
Chapter 62 So smooth and soft

"Okay, that's all over. Now take out your empty-eating beast!"

Zhuo Tian was shocked.

Is it useless to be sensational? Once a woman's heart hardens, men are really inferior. I said something sad about myself, but this woman didn't take it seriously?

"Sister, don't joke!" Zhuo Tian stared and said, "I really didn't..."

"Don't think that you are a disciple of Qualcomm Xuan, I won't torture you!" Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "I'm no longer the little girl at the beginning. Now I'm the elder of the want to destroyer. I just cut off the mortal family relationship. Thank you!"

Zhuo Tian is a little confused. Didn't he say that although the name of the Extermination Sect is a desire to exterminate, he actually has a lot of desires?

"My sect realizes that the desire to destroy the desire becomes the Tao. If you want to destroy the desire, you must first desire the most! I was greedy in all aspects little by little, and then cut it off decisively, and now I have successfully cut off a shackle!" The stars are like jade.

All aspects? So I don't know how to practice in **? ......

"Senior sister, why do you want to destroy your desire and covet this air-eating beast?" Zhuo Tian advised, "It's better to be brave and diligent and cut off this!"

Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "Little brother, what a coincidence, sister, I have just entered the primary stage in this regard, and it is the time when I want to be greedy for all the real things in the world. Later, when I get to the cut off class, will I give you all my magic weapon spirit beasts?

Isn't this fooling me as a three-year-old child? Zhuo Tian was furious.

"No! You can do whatever you want!"

"Ouch!" Xing Ruyujiao smiled and said, "This is not like a disciple of Qutong Xuan. He definitely can't teach him like this. Now I doubt if you are his apprentice!"

That's true. Who would joke about his life for the things outside? But I bet that you are not completely ruthless and lustful? Just kidding, I've seen monks eat meat!

Zhuo Tian said, "In fact, although the master is not dead, he is also in danger!" He and I went into a secret place to find one of his friends to ask for medicine, but the master was sent to the transmission array and didn't know where to go. Then I met the man, who told me how to save the master. After such a long time, the master's longevity may also be exhausted..."

Xing Ruyu's eyes flashed and said, "How long does he have?" Why don't you go to him to this secret place?"

Zhuo Tian was overjoyed and thought that the master had no need to curse you. It seems that your daughter hasn't broken down yet. Who are you lying to? If it's really broken, I won't ask this, otherwise I will say that you only have a few months, and you dare to embarrass me when you look at the girl?!

"There are still more than 200 years..." Zhuo Tian said with embarrassment.

"Fuck you!" Xing Ruyu gritted her teeth and said, "I believe you are his apprentice!" Liars, hooligans, scoundrels!"

Zhuo Tian smiled and admired her anger, which was also quite beautiful. This woman is dignified, splashed, charming, and angry all the time, which makes the man feel fresh all the time, even more powerful than my Scorpio!

"Sister, why do you think you are so cultivated and greedy for this unfamiliar beast? How many spiritual grass and stones do you have to waste!" Zhuo Tian painstakingly advised, "Improving my cultivation is the right way, otherwise I will give the secret golden lotus to my senior sister?"

"Okay!" Xing Ruyu came over with a smile............

Zhuo Tian can't wait to slap himself. Why is his mouth so owed? I'm so poor that I can't even pretend to be a rich man!

Xing Ruyu stood opposite Zhuo Tian and actually put her arm around Zhuo Tian's neck. The sleeves of the colorful clothes were very thin. After stretching out, they slid to the elbow, revealing a pair of crystal snow-white arms.

Even if Zhuo Tian is not a chick, he can't help but feel a wild jump in his heart. The key is that his face is so beautiful, his figure is so beautiful, his chest is still white, his pink mouth is slightly opened, and he can feel the warm fragrance...

If you have a good advantage, don't take advantage of thunder! Zhuo Tian also calmly stretched out his hands and hugged Xingyu's thin waist. His tentacles were soft, which was different from Yichun's feeling.

Xing Ruyu sneered, leaned over her lips and kissed Zhuo Tian gently on her lips.

"Sister, I'll give myself to you. Can you give me the empty beast?"

