Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 947 See the old man again

The [Zhong] Central China Assessment that Lu Yuan participated in in the past was actually the strongest and most prosperous batch,

No matter which batch before, it can't be compared with that batch. That batch is simply a collection of luck and genius. The top-ranked characters are all people with a long-term future.

For example, the master concubine fairy, ranked ninth in that year, and entered the supreme religion such as Jianmen. Under such circumstances, there is now a cultivation of six heavens in the mixed cave.

Gu Qiushui, who ranked third in those years, entered the ancient civilization, so his current strength has a world, which is quite normal.

When Gu Qiushui stood up, he naturally saw Lu Yuan.

He practiced in the ancient civilization of the Central Celestial Dynasty. Although most of the time he was in the ancient civilization, his ears were not blind. For Lu Yuan's name, it was like thunder. He usually kept reminding himself that Lu Yuan was so strong that he must become stronger. It was precisely in this encouragement. Next, coupled with some amazing adventures, he is now a two-day cultivation in the world.

Not only that, Gu Qiushui's swordsmanship is also unique.

He was better than Lu Yuan once in those years, and now he meets Lu Yuan again. Although Lu Yuan is more famous, he still thinks in his heart that his swordsmanship is definitely not inferior to Lu Yuan.

This time, he wants to challenge the sling of the evil sword civilization, and he wants to challenge many of the sword halls. In fact, he also has the intention to compare swordsmanship with Lu Yuan.

After Gu Qiushui appeared, there was another voice.

"Then count me again, it's not too much." This was a rather cold voice. After this cold voice appeared, a sharp swordsman appeared. The sharp swordsman was ordinary-like, but his hand was always on the hilt, and his sword was also quite strange. His sword had no scabbard.

It's another acquaintance.

The flying swordsman from the ancient city of the north ranked sixth in the assessment of the Central Celestial Dynasty. Following Li Qiuhuan into the ancient Buddhist civilization, Li Qiuhuan had the heart of seeking Buddha. After entering the ancient Buddhist civilization, the Buddha's ancient Buddhism became more and more profound, but the flying swordsman did not have the slightest Buddha nature at Of course, the flying swordsman will not be annoyed. The flying swordsman is the kind of person who can wait for five years to ambush in a place for five years to ambush a person. It can be seen how terrible the swordsman's patience has reached.

In the ancient Buddha civilization, the flying swordsman found a method of practicing swords and cut the Buddha with a sword. He blocked the Buddha spirit emitted by the Buddhist scriptures with the sharpness of his own sword spirit. Finally, the sword spirit became stronger and stronger, and the swordsmanship became deeper and deeper. The flying swordsman was definitely an alien in the ancient In this way, the flying swordsman has also reached the point of the world with his own ability.

The reason why the flying swordsman came back was that one of the people who helped him was caught by the evil sword civilization, so he came.

Like Gu Qiushui, he began to hide on the side and was thinking of a way. As a result, now that Lu Yuan appeared, he actually found a way, so he naturally appeared.

"Then count me in, no problem." The speaker, with his hands behind him, with a faint smile. This man is handsome, about thirty years old, with a calm taste. He carries a fairy sword on his back. The name of the sword is butterfly love huā. This man is a legend of the Oriental Dayi Kingdom, Yan Feiyi.

Yan Feiyi is a myth of the Dayi Kingdom. He has long been the first master of the Eastern Dayi Kingdom, and has long entered the lost land. This time, I heard that the Oriental Dayi Kingdom was robbed and many people were captured, so this first master from the Oriental Dayi Kingdom had to take action. He did not know Lu Yuan and One's own mana is extremely high, and it has reached the realm of the five heavens in the world.

Now, there are four people in this group.

is Lu Yuan, the world's six heavens.

Gu Qiushui, the second day of the world.

Flying swordsman, the world is one heaven.

Yan Feiyi, the five heavens of the world.

The first three were all born in the Yangtian Dynasty. At that time, the rankings were Lu Yuan's 19th, Gu Qiushui's third, and the flying swordsman's sixth. Yan Feiyi is a mythical figure of the Eastern Dayi Kingdom. He is much older than the first three. These four people have to break into the evil sword civilization and challenge the swordsmanship of the evil sword civilization.

Of course, the strength of these people's own mana actually has little intention, because this time it is sword fighting, not magic, it depends on which swordsmanship is better.

The deputy master of the magic sword civilization in the void made a thunderous voice: "Very, there are four people in total. If you decide to challenge, you can start." In our evil sword civilization, there are five sword halls, namely, the inability to force the sword hall, the eyebrow sword hall, the sitting sword hall, the closed-eye sword hall, and the lying sword hall. These five sword halls correspond to the way of playing without the mana, the way of using the eyebrow sword, the way of sitting and playing the sword when When the eye interference is completely blocked, and finally the sword hall where you lie down and use the sword. This is basically a sword hall that practices swords in various environments, and the so-called swordsmanship provokes the evil sword civilization will win in all five sword halls.

