Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 881 Ling Qingyun and his son

Chapter 881 Ling Qingyun and his son

Lu Yuan has one sword for each person, and the sword is soaring. Now there is something wrong with the sword gate, so he naturally has to rush straight to the sword gate.

And such a sword soaring all the way, there is a vast starry sky on both sides, and countless stars flashed by.

After flying like this for a long time, Lu Yuan suddenly stopped.

Because at this time, Lu Yuan instinctively felt that there was danger ahead.

"Oh, you reacted so fast that you didn't fall into my trap." A gentle voice sounded, and Lu Yuan looked over. It was not the villain Ling Qingyun, but who it would be.

Ling Qingyun is also a typical hypocrite. On the surface, he is a gentleman, but in fact, he is a complete hypocrite. He wanted to plot Lu Yuan in the Elemental Tower, but he was injured by Lu Yuan's move, but he immediately escaped after he left it.

And now it's here.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but be surprised: "No, you're here. You're not afraid that I'll kill you."

Ling Qingyun smiled and said, "Of course I'm not afraid, because you don't have the ability to kill me."

"Oh, is it?" Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to move, because Ling Qingyun seemed to be quite dangerous there, which was almost an instinct to prompt Lu Yuan, so that Lu Yuan did not dare to move.

"What a sensitive intuition." Ling Qingyun praised with his hand behind his back, and there were quite a lot of big nets behind him: "It's a pity that I'm going to use so many big nets to get you. This is a magic weapon specially made. As a result, you didn't win the trick. It's a pity." He looks quite sorry.


A tip of the gun pierced Lu Yuan's body.

I don't know when, a scholar of about forty appeared behind Lu Yuan. These books of about forty grew seven points similar to Ling Qingyun. With a long gun in his hand, it smelled like a long gun: "This Lu Yuan is not very strong, but that's all."

The middle-aged scholar changed his face slightly and said, "Oh, no, this is fake."

"That was naturally fake just now. It's really unfortunate. That's my dream." Another intact Lu Yuan appeared not far away: "Are you?"

"It's so great at such a young age that you can avoid my gentleman's shot." The middle-aged scholar said faintly that his shot was extremely damaged, but he called a gentleman a shot. This man really went all the way with Ling Qingyun: "Well, my name is Ling Xiongtian, and I'm Ling Qingyun's father. As for why we have to kill you, you don't have to worry about it."

Ling's father and son did not tell Lu Yuan the reason for killing Lu Yuan.

Both father and son are yin people. How can they tell Lu Yuan such important news?

In fact, this involves something that happened not long ago.

The vice owner of Confucian civilization, the character of this vice owner of civilization is very different from that of some other civilized characters in the world. Many of the other civilized characters are heroes, old and treacherous, while the vice owner of Confucian civilization is extremely generous and tragic. He created the Confucian civilization and protects the Confucian literature. Ming.

In the original Confucian civilization, there were two vice-masters of civilization, one was the vice-owner of Confucian civilization, and the other was the vice-owner of the three-book civilization. Not long ago, there was a vice-owner of Qijie civilization.

And just because there are two vice masters of civilization in addition to himself, the deputy master of Confucian civilization has done a quite shocking thing.

That is, to go to the lost place and challenge the civilized vice lord of his enemies for many years.

As a result of the war, the vice president of Confucian civilization lost, and he was on the verge of death. Of course, the vice president of civilization was on the verge of death for many years.

After the vice owner of Confucian civilization felt that he was out of time, he handed over the strongest Confucian character in his initial text to the vice owner of Sanshu Civilization, and gave the Qi character in his initial text to the vice owner of Qijie Civilization. At the same time, he also planned to choose a heir and give him what he had learned and the final initial text.

And there is no doubt that Ling Qingyun is the most outstanding figure in this generation of young people.

Ling Qingyun is a very likely inheritor.

However, Ling Qingyun did not wait for the inheritance, and he vaguely inquired. It seemed that the vice owner of Confucian civilization was more optimistic about a newly rising Lu Yuan and planned to pass on the inheritance to Lu Yuan.

Passing on your own inheritance to people who are not from this civilization. Other vice owners of civilization may not be able to do this, but the vice owners of Confucian civilization can definitely do it. This is a generous and sad figure. As long as Lu Yuan is pleasing to Lu Yuan's eyes, he may pass on the correct character and it to Lu Yuan. Ling Qing The better Lu Yuan's performance, the less likely he is to get the initial text, so he is very anxious.

So, he and his father Ling Xiongtian came here to attack Lu Yuan and kill Lu Yuan.

So the previous scene happened.

As for Lu Yuan, he was in a hurry to rush back to Jianmen, but he instinctively dodged the net in front of him and the fatal meteorite shot of Ling Xiongtian.

Of course, even so, Lu Yuan also faintly felt the extraordinary of Ling Xiongtian. The strength of this Ling Xiongtian seems to be quite remarkable. At least the strength of the five heavens in the world. In fact, Ling Xiongtian is really the strength of the five heavens in the world, and Ling Qingyun is now the strength of the

They have done this very negatively, so they can't mobilize more power from the Confucian civilization, only by their father and son.

