Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 820 The Strongest Disaster!

Samadhi divine wind, samadhi true fire, samadhi thunder.

Nine terrible attacks, the wind, fire and thunder were connected, and they were bombarded together.

The torpedo attack has lasted for a period of time.

During this period, Lu Yuan has been using the sword at the highest speed, but even in such the highest speed, each sword is absolutely perfect, without any mistakes, which is quite outrageous.

, "The sword starts, the sword moves, the sword cuts the sword, the sword is broken, and the sword flows through the clouds." Lu Yuan's sword was cut at a high speed, and the last sword was cut out. The main body of the wind, fire and thunder had been completely blocked by Lu Yuan.

Samadhi divine wind, samadhi true fire, samadhi thunder's Jiumai disaster has finally officially passed.

What a young man with swordsmanship!

However, everyone couldn't help raising their heads.

The normal truth is that being able to encounter the ignorance in the samadhi divine wind is the main natural disaster that hits the world. However, it was obvious that this time it was a little different. The Oriental Ghost Emperor and others raised their heads and saw that on the sky of the alien space, the clouds were still rolling, and there was not much less because of the samadhi wind, the true fire of samadhi, and the thunder of samadhi.

Obviously, the samadhi divine wind, the true fire of samadhi, and the thunder of samadhi are quite terrible disasters for others. For Lu Yuan, it is just an appetizer.

Such a disaster is just an appetizer.

The real doom of Lu Yuan should be many, and according to the principle that the foundation is stronger, Lu Yuan's foundation is really too strong.

Such a strong foundation, if it does not fall, there is hope to impact the civilized realm.


That is a legendary realm.

The world can be respected by the Central Celestial Dynasty, while the civilized realm can be respected as a hero in the Central Celestial Empire, which is no longer limited to the scope of one domain, and the civilization has one of the greatest benefits, that is, it can live in the case of the collapse of the era, which is impossible to do at all .

Once you enter the civilized realm, it is beyond the reincarnation of the era.

At this time, a strong pressure came from the disaster cloud in the alien space. What a strong pressure made everyone put aside the meditation in front of them. What kind of thing was coming? There was a bang in the sky, as if it had broken a lot of everything.

The clouds are falling!

When the robbery cloud came down, I found that the place where the robbery cloud passed turned into a green sea.

What kind of doom is this? When passing through the well, it is actually a green sea!

Finally, the disaster cloud finally fell to the distance that everyone could see. Lu Yuan looked around and saw that there seemed to be a huge picture above the sky. This is such a huge picture. In this ancient array representing the vicissitudes of life, there are countless giant trees in the sky, and there is also a country composed of trees. The city is composed of rivers made of trees, mountains made of trees, creatures made of green, weapons made of trees, and spears made of trees. In this world, everything is made of trees. This is the world of trees.

, "Endless Tree Map!" The Oriental Ghost Emperor suddenly drank it out!

, "The disaster is actually an endless tree chart!"

In this world, the strongest and most mysterious thing is the door.

In the first five, there must be both trees and graphs.

There is a picture at the extreme of each direction.

For example, in the last era of swords, there was the map of the Sword God and the second map of Jade Immortals.

For example, the ancient witch civilization of the first twelve eras has the supreme witch map and the second twelve ancestor witch map.

Another example is the era of demons in the first eight eras. At that time, there were hundreds of demons here in the night map. Any one of them is a hundred demons above the level of heaven, known as the ancestor of demons.

For example, the first six eras, the first five eras are known as the era of heaven and mother, but in fact, it is only luck on the side of the mother and daughter of heaven. There are two pictures in Nuwa's hands, one is the picture of the mother's world, and the other is the picture of the country.

For example, in the first five eras, there was a picture of Zixiao in the hands of the ancient civilization.

The power of the picture is unimaginable.

In the civilization of trees, there is a treasure of town civilization, that is, an endless tree chart.

Now, what appears is the endless tree sea map. No, it is not the real endless tree sea map. The real endless tree sea map is the first treasure of the civilization of the tree, that is, even Tianzun can be [town] pressed. Now this is the virtual shadow of the endless tree sea map, which is transformed from the way of heaven.

However, in the heavenly disaster that hits the world, the strongest heavenly disaster is the virtual figure of the picture.

And now, there is no doubt that what Lu Yuan encountered was the strongest disaster when he hit the world.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan encountered the strongest disaster, and the divine figure fell from the sky.