"According to the old rules of the previous era, Sun, the character of the evil sword civilization, will take action, but all the characters in the civilization will take action."

"At the beginning, Lu Yuan, dare to challenge our evil sword civilization, challenge the death of failure, the other three, if the challenge fails, capture!"

"Start now."

And at the beginning, if the characters outside the evil sword civilization have friendship with the evil sword civilization, they immediately come in to see this big play. If they have no friendship, there is only secret. It seems that they can't see this big play. Of course, at this time, there are doubts in the hearts of many people. What is the young man in Unexpectedly, they know the rules of the last era. Many people in the lost place don't know that there are such rules in the last era.

Lu Yuan is also sighing that the evil sword civilization is the evil sword civilization. Look at the many professions, all kinds of different sword halls to adapt to various environments, which is called professionalism. In contrast, whether it is the Xianjian Gate or the Hidden Sword Sect, the professionalism is too far away, too far to be reasonable.

Now, it's about to start breaking into the first sword hall, the eyebrow sword hall.

Eyebrow Sword Hall, in a place on the evil sword mainland, the vice owner of the magic sword civilization has long returned to the place of practice, and this matter is handled by an evil emperor of the evil sword civilization. The evil emperor is the ten-heavened mana of the world. His whole body is soaring with evil I feel the atmosphere of terror behind this person. It seems that there is a whirlpool of evil emanating from him. Of course, although he is ten heavens of the world, in terms of momentum, he is far less than the momentum of the deputy master of the magic sword civilization in the civilized realm. The gap between the two is so big that it is unimag The gap in the situation is so huge that it is hard to imagine.

Eyebrow Sword Hall! What kind of sword hall is this! When Lu Yuan saw this sword hall, he thought about it in his heart.

This eyebrow sword hall has countless eyebrows on the door at the entrance.

Lu Yuan, Gu Qiushui, Flying Swordsman, and Yan Feiyi, the four of them stepped into the Eyebrow Sword Hall at the same time.

Entering the Eyebrow Sword Hall, the entry is a flat forehead, on which records the demeanor of a swordsman in the previous eras. It is said that in the afternoon of the last era, a swordsman surnamed Jiang was invincible in the world. This swordsman surnamed Jiang can drive millions of flying swords at the same time In the middle.

At that time, the swordsman surnamed Jiang even had a fight with the Hong of the ancient civilization. Later, the swordsman surnamed Jiang disappeared, and the swordsman surnamed Jiang did not leave too many secrets. Later generations remembered the demeanor of the swordsman surnamed Jiang. In the last era of swords, the swordsman surnamed Jiang was Go through the repair.

This swordsman surnamed Jiang's playing method does not use sword skills, purely with the sword sea, and millions of flying swords are racing. Later generations naturally worship it. There are also many swords who want to use this move, but they find that there is no way to control this move. Even if it is occasionally controlled, the power is not strong, but

Later, there was an occasional sword practice called an old man with long eyebrows. He turned his eyebrows into a sword and kept pricking out his eyebrows. He found that although he did not have the demeanor of the swordsman surnamed Jiang in those years, he was also quite powerful, so he created an eyebrow swordsmanship, and the eyebrows of Come on.

This is the origin of the Eyebrow Sword Hall.

It turned out that there was such a history in the Eyebrow Sword Hall. Lu Yuan looked inward and found that there was only one person in the Eyebrow Sword Hall. The man stood with his hands behind his back and was infinitely desolate.

The man slowly turned around, and luck was an old man with long white eyebrows.

"I am the only one in the Eyebrow Sword Hall today. As long as you can beat me, you will win the Eyebrow Sword Hall and pass this level." The old man with white eyebrows said, "In the eyebrow sword hall, you can't use a sword, you can only use your own eyebrow as a sword. This is the rule of the eyebrow sword hall, and in principle, as long as the person is stabbed by the other party with 30 swords, he will lose." A normal master can win or lose with one sword, and the reason for setting the rules of thirty swords is actually to let the challenger test it. Otherwise, in the eyebrow sword hall, if you don't even adapt to it, you will be picked up. That's wrong. It's an injustice. It's easier for you to adapt to have a range

"Before that, you should get used to how to grow more eyebrows, which should be used in this battle." Lu Yuan used to practice a set of blinking swordsmanship, but now he has come out of the Eyebrow Sword Hall. Lu Yuan is very interested.

Lu Yuan is very interested in all kinds of novel swordsmanship.

I can't do it. This is my nature, but I just like fresh swordsmanship.

(the first update.)