Naturally, they also know that Lu Yuan can hit the four heavens of the world, but once Lu Yuan hits the four heavens of the world at this time, and the foundation is unstable, he can't win the enemy as easily as before. There are two reasons why Lu Yuan can win the enemy through the realm. One is excellent swordsmanship, and the other Dan's foundation is unstable. What are they afraid of?

And even if Lu Yuan's world is fourfold, Ling Xiongtian also thinks that he can win, which is the self-confidence gained by countless people.

Ling Xiongtian, Ling Qingyun and his son both looked at Lu Yuan, as if they wanted to kill Lu Yuan quickly.

No, Ling Xiongtian immediately used his shooting "gentleman's hit". Yes, his shooting name is Gentleman's hit.

For example, this gentleman's frankness is an extremely vicious shooting, which is indescribable.

Another example is this move of a gentleman's self-improvement. This shot is like a rainbow. It seems that there is really a smell of a gentleman's self-improvement, but when you are about to block it, the barrel of the gun suddenly bursts, and the gun in the gun suddenly strikes. This set of gentleman's shooting is simply in

In the face of this set of fierce and yin gentleman's hundreds of blows from Ling Xiongtian, who is five heavy in the world, Lu Yuan only feels that it is difficult and difficult to deal with it. If it weren't for floating life like a dream, he would have died under Ling Xiongtian's shooting Harm, Lu Yuan gradually found that the floating life is like a dream was seen by Ling Xiongtian. Ling Xiongtian, who has far more mana than Lu Yuan, can push everything with his magic power to break the floating life like a dream.

It's not easy to do!

Lu Yuan instantly found that it was difficult to do.

Da Damn it!

Lu Yuan is looking for vitality, but in the face of this set of gentleman's many attacks, he has no chance at all.

No! There is a chance!

Lu Yuan saw a line of vitality, which was outside the official road.

As I said earlier, in various places in the Central Celestial Empire, there are officials and Taoism. Outside the official Taoism, there are extremely powerful monsters. The power of these monsters is unimaginable. There are hundreds of thousands of feet, even tens of thousands of monsters, which are simply the size of a star. How can you withstand it?

So, generally no one goes outside the official road.

But now, the only thing Ling Xiongtian's gentleman's hundred attacks did not notice was outside the official road, because normal people would not go outside the official road to die at all, but Lu Yuan had no choice now, so he rushed outside the official road without hesitation. Lu Yuan rushed out of the official road, and Ling Xiong Tianton They were stunned, and Ling Qingyun was also stunned. They never thought that Lu Yuan would dare to break out of the official path.

The reason why they are not guarded against this piece of official road area is that this piece of official road is a kind of extremely powerful monster ancient beast. This kind of ancient beast is quite troublesome and terrible. It is that Ling Xiongtian and his son are afraid that if they break into the territory of ancient beasts, they will also die.

And now that Lu Yuan has broken in, he is even more alive.

Moreover, this ancient beast territory is called the ancient Jedi, and the ancient Jedi has only this only import. If Lu Yuan luckily escapes from the ancient Jedi, then Ling Xiongtian and Ling Qingyun plan to ambush Lu Yuan here at the only entrance. Anyway, they must kill Lu Yuan.

Ling Qingyun smiled gloomily at the corners of his lips: "Let's weave this net here and throw it into the net when he comes out."

"Even if Lu Yuan doesn't die in the ancient Jedi, it is estimated that he will come out soon, because the son of the sword is going to make trouble in the sword gate now, but time does not wait for anyone. Lu Yuan's character is quite concerned about the sect. I know all his weaknesses." Ling Qingyun said proudly.

Ling Xiongtian nodded: "Well, do what you should do well after killing Lu Yuan."

"I understand, the son of the sword and Lu Yuan vowed to become water and fire. It couldn't be easier to blame the son of the sword for killing Lu Yuan." Ling Qingyun smiled sinisterly: "What son of the sword, what Lu Yuan, no matter how strong the talent is, he can't use his brain. He usually doesn't pretend to be a good person, and he won't use his strength to fight. How can he beat me?"

Each of the top 100 characters on the genius list is very lucky and talented. Among them, Ling Qingyun is so difficult to deal with, and other people will not be easy to deal with. This is the most difficult and potential star in the Central China after a hundred years.

At this time, Lu Yuan also entered the ancient Jedi, which was also the first time that Lu Yuan entered outside the official road.

In the Central Celestial Empire, it was the first time that I went outside the official Tao for so long.

I don't know what kind of scenery it is outside the officialdom of the Central Celestial Empire.

And at this time, in the sword gate.

"Ambush Lu Yuan?" The son of the sword shook his head: "It's not necessary. If someone else ambushes Lu Yuan, it will be easy to turn over with Lu Yuan's strong luck. Instead, he was given the opportunity to upgrade. Let Lu Yuan come back and come back to Jianmen. Let me directly kill his strong luck with my strong luck and let him die in my

The son of the sword naturally didn't know. He didn't want anyone to ambush Lu Yuan. He hereby informed the ancient civilization and the civilization of the ty, and told them not to take action, but the Ling family, who had the Confucian civilization, took the opportunity to take action.

(The third update is sent, asking for a subscription to work, very close to the duel with the son of the sword, and also very close to **.) RO