
Chapter 68 Shame

After a while, more than a dozen repairers came from the high platform in front of them and sat down on the high-back chair.

The middle-aged man registered in front of the mountain gate walked to the front, glanced at the people below, and said, "I am Liu Zhongren, the outer gate stewern of Yuling Sect, and I am responsible for the recruitment and evaluation of this new disciple. The first exam is to test the root and bone qualification. Those who pass will be directly included in the disciples of this sect, and the elders who are willing to accept apprentices will choose their own disciples later.

Zhuo Tian blinked his eyes. Is there any chance to choose himself like this? Isn't that nonsense? I don't know if Fei Tianhu has made good friends in the sect before to help him get through this.

Listen to Liu Zhongren continue to say, "I do not reject hard-working disciples. The remaining people who fail will have a competition according to their age group to compete for the remaining places."

How to play it later? Zhuo Tian is still worried, and he will change the Tiger King Kong and Scorpio. Will he be seen through when he uses it? The Tiger King Kong formula is the unique basic battle formula of Qutong Xuan. The Scorpio has become the Five Immortals. If you come here to worship your teacher, you have to be caught as a spy on the spot?

"Please supervise Elder Du Yuan Shoushan to launch the bone disk!" Liu Zhongren bowed to an old man sitting in the middle behind him.

As soon as the Elder Shoushan stretched out his hand, a square-like magic weapon similar to a chessboard appeared in his palm, which seemed to be cast in bronze, covered with vertical and horizontal lines, and the cross section on each side was inlaid with five colors of crystals.

"Go!" The old man shouted softly.

The bone measuring disk flew to the center of the platform and rotated drippingly, getting bigger and bigger, and finally became ten feet suspended in the air three meters high. The lines flashed, and tens of thousands of white light fell down, forming a square light column on the platform.

"This bone test disk is a magic weapon inherited by our sect for ten thousand years. There is no possibility of cheating. There are five crystals on the edge, which are purple, red, yellow, green and black. The disciples in our school are divided into three levels: outer door, middle door and inner door. Those with bright purple crystals are the best qualifications and can enter the inner door; those with bright red crystals can enter the middle door; those with bright yellow crystals can also directly enter the outer door. The green and black bright ones are ready to participate in the battle formula test that will start later. The rest of the places will be selected according to the results, and the top can enter the outer door.

"Do you understand?" Liu Zhongren shouted.

"I see!"

Zhuo Tian didn't expect this group of pending disciples to be so reserved that he was the only one in the audience who shouted.

Liu Zhongren looked at him, and Zhuo Tian waved to him shyly. Liu Zhongren turned his face.

"Now pass through the light array under the bone disk in order!"

Zhuo Tian stabbed the iron next to him and said, "Lao Tie, don't you always boast that you have good qualifications? What color do you think you can shine?

"Last time I participated in the assessment of other sects, I didn't have this bone measuring tool." Tie Zheng scratched his head and said, "It's fairer this time. I guess it can be bright red, right?"

"Fuck! So awesome? I'm done. I guess I can only light green..."

"Don't you have an uncle who is the elder of the Royal Spirit Sect?"

"This...hey? The test has begun, and it's important to watch the fun!" Zhuo Tian is guilty.

The people below have lined up to go to the stage and walk under the bone test disk one by one.

The first was a 20-year-old young man walking tremblingly, with the yellow light on. Liu Zhongren said, "You can enter the outer door and wait on the left."

After that, Zhuo Tian once saw a 15-year-old seven-level air practitioner outside the mountain gate, and the red crystal was shining. An old man sitting near the center said, "I'll take this."

It turns out that if these seniors see qualified bone testers and meet their own wishes, they can directly choose to go.

This teenager is young and well-qualified, so he is naturally the object of competition among the elders.

However, the elders of the Royal Spirit Sect are also divided into levels. Below the suzerain, the rankings are the elders, guardian elders, guardian elders, mountain elders, extreme elders, elders, elders Xuan and elders.

For example, the Flying Tiger is the Yellow Elder, which is the lowest level.

