
Chapter 224 Accident

The two people's combat experience is also very rich. If you don't think too much, their strongest magic weapons have been shown.

When there was a series of explosions, a silvery heaven and earth stick and a brown giant shield had been in contact with Zhuo Tian's big black stick several times, bursting out a dazzling light like fireworks.

The two tried Zhuo Tian's weight and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This man seemed to be aggressive, but he was just the level of the first level of the cultivation.

The first person to speak was an ordinary-aged man. The giant shield rotated on his head and smiled, "I didn't expect that there were still fish that came from the net. A small new earth cultivation dared to come here?"

The other man was a thin and tall man in blue. His face was expressionless. When he was about to speak, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. Suddenly, his mind was a little dizzy. Cold sweat flowed down in an instant and shouted, "His magic weapon is poisonous. He quickly sends out a spiritual mask to close resistance!"

If he didn't mention this, Zhuo Tian forgot that his big black stick was stained with a dazzling seven-tailed phoenix pink poisonous fog, and his cold sweat also came down. He thought to himself that fortunately, the handle of my stick was not poisonous, otherwise it would be stained with a little. Before I killed the enemy, I first disabled myself and spread it and was laughed at to death. What's your face? You have to ask the little girl Yichun to refine the detoxification elixir quickly...

Hey, but the most powerful thing about the dazzling seven-tailed phoenix is not its poison, but that the poison will explode when it encounters fire. You can fucking imagine me rushing down and walking!

Zhuo Tian secretly sent a voice to Lan Jiuzhen, "Sister, step back a little, I'm going to detonate the poison!"

Lan Jiuzhen's blue flying knife has been hanging in the air for a long time. Hearing the words, he stopped and retreated quietly and unconsciously.

Then he shouted, waved the big black stick in his hand, flew over and shouted, "The earth cultivation that has just entered the level can also destroy you, and eat another stick!"

The middle-aged man also shouted, and the huge shield greeted him and made a loud noise. Zhuo Tian was shocked and flew out, but the silver stick of the man in blue quickly followed him and hit Zhuo Tian directly. The two people cooperated very tacitly. They were extremely skilled in attacking and defending. Normally, no matter how high a monk would be attacked by them. Killed in a round.

But Lan Jiuzhen's flying knife had been ready for a long time. With a flash of blue light, the man's silver stick in blue was cut into two sections and fell to the ground like paper paste.

The man in blue was shocked. His magic weapon was also the best magic weapon. Unexpectedly, he was so vulnerable in front of this blue flying knife. In addition to his heartache, he also put away his low heart. Although the other party's cultivation is not as good as himself, the magic weapon is extremely sharp. Compared with the real one, he may not lose. Who wins?

The middle-aged man was also shocked and afraid that his shield would be damaged, so he hurriedly waved back.

Unexpectedly, the boy who was shaken back by himself in mid-air suddenly got out of the big stick. Although his body was still retreating rapidly, he had been defeated, but the big stick hit him again. He really didn't know whether he was alive or die.

But he was afraid of the boy's poisonous gas, which was not only afraid of the spiritual mask and could not be blocked, but also afraid that the big shield would be injured by the beautiful woman's flying knife. He flew up together to avoid the attack of the big black stick.

After avoiding, the big black stick chased him and kept falling down. This middle-aged man was furious and secretly wanted to say that my cultivation was far more than you. Whether it was sent a formula to destroy your magic weapon, or simply collect it, it was not too difficult. Now How dare you bully me like this? This fucking mouse is chasing an old cat with a knife!

The old cat is so angry! The middle-aged man was trying to take action angrily. Suddenly, he saw that the beautiful woman in white was also retreating rapidly, and his heart suddenly moved.

I heard the man in blue shouting, "Old cat, be careful! There must be fraud!"

It turns out that this man's really called Old Cat... This middle-aged man named Old Cat knows that the man in blue has always been cunning and has endless secret tricks against the enemy. He knows that his name must be reasonable... But what is this?

Before his mind finished turning, he saw the big black stick suddenly burst into flames, and then a loud noise and burst in front of him. The spiritual mask was destroyed in an instant. The huge impact squeezed into his body and hit him involuntarily like mid-air, feeling that his body seemed to have been torn. It cracked, hit the rock on the top of the cave and flew back in the continuous scraping.

Zhuo Tian is now experienced. While launching the flame of the big black stick, he has pulled out the mixed beasts of heaven and earth and blocked him and Lan Jiuzhen.

Although the sound of the explosion was loud, the pig's power did not move.

How can the thin layer of pink poisonous fog on the big black stick be compared with a full cave spewed out by the dazzling seven-tailed phoenix? That's the effect of a firecracker and a thunderbolt. Who is stronger than the stove pit and the volcanic eruption?

Zhuo Tian sniffed behind the pig's buttocks and didn't know what the situation was now.

Lima felt that he had made a big deal. Not only did he feel nothing, but even the cave only shook, and the rocks fell one after another.

After waved their hands and included the peaceful mixed beasts of heaven and earth into the demon tower, the two carefully observed the situation inside.

Suddenly, a black fog hit, as if the whole cave had integrated into the darkness. Suddenly, the whole world became extremely quiet, and no sound could be heard. Even the comments of the captured disciples who had been transmitted back by the spirit insects suddenly stopped and disappeared without a trace, as if they had come. It's the same in another dark and silent world.

Zhuo Tian only felt that Lan Jiuzhen around him had suddenly disappeared. He tried to pass the sound but did not respond. There was only endless darkness around him, as if he had been thrown alone in this silent world.

This time it was his turn to be shocked. You don't have to think about it. He was fucking tricked.

The other party either has a powerful magic weapon, or practices unique skills and tactics, but this traps him more like a formation, just like he trapped the four black practitioners who came to assassinate him on that day. No matter how he rushed, he may not be able to rush out, but the enemy can sneak attack in the dark. He.

Zhuo Tian's cold sweat came down. When the enemy's condition was unknown, he really wanted to fly back to the invisible ring, but he didn't know whether Lan Jiuzhen was still outside. In the case of being unable to contact him, he was worried about his safety and refused to fly into the demon tower.

My big black pot was seriously damaged when the cave collapsed, and the most useful bodyguard is no longer available now. What should I do?

After thinking about it, the spiritual protection has been covered all over the body, and the flame armor has always been worn on the body. Zhuo Tian tried to sacrifice a sun stone, but there was no light, and it was still dark.

Zhuo Tian has never felt so aggrieved. His opponent disappeared, and he stood here helplessly like a lamb to be slaughtered.

If you sacrifice the magic weapon for a while, and you are afraid of accidentally injuring Lan Jiuzhen... I'm afraid that the senior sister should have the same idea at this moment? Otherwise, her rain or stars will crack, and it will be difficult to avoid any enemy you hide in.

Suddenly, Zhuo Tian felt a shiver. Something had pierced his spiritual mask and was attacking his head. Although it felt fierce, there was no sound.

Now the big black stick, his usual weapon, could not be taken back, so he had to take out another of his best magic weapon, the black iron brick, turned into a size of three feet and grabbed it in his hand. The thing collided with the big blackboard brick, and suddenly disappeared again.

Although it was just a one-touch retreat, Zhuo Tian felt a powerful attack, shaking his internal organs as if they had been turned upside down.

Just as the two people said at the beginning, the cultivation of the other party is indeed far beyond themselves, and the magic weapons are also extraordinary, but I can't hear it and can only stand here to be beaten. If it goes on like this, I will burp sooner or later.

Then, several things broke through his spiritual mask together and hit all parts of his body!