
Chapter 74 One Strike Dead

...Zhuo Tian's body was cold.

The disciples of the world's sect are really similar, and there are really many people who secretly play tricks for all kinds of competition.

Isn't this dvage named Miao Tian too unlucky? Are you betrayed by the well-known brothers in your own camp?

Miao Tian took a few steps forward and sneered, "Now it's too late for you to beg for mercy!" Poor, just joined my Royal Spirit Sect and will be lost!"

"Poor! Elder Miao will soon have only one child left... Well, Sister Shui, what are you laughing at with the handsome man next to you?" Zhuo Tian suddenly tilted his head and said to Shui Yingying.

Shui Yingying was stunned and thought when I would laugh? I was angry again. I was about to speak, but I saw Miao Tian also turn his head to look at her and know the bad thing...

Seeing that Zhuo Tian's words had jumped high and drew a formula without saying a word, a huge roar, a huge golden tiger appeared in the field, roaring repeatedly, and waving his claws straight to Miao Tian.

Miao Tian's combat experience was really insufficient. Originally, he planned to scold a few words before starting the battle, but he didn't carry spiritual power to protect himself at all. In addition, he turned his head to look at Shui Yingying. When he felt bad, he had just picked up a little spiritual power, and the giant tiger had rushed to his chest. A sound of a broken bone with an unpleasant "crip" in the explosion spread all over the ears of every disciple present, making people feel indescribably uncomfortable...

Miao Tian flew out in the fragments of his clothes. When he fell to the ground on his back, everyone saw that he was bleeding in his mouth, his chest had collapsed, and his bones were smashed by this blow!

The people present were shocked and hit a senior air practitioner with just one blow!

Is the opposite really just a junior practitioner on the seventh floor?!

Although this person is suspected of cheating, who will distract you from Miao Tian to see the deadly Shui Yingying?!

In fact, everyone is also secretly thinking about whether they can take such a strong blow if it is themselves? I'm afraid it's difficult to avoid injury, isn't it?

Zhuo Tian was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that the conspiracy would succeed, and Miao Tian was seriously injured with one blow... How can I forgive people? He came to Miao Tian again, aimed at his head and punched him with all his spiritual power. If he hit it, Miao Tian's brain would burst!

Several people behind him, including Shui Yingying, silently watched Miao Tian's head turn into an exploding watermelon...

Whoever obstructs and breaks the rules of duel can kill him on the spot. In the face of this repairer-level black man, who dares to take action? Besides, do these people really care about Miao Tian's life?

Miao Tian looked at the bigger and bigger fists and couldn't help feeling sad.

He and his friends, who were usually called brothers, didn't even exclaim at this time, so they silently watched the curtain call of his life...

The favorite girl, watching him approaching death little by little, is no different from watching the battle between strangers...

He suddenly regretted it. Why was he so stupid?

The sister who loves her deeply, although her cultivation is mediocre, her appearance is not inferior to Shui Yingying. Why did she fall in love with Shui Yingying? Is it true that as this boy said, he really like her origin?

Everything is late, his fist has arrived, and he doesn't even have the strength to struggle...

The man in black suddenly said harshly, " Stop!"

Zhuo Tian's fist tilted, brushed Miao Tian's ear with a strong wind, and then said, "Yes!"

It's too fucking too late to make a sound! I have long known that you want to stop it, and I'm waiting to sell you this favor! Zhuo Tian jumped aside with a smile.

Kill the son of a patriarch? Even if he is not punished according to the duel rules of the Royal Spirit Sect, how can the elder spare himself? Assassination and calculation, how can you avoid it with your current cultivation?

Originally, this last blow was intended to attract people from Miao Tian's camp to rescue him, and then be killed or punished by a man in black... Unexpectedly, the life and death of this unlucky man were ignored, and Zhuo Tian couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Have you seen your so-called lover and your friends? And your weakness, have you ever thought that someone told me? Of course, the person who knows you is not a disciple of my Yao Wangfeng..." Zhuo Tian secretly sent a voice to Miao Tian. Of course, he will not let go of this opportunity to provoke.

Miao Tian spit out a large mouthful of blood, showed a wry smile, and said to Zhuo Tian with difficulty, "Thank you..."

Zhuo Tian smiled and returned to the man in black with his chest folded, secretly proud.

