Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 1011 Treasure under the word magic

One person, one mountain.

People are lazy people in blue, and the mountains are the mountains of the mountains.

Lu Yuan has now restored his identity, and now he is looking for the existence of the devil on the mountain of gallbladder.

Because I wanted to find the Devil of Gallbladder, the speed was not too fast, but when I patrolled the whole Mountain of Gallbladder for seven times, I didn't see the Devil of Gallbladder. I can't find the devil of courage. What should I do now?

How about the mountain of gallbladder?

The mountain of courage is divided into two parts, one is the kernel and the other is the outer core.

The so-called kernel is the original part of the gallbladder mountain, the original gallbladder of the chaotic civilization beast. The core of the gallbladder mountain is the real essence, but unfortunately, no one has ever been unable to split it.

The outer core is formed by absorbing some aura after the death of the chaotic civilization beast of the mountain of gallbladder, which is split by everyone. This can be split by someone. After all, it does not belong to the gallbladder of the chaotic civilization beast itself. Maybe some essence of gallbladder will burst out, which can make people

Lu Yuan pulled out his sword, quickly cut over, and cut these outer cores. The outer core was not difficult to break through. After some time, Lu Yuan cut out some essence of the gallbladder. At the same time, he had dug a deep channel and reached the core of the gallbladder mountain, and finally began.

In the core of the mountain of gallbladder, there must be chaotic gallbladder crystals. As long as you can split the words of fear, the so-called chaotic gallbladder crystal is actually the composition of the chaotic civilization beast itself, that is, the core itself, so such a theory is workable.

Lu Yuan gently blew the sword.

The highest mana output of the sword in the hand.

Full-hearted infusion, heart, god to the limit.

Essence, qi, God, complete unity.

The momentum is constantly climbing, and finally, it has climbed to the highest peak.

A sword is like a shocking cut out.

It's fast!

Dang! With a crisp sound, Lu Yuan only felt that his sword body had suffered a huge reaction force. Looking at the core of the gallbladder mountain that had just been cut by the sword, he found that there were no scars on the core of the gallbladder mountain. If it was completely intact and completely intact, it was not easy to do. That is to say,

Now I think of the chaotic gallbladder crystal. As a result, both roads have failed. Two failures in a row are still hidden.

So what to do next?

This chaotic gallbladder crystal is what you must need, otherwise it can't hit the ten heavens of the world.

Lu Yuan couldn't think of a way. He simply sat on the top of the mountain of the gallbladder mountain and thought of a way to stand here. The scenery is unique here. At the foot of the gallbladder mountain here, there is an empty river road. If the chaotic civilization beast is still alive, it should be the place of bile

Lu Yuan sat in the middle of the magic word. It was not intentional. Who said that the magic word "The Son of the Devil" was actually engraved in the center of the top of the mountain. When Lu Yuan sat on the magic word, he actually found that the magic word seemed to be a little empty under the magic word. Is this?

Lu Yuan entered it with mana at the moment, and found that the most central point of the magic word was actually hollow, which could penetrate into it. The son of the devil came out of the holy land of civilization. Did he still leave something strange in it? Lu Yuan also became curious and slowly penetrated into it.

This is a very magical area, and the surrounding area is dark, which is obviously still in the outer core of the mountain of courage.

Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to sweep away all the magic gas here, and he didn't know what it was. Lu Yuan also found that there seemed to be a non-demon smell in the darkness, that is, the breath of other creatures. Lu Yuan first hid his body with the meaning of a hidden sword and leaned towards the place where the creature Yes, so it's more ** to the devil to find so much.

A slight sound sounded, as if something had been broken free.

"Son of the devil, you still want to capture me, and then transfer my luck to you in a special way. It's ridiculous. Your son of the devil is naturally difficult to deal with, but my son of the sword is not easy to mess with." A voice sounded: "I don't know that the son of my sword also deliberately let you catch it."

Lu Yuan couldn't help listening to it. In the space under the magic word, there was actually a son of the sword, and listening to the tone of the voice, it seemed that the son of the sword was deliberately caught by the son of the devil, and the son of the sword was not abused. Why did he deliberately let the son of the devil catch it I'm afraid there's something strange about it.

Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to show up.

The son of the sword sounded: "Son of the devil, the son of the devil, you don't know that in the mountain of gall, there is a heavy treasure in the chaotic civilization beast [body]. I also happened to know this news, so I knew that you appeared in the mountain of gall, and I deliberately let you catch it here, so When I was a master of Confucian civilization, I got this treasure and left.

Lu Yuan was stunned to hear that there is an important treasure of the civilized holy land here. What kind of treasure will it be? However, no matter what the important treasure is, it is obvious that he has to grab it by himself, but it can't fall into the hands of the son of the sword.

