Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 1144 Lu Yuan's reputation in the dark

A handsome and lazy young man, a handsome middle-aged man who is a little embarrassed but extremely fierce. A righteous and magnificent sword, and a light and jumping flying swallow sword.

Two swords were inserted on the ground, and the two people looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, let's meet again, and when he had never seen the wolf, Lu Yuan thought about it in his heart.

Yan Cangtian said with his hand in his back, "I heard that you are the deputy master of the sword civilization. I don't agree with this title. My name is the deputy master of the sword civilization. After you and I kill the vice master of the civilization and the evil sword civilization, you and I will decide who is the strongest in kendo."

Heavenly Sword! Sword! !

Yan Cangtian has always been arrogant and arrogant, as cold as a mountain.

Lu Yuan laughed and said, "Okay, let's wait until we kill the deputy master of the civilization and the deputy master of the evil sword civilization."

Yan Cangtian adjusted his breath for a while: "I'll go first." He stepped on the earth, but he had disappeared into the void.

Looking at Yan Cangtian's disappearance, Lu Yuan found a clean grass and lay on the grass on his lips. Now time is not too tight. He has to relax. He took out a bottle of wine from the new sword world, looked at the leisurely white clouds, and drank wine freely.

And when Lu Yuan was at ease, [in the middle] The central sky was blowing for a while.

On the side of the Wild Immortals and Buddha League, the strongest assassination team.

No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, these eight people are standing on a star. They are all waiting for news, waiting for something related to the reputation of the strongest assassination team. Lu Yuan has been moving fast, making many of them unable to do it, and among the people who did it, No. 3, No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7 all failed.

This is indeed a great shame for the strongest assassination team in the famous era. Normally, the strongest assassination team has to deal with a descendant like Lu Yuan. Even if it is No. 10, it can easily solve Lu Yuan, but the reality now is that four of the eight of them have dealt with it. As a result, he was also escaped by Lu Yuan.

What a great shame!

But if No. 2 does not succeed, it will no longer be the shame of one person, but the shame of the whole team.

No. 2, look at No. 2 now.

But if No. 2 does it, there should be no problem.

Because he is number two.

No. 2 landed, and all the other eight people looked at No. 2 and waited for the result of No. 2. No. 2 announced the Buddha's name: "The old monk failed. This Lu Yuan has many treacherous secrets, and even the old monk failed." On the second, he was not afraid of revealing fbreaks. He didn't need any cover-up at all, because Lu Yuan himself was an extremely deceitful person.

Hearing the failure of No. 2, the other eight people immediately felt that their faces were fiercely fanned. They, they, they, they are the strongest assassination team. Now they are facing a newly rising junior, and they have failed! What a slap in the face for them. It's just that they don't know how to say it.

It hurts so much! This face was pulled.

No. 10 said, "The reason why we failed this time is that Lu Yuan's speed is too fast. If it is a one-on-one head-on battle, any of the ten of us can kill him."

"Failure is failure, and there is no reason to find it." No. 3 said extremely calmly, No. 3 is good at arraying, and those who are good at arraying must be calm, because if you are not calm, you can't lay a complicated array. No. 3 looks at No. 2: "Now you have failed at No. 2. Are you going to find No. 1? The superior will not tolerate our failure."

"The superior can't tolerate and can't help it. With the unique skill of crossing the clouds with an arrow of tens of millions of miles on the first, it can indeed kill Lu Yuan, especially with an arrow through the clouds, which itself restrains Lu Yuan." No. 2 said, "It's also an idea to find No. 1 now, but the strongest assassination team in the French Martial Arts League has been assembled. After they have assembled, they have already analyzed our goal. It's not easy for us to kill Lu Yuan again. The No. 1 of the strongest assassination team in the French Martial Arts League is most likely to be that Things, the deputy master of the civilization of martial arts, that's a madman, a murderous madman.

Listening to the analysis of No. 2, the strongest assassination team couldn't help but be silent.

"It seems that we can only accept the failure of opening the door for the first time in this era war." The sound of No. 4 is extremely cold.


On another star, there are also ten horrible characters here. These ten people are also the strongest assassination team, and their ranking is also number one to ten. The difference is that they are the strongest assassination team of the French Martial Arts League, not the strongest assassination team of the Wild Fairy Buddha League.

No. 10 here said, "According to the news, Lu Yuan is still alive and well, and No. 2 of the strongest assassination team of the Wild Fairy Buddha League has also failed."

