Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 1254 Achieve Destiny! Sword God Realm!

The four-way fight is in progress.

And Lu Yuan has rushed to the channel of fate.


Lu Yuan's sword hit the sub-fate channel.

The channel of fate is motionless.

What's going on?

"Hahahaha, three lifetimes, interesting, interesting, I have to have a good time with this three lifetimes array, and I can't let Zulong waste the three lifetimes array for a long time." The Lord of the ancient eternity smiled and said at the same time, "Lu Yuan, that channel of fate, I have to turn over the kung fu to smash it. Your strength can almost be smashed for an hour. A pillar of incense, don't think about it."

One hour!

There can't be that time at all.

What should I do?

Lu Yuan's heart calmed down. Now Zulong's side supports at most one pillar of incense. The other three places, the Lord of Wugu Civilization, Yan Cangtian, and Chang'e are not too critical. What should I do? Lu Yuan suddenly sacrificed the six iron rules of fate and rumbled towards the passage of fate.

Truth, theorem, destiny, unyielding, [true] reality, nothingness.

Six come out together!

These six came out together, and the instant attack hit the channel of fate with the mystery of fate.

And the fate channel immediately rippled.

This has changed.

Sure enough, with these six fates, you can smash the channel of fate with fate against fate.

After mastering the method, Lu Yuan kept bombarding and bombarded at the fastest speed.

When Lu Yuan kept bombarding, there were several other fierce exchanges. At the same time, under the Eternal Heavenly Palace, the characters led by the Lord of Tianyun Civilization and the Lord of Dragon Civilization were attacking the Eternal Heavenly Palace, and fierce battles were being fought everywhere. This battle was simply bombarded, extremely fierce.

On his shoulders, carrying the hope of hundreds of millions of people in the Ganges River, this battle must be won.

Lu Yuan was fully absorbed, concentrated all his spirit, and bombarded towards the channel of fate.

once, twice, three times.

One hundred times, two hundred times, three hundred times.

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand.

Ten thousand times, twenty thousand times, two sons nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.


The interception of the fate channel is finally broken!

Lu Yuan walked in with his sword at the fastest speed and entered the channel of fate.

Is this the channel of fate?

Lu Yuan saw a burst of helplessness in the passage of fate. He had no choice but to fall away, as if he had known Yan had returned.

When the huā opens and falls, life is easy to grow old.

If life is just like the first sight, what's wrong with the west wind?

I would have turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch.

Lin Huā thanked Chunhong. He was in a hurry and had no choice but to come in the morning, the cold rain and the wind later.

These are all helpless and helpless, which makes people sad and sigh, and depressed.

Of the ten iron parts of fate, one is helplessness, because helplessness is originally a kind of fate, and helplessness is the seventh fate of Lu Yuan Xiucheng.

Lu Yuan saw a burst of death, and also saw a new life.

Whoever it is? Whether it is strong or weak, whether it is a plant or an animal, whether it is long or short, it can't escape one death, death of all things, death, the end of everything. In the long river of history, countless monks want to escape death, but no one can escape. Whether you care or not, death is there.

Death is also a kind of fate. No one can escape. At least before the emergence of the ancients, no one can escape. This is the eighth fate of Lu Yuan Xiucheng.

And at the time of death, it is always accompanied by new life.

New life is born from the mother body, new life is born in the land, new life is born in death, this is life, this is also the ninth fate of Lu Yuan Xiucheng, so far it has been cultivated into nine kinds of fates, only the last one, what is the last fate?

Lu Yuan repeatedly searched in the channel of fate, but never found the tenth fate. Could it be that this is a fake news. What is in it is not four fates, but only three fates, or this is a trap. No, Lu Yuan has already felt the fate of the tenth part. It seems that the spring rain has gradually fallen into his heart, moistening his heart.

At this time, Lu Yuan has understood what the tenth fate is. The tenth fate is feelings. In the fate of living beings, there are feelings. All kinds of feelings, whether it is teacher, friendship or love, or hatred are part of feelings. This is the tenth fate.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and absorbed the tenth fate feelings into the [body].

So far, the ten iron rules of fate have all been integrated into the [body].

These ten parts are: truth, theorems, fate, unyielding, [true] real, nihilism, helplessness, feelings, death, new life, ten irons representing different fates converge, wrapped in Lu Yuan's [body], countless hidden thunder burst in the void, this is also in countless eras, ten lives The transportation is all concentrated in one person's [body].

The great fate is completed!

After mastering the iron rule of great fate, Lu Yuan's whole body exuded a feeling of supreme fate. It seemed that the endless fate was all in Lu Yuan's hands. My fingers represented the rope of fate. My eyes,

represents the line of fate. Every inch of my body exudes the smell of fate.