The voice of the son of the sword came again: "I found it, hahahaha, my son of the sword is indeed one of the seven sons of luck, and I am not willing to be the sixth of the seven sons of luck. I am going to challenge the character of the son of the wilderness." The strength of the son of the sword is far less than that of the son of the wilderness, nor is he as good as the son of the immortal, the son of the law, and the son of the devil, but he is ambitious and ambitious. Naturally, he aims at the son of the wilderness.

"I got this legendary treasure, and I will definitely be able to trample Lu Yuan under my feet. Lu Yuan, I want you to die. I want to beat you up and let you die beyond life." The son of the sword was just proud, but when he thought of Lu Yuan, he was furious. The person he hated most was definitely Lu Yuan, one of them.

"I really didn't expect that you hated me so much that you would crush me to death and not be able to survive." A clear voice sounded in the dark, and the son of the sword couldn't help but be shocked: "Who?" His Tai A Xian sword has been transferred to his hand.

"Hey, you were cursing me just now. Now that I've made a sound, you still don't know. It's really lame. At least it's the one who beat you once." A man in blue came out of the darkness.

The son of the sword looked at the man in blue and narrowed his eyes: "Lu Yuan." Damn, how could Lu Yuan appear here? When he met Lu Yuan in other places, the son of the sword was not afraid at all, but when he met Lu Yuan here, the son of the sword was extremely depressed. This was the place where he was about to get a treasure in the holy land of civilization. How could Lu Yuan appear at such a critical moment? The son of the On the top, with the fighting power of the son of the devil, it is not difficult to kill Lu Yuan. How can Lu Yuan enter here? The son of the sword has been strange for a while.

Lu Yuan picked up the wine gourd and took a sip of wine.

In the dark, the son of the sword and Lu Yuan are confronting each other.

The son of the sword suddenly looked up and smiled: "I heard that you were chased and killed by the son of the wilderness more than two years ago and became a homeless dog. It's really lose the face of our kendo. It seems that I, as a senior, want to teach you well." He had some confidence. Although he was defeated by Lu Yuan's sword in those years, he has made great progress over the years. Now he is the strength of the nine heavens of the world, and Lu Yuan is rumored that the strength is really not high. Before he disappeared, he was the six heavens of the world. It is estimated that he will not make much progress To win, to wash away the shame before.

"You still want to compete with me." Lu Yuan looked at the son of the sword with a strange look.

The son of the sword couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. It's just that the next battle is obviously one-sided. You can't have any power to fight back in my hands at all. I'm sure that you can't pay back a move or counterattack."

The son of the sword heard this. At the moment, he was full of anger. He was really not so humiliated. He was the son of the sword among the seven sons of luck. He was the son of luck. In the Yangtian Dynasty, although the kendo was in decline, other people had to respect him. Which one of them was not polite There are also many people who are optimistic about him.

A character like him is noble everywhere. Now Lu Yuan actually said that he should press himself one-sidedly and not let himself fight back: "Lu Yuan, I haven't seen you for more than two years. You have a lot of ability to brag, so I want to see how good you are."

"Do I brag nonsense? Then you can have a try... Lu Yuan turned his lips and smuched.


In Lu Yuan's battle against the son of the sword, Lu Yuan sacrificed the gate of kendo in an instant and pressed it towards the son of the sword. The son of the sword was still counterattacked. Lu Yuan just said that he could not counterattack, which stimulated him fiercely, but now he found that there was endless sword light in the gate of Attack, if you want to counterattack, you will be seriously injured now. As a last resort, the son of the sword can only fight backhand.

The gate of Kendo above Lu Yuan's head once again turned into countless sword lights and attacked the son of the sword. The son of the sword quickly resisted, but after he hurriedly resisted, he wanted to use his new unique skill to destroy a sword to counterattack. As a result, it was unexpected that another sword light hit the gate of Kendo.

The sword light transformed from the gate of Kendo seems to contain everything in Kendo, and also restrain everything in Kendo.

In Kendo, it is the highest existence.

The gate of Kendo keeps attacking, and the son of the sword can't fight back at all. This is already the seventh move.

At the thirteenth move, the son of the sword was hit in the left arm and still couldn't fight back.

At the 19th move, the son of the sword was hit in the left arm again. Now his situation is very serious and dangerous, and he still can't fight back.

The situation is completely one-sided, and the son of the sword can't break the spell that Lu Yuan said can't fight back, and he is extremely embarrassed.

And Lu Yuan is also speeding up now. He wants to defeat the sword as soon as possible to see what treasure is in the mouth of the son of the sword.