The man in black pondered for a long time and looked at him and said, "What's your move?"

"My uncle did not teach me the skills of the Royal Spirit Sect due to the rules of the family. So I'm just a free train, and what I have learned is relatively miscellaneous. I don't know what this battle formula is. He taught me after I inadvertently saved an old man. Zhuo Tian lied all over the sky.

"Well, study hard. This formula is not simple." The man in black said, "My name is Zuo Tenglong. You can call me Brother Zuo in the future. Do you know why I didn't let you kill that Miao Tian?"

Zhuo Tianyi smiled and said, "Brother Zuo, I understand."

I secretly thought that this Zuo Tenglong also seems to be a person who often walks in the outside world. Although he seems to be rude, he is actually extremely careful. This... is also a fucking human spirit, isn't it?

Water Yingying over there went over to look at Miao Tian's injury and took out two elixirs to make him swallow it. Then he said to the rich young man, "Brother Long, is it okay for you to send Brother Miao back to his master to heal his wounds?"

The young man laughed and said, "Okay! What did the younger sister tell you?"

The cold-eyed young man suddenly said, "My monster is fast. Let me send Brother Miao back!"

Shui Yingying said, "Okay, go!"

The cold-looking young man smiled, picked up Miao Tian, looked at Zhuo Tian, flew up to his monster, and left.

After staying for a while, Shui Yingying said to Zuo Tenglong, "It's hard to stop this matter!" Brother Zuo, the boy next to you stole a few seven-year-old spiritual grass from me! After returning it to me, prepare to be severely punished by the door rules!"

Zuo Tenglong said to Zhuo Tian in surprise, "When did you run to your little sister?"

What a fucking injustice! I don't even know where this little girl lives now. Anyway, as long as I didn't do it, anyone who has anything to do with me... or beasts will be wronged!

Zhuo Tian said angrily, "Second brother, I am a low level of practice, and I am still a new disciple. How can I run to the forbidden place of Ganchi as she said?! Besides, when did this happen to her? Do I have any monsters that can fly and can't control magic weapons? How can he come back in a hurry as soon as something happens? It's not that the second brother doesn't know how fast this woman's flying beast is!"

Zuo Tenglong thought for a while and felt that this was incredible, so he asked Shui Yingying, "Why did the little sister insist that it was my brother Zhuo?"

"This was personally proved by Zhao Feiyan!" Shui Yingying was also a little confused. Thinking about it carefully, what Zhuo Tian said seemed to be reasonable.

"How can you believe his words?" Zhuo Tian said, "The second brother must be more clear about Zhao Feiyan's character, right? What hasn't this man done to defraud and extort usury? As soon as my younger brother came, he was bullied by him. He actually said that my uncle Fei Tianhu owed him 500 spiritual stones and told me that he wanted five-three cents of interest... What a hero my uncle is. His will gave tens of thousands of spiritual stones to his master. How could he be a person who owes debts? I didn't expect to be slandered by the villain just after his death!"

Zuo Tenglong has a very good relationship with Flying Tiger. Hearing this, he couldn't help but be furious and scolded, "This thief! I knew that he was greedy for some small advantages, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. I definitely couldn't forgive him! It pissed me off!"

The other male and female disciples of Yao Wangfeng also nodded separately. Feitianhu has a high reputation and good conduct among his brothers and sisters. Everyone can't help but feel angry when they hear Zhao Feiyan's words and deeds.

"Brother Five said he would buy elixir and lend me 30 spiritual stones for me half a year ago, but he has been denying that he won't return it to me!" A young female disciple of Yao Wangfeng said.

"What? Sister Qi! He lent me 30 spiritual stones six months ago, and I bought some materials! Up to now, I have returned 30 spiritual stones, but he said that it was interest and that I still owe him thirty spiritual stones!" A male disciple of Yao Wangfeng said angrily, "This is not fucking an interest of five-three cents!"

"Alas! The fifth brother is a little too greedy for property!" An honest and honest disciple also said, "I once hunted a low-level monster outside, which was not worth many spiritual stones, but he said that I stole his captive monster and was robbed by him for nothing!"


Zhuo Tian blinks and listens. Zhao Feiyan's popularity is too bad, isn't it? Isn't this a whistle-up conference?!