
Chapter 200 Departure from Jiyun Mountain

Lan Jiuzhen came over, took a look at Tie Zheng and said to Zhuo Tian, "Why are you still wandering here? Are you ready?"

"I've been ready for a long time, just waiting for the master's order to leave." Zhuo Tian smiled.

"Who is this?"

Tie Zheng saw the high goddess of Yulingzong. The coldest and most beautiful beauty asked herself and couldn't help being flattered and said, "I am Tie Zheng, a disciple of Yu Nvfeng, and I have met Sister Lan."

"Are all the female disciples of Yu Nufeng? When did you get a man?" Lan Jiuzhen ignored him and said to Zhuo Tian, "Many disciples of the sect are complicated. You don't want anyone to associate with each other!"

I fought out with the sweat on my forehead. Don't you look like a bad guy?

What method did Zhuo Tian use to seduce this arrogant and cold peerless beauty? ...He is not as handsome as me, and he is less like a good person than me!

She is really despised by ordinary people.

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Sister, this is not an outsider, but a good brother of mine. At the beginning, we came to join the Royal Spirit Sect together."

"Oh." Lan Jiuzhen answered faintly, but still didn't look at the iron dispute.

"Lao Tie, you don't have to look outside. Your sister-in-law is this character." Zhuo Tian smiled.

"What!" The sweat of iron struggle flowed down from his forehead.

"You have...what?"

Lan Jiu's snow-white face finally appeared a trace of blush, and Liu frowned upside down and said angrily to Zhuo Tian, "What are you talking about?! Why do you still have such a friend!"

Zhuo Tian was sweating profusely. He didn't expect that Tie Zheng would think wrong.

...Can you really provoke Lanjiu? If this had been put in the past, someone would have said something a little disrespectful or playable in front of her, she would have turned her face long ago, and the flying knife had become the boss and cut it off... she would not even give you a chance to defend herself.

Although Lan Jiuzhen is indifferent to iron disputes this time, he has given himself a lot of face.

She kills people without any time. Who in the world has this face?

Zhuo Tian thought with satisfaction.

"Lao Tie, where do you think... If we get married, will we not inform you?" Zhuo Tiandao.

Tie Zheng was really angry when he saw Lan Jiu, and he was also worried... He had a deep friendship with Zhuo Tian and could joke, but this is the most famous female evil star of the sect! Why didn't you control your mouth for a while? There are too many legends about who she cut her arm and leg.

"Well, well." Iron contends for the road.

Lan Jiu really glanced at them and said, "I'll go and see why the master hasn't come out yet."

Seeing that she had gone far away, Tie Zheng wiped a cold sweat.

"Lao Zhuo, how can you surrender to such a powerful woman in the future?" He smiled bitterly and said, "Although it is beautiful, if it were me, I would rather choose my gentle but not very beautiful sisters."

Zhuo Tian laughed and said, "How do you know she is not gentle?"

"I really can't see..."

"How about the peerless beauty who is as cold as frost to other men and gentle as water to me in private?" Zhuo Tiandao.

"That's the dream of men in the world!" Iron disputed: "Is it..."

"Yes, I realized the ultimate dream of all these men in advance!" Zhuo Tiandao.

Tie Zheng looked up at the sky, looked around, and saw from the left to the right.

"What are you talking about?" Zhuo Tian said strangely.

"I'm looking for those cows flying in the sky! Are they all gone? Is it too far?"

"...Am I that kind of person?"

The two laughed, and the Yanxing Palace had left the cave, next to several elders who came to see them off.

"Come here and gather!" Yanxing Palace roared.

I don't know what skills old Yan used, but it only made everyone's ears roar. Yao Wangfeng's disciples and other people gathered together. The crowd was not quiet, and laughter sounded from time to time.

"Look, the old man must be furious." Zhuo Tian sighed and argued with the iron.

"But it is said that Yanxing Palace is a good old man and always happy with people." Iron contends for the road.

"Which of us is his apprentice? ......”

Before the words fell, Yan Xinggong had roared: "Fuck me down! Who will talk again and take his head off!"

For the first time, the disciples of Waifeng saw the old man's white hair standing up, and suddenly they were silent.

"This time to take over Jiyunshan, you have to go through a long journey, and there are many dangers on the road. You have to fucking abide by discipline and follow my command. If there are any violators, I will be severely punished no matter which elder you are, understand?"

"I understand!"

Zhongwaifeng's disciples understood why they used to feel that Yanxing Palace was kind and generous, but the disciples they taught were more arrogant and domineering. Looking at the disciples of Yao Wangfeng, they were accustomed to it. It turned out that what they had seen before was not the original appearance of Yanxing Palace!

This "old man" and "fuck" is simply a young version of Zhuo Tian.

"Don't fucking think this is going on vacation, or you won't know how to die!"

Yanxing Palace is not talkative, but he also knows that these dungsters are usually used to being loose. Although they agree, they must still be used to it when they act.

It's really a headache to take them on an expedition.

"Shui Yingying, you are responsible for managing the 17 disciples of Waifeng. Some of them are disobedient and broke his legs! I'm responsible for all the consequences!" Old man Yan said.

