Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 1136 Forging My Sword!

"We won!"

"We succeeded!"

"Our magic weapon civilization has not been destroyed!" Long roars sounded in the whole magic weapon civilization. At this time, only one emotion sounded in the magic weapon civilization. That emotion was [Xing] Endeavour, that was the [Xing] Endeavour of the Great Disaster, which was finally immortal [Xing] Endeavour, [Xing] Endeavour went straight to the sky and resounded through the sky.

Lu Yuan quietly looked at such [Xing] Fen, and there was also a little emotion. These people's [Xing] Fen was like when he guarded Huashan, so he understood this feeling.

It is because of these people's [excitement] that I have to protect justice.

You can't make the world fall and countless people bleed because of the ambitions of some people.

This is my right path!

Culing strange!

Lu Yuan also found what he has now. Now he has the right word to restrain the evil way of the devil and the spirit to raise me, the right word to restrain the evil way of the demon and the spirit to raise me, the right way to restrain the evil way of the cup, and the right way to restrain the evil way of the plague, that is to say Qingsheng Kendo.

That is to say, I can't deal with the six evils now. Except for the most mysterious and weird witch's evils, there are ways to deal with the other five evils.

Even Lu Yuan can faintly feel that once he finds a way to deal with the evil way of witches, these six methods will be gathered together and can be combined into a kind of skill from upright to strong.

Of course, correspondingly, these six ways of the most evil are gathered together, and can also be combined into a kind of skill from the most evil to the devil to the devil. That is a kind of most evil method. Lu Yuan seriously suspected that this most evil method fell into the hands of the master of the demon civilization. Lu Yuan now also knows a lot of information The leader of the most evil way is the master of the devil's civilization, and other demons's civilized vices, etc., are all subject to the master of the devil's civilization.

And according to the current information, the Lord of Demon Civilization has absolutely joined hands with the Lord of the Ancient Civilization, so this is also his own great enemy.

Almost forgetting something, Lu Yuan took out the seal treasure order, which was an absolute control order for the magic weapon civilization. After the death of the deputy master of Huangwen civilization, he fell into the hands of Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan took the seal treasure order and walked to the hands of the three vice masters of civilization: "Who is this treasure seal order given to?" The two vice masters of civilization, Tianfang and Tianqi, both pointed to the vice masters of Tian Gong civilization, and the vice masters of Tian Gong civilization did not hesitate to follow.

It's really comfortable to be the leader of the magic weapon civilization at ordinary times.

However, this is not the usual time. The general situation between heaven and earth has been chaotic, and the overall situation will change.

Under such circumstances, a leader of a civilization is no longer a comfortable position, and the burden is extremely heavy. Whether it is the vice master of the three books of Confucian civilization, or the vice master of the magic weapon civilization, the burden on these two people is extremely heavy, extraordinary.

The deputy master of Heavenly Attack Civilization began to speak at this time: "I have decided to go to the side of the French and Martial Arts League this time.

"Since it is a sea of revenge with the ancient civilization, there is only one choice for revenge. You can only devote yourself to the side of the French and Martial Arts Alliance. After this incident, everyone has also understood how difficult it is to be neutral in the current trend of the Central Heavenly Dynasty, even if it is difficult for a great force like the Fenggu civilization Don't think about neutrality. Of course, once you choose to join the French and Martial Arts Alliance, the magic weapon civilization will have to live in another place and can no longer stay here. This area is too dangerous. Fortunately, a civilization is originally a small world, and it is not difficult to move to it.

The deputy master of Tian Gong Civilization said, "Lu Yuan, you are a great grace to our magic weapon civilization. This kindness is great and difficult to describe. In the future, Lu Yuan, as long as you want our magic weapon civilization to do something, don't be too excessive. Our magic weapon civilization will follow the order to do People with magic weapons are also clear about kindness and resentment. If they have kindness, they will repay, and if they have revenge, they will also repay.

The deputy master of Tianqi Civilization said with a smile, "I heard that Brother Lu has always been used to raising my immortal sword, but for various reasons, such as poor materials, the raising my immortal sword has not been promoted to raising my sword. Our magic weapon civilization is good at making all kinds of magic weapons, and there are also various materials, just like Brother How can I raise my divine sword? Lu Yuan was very moved when he heard it. The materials needed to upgrade to the divine sword level were quite rare, otherwise he would not have been promoted to the divine sword for so long, and now the opportunity to be sent to his door is not in vain. Of course, the seal of the wilderness has not been sent to Yan Cangtian, but on second thought, how powerful Yan Cangtian is, it is not so easy to fall when he meets the vice owner of the evil sword civilization. Lu Yuan silently luck the great cause and effect iron rule. At this time, Lu Yuan's great cause and effect iron has reached the point In Yan Cangtian's state, he found that Yan Cangtian's situation at this time was not dangerous, and even had a faint chance.