"What!" No. 2 couldn't help but be shocked. It's also No. 2. No. 2 knows a lot about No. 2. No. 2 of the French Martial Arts Alliance is deeply aware of the power of the No. 2 Buddha and Wizarding civilization deputy master of the Wild Immortal Buddha Alliance. The two have fought many times. As a result, even the deputy master

Other characters were also shocked. In fact, before the beginning of this time, everyone thought that Lu Yuan was dead. As a result, Lu Yuan lived well and drew the face of the strongest assassination team of the Wild Immortals and Buddha League. As opponents, they naturally knew that it was not the weakness of the Buddha and witch, but that Lu Yuan was really

"Lu Yuan is not dead. Their war plan failed. What should we do?" No. 2 asked.

"The other party has made an action. How can we get a good return?" No. 1 smiled crazily: "Well, our goal is set as the son of the wilderness. The other party did not move No. 1, and I did not move. From the 2nd to the 10th, you go to solve the son of the wilderness. Do you have any contact?"

And the intelligence system of the two major alliances also uploaded the failure of the strongest assassination team to every important person, every big man who received this information, no matter who was shocked. How could the strongest assassination team fail! Although there are two reasons why Lu Yuan's speed is too fast, the strongest assassination team can't catch up, and it is not easy to use assassination methods, and there are two reasons: the deputy master of the civilization of Arrow No. 1 specializes in the way of the Lord of civilization, but failure is a failure. This failure brings great shock to all those who receive The team failed!

This time, the information was not made public. The public did not know it at all, and the general public was not qualified to know it, but the senior officials of the Central Celestial Dynasty all knew about the war, and everyone was shocked that they could not speak out.


Lu Yuan lay on the grass and looked at the leisurely sky.

What are you going to do by yourself now?

It seems that there is nothing to do recently. It is true that the Epoch War has begun, but what can I do now? To rebuild the civilization of the sword, your own strength is still worse. He pointed to the practice of the people in the new sword world, especially the master concubine and Wanwan, who have the potential to impact the civilized realm. Both of them are now the strength of the world. Lu Yuan let them survive this disaster with the remaining three times of the great seal of the wilderness, so his own seal of the wilderness can still be used. This time, the seal of the wilderness that robbed the deputy master of the wasteland civilization before could only be used four times.

While drinking casually, I received a letter.

This letter went through a special channel and landed with powerlessness.

Lu Yuan opened the letter with dozens of words, but there was only one subject.

The letter was written by the master of the ancient French civilization, which reads: "Lu Yuan boy, get ready. You can come and marry my daughter."

When Lu Yuan saw the content of this letter, he couldn't help but stand up and read it again. Is it true that he is going to marry the daughter of the Lord of the ancient civilization? Lu Yuan also has a little excitement for a while, but there is also a little confusion. Yes, he likes Yunxiu Xue, that kind of faint love, the days with Yun Xiuxue are very comfortable, the countless warm time, the nine crystal fish's long life, the promise of a lifetime, that is about to do everything. When everyone forgot, the girl who was crying on the edge of the boat, the girl in white who went to the holy place of civilization by herself, did not ask for anything from herself, but only asked for her peace, and all of a sudden everything came to life.

Memory is coming, which is a touch of warmth from the bottom of my heart.

Lu Yuan only thought a little, and also roughly understood the intention of the Lord of the ancient French civilization to marry Yunxiuxue. Now, the Epoch War has officially begun, and I am now a figure of the Five Epoch Times, but what is the relationship between me and the French and Martial Arts Alliance? Yes, many people know their relationship with Yunxiuxue, but this relationship has not really been determined. Now that the Epoch War is about to begin, the Lord of the French ancient civilization intends to confirm this relationship to avoid mistakes. At the same time, the talented swordsman Lu Yuan officially joined the French martial arts alliance, which will definitely improve the French martial arts alliance. A lot of confidence from the people on the sidelines.

Therefore, the Lord of the French civilization sent this letter at the beginning of the Epoch War.

Sitting in the position of the Lord of the ancient French civilization, there must be a lot of thought.

Lu Yuan also decided to marry Yun Xiuxue. Although he had an ambiguous relationship with Yu's free Zhongling and Yue's daughter Xiaoqing, what he really thought was still Yun Xiuxue, but on his mind, there was another problem that he almost forgot.

The problem is, the betrothal gift!

The betrothal gift is a problem, and it's not a small problem. Among other things, ordinary people in the world who wants to marry a daughter-in-law should not prepare the betrothal gift.