"Okay, Elder Yan." Shui Yingying knew the danger of the trip, and she replied crisply.

"Jiuzhen, you will be responsible for leading the team as a disciple of Yao Wangfeng." Yan Xinggong said, "I have informed you that the second brother has joined us on the way, and it will be easy to do it with more people."

"Yes, master." Lan Jiuzhen.

"There is no need to send any more elders. I will pay attention to the safety of these children, and I will leave!" Yanxing Palace said to several elders behind him.

These elders arched their hands one after another and said, "Have a safe journey!"

For a moment, many monsters rose into the sky and circled in the sky. Waifeng's disciples are basically flying monsters, but Yao Wangfeng's disciples are three or two people riding a monster.

"Let's go!" Yan Xinggong also stepped on his iron-winged golden horn sculpture and waved his hand.

"Guo Tie, come with me. Those guys from Waifeng are not reliable." Zhuo Tian fought against iron.

"Okay!" Iron contends for the road.

After leaving Pluto Mountain, Yanxing Palace arranged a formation, and several practitioners such as Lan Jiuzhen, Shui Yingying and Miao Sheng flew in front of them, pressing themselves in the final array.

At the foot of the mountain, they met another team of people, as if they were waiting for them.

Zhuo Tian also came to the front of the team with a smile and flew side by side with Lan Jiuzhen. Seeing this group of people, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Fuck, the first two are actually Hao Cheng and Hua Yelong of the Five Immortals Sect? Haven't these disciples and elders of the Five Immortals haven't gone back yet? What do you want to do here?

Shui Yingying glanced at Lan Jiuzhen.

The talents of Yao Wangfeng here are the main body of this expedition, and she doesn't want to steal the limelight of her masters.

Lan Jiuzhen waved his hand and everyone stopped flying.

Over there, Hua Yelong brushed his beard, as if he was embarrassed. He hesitated and repeatedly came forward and said, "Is the elder of Yanxing Palace available?" I am the leader of the Five Immortals... The leader of this newcomer conference wants to see Elder Yan and say a few words.

After all, the other party is an elder. Lan Jiuzhen still wants to give some face and ask a brother behind him to inform Yan Xinggong.

For a moment, Yanxing Palace stepped on the iron-winged golden horn eagle and flew over.

Hua Yelong pulled the surprised Yanxing Palace aside and muttered in a low voice. The two now look sneaky.

Finally, Yanxing Palace was said to nod repeatedly. After coming back, he said loudly to the disciples, "The disciples of the Five Immortals are afraid of continuing to be assassinated. I hope to walk with us for a long distance. The six alliances are the same, and everyone takes care of each other!"

A person as calm as Hua Yelong is always blushing and looking back at Hao Cheng resentfully.

Also, the other four sects who came to the Royal Spirit Sect had already left, and they were not so afraid; and the Five Immortals Sect had been hiding here for so long and did not dare to walk out of the Royal Spirit Sect, waiting for the sect to send people to pick them back.

Now I have to go with this team of Yulingzong. It seems that I'm really scared.

However, Zhuo Tian is sure that this is definitely not Hua Yelong's decision... Most of the time, Hao Cheng wants to do this.

Do you dare to compete with me for Yichun with this fucking courage?

The old man Yanxing Palace is not very kind. They have dragged you aside to whisper. Why did you yell out?

The two lines of teams were combined, and Hua Yelong was a little ashamed, so he took the initiative to ask for the front to open the road, which made the pressure on Yanxing Palace much less. Lan Jiuzhen was also happy and talked and laughed with Zhuo Tian.

However, many of the disciples of the Five Immortals are senior gas trainers and can't fly at all... Even some practitioners can't keep up with the speed of flying with monsters. So Yanxing Palace asked each of the Waifeng disciples of Yuling Sect to take two or three monsters and fly on the road together.

Hao Cheng is the son of the patriarch of the Five Immortals. He is self-respecting and wants to ride a mount with Shui Yingying, but Shui Yingying throws his eyes away.

"If Elder Hua wants to open the way in front, then take a monster with me!" She said, "It's a long way. If you fly on the magic weapon, it will consume too much spiritual power."

"It's okay." Hua Yelong sighed and flew onto the dazzling cloud swallowing beast.

Hao Cheng wants to ride the same mount with Lan Jiuzhen again.

Seeing him fly over, Zhuo Tian suddenly put away the big crow, jumped on Lan Jiuzhen's colorful glazed phoenix, and stared at Hao Cheng.

"Sister, did I save this? Zhuo Tian suddenly regretted it and asked.

"Well, my monster who dares to be shameless, he will definitely become crippled." Lan Jiu really hated that he had forced Yichun and was a timid man, and said.

Zhuo Tian patted his thigh and said, "Then why did I stop him! If you had known, let him come and have a try!"

"Do you want women to come out?" Lan Jiuzhen stared and said, "When did you become so unsucing? Don't you want to be angry with Yiyi?"

"...I was wrong." Zhuo Tian said with shame, "Find a chance to fix him well!"