which can seriously injure four people in the world. This is not a moment of space vibration, but all parts of the whole space vibrating three or four moments at the same time. It is more terrible than a moment of vibration.

However, the top perfect level is the top perfect level, and Lu Yuan is still boatless.

How is that possible! No. 3 thousand Guangnu found that there was something completely wrong this time. No matter how he could not hurt today's young man, it could make the soul of the four seriously injured people in the world explode, and as a result, he could not hurt Lu Yuan. In fact, the real world is standing here, so that it can defeat Lu Yuan, and such a special soul explosion as the third thousand light slave" is actually a certain injury superposition method, which can hurt the triple and four-fold characters in the world, but it can't hurt Lu Yuan, who is like a dream, because he hits Lu Yuan every time. It's all injury-free, and no matter how many times it explodes, it's harmless.

And the real world is standing here, but it is completely different, which can be better than Lu Yuan.

Mechanical civilization" is already strange.

The unique fighting mode of mechanical civilization has caused the strangeness of this battle.

, "The opponent's perfect level, the probability of success of attacking again, one in ten thousand, the best plan, escape." The final [answer] case was given in the light brain. Seeing this final [answer] case, the No. 3,000 light slave did not hesitate to immediately drive the mechanical bird he sat on and ran away in most of it.

There are hundreds of thousands of such mechanical birds, and he sits on one of them, which is not unique at all, so no one can find him.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of mechanical birds began to flee and no longer fight with Lu Yuan.

What I want to explain here is that the self-explosion soul of No. 3 thousand light slave is not unlimited self-exploding. The maximum limit is 9,999. No matter how much self-explosion it is, it will not increase a little power. Of course, this kind of mechanical bird is still quite troublesome. After all, it needs the Essence injection is that mechanical civilization is best at large-scale manufacturing, but it takes a lot of essences in the world to make so much.

The opponent began to escape. In fact, in retrospect, Lu Yuan found that his move was really a pervert.

At the same time, Lu Yuan found that although he now has more than 10,000 parts of the world power, each part is too little, so 10,000 copies are actually less than a tiger. Therefore, Lu Yuan also began to chase the past without hesitation. If he gets more world power, he can have enough world power to impact the world.

Now Lu Yuan is full of confidence. Fifteen days is enough to hit the world by himself.

Yan Cangtian, who was dressed in white like a sword, was also slightly stunned.

He is observing the floating life as a dream.

It's a very interesting, powerful and perfect move. This is Tianjian Yan Cangtian's evaluation of Lu Yuan's move.

If the Qingsheng Kendo used by Lu Yuan was a little transcendence on the path before, then now this move is like a dream, which is the evidence that Lu Yuanzhen is really surpassing himself. A smile flashed on Yan Cangtian's perfect and handsome face. Very good, Lu Yuan, get stronger quickly. Kendo is getting stronger! It's not just one person.

Now, Yan Cangtian himself, Zhou Qingyan's younger brother, and Lu Yuan, are all together.

In fact, Yan Cangtian has also seen the son of the sword with projection. If the son of the sword is worth cultivating, Yan Cangtian hopes that the fourth person can be the fourth in kendo, but unfortunately, the son of the sword can be one of the four strongest in kendo, but unfortunately, his heart is not good.

Yan Cangtian's feet moved slightly, but he has kept up with Lu Yuan and the army of mechanical poisonous birds.

He didn't plan to take action, so let's watch the play.

The current situation is that Lu Yuan is chasing the army of mechanical poisonous birds, constantly harvesting the lives of mechanical poisonous birds along the way. In this way, the world power in Lu Yuan's hands is also more and more. It turns out that it is only a trace of subtle to the extreme, and it can't be seen at all. He can only sense As you can see, it continues to become thicker when it is visible.

The third thousand light slave was also unlucky in his heart. He usually commanded hundreds of thousands of mechanical poisonous birds to fly, and even the triple and four-fold creatures in the world generally did not dare to provoke him. He was indomitable. As a result, he was forced to be like this by a young man who had not reached the world this time

Along the way, it shocked a lot of monsters in the place.

For example, the monster with five eyes and five feet at the beginning, when he saw Lu Yuan at the beginning, he regarded Lu Yuan as a prey. As a result, at this time, he found that the young man who saw it as a prey could chase hundreds of thousands of mechanical poisonous birds. He couldn't help but be surprised. You know, in The poisonous bird is quite terrible. It can't afford to provoke it. Is it possible that today's young man who is regarded as a prey is more terrible than hundreds of thousands of mechanical poisonous birds.

In addition, there are many monsters, such as monsters with eight eyes like octopus, and monsters with no form but only spiritual strength. These monsters vaguely remember the image of Lu Yuan. In the lost place, remember the shape of every strange strong man. Like, careless people in the lost place are waiting to die.

It is not just monsters that are shocked. For example, they met a group of people on the way. These people are gloomy all over their bodies, just like coming out of the nine hells, with a taste of the underworld.

This group of people come from the underworld civilization.

A long time ago, there was a mysterious civilization.

The underworld civilization got the four words of You, underworld, earth and mansion ejected from the door of words, but later, in a war, the earth word was taken away by the people of the ancient immortal civilization, leaving only the three initial ancient characters of ghost, underworld and mansion, and there are many famous characters in the underworld civilization.

For example, when he met Lu Yuan driving hundreds of thousands of mechanical civilization at this time, it was the Oriental Ghost Emperor Yulu of the Netherworld civilization.

Oh, a young man who has not yet reached the world can chase hundreds of thousands of mechanical poisonous birds and escape everywhere. What's the reason? Is it that person? The Oriental Ghost Emperor looked at Yan Cangtian. He had heard the name of Yan Cangtian. Yan Cangtian is one of the famous characters in the lost place recently. No, this young man in blue is quite amazing. Has there another great figure in Kendo? Insistibly, the Oriental Ghost Emperor couldn't help thinking of a legend circulating in the lost land. The legend is like this. The relationship between the previous era of swords and this era is quite strange. It seems that this era and the previous era of swords are, the Oriental Ghost Emperor secretly said that this legend was originally fake, and now it seems very likely. It's true.

After passing through the underworld of the lost land, it immediately passed through another dangerous place. The demon world, the demon world is also a boundary of the lost land. It was left by the era of demons at that time. The era of demons is 11 years away from the present, and in the demon world, there seems to be an existence of all evil, representing the The most evil in between.

In fact, the loss of this guard, there is also the witch world, which is the remnant of the witch civilization before the two eras of Feng.

The demon world is the remnant of the demon civilization before the eight eras.

and so on, etc., these civilizations are actually not included in the five ancient civilizations of the Central Celestial Empire. Among the 30 general civilizations, of course, there are very few people left by these civilizations, because the lost places are not an easy place to survive.

In the process of catching up, Lu Yuan has also seen many strange scenery of lost places. In some places, it makes people scared just by looking at them. He doesn't know that there are hundreds of thousands of things that are more terrible than depraved atmosphere. However, with such pursuit, Lu Yuan has also gained enough power in the world.

, "It seems that you have got enough power of the world, and you are about to stop. If you don't stop, you will enter the territory ruled by the mechanical world." Yan Cangtian said behind him, "You have accumulated almost everything now. You can prepare to attack the world and get through the world disaster."