
Chapter 45 Level 5 was struck by lightning

Zhuo Kuangxing was silent for a while and said, "In my era thousands of years ago, there was a physique called the five elements."


"Fuck you are answering, don't be like talking to yourself! Do you understand politely?"

Who is rude! Zhuo Tian was completely helpless. He was angry even if he didn't say it. He couldn't do anything.

"Is there anything special about this constitution? How does it compare with me? Zhuo Tian had no choice but to say.

"Do you dare to think about this?" Zhuo Kuangxing's eyes widened: "If your physique is like the sun, you are at most a little ghost fire with rotten bones and flashing little by little!"

"Fuck! This is incompared..."

"It can't be compared. In those years, there were only a few people with such physique, including the wind and anger and the father and son." Zhuo Kuangxing began to recall again and muttered, "Why did Concubine Mo Ke choose that bastard? Is it because his talent is better than mine? Otherwise, the boy will be my son..."

Zhuo Tian blinked his eyes and thought to himself: Is this possible? If you marry Mo Kefei, you may not give birth to anyone. It's definitely not the wind and waves...

"Ancestor, what are we talking about this beast crystal? What does it have to do with the five elements?"

"Well, fuck, I missed." Zhuo Kuangxing said angrily, "When the storm was not successful, it was once caught by the elders of the Black Emperor Sect to intercept the marrow and lost the true body of the five elements. Later, he traveled to several continents, hunted countless barbarian beasts, got a large number of barbarian crystals, and finally successfully forged the body with secret methods and restored the five elements.

"Ga!" Zhuo Tian's voice involuntarily let out and trembled with excitement.

"Ancestors!" He asked tremblingly, "Do you know that secret method? Is there any hope for the grandson?

"That's the recovery of your physique. You have to be reborn!" Zhuo said wildly, "But you can also try it, but I don't know the secret method..."


"Don't be discouraged, grandson!" Zhuo Kuangxing comforted: "After all, I'm a fairy, and my knowledge is not necessarily worse than the boy in the wind and waves!" Generally speaking, this should be similar to setting up a formation..."

"Set an array in my body?" Zhuo Tian asked incredulously.

"Your physique is not good, why the fuck is your head rusty?" Zhuo Kuangxing said angrily, "I have already told you that truth. The so-called Dantian and Zifu are like a storage ring, which can be infinitely expanded, but it is to store spiritual power. The body of the problem person is no different from the world we exist in. The body is a small world!"

"Well, I understand." Zhuo Tian said, "Since my body is part of this big world and belongs to a small world, can I also set up arrays in my body and even refine all parts of my body into magic weapons? Or simply refine the refining machine in the body?

"I'm finally enlightened. Yes, if you want, you can open up two small worlds in Dantian and Zifu in the future, where you can raise birds and plant flowers, store magic weapons and do anything! Especially the magic weapon, moistened with its own spiritual power, will never degenerate and disappear, and can even continue to evolve and produce spirituality!"

"Well, think about it!" Zhuo Tian is full of expectation.

"You just keep this to practice your garbage Scorpio transformation skill!" Zhuo Kuangxing threw a golden bead to Zhuo Tian. I'll go to your Dantian to think about it!"

"Yes!" Zhuo Tiandao.

Zhuo Kuangxing rolled his eyes again and said, "It may not take you to figure it out. It's easy for you to find a quiet and safe place. Don't delay your fucking practice!"

After saying that, he threw himself into Zhuo Tian's body.

Quiet? Well, it's quite quiet. Guo Qianshi can't get in... Is it safe? Where to start?

Zhuo Tian put the box on the ground and thought that the order of his ancestors could not be violated. He meditated and practiced!

Yichun said that she could scrape down this beast crystal stone a little bit to cultivate the scorpion transformation. Let's try it?

The golden crystal is not very hard, and Zhuo Tian scraped it a little with an ordinary knife. He stretched out his tongue and licked it without any peculiar smell, and poured it all into his mouth as soon as he raised his neck.

Then start to carry out spiritual power according to the formula of Scorpio transformation.