Zhuo Tian's head was chaotic and obsessed. Suddenly, he only felt that the woman in front of him was everything and his master. A word of "good" almost blurted out. Suddenly, the divine lines in his body were bright, and the star-absorbing array began to run. Waves hit his spiritual thoughts... Zhuo Tian was shocked and instantly clear Wake up: Damn, this woman actually used charm to herself!

Fortunately, the star-absorbing array has a defensive effect on all spiritual attacks and divine attacks, otherwise I would really fall here today!

Zhuo Tian was furious and didn't come and go!

Hugged his hands tightly and pressed Xing Ruyu's body tightly to his body. His mouth reached over and stuck to her tender petal-like lips, sucking hard and exploring.

Xing Ruyu saw that Zhuo Tian's eyes were blurred and would immediately be controlled by herself. Unexpectedly, she woke up for a moment and dared to hug and kiss her so hard. For a moment, she was stunned...

Zhuo Tian hugged the plump and warm body and was pressed by the elastic chest. For a moment, he became impulsive and did not stop. I don't know whether such a big little white rabbit is true or not. I have to study it.

I freed a hand to reach in from the star-like collar, grabbed a breast* room and rubbed it hard. It was so smooth, soft and huge that he didn't grab it. ** burst, and Zhuo Tian was so comfortable that he almost sprayed...

Xing Ruyu didn't expect this man to be so bold. It was not until his chest was kneaded by this man that he woke up. He was ashamed and angry. He broke away, slapped and slapped Zhuo Tian in the face.

"Rougan! Rogue! ** Thief!"

Zhuo Tian's body for a while, as if he had just woken up, looked around and said, "What's the matter?! What just happened? It seems that I have just been plotted to lose my mind and don't remember anything. What's going on?

Xing Ruyu is so angry that she is completely speechless. You are so good at pretending, aren't you?! His body hasn't been touched by other men. How dare this scoundrel dares to wipe his mouth and not admit it after eating?

Ah? Sister, it's not that you have used the secret of extermination to me, is it? How can you treat your brother like this!" Zhuo Tian said angrily. Xing Ruyu's big mouth rotated again, and the guy completely stopped pretending. He shut up and said nothing.

Xing Ruyu looked at his face for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his hand, and five red smoke appeared in his hand, which tied Zhuo Tian firmly.

Zhuo Tian was shocked. Does this woman want to do it to herself?

Xing Ruyu said coldly, "A scoundrel like you is also the scourge of the cultivation world. Follow me back to destroy the sect in the future!"

Fuck me! Isn't this fucking imprisoning me?

"I'm very willing to follow my senior sister." Zhuo Tian said urgently, "But the master can't wait to save his life!"

"Hmm! His life is still long!" Xing Ruyu said coldly, "It's not too late for you to be with me for more than 100 years, and then go to him!"

Zhuo Tian cried secretly and was about to say something more. Xing Ruyu hated his mouth and stretched out his finger to seal his voice. Then he picked up Zhuo Tian and took a few steps. He felt very indecent. He frowned and took Zhuo Tian's beast bag.

Zhuo Tian was shocked and shouted in his heart, "Sister! You are my fucking sister! Don't put me in there!"

Xing Ruyu took it over and erased Zhuo Tian's seal, looked inside, and said with a smile, "It happens that there is still a companion in it!"

With outstretched his finger, he suddenly took Zhuo Tian in.

Zhuo Tian scolded angrily in his heart, "Dead woman, stinky woman, I won't kill you in the old man's face, and I will rape you a thousand times and ten thousand times in the future!"

Suddenly, I felt something licking my face, and it was my camel sticking out its tongue.

"Well, my pet beast is better. Seeing that I'm in trouble, I'm still so intimate with myself!" Zhuo Tianming knew that the camel could not do it, but he still motioned it with his eyes to try to nibble on the red smoke tied to him.

The wind camel has been nourished for a long time and is really full of aura. He looked at Zhuo Tian gently and opened his mouth and shouted a few times

But Zhuo Tian suddenly felt uneasy. Why did he feel that this camel was so strange?

I saw the camel lift a bird's paw, rising higher and higher...

It was raised to the top of Zhuo Tian's head, and then smashed it down fiercely.