And the suzerain, the elders, the guardian elders, and the guardian elders are the core of the rights of the whole sect; the elders who guard the mountain are generally the branch owners of the sect and belong to local forces; the polar Xuanhuang belongs to ordinary elders.

This apprentice selection is basically an ordinary elder. Du Yuan sits in the middle as the highest level, and the lower the level on both sides. So the elder near the middle spoke, and the others did not dare to fight.

The next ones are green, some are yellow crystals, and there is no red for a long time.

Finally, a handsome young man in his early twenties appeared, who turned out to be an intermediate level seven, purple crystal!

Du Yuan, the elder who guarded the mountain, said, "I'll take this!"

Other elders can only dare to be angry and dare not say anything, and they all scold: You, a majestic elder guarding the mountain, also come to compete with us? You have been accepted to cultivate your own power with good qualifications. When will I wait to come out?!

After that, three purple, eight red and dozens of yellow appeared one after another. Du Yuan did not accept it this time. He also knew that he was not the core elder of the sect. If he was too much, it was easy to attract people's jealous, so that's it.

Iron Zheng and Zhuo Tian lined up at the end, and it was finally their turn.

The iron lit up the yellow crystal, and Zhuo Tian was not surprised at all. He secretly said: Sure enough, the friends he made are very good at boasting...

There was only one left. In full view of the public, Zhuo Tian frequently turned his head and looked at Liu Zhongren sadly, but this man didn't even look at him.

"It's over! I must be on the green light. It's a shame!"

Zhuo Tian gritted his teeth and stepped under the bone test disk.

The people under the stage roared like a pot, talking and pointing points.

What's going on? Has the star-absorbing array of my ancestors been detected? Is it a purple crystal?! Zhuo Tian was overjoyed. Do I want to enter the inner door?!

At a glance, he saw Liu Zhongren pinching his forehead and blocking his face, and his head hung heavily...

The elders also looked at him with incredible eyes.

Zhuo Tian couldn't help it. Before Liu Zhongren announced, he jumped out of the bone test disk to check.

I'm going to do it! Unexpectedly, not a single light is on?!!

The ancient capital... This may also be the first time that the Royal Lingzong has encountered in thousands of years.

Du Yuan said angrily, "Liu Zhongren, Elder Liu! How did this man get in through the selection?!"

Liu Zhongren wiped his sweat and hurried forward and said, "I want to complain to Elder Du that this person's qualifications are extremely rotten, but he is young and can practice up to the seventh level of primary qi practice. The younger generation is extremely surprised. Maybe this son's mental strength is different from ordinary people, so he specially approved him to come and have a try!"

"Nonsense! If such qualifications can be listed as disciples of my Royal Spirit Sect, won't it make the world's cultivation sect laugh?! Come on, drive me out!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhuo Tian feels that this is shameful enough. What face does I have to live if I am kicked out again?

"The boy is the nephew of an elder of the Royal Spirit Sect. I heard that the elder son can join the sect without examination. I hope Elder Du can do it!"

"Oh? Which elder's nephew are you? Du Yuan glanced at the elders present, and everyone bowed their heads wherever they went, shouting in their hearts, "Don't look at me, I don't have such a useless relative... I can't afford to lose that person!"

"The boy's own uncle is the flying tiger elder!" Zhuo Tianqiang's spirit.

"Is that so?" Du Yuan's face softened slightly and asked Liu Zhongren.

"That's right, based on the elder jade card of the flying tiger. Elder Feitianhu has fought and died outside with the green evil. I hope Elder Du's poor Feitianhu can only take in with this bloodline. Liu Zhongren said with a sweat on his face.

Du Yuan was speechless.

With such a garbage qualification, it is impossible to break through the primary practice in a lifetime, which will inevitably damage the prestige of the Royal Lingzong, and I really don't want to take it in. However, once the Flying Tiger is dead, once it refuses, it will inevitably be said that it is unkind and unkind, cold-temper temperament, and can't treat the deceased elders well... What about this?

While thinking left and right, his face was uncertain. Suddenly, a white-haired old man sitting by the side said, "I accept this disciple!"