Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 902 Unable to cure the lack of seven emotions

The Hidden Sword Sect is not big, much smaller than the Xianjian Sect.

In the Hidden Sword Sect, there are sword reincarnation, Wanjian Villa, listening to the sword room, and the inheritance of sword masters, etc.

Hidden Sword Sect is a unique place for immortals.

For the time being, Lu Yuan and seven others stopped in the Hidden Sword Sect.

In fact, the ancestor of Jianyun and Qiu Qingshan have also been to the Hidden Sword Sect before. They are all excellent talents in the sword, and naturally they have also got the help of the Hidden Sword Sect. Not everyone can be regarded as a genius compared with Lu Yuan and the son of the sword. In this case, few people in the whole [Z

Several other people, Ji Qianyu, Su Yingxiu, Zhu Tianrong, and Zhu Liefeng came to the Hidden Sword Sect for the first time. They have also heard of the reputation of the Hidden Sword Sect. They are extremely curious about the interior of the Hidden Sword Sect. Unfortunately, it is useless to be curious. All the internal facilities of the Hidden Sword They have no sword spirit and can't touch any of the settings of the Hidden Sword Sect.

"Now, test your seven emotions first." Jian Ruhai said, "In fact, no matter which love, there is a nine-grade classification method, or a twenty-first-class grading method. The weakest is the first grade, and then the first grade, the highest is the ninth grade. In normal time, the normal seven emotions are the best in the first grade, which is the best." However, when you want to understand the extreme of the seven emotions, the higher the value of the seven emotions, the better, which is completely different from usual.

"Normal people are generally four grades and about five grades."

Simply put, this level is completely different from usual.

Usually, the lower the requirements of the seven emotions, the better, but at this level, the higher the seven emotions, the better.

So, this is very strange.

Immediately, Jian Ruhai took out a set of instruments. This set of instruments for measuring the seven emotions is not unique to the Hidden Sword Sect, but many sects have it.

This set of instruments is a little strange. Two contacts can be placed at both ends of the brain, so as to measure the seven emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil and desire.

The test began soon.

"Start testing the joy of the seven emotions." In this set of instruments, there seemed to be endless feelings of joy in his mind, and at the same time, there were many illusions, but Lu Yuan felt that there seemed to be nothing to be happy about. As for this illusion, he could obviously feel the concealment. If there is any joy, that is, wine and sword can be hooked. Some of yourself.

After a while, such a sound came.

"The joy of seven emotions, the first grade, the top."

"Start testing the anger of the seven emotions." Another kind of emotion has been introduced into Lu Yuan's mind through that set of instruments. There seems to be an infinite and furious picture in Lu Yuan's mind. But this time, Lu Yuan still feels that he can't fully devote himself to it. There are very few anger in his life. If there is, it's just that he was demonized in Huashan At the time of the invasion, I was really angry and angry at that time.

"The Wrath of Seven Loves, the top of the first grade."

"Start to test the seven sorrows." This kind of extremely sad feeling spread to Lu Yuan, which seemed to make Lu Yuan remember the moment when his master Li Yuanbai died and his uncle Yuanyuan died, which made Lu Yuan inalable to have a faint sadness.

"Seven sorrows, the top of the first grade."

"Start testing the fear of the seven emotions." This is a feeling of fear. Lu Yuan found that it was somewhat similar to the original stone of fear, but whether it was the original stone of fear or now, he could not be involved at all.

"Fear of the seven emotions, the supreme qualification of the first grade."

"Start to test the love of seven feelings." This is a feeling of liking. It exudes a warm and sweet taste in the air. In theory, Lu Yuan now has his own favorite girl Jianling Diji, but Lu Yuan finds himself in the love of the seven feelings. Looking at the illusion, there are some men and women who love to death. You love me. You hurt me, I hurt you, love you. After several generations of love, Lu Yuan found that it was very bullshit.

Love is love. Is it possible to love like that? You can even feed each other for a meal.

With Lu Yuan's nature, I can't imagine how to love so strongly.

In Lu Yuan's opinion, love should be a faint feeling, even with Jianling Diji.

"The love of seven feelings, the first grade, supreme qualification.,,

"Start to test the evil of the seven emotions." It was a kind of disgust and evil emotion. This emotion entered Lu Yuan's mind from the instrument, and was shaken into a corner by the righteousness of Yangwu Xianjian. After a moment, it was cleaned up and no longer existed.

"The evil of the seven emotions, the first grade, the supreme qualification.,...

"Start testing the desire of seven emotions." This is an emotion of desire, which is quite the same as the feeling on the original stone of desire, and Lu Yuan has also basically invested in all kinds of desires. When he sees the beauty, he thinks of the most beautiful person. In the end, it is just a pile of white bones and pink skeletons. However, when he sees power, he has no sense of power.