The endless tree chart has a great function that no matter what you encounter, even the void will turn into an endless tree shadow. At this time, what remains in the sky is the samadhi wind. Suddenly, the samadhi wind is frozen in the void and turned into a tree shadow. This tree shadow has the trend of wind, even the demon They have all been turned into trees, and this endless tree chart is too horrible.

Between the fingers, the true fire of Samadhi above the sky, and the thunder of Samadhi have also turned into trees.

Moreover, the endless tree chart continues to fall.

The third thousand light slave and the 9,000 light slave also stopped brainwave communication. Both of them kept looking at the light brain in front of them, and a series of analyses flashed on the light brain.

, "The map of the endless tree chart can turn everything into trees and eliminate all life. In the face of the killing rate of Luyuan, 99,999/100,000, there is a one in 100,000 chance of accidents." Seeing the analysis of the light brain, No. 9,000 Guangnu and No. san qian Guangnu found that they didn't have to command mechanical life at all. Lu Yuan was finished.

Lu Yuan of the light brain analysis has only one in 100,000 chance of survival, so there is basically no chance. The thinking and analysis of the two light slaves basically rely on the light brain, and the probability of light brain failure so far is, but it is only one in ten thousand.

And Lu Yuan also took a deep breath, and at the same time, he had sucked a large amount of world vitality into his body. Just now, he consumed too much vitality in the battle with Samadhi Shenfeng and so on. Fortunately, the world's vitality is well prepared and can be replenished.

The huge boundless endless tree chart continues to press down.

Lu Yuan raised my immortal sword and provoked countless sword spirit to the endless tree sea map in the void, but no matter what kind of sword spirit meets the endless tree sea map, it will immediately turn into a sword-like tree. This is really a terrible thing. The strongest heavenly disaster is indeed true.

Lu Yuan now found a super embarrassing thing. He touched the endless tree sea factor. This kind of thing is to follow himself. He really can't escape, and he can't fight. No matter how you escape, this endless tree chart will follow you.

Gritted his teeth, the space was locked, and the space was locked in an instant, but immediately the space became an endless sea of trees, and the power of the space lock disappeared.

Lu Yuan's sword light was like electricity, hitting out the meaning of the sword of death, but the meaning of the sword of death turned into a dry black tree.

Da Damn it!

When Lu Yuan secretly said that it was not good, Yangwu Xianjian's sword had turned into a tree that exuded righteousness. Before Lu Yuan could react, Lu Yuan's people also began to keep cultivating. It seemed that he was going to become another creature. At this moment, Yan Cangtian's hand was to put on the hilt of the

If Yan Cangtian helps, then Lu Yuan has naturally not crossed the disaster this time, and it will be more difficult to cross the disaster later.

At this moment, Lu Yuan's mind suddenly flashed. This is not similar to the wooden holy spirit of the wooden disease he had come to. The holy spirit of the banquet wooden road originated from the endless tree sea map, but the endless tree sea map is too much more horrible than the wooden holy spirit to reason.

Then, let's try it again with the small kendo tree.

Lu Yuan immediately sacrificed the small kendo tree, and suddenly saw that his little kendo tree began to grow constantly. The last time it only grew to more than 500 feet, but now the endless endless sea of trees is poured down, and he saw the growth of his little kendo tree, and in a blink of an eye, it has broken the height of 1,000 feet

Then, it was 1,500 feet, 1,800 feet, and 2,000 feet.

Two thousand two hundred feet, two thousand eight hundred feet.

In this way, the straight length of the road grew directly to 3,000 feet before stopping the trend.

At the same time, Lu Yuan found that the law of heaven and earth he understood was also growing at a strange speed.

A sword of extremely cold frost flashed, and the cold frost sword flashed through his mind in an instant, and it was not only the 135th cold frost sword. In the process of growing up of the small kendo tree, I also realized the 136th sword frost, the 137th sword in winter, and the 138th sword winter solstice. , the 139th sword is cold, and the 140th sword is cold.

So far, the twenty-four solar terms, the twenty-four swords of the time of the iron, have all been understood.

In this, most of them are enlightened by the help of the small kendo tree.

Of course, the real thing is to understand the sword meaning of the twenty-four solar terms, and you can't understand the real iron rules of time. You also need to understand the essence of time and the flow of time. This is also extremely difficult, that is, all of this appeared on the small kendo tree. Lu Yuan is almost instinctive.

What is the essence of time!

Time is a process of change in matter, and it is difficult to reverse this process.

With the help of the small kendo tree, Lu Yuan could even see that at this moment, he saw a long river of time flowing out from the depths of ancient times, and the essence of time appeared in front of him.