Slowly, Zhuo Tian's body exuded a faint golden atmosphere, and it became thicker little by little, and finally enveloped his whole body. This black box forms a square black gas zone, which is completely filled with gold.

Zhuo Tian himself didn't know, and there was no one else beside him, otherwise he would have been shocked: Zhuo Tian's body also turned golden, and his skin was shiny, faintly translucent, and then a drop of black** oozed from the pores of his body.

In the surrounding fog, the body finally emitted a small golden light, like a fairy Buddha descending to the earth in the confusion!

"Illusion and deformation!" Zhuo Tian shouted.

............Can't be urged?

"I will change again!"


"I will change again!"


"I'll... I'd better take some fucking elixir!"

Zhuo Tian felt that there had been a strange change in his body. After entering the body, the crystal seemed to turn into countless small golden beasts and gallop around in the meridians. The essence accumulated by the poison worms soaked before was actually not tolerated by these little guys and expelled from the body.

Now the surface of the body is sticky.

After that, countless little beasts turned into golden essences, attached to this Dantian, meridians and all over the body, where the mind went was full of golden light.

When he stimulated the deformation, he suddenly felt the lack of spiritual power.

There are still six gas storage pills left. Zhuo Tian decided to be safer and eat them one by one. Although he took three last time to practice his cultivation to the primary gas refining level 4 and Scorpio became one layer, but now there is abnormality in his body. The previous poisonous insects have been soaked in vain. Who knows if they can withstand the aura impact of the elixir? Question mark

As a result, he ate three in a row, but nothing happened in Dantian.

Zhuo Tian gritted his teeth and swallowed all the remaining three... Dantian Weilan rose lightly...

"Fuck! Am I useless?" Zhuo Tian panicked. Even after taking six pills, even if the Scorpio changes into a layer, it will be painful. Now there is no spiritual power?

What if there is no elixir?

Zhuo Tian gritted his teeth, took out a thousand-year-old spiritual grass stolen from the ring, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

This is broken. How rare the thousand-year-old spiritual grass is! Is it comparable to those gas storage pills made from ordinary herbs for decades at most? Dantian immediately burst into a bucket of oil like a fire, and countless spiritual powers flowed everywhere with a bang.

"What's the situation!" It seemed to faintly hear Zhuo Kuangxing's roar...

"This is fucking bad!" Zhuo Tian panicked and couldn't take care of his ancestors; under this pressure, even Scorpio will blow up the meridians to pieces!

He vigorously spread his spiritual power evenly to all parts of his body according to the air guide method of the emptiness formula.

But what he was worried about did not happen, and the spiritual power gradually decreased wherever it went, and it was all absorbed by the things attached to the golden beast crystals attached to the surface of the meridian Dantian. Although it is still bloated, there is no pain at all.

"I change!" Zhuo Tian shouted loudly.

The Scorpio has changed! The small world shook, and Zhuo Tian's body changed! The joints of the body couldn't help twisting and deforming, and gradually getting bigger; with a grunt, two strands of golden gas spewed out of the head, and then a pair of golden sharp corners grew out, and then burst out golden gas, and a huge tail changed out; the skin on the body kept getting goosebumps. Finally, shiny scales were born, and the limbs became stronger and stronger. The fingers became sharp claws, and they fell to the ground and stood upright on four feet!

In the continuous jet changes, Zhuo Tian finally completed the transformation in the small world!

Unexpectedly broke through to the second-layer Scorpion change!

For good, his monster body is not very big this time, otherwise he will inevitably find out of the small world composed of black boxes and become a barbecue.

finally stabilized, and Zhuo Tian stood there proudly, shaking his head and looking at his body.

Complete form! It's no longer the same half-human and half beast! And it looks good. The whole body is golden, covered with scales, thick limbs, sharp claws, and a huge tail... But... It doesn't look like a scorpion?

Fuck me! Isn't this a much smaller barbarian armored black toad?

Zhuo Tian shouted in shock, and a slender tongue suddenly came out, crossed the scope of the small world and touched the body of the earth fire beast.

"Oh!" Zhuo Tian screamed loudly in pain, and his tongue curled back again.