This is me, Lu Yuan, the embodiment of fate.

At the same time, Lu Yuan understood that he had cultivated the ten iron principles. Lu Yuan instantly sacrificed the ten iron principles, that is: reincarnation, time, space, cause and effect, order, power, heart, yin and yang, adaptation, and fate. The top ten iron rules, I have practiced for many years, and finally completed it. At this time, Lu Yuan faintly felt that there was a sword spirit in the void.

That's right, it's this sword.

This swordsmanship is above any other swordsmanship.

No, it is not called override, but should be called including.

This sword meaning can include any sword meaning that Lu Yuan has learned before.

And more than that, it can also include all the swords between heaven and earth.

This is the ultimate sword.

I finally practiced the legendary ultimate swordsmanship of Dangping.

I remember that when I was in Huashan, I was 16 years old and determined to practice swords seriously. At that time, the master Li Yuanbai told himself the ultimate swordsmanship. After introducing the swordsmanship at that time, he jumped to the ultimate swordsmanship. At that time, I thought how simple the ultimate swordsmanship was. As a result

It's not easy.

Now I can finally be called the sword god! Feeling the power of the sword god, feeling the ultimate sword spirit, recalling the sword practice in those years, I can't help but be infinitely moved.

However, there is no time to be moved now, because the time is too tight at this time. Lu Yuanchang exhaled, and the next step was the combination of the iron of fate and the true body of the Taoist character. Only these two combinations can defeat the eternal lord of the ancient times. Fate is iron, all nihilities are real, Taoist characters, all laws of the heavens, these two things rank second and third among the heavens, and now Lu Yuan wants to melt the two, and instantly burst out with many broken light bubbles, how many energy storms, how many magnificent, beautiful illusory shadows, in the void. Crash, countless powerful and countless [true] countless truths are colliding.

In such an energy storm, in such a violent storm, in fact, the human soul is easily destroyed. At this time, Lu Yuan first became a sword god, with the soul of the sword god, with the soul of the sword god,

Guarding himself, the swordsman is impartial, left or right, and stands in the middle. It is best to control himself.

Under my command, let's merge!


At this time, at the top of the Eternal Palace, the fierce battle is still going on.

The master of the ancient martial civilization suppresses the master of the ancient Buddha civilization, but suppressing the fight does not mean that he can win,

I don't know how many times the Lord of the ancient Buddhist civilization and the Lord of the ancient Buddhist civilization have been in a fight, but they can't beat the Lord of the ancient Buddha's civilization. After all, the master of the ancient Buddha's ancient civilization is powerful in defense.

Yan Cangtian's battle against the Lord of the ancient civilization is continuing, and there is no way to tell the winner or defeat for a while. Yan Cangtian is young and energetic, and the Lord of the ancient civilization is treacherous and treacherous, and each has his own advantages.

Chang'e's battle against the Lord of Immortal Civilization, in fact, Chang'e is at a disadvantage. After all, the old-fashioned 19th Age of the Lord of Immortal Civilization is really powerful, and he still has the trump card of immortality. Compared with Chang'e's strength is slightly lower than

And the most important thing is Zulong. The battle besieged by the lords of the three civilizations of Fenggu and Fagu. That battle is the key. The battle over there is extremely fierce. Time is slowly passing, and most of the time has passed.

"Three lifetimes, three lifetimes, I have a previous life, but the previous life has been cut off by my own eternity. I don't have the afterlife, because I am eternal, the previous life is the next life, the next life, I am eternal, eternal, eternal, eternal, countless eras, eternal, eternal, three lives, The Lord of the ancient eternity shouted, and his long knife seemed to cut off the previous life and the afterlife in the void, rumbling to break the last life.

He waved another hegemonic knife.

Under one knife, the three lives and three generations were shattered.

At this time, the ancient and eternal Lord exudes a unique atmosphere.

He has no history.

No previous life, no future.

He is him, eternal and not bad.

The Lord of the ancient eternity bombarded the master of the ancient civilization and flew over the Lord of the ancient French civilization. The Lord of the ancient civilization spit out a mouthful of blood. The ancient eternal Lord laughed and said, "Friends of the ancient France, you have been enemies with me for so many years, and your strength in those years is better

The Lord of the ancient civilization is extremely uncomfortable. He has lost his combat effectiveness, and now a powerful spell can't be released.

The Lord of the ancient eternity bombarded several knives and scattered the Lord of Fenggu civilization: "Fenggu, I don't like to beat women. At that time, I also advised you to stand on my side. Since you don't stand, don't blame me. If you don't follow me, die. Why don't Let's go to Heaven." The second update is sent, and in the heat of the last battle, we will continue to recommend our new book Valkyrie.)