Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 1190 Eighth Era! Nine Epoch Times!

The son of the wilderness held the halberd of Destiny, representing the direct attack of Destiny towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan hurriedly sacrificed my sword.

The Destiny God's halberd and the Yangwu Sword fought in the void, bringing a thousand layers of waves, thousands of layers of snow, frozen void, and solidifying the star domain.


The fate halberd pierced Lu Yuan's right shoulder, and blood gushed out in an instant. This time, it was no longer the ancestor split. The corner of the wild son's lips showed a sneer, but he was immediately stunned, because he immediately felt that the stab just now was still empty. This time, it

Not far away, another Lu Yuan appeared, and his whole body was unharmed.

The son of the wilderness looked at Lu Yuan and asked in a low voice, "This should be your floating life like a dream. Oh, it's much better than this move in the information. Has it become a civilized trick?"

"Yes." Lu Yuan took a long breath and was a little embarrassed. The son of the wilderness was too fierce and cruel, which made him a little embarrassed.

The son of the wilderness nodded: "What a powerful floating life is like a dream, but it's the sky. I'll tear it up for you, and I'll show you the earth. A move is like a dream. How long can you stop me?" The Destiny halberd of the son of the wilderness attacked again, and a halberd stabbed more heavily than a halberd.

He was already sensing the dreamy move when he attacked.

It was another series of attacks. Lu Yuan kept blocking the attack of the son of the wilderness, but because the son of the wilderness had an overwhelming advantage, in such a series of attacks, the son of the wilderness hit Lu Yuan three times, but all three times were blocked by a dream.

The son of the wilderness sneered after attacking three times: "Floating life is like a dream, I probably know the principle of your move. Although I can't learn your move is like a dream, but give me a pillar of incense, you are like a dream, I will show you." This move is quite good. It is one of Lu Yuan's great skills, but what a desolate son actually said that the time of a pillar of incense can be broken.

Of course, Lu Yuan also understands that the son of the wilderness is not bragging. He does have this ability.

At least so far, he is the first son of luck in this era.

Most of the luck leaked by Doutian was poured into him.

And Lu Yuan also knew that the five middle-level gods he swallowed had not yet worked, and it would take a certain amount of time.

Damn, it's extremely unfavorable to Lu Yuan now.


The time of a column of incense has passed.

And Lu Yuan immediately reacted that his floating life was broken!

Daed, it was broken.

Lu Yuan also forgot that this is the first time he said that he should die today. The son of the wilderness has put too much pressure on himself. This guy is really worthy of his old enemy. This is an old enemy that has never been seen since Huashan. At this time, Lu Yuan felt that the delay in his body was loosening faster and faster, and gave himself a pillar of incense. No, he could break through the time of half a column of incense.

The lingering sword light of "unrestrained night rain" suddenly appeared. There was a sad smell in this sword light. Lu Yuan instantly recognized that this was Zhou Qingxuan. This decisive battle was so important that all the forces rushed over. Zhou Qingxuan had already rushed to the side. Seeing that Lu Yuan was in danger, he suddenly took action.

Zhou Qingxuan's current strength is extraordinary, but the strength of the son of the wilderness is stronger. The son of the wilderness sneered: "Is the sword bitter? The loser is the loser." Zhou Qingxuan did lose once under the son of the wilderness, which was still the time of the world.

Zhou Qingxuan can never resist the son of the wilderness.

At this time, a cold wind appeared.

Zhou Qingxuan is the night rain, and this is the wind of the cold night.

In the cold night, the wind and the moon are sad, and the night rain appears.

Nine Days of Xuannu!

Normally, Fenggu civilization should not have appeared on this battlefield. Fenggu civilization is still in a neutral position. Why did Jiutian Xuannu appear here? The son of the wilderness shouted coldly: "Jiutian Xuannu? If you dare to appear here, you are causing trouble for the ancient civilization of Feng. The ancient civilization of Feng will be destroyed by me in the future because of your action today. What a wild son to the extreme arrogance.

Zhou Qingxuan and Jiu Tianxuan, a couple-like couple, one plus one is far greater than two, but they still have a disadvantage in the face of the son of the wilderness.

The current ferocity of the son of the wilderness is simply exuding to the extreme.

The deputy master of the dark civilization of the night, the deputy master of the civilization who hit the axe, and the deputy master of the civilization of the Qin, but he broke many tricks of Lu Yuan in the blink of an eye, killing Lu Yuan and fled east and west. He is not an opponent at all. Now he is fighting with one enemy and two, just like

Lu Yuan naturally saw it on the side. He was very anxious. Let's give me the five middle-level gods to play a role. Finally, the five middle-level gods began to play a role. The earth-shaking changes took place in Lu Yuan's body, and Lu Yuan's mana rolled towards the Eighth Era.

