Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 1087 The Great Civilization Attacks

This middle-aged man's face is red gold, thin and tall, with eight knuckles on his shoulders, with a sense of killing. This kind of killing atmosphere is quite strong, and it feels like a section by section. It is not a formal killing spirit at all. At this moment, the killing spirit is higher, and I haven't waited for The murderous atmosphere is lower for a moment, and the murderous atmosphere is constantly chaotic, which makes it extremely difficult for people to adapt. If it is a half-step civilization here, I'm afraid that it will be quite uncomfortable by this kind of continuous killing spirit.

This is the vice-owner of the Baling civilization, and also one of the three vice-owners of the three civilizations of the civilization, the mana cultivation of the first era.

The deputy master of Wu Yanwen said in a low voice, "I didn't expect you to come?"

The vice owner of Wuyan civilization is really surprised. There is another civilization. Although it is just a mana cultivation, if it is one-to-one, the vice owner of Wuyan civilization believes that he will not be weaker than the vice owner of the eight-edged civilization, but now it is not one-to-one, but three-to- The son of an immortal who has an era of mana and does not correspond to the realm.

The deputy master of Wuyan Civilization immediately reduced the possibility of successfully blocking the other party to zero.

However, the deputy master of Wuyan Civilization found that there was still a faint breath around him.

"Who else is there? Come out." The deputy chief of Wu Yanming shouted.

"You can still feel me, isn't it good, little swallow?" A very tall giant muscular man came out with a huge axe in his hand. There seemed to be scars on each muscle of the giant muscular man. These scars seemed to be imprinted in the bones, and there was also a scar in the right eye of the giant muscular man. The scar went down from the eyebrows to the right chin, which was extremely long. Extremely ferocious.

Vice Lord of Lisheng Civilization!

That's right. This is the civilized painter who had a fight with Gu Shi in those years, and made Gu Shi lose thirty-three moves under him.

At that time, the deputy master of the Lisheng civilization was only the mana of the First Age, but now he has obviously reached the mana of the Second Age.

The mana of the Second Era is so powerful that this character alone can be better than the vice master of Wuyan civilization.

The deputy master of Wuyan Civilization immediately understood deeply that he was now in this war. The probability of being sistent is zero, and even the probability of escaping is basically close to zero.

The current situation is one-to-four!

The deputy master of the Wild Eagle Civilization shouted, "The deputy master of Wuyan Civilization, you also have today. It's ridiculous. Today, I will capture you, insult you ** to countless suns and moons, and make you regret being my enemy." The deputy master of the wild eagle civilization really intends to use the double kill of the eagle and swallow civilization in the battle this time. He has never had a chance before, but now, he can use the double kill of the eagle and swallow civilization to severely humiliate the opponent of the vice master of the eagle and swallow civilization.

The son of the fairy has a humble smile on his face. Slightly immature, slightly handsome: "The younger generation has heard the name of the elder Wu Yan for a long time, and I have admired it for a long time. It is also a blessing in life to meet the elder today. I also ask the elder for advice. I hope that when the elder comes to me, I will not let me lose He is modest and polite. It can be regarded as a great progress in strength, and his demeanor in this regard has not changed, but if he is really defeated by him, it will be a human tragedy. The son of a fairy is such a different person. Whoever believes him will be stupid.

The vice-owner of the eight-ling civilization of the civilization looked at the vice-owner of Wuyan civilization: "I, want to kill, Lu Yuan, Wu Yanwen, the vice-owner of Ming, you, if you dare to stand in front, I will kill you." The pause of his speech was quite strange. He paused in a place where he should not have stopped. The sense of pause in his speech was extremely uncomfortable.

The whole body is a scar. Then the deputy master of the Lisheng civilization, who even had scars around his eyes, carried an axe: "Little swallow, I heard that your body is one of the lightest two people in the five eras, and my axe law goes all the way with great strength. I want to see if your body can jump out in front of my axe, and don't be accidentally Mud." The deputy master of Lisheng Civilization laughed loudly, and his laughter wasxiong xiong xiong li.

Four to one. You will be easily blown up.

If you use the light spirit body method, it won't work. The body method of the deputy master of the barren eagle civilization is not under himself, and there is also a deputy master of the eight-edred civilization who is good at breaking any rhythm, including the rhythm of the body method. So if you use the light body method, it is also a dead end. It can't be resisted at all.

The deputy master of Wuyan Civilization is analyzing what to do in the face of such a strong opponent, but he has not come up with a way.


There is still a way!

At that time, Lu Yuan said that there was an ancient sword array on the circle, which was created by the deputy master of Jianyuan civilization. The deputy master of Jianyuan civilization was extraordinary. The ancient sword array on the circle he created should be of great help. Maybe he could resist these four people for a while. As long as he could drag Lu Yuan out of the That's it.