In this case, I can raise my sword. Anyway, I don't have much time.


The deputy master of Tianfang Civilization brought Lu Yuan to a place of magic weapon civilization. This place is actually very simple. In the middle of the middle, there is a mouthful of fire and a mouthful of water.

The fire is the true fire of civilization that has not been extinguished for hundreds of millions of years. The real fire of civilization is different from the general fire of civilization. The true fire of civilization is made of some of the essence of the fire of civilization, which is especially suitable for exercise.

And that water is the water of hundreds of millions of years of ice, almost absolute zero, which can freeze and kill all souls in civilized situations.

At the same time, there are a considerable amount of iron like a small hill on the side, which exude the atmosphere of civilization.

The deputy master of Tianfang Civilization said, "This fire is the real fire of civilization, the water is the water of hundreds of millions of years of ice, and the iron is the divine iron of civilization, which is exactly suitable for exercising the divine sword. Of course, before that, I will briefly explain the key points of exercising the divine sword to you." The magic weapon civilization is good at training all kinds of magic weapons, and is also quite good at forging weapons.

After a little pause, the deputy master of Tianfang Civilization said, "The divine soldier is the soldier of civilization, which is beyond the soldier of the era and gathers the faith of the era. At the same time, each divine soldier is infused with each person's own unique characteristics. For example, the deputy master of the Miao Dao civilization you have dealt with It's change. For example, the deputy master of the wasteland civilization you just dealt with. His magic knife is best at is like a flood, so it is called the Dahong magic knife. Your weapon has your characteristics. You have always used the sword to raise me, raise me, and the soldier of justice, so the characteristics of your magic soldier are also righteousness. You have Inject justice into it and absorb the righteousness between heaven and earth at the same time.

"Of course, it should be explained that the righteous type of weapons have always been the ones with the lowest attack power. In addition to the restraint against the evil way, they are very deficient to others.

So have you decided to continue to upgrade this Yangwuxian sword? If you change to other weapons, you can greatly improve your combat effectiveness, but Yangwu Xianjian can't. The deputy master of Tianfang Civilization explained the doorway inside to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan also listened to it, but without any consideration: "I just want to upgrade my fairy sword." How can I change my sword? This sword was left by the master Li Yuanbai, and I don't know how many years I have been with this sword, and I have been completely united with the human sword for a long time. If I change the sword now, it's really a big joke.

Hearing that Lu Yuan was so resolute, the vice president of Tianfang Civilization did not persuade him any more. When he arrived at the civilized state, which one was not extremely firm and where he could be easily persuaded, so there was no need to persuade him at all.

"Then we can start." The vice owner of Tianfang Civilization explained the process of exercising the divine sword. In fact, the whole process is not difficult at all. What is difficult is that the civilized divine iron is too rare, and the magic weapon civilization is the most powerful force of the civilized divine iron in heaven and earth, so it can take out so many civilized divine iron casually.

Lu Yuan also began to sacrifice his own sword.

The Yangwu Fairy Sword was sacrificed. There were some slight fine lines on the Yangwu Fairy Sword. After reaching the civilized realm, the battle was blamed for the Yangwu Fairy Sword several times. I don't know how many times it has been broken. In the end, Lu Yuan really had no choice but to stop using the Yangwu Fairy Sword to meet the

"Give me, raise me, now I have improved your quality, otherwise I will always be smashed by others." Lu Yuan is like an old friend to raise my immortal sword.

Immediately, Lu Yuan began to sacrifice. According to the words of the deputy master of Tianfang civilization, he first put the sword of raising my immortals on the real fire of civilization to burn, and then integrated the iron of civilization into it. It was almost frozen in the water of ice for hundreds of millions of years, and then continued to be quenched by the real fire In the middle, it is tempered repeatedly.

In such repeated refining, finally, the Yangwu Fairy Sword is gradually changing its shape. The body of the sword has been integrated into the civilized divine iron, which is getting harder and higher and higher. At the same time, it is not only hard, but also has an extraordinary elasticity, so that it will not be destroyed.


A thunderbolt came down from the nine heavens, hitting heavily on the Yangwu sword.

For a while, Yangwu's sword is changing rapidly, turning the shape without inlay, which is changing to the divine sword.

At the same time, light began to appear between heaven and earth. These lights came from all directions, between heaven and earth, convering towards the Yangwu sword.

This is the light of civilized soldiers!

The vice lord of Tianfang Civilization naturally knows the light of this kind of civilized soldiers. The more light of this civilized soldiers, the stronger the sword formed.

Generally speaking, there will be about ten lights of normal civilized soldiers, but there will only be about seven lights of positive civilized soldiers. I don't know how many lights Lu Yuan's civilized soldiers will have this time. The vice owner of Tianfang civilization can't help thinking about what level Lu Yuan's soldiers are forged.