"The desire of seven emotions, the first grade, supreme qualification."

Finally, the test is completed.

Lu Yuan's seven emotions, among which the three of joy, anger and sorrow are the first grade, the top, and the following four emotions of love, evil and desire are the first grade, supreme qualification. It can be said that Lu Yuan is quite perfect on the seven emotions, absolutely close to the supreme qualification. If it is not to impact the creation world, this kind of seven emotions are quite good. Unfortunately, the creation world is placed here, which makes Lu Yuan embarrassed.

Qianshuimen and Yuhuomen have this kind of instrument, so there is no need to test it again.

But there is no such instrument in Jianmen, so Qiu Qingshan and Jianyun Zhongzu both tested it.

The ancestors in Jianyun are basically about four grades, while Qiu Qingshan is about five grades.

The more nine grades, the easier it is to understand the creation of materials, and Jianyun Zhongzu and Qiu Qingshan have a four-grade and a five-grade, which will be easier to impact the world's five-fold creation.

Lu Yuan's seven feelings are really not ordinary low.

Now the question has come out. It is a difficult problem to temporarily raise Lu Yuan's seven emotions so that Lu Yuan can impact the world's five-fold creation.

Jian Ruhai smiled bitterly and said, "Your seven emotions are really not ordinary low. I thought of two solutions for you. As for whether you can solve it, God knows whether it can be solved. The first one, the water of mourning water is one of the seven emotions. If the water of mourning is useful to you, then you can collect the water Lu Yuan nodded.'s

Jian Ruhai took out the water of mourning. This is a bottle of water in a transparent glass bottle. This bottle of water is not much. In the end, it looks like two taels. At first, it is pure and transparent, but it seems that it slowly changes into gray. This is the color of the water of mourning But it is a desperate and sad gray.

Lu Yuan picked up the bottle of water and drank it all. After drinking it, he really felt sad. This was a stream of sadness. Lu Yuan seemed to faintly see that when the autumn wind and autumn rain were sad, a fallen man was walking in the rain without an umbrella, and Jian Ruhai immediately took out the instrument and began to test the seven emotions. Sorrow.

"Seven sorrows, second grade, first-class." After a long time, the water of mourning raised Lu Yuan's seven emotions to the second grade. The second grade is quite low. Although it is better than before, in fact, it is not much better, and it basically belongs to the missing range of the seven emotions.

To put it simply, although the water of mourning is useful, it is too small and too small. No matter how you collect the water of seven emotions, it is difficult to break through to the five-fold creation of the world with the help of the water of seven emotions.

Jian Ruhai obviously did not expect that the effect of the water of mourning was so small that he couldn't help taking a breath. He still underestimated that Lu Yuan's lack of seven emotions was so serious.

"Then, next is the last way for me to stay." The last method taught by Jian Ruhai is the method of suppressing anger. This method of suppressing anger, in simple terms, suppresses anger again and again, and then suppresses it again. In the end, the anger is suppressed very high, and finally transformed into the anger of the seven emotions. This method is called the anger formula. Lu Yuan didn't have much time to practice this set of anger tricks.

At the moment, the anger control formula began to work, and Jian Ruhai also began to cooperate to provide some things that make people angry, and even some fantasy illusions, to make Lu Yuan's anger more prosperous, so as to facilitate the final effect of endless anger transformed into seven emotions of anger.

Endless anger is suppressed in the bottom of my heart.


Angry! Angry!

Angry! Angry! Angry!

There is no doubt that the anger formula has been successfully launched.

Jian Ruhai looked at Lu Yuan's expression. He didn't know what kind of scene Lu Yuan had encountered in the illusion. He just wanted to see the final result. Can this anger control help Lu Yuan? Naturally, he knew that Lu Yuan had a lot of feuds. If he couldn't improve his strength quickly, he would fall.

And such a figure in Kendo is rare for ten thousand years, 100,000 years, or even a million years. Don't fall here.

After a long time, Lu Yuan opened his eyes.

Jian Ruhai immediately picked up the tester.

"The Wrath of Seven Loves, the second grade, first-class."

used the anger control formula, and the result was just to raise the anger to the second grade.

In the second grade, it is naturally better than the first grade at the beginning, but the seven emotions in the second grade are still extremely difficult to upgrade to the world's five-fold creation.

Failed again!

Jian Ruhai only thought of two methods, but both of them failed.

Now there is nothing he can do. He wanted to help Lu Yuan, but now he finds that he can't help Lu Yuan. There is nothing he can do.

What should I do now? These seven missing emotions cannot be solved.

Is it possible that Lu Yuan is really going to be stuck in the lack of seven emotions. He can't make an inch, can't reach the five heavens of the world in a very long time, and finally be killed by the son of the sword, or killed by the war mad iron. Is the rare genius of Kendo going to fall here?