Once Lu Yuan hits the civilized realm, with Lu Yuan's combat strength, he has a greater chance of fighting and retreating.


Lu Yuan has entered the final test.

has reached the last level, but what is the last level?

Among the jade, the virtual shadow of the deputy master of the round sword and big ears flashed: "The test of the third level is very simple. Let's see how your swordsmanship is. If you want to inherit my inheritance, you naturally need considerable swordsmanship. If the swordsmanship is not good, you can't do it."

Lu Yuan asked, "How to test swordsmanship?" At that time, Lu Yuan left a mechanism in the ancient sword array above the circle. If the ancient sword array above the circle was touched, he would know, and now it is obvious that the ancient sword array above the circle was touched. If it was only a deputy master of the barren eagle civilization, with the nature of the deputy master of Wuyan civilization, he would not use That is to say, the strength of the comer can't be resisted by the vice master of Wuyan civilization, so he can only use the ancient sword array above the circle.

It is estimated that the ancient sword array above the circle can't last too long, so you have to seize the time and hit the civilization as soon as possible.

The shadow with a round face and big ears in the jade smiled: "Look around?"

Lu Yuan couldn't help looking around.

On the surrounding walls, there is a sword move.

These sword moves are actually not exquisite sword moves. They are all simple and simple sword moves. Lu Yuan can easily see the advantages and disadvantages of these sword moves.

The virtual shadow with round faces and big ears in the jade said, "These sword moves are the most basic swordsmanship of our ancient civilization, with a total of 256 styles, known as the basic sword moves of 256. You can practice these 256 styles for me, and you can naturally see whether you can pass this swordsmanship test."

Lu Yuan's heart calmed down. Yes, the two hundred and fifty-six moves on the stone wall are quite simple. Not to mention Lu Yuan, I'm afraid that those brothers in Huashan can practice these two hundred and fifty-six moves, which is not difficult. However, don't think that this test is simple. On the contrary, it is the most difficult test.

The more basic it is, the more difficult it is to use it well.

It's like fried rice. Who can't make fried rice with eggs, but it's the simplest and most difficult fried rice with eggs.

It's like a home-cooked dish. Who doesn't? But making home-cooked dishes tests the chef's craftsmanship.

The simpler it is, the more you can test the real swordsmanship.

Occasionally, a civilization-level shock or a world-destroy blow can't really test much swordsmanship.

It was because Lu Yuan knew this that he knew that this test was difficult.

Lu Yuan's heart gradually calmed down and became quieter and quieter.

Breathing is getting slower and slower.

Lu Yuan walked to the edge of the stone wall with quite stable steps. This is the first type of the basic sword move 256. The name of this type is: "A sword is born". The sword is born. The sword is shot out of the scabbard, and the sword is straight out. It is ordinary. It is definitely a big road goods.

Lu Yuan continued to look at the second type of the basic sword move 256. This second type is "the sword is flat", the original sword is a thorn, but now the sword is a flat sweep, which is also a quite simple sword change, not even the second change.

Lu Yuan continued to look at the third type of basic sword moves. The third type is a faint sword, but it is basically similar to the second type.

The fourth type, the sword of ten hammers!

Type 5, the sword of refining!

The sixth type, occasional waves!

Type 7, the sword fluctuates with it!

The eighth formula...

The ninth formula...


The 100st style, the sword meets the wind and clouds!

Type 107, the sword stirs up the wind and clouds!

Type 150, the sword moves the wind and clouds!

Type 170, Jianzhen Fengyun!

Type 193, the wind and clouds rise again!


Type 233, one sword is invincible!

Type 242, a sword is lonely!

Type 256, seal the sword and return to the retreat!

Lu Yuan looked at this sword and saw it quite seriously. He looked at it with extreme calmness in his heart. When he looked at this sword, Lu Yuan was also reading the true meaning of this set of swordsmanship. This set of swordsmanship is very simple at the beginning, and the later changes are slightly more. In the end, it is simple. It is indeed the swordsmanship practiced by novices. Similarly, real kendo masters can actually practice this set of swordsmanship. Lu Yuan also understood that this set of swordsmanship actually recorded a real kendo master who asked for swords for swords for most of his life, and finally the experience of invincible kendo. This set of swordsmanship has deep meanings and shallow meanings. Different levels can be practiced into different swordsmanships with different feelings.

This set of swordsmanship is interesting. Lu Yuan carefully tasted these two hundred and fifty-six moves. After reading them, he closed his eyes and felt these two hundred and fifty-six moves.

When he opened his eyes, Lu Yuan's hand had been placed on his sword hilt. The sword and people gradually merged into one. It seemed that the sword had become a part of his body, and it seemed that he had turned into a sword. The sword of my immortals came out of its sheath. It was the first sword of the foundation of Type 256

Straighten the sword and stab forward.

(The second update, ask for the next monthly ticket reward, the homepage of the book is too monotonous.) ( To be continued)