Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 863 Amazing Time Acceleration

In the corner of the Beast Soul Mountain.

A piece of silk scroll full of dense points was spread on the ground, and Lu Yuan sat cross-legged to one side and entered the picture of time.

And the sword like the sea saw that Lu Yao was settled, and he also began to be busy.

He took out a compass-like instrument from his sleeve and put it next to Lu Yuan. The instrument kept changing, and he said bluntly, "Father, what is this?"

"You haven't had a chance to contact it yet. This is a magic weapon of our Hidden Sword Sect, called a timer, also known as the clock of time. It can measure how many times a person needs to accelerate to hit the triple sky of the world." Jian Ruhai said, "Now, I have to measure how many times it takes for Lu Yuan to accelerate to hit the triple time in the world."

The sword looked at it bluntly, and he couldn't help sighing. His father really had a lot of magic weapons on hand, all kinds of strange.

The sword immediately began to be measured. After a long time, he sighed: "It's not good."

"What's wrong?" The sword was as dull as he asked immediately.

"A thousand times!" Jian Ruhai said, "I just tested that Lu Yuan wants to hit the triple sky of the world, and he has to accelerate the time to at least a thousand times. However, the highest record of the acceleration time of the time map is four hundred times, and it has never been a thousand times. It seems that we are going to fail this time."

The sword was blunt and asked again, "Is there any other way?"

"If we can get out of the Earth Dragon Star, we have other ways, but if we can't get out, there is no way." Jian Ruhai shook his head: "It seems that we can only use the turtle breath sword to shrink the method to hide in an angle of the Earth Dragon Star. I just hope that the ancestor of the Wild Beast Gate will not pay attention to us when he comes, but this is also lucky."

"As for the people of Jianmen, the people of Qianshuimen, and the people of Yuhuomen, we can't save them."

"Forget it, there are still ten days left." Jian Ruhai said, "Let's hide again in eight days. Can we avoid it and fight for character?"

The sword shook its head helplessly, but it was not too worried.

Is the worst the death? As the suzerain of the Hidden Sword Sect, I don't know how many times I have faced the desperate situation, and I will die. Anyway, as soon as I die, the token of the Hidden Sword Sect will fly to Zhou Qingxuan and designate the next generation of the Hidden Sword Sect. I am not

At this time, Lu Yuan is in the picture of the time.

Of course, Lu Yuan didn't know that he needed to accelerate a thousand times to hit the world. At that time, Jian Ruhai did not tell Lu Yuan in advance the reason, and he was also afraid that Lu Yuan was under too much pressure.

In the picture of time, Lu Yuan's consciousness only felt that all the densely surrounded by particles of time were particles, and the particles of time collided with each other and moved forward.

Lu Yuan is meditating. How on earth can this speed up time? This is obviously a big problem, but no matter how you think about it, you can't figure it out.

After such distress for a long time, Lu Yuan suddenly patted his forehead, and he was really stupid.

Can you see how the time slows down? Now I have the ability to delay time. It's much easier to see if the time slows down and then the research time becomes faster.

Lu Yuan immediately began to use the iron rule of time, making the time full. At this time, the iron was hit out." He saw that the time particles around him were much more confused, bumping with each other and bumping back and going. In this way, the flow rate of time naturally slowed down a lot, and he finally understood how time slowed down

To put it simply, time particles are compared to a carriage. If there are too many carriages in a certain passage, the carriage collides, and the traffic cannot pass. The speed of moving forward naturally slows down, and the time naturally slows down.

That is to say, "If you want time to get faster, you have to make the traffic unimpeded, and the carriages don't collide with each other.

However, it is simple for the carriage not to collide, and it is too difficult for millions of time particles not to collide. On the contrary, it is easy to delay the time for large-time particles to collide, because destruction is always simpler than construction, and chaos is always more difficult than clearing.

Or, you can disperse with consciousness and drive so many time particles with consciousness, so that these time particles reduce collisions, particle collisions decrease, and time naturally accelerates. It's such a simple thing. At present, Lu Yuan begins to disperse with consciousness, driving so many time particles.

Consciousness is scattered on time particles, and time accelerates twice, which is easy to do.

Consciousness is scattered on time particles, and time accelerates ten times, which is also easy.

Lu Yuan naturally knew that things were not over. This time, he accelerated the time by a hundred times, and his consciousness stimulated the particles of time. This time, it was also completed. The success accelerated the time by a hundred times, but he burst into tears, and it was not easy for time to accelerate by a hundred times.

Next, Lu Yuan continued to practice. This time, he accelerated the time by 200 times. After a lot of effort, Lu Yuan finally succeeded. In fact, the normal kendo genius can use the picture of time to practice the acceleration of time is about 100 times 200 times. It is difficult to add more multiples, difficult, difficult.