He stood up and covered his mouth for fear of accidentally spraying his tongue again, and looked at it from side to side. He was scared by himself.

Did his own scorpion turn into an iron-clad black toad?


Well, but I'm sure this is a little more advanced. After all, it's an ancient beast.

When he figured it out, Zhuo Tian lay comfortably on the ground and put his tongue on the black box to recuperate his injury.

So many spiritual forces have not caused meridian damage. Should I hit the five layers of Qi practice? Zhuo Tian thought to himself that the spiritual grass still looks good!

Zhuo Tian took out another spiritual grass and was distressed for a long time. He didn't have many good things by himself! Why didn't you steal more from the medicine garden in Zhuo Kuangxing before? It's also because my ancestors are too stingy and stingy. What's the use of guarding that little spiritual treasure after he has been promoted to immortality? I was thrown into the transmission array...

Gritting his teeth and swallowing one again, he immediately picked up the ethereal formula. Just now, the spiritual power in the body was slightly full, and this time it was like a flood beast, rushing to Dantian and the meridians of the whole body.

Although it is extremely painful, it is much better than before!

"Boom!" Boom!" Boom!"

Zhuo Tian's body shook again and again, and every time his body spewed out some gold and black mixed gas. Although his skin has been defaced, it can't hide the strong golden light again and again!

Level 5!

Level 6!

Level 7!

Level 8!

...Level 9!

............Level 10?

Zhuo Tian himself was stupid. The first time he ate spiritual grass, his body was just swollen. Unexpectedly, he ate spiritual grass for the second time and rose to level 6 in a row?!

It seems that this beast crystal is indeed a natural treasure! Expelling the essence of poisonous insects and possessing the meridians to consolidate the second layer of Scorpio actually consumed the spiritual power of a thousand-year-old spiritual grass!

The spiritual power of another spiritual grass actually helped him break through six levels in a row!

Zhuo Tian was overjoyed and stood up. He was just a four-level primary qi practitioner, but now he almost entered the ranks of intermediate qi practitioners!

He feels that his whole body is full of power now, and his spiritual mind has greatly increased than before. At this time, if he sends out the third-level tiger King Kong formula with all his strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult for ordinary intermediate trainers to take over!

I was so excited that I suddenly felt that the small world was rolling.

Zhuo Tian hurriedly grabbed the small black box to stabilize it. What's going on?

Only the fire beast knew that something had happened.

When Zhuo Tian broke through to the fifth level of Qi practice, a flash of lightning fell from the air.

How can there be clouds in the cave?

The disciples of the Five Immortals outside and Guo Qiansui were stunned. Who survived the disaster? Guo Qiansui's forehead was sweaty.

Those who can overcome the disaster, usually senior practitioners with more than silver repair, will only happen when they hit Jinxiu. Is there such a tall man hidden in this hole?

Is it that the elders of the Black Emperorzong who lived in seclusion thousands of years ago?

No matter who it is, Guo Qiansui can't afford to provoke.

But he quickly found something wrong.

The robbery cloud is very small, and the thunder and lightning cut down is only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and a few crookedly split into the lava under the bridge... What the hell is this disaster?

The black line on Guo Qiansui's forehead, is this also a disaster? He doesn't need a magic weapon, and he doesn't need to defend his body with all his strength... Will there be anyone in the lava?

Sure enough, the fire beast roared and rushed to the lava.

Several thunderbolt hit it through the magma.

It was lying down and stopped, and it was inexplicably hit a few times. It is an ancient beast, and of course it can't cause any damage to it. But it is unbearable to move the earth on Taisui's head.

The fire beast roared, and a fire sprayed into the air, and the cloud was suddenly scattered and faded.

Then it turned its belly and staggered into the magma.

Guo Qiansui and others retreated rapidly when the fire beasts were powerful, and even from afar, they could not resist the heat of the flame. These people looked at each other in consterance: Sure enough, it's a strange beast for thousands of years. Is it so simple to overcome the disaster?

"This...this is the fire beast... crossing the disaster?" Hu Jie asked Guo Qiansui in disbelief.