
Chapter 234 And Internal Traitor

Zhuo Tian thought for a moment and felt that he had nothing to say. He thought what a thrilling experience Shui Yingying could have. It turned out that he had been playing hide-and-seek in the cave these days, and he still found the underground palace when he heard his explosion...

It's so boring. The only shock I was just scratched my chest.

"Now let's discuss what to do!" He said listlessly.

"Now the disciples here have been rescued. We are not the opponents of this underground palace practitioners at all, or break out." Shui Yingying said, "This place is very close to the Yuling Sect, and then let the masters of the sect destroy them."

"Do you break through the siege even if you know it's not your opponent?" Zhuo Tian rolled his eyes and said.

"What do you want to do?" Shui Yingying asked.

"Of course, I found an exit and sneaked away! That's need to say." Zhuo Tiandao.

"Isn't that the same meaning as me?" Shui Yingying said angrily.

Damn it, how can it be the same?! Even if I understand, what if the six disciples below understand the wrong intention? Breakout refers to rushing hard and breaking through a gap to escape... Don't these guys have to be shot to death like patting flies?!

"There are two meanings at all! It's all about running away, although you said bravely... We must not have a head-on conflict with the enemy and quietly find a way out to slip away. Zhuo Tian laughed.

Shui Yingying was too lazy to argue with him. She could see that this man was just kicking his nose and face. As soon as he looked a little good, he sprouted.

"Zhuo Tian is right. We can't alarm them. In addition to a group of Tu Xiu and Shi Xiu, who are more powerful than us, there is also a more powerful mysterious figure. As long as we are found, we will die!" Lan Jiuzhen.

"Then do this. The six of you are burdensome. You can't hide your spiritual power and continue to return to the beast bag!"

Shui Yingying sent a cavity of depression to the four disciples of the Five Immortals Sect and two disciples of the Royal Spirit Sect, speaking rudely and pointing to them.

The other five disciples are better. Ouyang Bao is now very reluctant to be put into the beast spirit bag in front of his goddess. Even the self-esteem of a cowardly man can't stand it. Although the five disciples looked very ugly, they still obediently let Zhuo Tian into the beast spirit bag... It is impossible not to prohibit it, otherwise their spiritual power will still be leaked.

Shui Yingying looked at Ouyang Bao and hesitated to go in and drank, "What are you waiting for?! A man can bend and stretch, can't you stand this grievance?!"

"But it's so dirty and smelly inside!" Ouyangbao's face is like a bitter gourd.

"A beautiful little girl can live there. Why can't you live as a big man?" Shui Yingying's face is getting worse and worse.

Zhuo Tian was shocked. Can she still be fucking expected to keep a secret? Are you going to tell me in a moment?! I'm not afraid of heaven and earth, and I'm not afraid that the Five Immortals will come to seek revenge. If you dare to say another word, I will tell Zhao Feiyan about what happened just now! After that, it will definitely spread all over the world!

"Who? Which little girl lives in the beast bag? Ouyangbao was really curious: "Why didn't I see it?"

Shui Yingying also found that she had said something wrong at this moment, and Lan Jiuzhen's face began to be unhappy... Her joys and sorrows have always been hanging on her face.

"Why do you care so much? I said yes, but there is!" The water is savage.

"Okay." Ouyang Bao said, "Then you can lock me up with her."

"You think it's beautiful."

Zhuo Tian didn't know when he had circled behind him, raised his fist on the back of his head, and knocked Ouyang Bao unconscious again.

"Don't you know that time is precious now?"

As he spoke, he was put into the beast bag and added several layers of prohibition.

"Where are you going now?" Lan Jiuzhen asked.

Zhuo Tian picked up the materials for arranging the forbidden array, and then smiled and said, "Naturally, it's the hole when Sister Shui came!"

According to Zhuo Tian's idea, there are many strange caves there. Even if you can't find an exit, you can temporarily avoid the enemy's search, and you can even calm down and slowly dig holes out.