Next, it will accelerate 300 times. Lu Yuan's consciousness is already twice the number of people in the same realm, so it has also succeeded.

Four hundred times the time acceleration, Lu Yuan began to stimulate the time particles again, and the start time accelerated. This time, he used the power of nine cows and two tigers, and it was also successful. Lu Yuan did not know that this is the highest record of the time map that he had used to practice, and Lu Yuan is now equal to the highest record

But it's not enough. Lu Yuan began to practice again, and the time accelerated 500 times. Come out! While his forehead was full of sweat, Lu Yuan knew that he had succeeded, but Lu Yuan did not know that he had set a record.

600 times the time to accelerate, succeed again!

Seven hundred times the time acceleration, success!

800 times the time acceleration, success.

But 800 times the time acceleration seems to be your limit. After reaching 800 times the time acceleration, you can no longer advance.

Da Damn it!

Can't you go any further? Can't you practice 900 times the time acceleration?

Da Damn it! Lu Yuanchang shouted, but let Lu Yuan's consciousness be destroyed again and again, and he could not reach 900 times the time to accelerate. Is this his limit? No, you can't admit defeat like this. Lu Yuan shouted, but immediately failed again and again.

Wait, it seems that this is really my limit. There is no way to improve it without another way.

After a short break, Lu Yuan began to find a way to stimulate the time particles with consciousness. This is the limit, but what about another way? Lu Yuan began to meditate on this method. While meditating, he suddenly thought of a method. If it is to control the sword, it should be easier for him. It is much easier to think of the time particles as sword spirit. It is much easier for him to control.

Time particles will naturally not be sword gas.

However, I think the time particle is sword spirit, and it is sword spirit.

Everything in heaven and earth can be regarded as a sword.

Silk bamboo and stone springs can all become swords.

In this case, the time particle is naturally a sword spirit.

Lu Yuan thought about it, changed and moved, and suddenly, it seemed that the time particles around him had changed.

"Wanjian shakes, Wan Jian submits, and Wan Gui belongs to me." Lu Yuanchang shouted, and after this change, he immediately drove the time particles that seemed to turn into sword spirit with Yuecai's method.

Nine hundred times the time acceleration, success.

A thousand times the time to accelerate, success, simple, much simpler than before.

1,500 times the time accelerates and succeeds.

Two thousand times the time acceleration, success. When he reached the time of acceleration of 2,000 times, Lu Yuan faintly felt that it was quite difficult and consumed a lot of strength.

Two thousand five hundred times the time to accelerate, success, this is quite huā spirit.

Two thousand nine hundred times the time acceleration, success!

Three thousand times the time acceleration, success!

After reaching 3,000 times of time acceleration, Lu Yuan only felt that his whole body seemed to be weak, and he tried to accelerate to 3,100 times of time, but he never succeeded. It seemed extremely difficult to accelerate with 3,100 times.

It seems that this is my limit.

Lu Yuan's whole body was also soft. After resting for a long time, he gradually recovered, and then he went out from this picture of time.

In the outside world, time has reached the ninth day. Jian Ruhai said, "It's the ninth day. It seems that we are going to wake up Lu Yuan. After all, there is still one day for the ancestor of the Wild Beast Gate. If he wants to practice the sword reduction method, he also needs to practice for most of the day.

However, the biggest goal of the ancestor of the wild beast sect is probably Lu Yuan. It is useless to practice the turtle sword shrinkage method. The ancestor of the wild beast sect will definitely chase him all over the world.

"Lu Yuan doesn't seem to have succeeded either." It's a pity that the sword is blunt. He thought that a figure like Lu Yuan would not fail easily, but it seemed that he would fail this time.

When Jian Ruhai was about to call Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"How many days has it been?" Lu Yuan opened his eyes and asked immediately.

"It's the ninth day." Jian Ruhai said, "How many times can you speed up time?"

"Three thousand times." Lu Yuan replied.

"What, three thousand times!" Jian Ruhai was almost stunned on the spot: "Say it again, three thousand times."

"Yes, three thousand times." Lu Yuan nodded.

Both Jian Ruhai and Jian Ru dull are speechless. There were so many people in the Hidden Sword Sect before, and the highest record showed that it was only 400 times. Lu Yuan came directly three thousand times, which was about eight times the highest record, which simply exceeded the original highest record at will.

Is this still a human? The sword is like the sea and speechless.

"It seems that I don't have to teach you the method of shrinking the sword." Jian Ruhai said.

Lu Yuan also knows that time is urgent. Now it's time to hit the triple sky of the world. In fact, it is simple to hit the triple sky of the world. As long as the acceleration time in his own space is accelerated to a thousand times, his own space will begin to have time. At the same time, his own mana can also reach the