And Lu Yuan is now a figure of the Seventh Age. Once he began to improve his mana rumbled like a sea of stars, the people next to him naturally felt it, and even the son of the wilderness saw it. The son of the wilderness was blocked by Zhou Qingxuan and Jiutian Xuannu to know that he could not break the attack of these two With a sneer, these two people will soon be defeated in their own hands. It's good for Lu Yuan to break through in the battle, but so what? Lu Yuan is now in the Seventh Era. Even if he breaks through in the battle, he has only reached the Eighth Era. He is far from the opponent of the son of the wilderness. What' There is a half of the eternal power in the force.

The quality of mana in general era far exceeds that of the world, which is the reason why civilization is far better than the world.

There is also an eternal mana, which is more popular in the Lord of civilization. If the color of eternal power is added to the mana, it will make a great breakthrough in the quality of the mana. When the son of the wilderness was promoted to the Ninth Era, because of the deep foundation, deep opportunity and deep luck, his own mana was Half of the eternal strength, the son of the wilderness can kill all the way, and no one can stop it, which is also because of this half of the eternal power.

Because of the strength of eternity, the son of the wilderness thinks that he has no opponent under the civilized realm, and Lu Yuan is promoted to the first level.

Boom, like the sky falling, like the earth falling apart, there seems to be hundreds of millions of thunder.

Lu Yuan has improved his first level of mana!

Improve the mana of an era at a critical moment! Not bad, but so what? When the son of the wilderness indifferently thought that he would kill Lu Yuan, he saw some changes in Lu Yuan's mana, and there was a color that exceeded the chaotic color on it. It was an indescribable language that combined the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo purple and chaotic eight colors into a language. That color seemed to Eternal and unchanging, eternal and unwearing.

People in the world, as well as people with less knowledge of civilization, saw the eight-color light on Lu Yuan's head. They only felt fear from the depths of his heart. No, not only fear but also respect, which is a noble and eternal color. And as long as the knowledgeable civilization changes color, it is actually this.

The wild son who was suppressing Zhou Qingxuan and Jiutian Xuannu couldn't help taking a deep breath. It turned out to be this.

How can the son of the wilderness not know this?

This thing is called the power of eternity.

When the son of the wilderness ascended to the Ninth era, he had half of his eternal power, which was already a proud world. This is the biggest reason why the son of the wilderness is confident that he is invincible under the master of civilization. Now, he finds that Lu Yuan's whole body is also emitting this color, which is also the power of eternity, half of eternity.

Da Damn it! When he was promoted to the Ninth Era, he had half of the eternal power. When Lu Yuan ascended to the Eighth Era, he had half of the eternal power. Damn it!

This time, the son of the wilderness is called to die, and the son of the wilderness is even more cruel. He must kill Lu Yuan here. Fortunately, Lu Yuan is only the Eighth Era. Even if he has half the eternal strength as himself, he will die in his own hands. The son of the Huang also has a faint feeling that in this decisive battle, If he can live one, this is not an inexplicable feeling, but he calculated it with cause and effect and destiny. His destiny is illusory, but in fact it belongs to fate. He knows that fate is like this, so Lu Yuan, go to hell.

In fact, at this time, Lu Yuan also vaguely felt that this was the final battle between himself and the son of the wilderness.

Well, let's continue to improve.

Lu Yuan took a full of 380 heavenly spiritual veins. With the help of 380 heavenly spiritual veins, Lu Yuan's mana rose and finally reached the peak of the Eighth Era. This should have stopped. When the people next to him thought that Lu Yuan's promotion was going to stop, Lu Yuan's mana was still rising. It's rising.

Yes, before Lu Yuan had time to enjoy the happy feeling when he was promoted to the mana of the Eighth Era, the mana in his body was rising, and the middle-level god played a huge role in his body. Lu Yuan seemed to have broken a huge threshold between heaven and earth and saw another huge threshold.

That's it!

The threshold of the Lord of civilization! It is quite difficult to be promoted from the Ninth Epoch Times to the Tenth Era. The characters who have not seen the deputy master of the civilization of medicine, the deputy master of the civilization of ice, the deputy master of the heavenly mother civilization and the legendary master of the arrow civilization, etc. are all stuck in this level and can no longer advance.

However, Lu Yuan doesn't care about this threshold now, because Lu Yuan felt that his mana broke through another limit and was promoted to the Nine Era.

Ninth Age, the peak of the vice lord of civilization!

Unconsciously, I have risen to the nine eras, and the road to the eternal Lord is halfway.

Lu Yuan's all-body mana is also changing, as vast as a galaxy.

At this time, Lu Yuan's all-body mana seems to be undergoing a huge change, and even the son of the wilderness can't help but be stunned.

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