This is probably the same as Shui Yingying's idea, and Zhuo Tian also nodded when he saw her.

"Do you remember the way you came?"

"Of course, I'm not a road idiot." Shui Yingying rolled her eyes and said.

Now that Shui Yingying is here, Lan Jiuzhen no longer has to enter the demon tower and touches forward with Shui Yingying with Zhuo Tian.

Fast and slow, suddenly dodge, and half an hour passed.

Zhuo Tian was so angry that he wanted to curse: "Fuck, if you are not a road idiot, there will be no road idiot in the world! No wonder you have been around the cave for so many days!"

Because he saw the room he had just left again.

The three of them came back.

"This...what's going on?" Shui Yingying wiped the cold sweat on her forehead.

"What's the matter? You're lost." Zhuo Tian is cold.

Shui Yingying's face is red and her face is embarrassed.

Lan Jiuzhen comforted: "Think slowly, it shouldn't be far from here. You came in when you heard the explosion and won't go too far."

After thinking for a long time, Shui Yingying raised her head, resolutely pointed to the front and said, "Follow me!"

Zhuo Tian and Lan Jiu were really overjoyed and followed.

After another quarter of an hour, she finally came to the front of a palace built in the underground palace, and Shui Yingying stopped.

"This is it!"

The whole palace is made of black stone. It is tall and majestic. In addition to the main entrance, there are several side doors, which are decorated complicated and gorgeously, but there is no one in front of the door.

"Are you from here?" Zhuo Tian asked curiously.

"Yes, there is a hole in this palace, that's right there." Shui Yingying replied affirmatively.

"Well, maybe this place is on alert after you kill the guards. We should be careful when we go in!" Lan Jiuzhen.

"I'm going to explore!" Zhuo Tiandao.

"Let's enter together!"

Lan Jiuzhen rushed forward and carefully opened the gate of the palace side by side with Zhuo Tian. In front of him was a huge colorful screen. He couldn't see the situation inside clearly, so he tiptoed through the screen.

Looking up, they were stunned!

The top is like the decoration of the mortal palace. There are several steps in front of it, and there is a huge chair sitting on it. One person is dressed in white, but there is a golden mask on the face. I can't see the size of my age. I sit there like an emperor.

There are two rows of wide seats on both sides, with a total of 12 seats, but there are eight people sitting on them, all wearing masks, just silver.

Nine people, nine pairs of eyes, are staring at Zhuo Tian and Lan Jiuzhen with great interest, as if they had seen an old cat with a mouse.

Fuck me! What's the exit here?! It clearly broke into the center of the old nest!

This was Zhuo Tian's first reaction, and then he heard a loud noise behind him. The door of the palace had been tightly closed, and a golden light flashed. It was thought that either the prohibition was added or the formation was activated.

Zhuo Tian and Lan Jiuzhen looked back and saw Shui Yingying turning the screen with a smile and standing behind them.

Now I understand everything.

"Hui Yingying, how dare you cheat me?" Zhuo Tian roared.

Now he and Lan Jiuzhen have fallen into the encirclement of the enemy, and the person who led them into the trap turned out to be Shui Yingying, the daughter of the patriarch of the Royal Spirit!

Lan Jiu said unbelievably, "Shui Yingying, is it really you?"

"That's right, it's me!" Shui Yingying smiled happily.

How is this possible?! Among the organizations that killed the disciples of the six sects and plotted the Yanxing Palace, the daughter of the patriarch of Yuling was actually one of them?! So where is the suzerain's water traceless?!

Is it true that Shui Wuhen did not hesitate to stage a bitter plan in order to eradicate the power of Dongfang Qin and strengthen his rule?!

But the disciples of the Royal Spirit Sect in this line, except for Yao Wangfeng, are all the disciples of the loyal elders of the suzerain Shui Wuhen's power?!

Why do you have to design arrests and even blow up caves and hurt them? Isn't this a broken arm?!