
Chapter 282 Attack Again

"Have you become a fucking hero here? Aren't you surrendered by the female dolls among the mountain practitioners to be loyal to her? What did you blow when you went to the town?! If I hadn't arrived there in time, you might have been bullied!" Yan Xinggong said in disbelief, "Kid, be kind. Don't fucking take other people's credit to yourself!"

Qing Rouer listened and smiled and covered her mouth with a jade hand.

Zhuo Tian finally took the opportunity to break free from Qing Rouer's control and said to Yan Xinggong, "Exactly, this should be all the master's credit. Who knew that these ignorant villagers were all falsely on my head. I was really not used to being praised so much by my disciple, a bastard... I always feel that I was smeared by the underworld. , I'm going to tell them..."

Yan Xinggong nodded and said, "Well, go quickly!"

Everyone present looked at each other in consternation, but they didn't expect that the fame and fortune of Yanxing Palace was really heavy. Is it embarrassing to tell the apprentice to do it? ...But he is not hypocritical, which should be caused by his thick skin to the extreme.

Zhuo Tian smiled secretly, thinking that it was better for me to cooperate with the master. What the fuck do you know? These idiots will be confused!

He jumped down and stood on the mixed beasts of heaven and earth and waved his hands for a long time. Then the people in the town calmed down and looked at Zhuo Tian and didn't know what he was going to say.

" neighbors, do you know who is standing on it? The white-haired and white-bearded immortal Taoist old man... The old man is my master, the senior elder guarding Yan Xinggong of the Yuling Sect! That beautiful fairy in white is my senior sister Lan Jiuzhen! This time, Yulingzong heard that the people at the foot of the cone mountain were suffering, so he sent my master to lead his disciples to eliminate the harm for the people. This time, it was actually my master and sister who destroyed the group of harmful practitioners who occupied the mountain! ...Of course, I also made some efforts!"

Zhuo Tian understands the meaning of Yanxing Palace, which is to recover some reputation losses for the Royal Lingzong. What is it for his own fame and fortune? If this old man cares about this, he will not have been a low-level elder in the Royal Spirit Sect for so many years.

However, disciples can't make teachers do good deeds and not become famous. They must brag by the way. This is the duty of being a disciple.

The people below raised a loud discussion, and then someone knelt down.

"Thank you to the old immortals and fairies for going down to eliminate the harm for us! The whole town will always miss you!"

"Let's remember the appearance of these immortals and build a temple to worship incense!"

"Old gods are our rebirth parents, and fairies are our rebirth parents! The little fairy is our...rebirth parents!"

...What the hell is this? Who shouted?! Zhuo Tian's nose has been drawn into steamed buns.

Yanxing Palace was very happy. His eyes were smiling and his beard was upturned. He waved to the people below like Zhuo Tian, like a county official who came to inspect the people's feelings; while Lan Jiuzhen looked at the sky with his head and was very unaccustomed to the two masters and apprentices. Is that so? If you have nothing to do, you can leave immediately.

"The people of Cone Mountain, if any practitioners come here to harass and harm you in the future, you should know that there is a Royal Spirit Sect not far away, that is your patron saint! Go there and report, and we will make the decision for you!" Yan Xinggong said loudly, "Don't be afraid in the future. This group of harmful practitioners are all dead, and none of them survived!"

Qing Rouer rolled her eyelids, but she was afraid of Yan Xinggong and didn't dare to say anything.

"Master, are you all right? It's time to go!" Lan Jiuzhen.

"Well, that's right. It's been delayed for a few days. I'll meet other disciples immediately and leave immediately!" Yan Xinggong brushed his beard with a smile.

After waved his hand several times, Yanxing Palace reluctantly drove the iron-winged golden horned eagle. In the cheers of the people in the town, he flew to the residence of the two disciples on the other side of Huayelong. Shui Yingying and Fang Yuting followed the monster and disappeared in the distance in an instant.

"You still can't come up?!" Lan Jiuzhen shouted to Zhuo Tian below.

"Here we go." Zhuo Tian smiled.

Looking at the two beautiful little girls standing on the mixed beasts of heaven and earth, Zhuo Tian touched his nose and said, "It's time for me to go. It's time for you two little girls to go down, right? Go home and live with your mother!"

The two little girls changed their complexion, and one of them said, "Why don't you want us?"

What do you want? I don't know if you are an adult. What should I do if I violate the law again? And my daughter-in-law is looking at it. Don't you add domestic violence to me? Besides, it doesn't mean that the people in your town and your stepmother stuffed you to me, at least I have to agree, right?!

Yao remembered the Qianying in the gate city and once said that practitioners could not be married to mortals.

One has a long life, and the other is only a few decades. How to get along with each other?

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "You two look up and look up. Those two women are my daughters-in-law. They are both female tigers. They are very fierce and do not allow me to marry anyone else, so you'd better go home!"

The two little girls had already seen Lan Jiuzhen and Qingrou'er, who had been shocked by their peerless appearance. Hearing this young little fairy's daughter-in-law, she couldn't help but feel ashamed and bit her lips and refused to say anything, but she had no intention of going down.

"Let me help you!" Zhuo Tian laughed.

He was about to arrest the two little girls on the ground, but suddenly the cold hair all over his body stood up. At a glance, he found that a small green light ball with a silky golden thread was quietly attacking from the air!

"It's not good!"

Zhuo Tian didn't have time to think about it. He shouted the tiger King Kong formula. Three black evil tigers rushed out and instantly merged into one, roaring and pounced at the beautiful but extremely murderous green golden ball!

With a "rumbling" explosion, Zhuo Tian was shocked and fell from the mixed beasts of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, he realized that the Star Tiger King Kong was cracked, and also felt that Qingrouer's sneak attack did not use much spiritual power, otherwise he would still not be able to take Qingrou's casual blow... After all, she is a high-level cultivation close to Yin Xiu!

I already knew that this dead girl might hurt someone at any time! Bringing it with you is as dangerous as carrying a gunpowder barrel with you. Maybe it will explode and hurt people... Damn it, you have to part ways immediately!

As soon as Yan Xinggong left, she dared to hurt people?! This face has become too fast!

Zhuo Tian turned over and jumped. Although he was shocked and felt pain all over his body and his internal organs seemed to have run away, his spiritual power disappeared after a little operation. Fortunately, he was not injured. Looking up again, I saw that the blue flying knives in the sky had been clothed into a wall, shining brightly in the sun, and all the flying knives pointed to Qingrouer.

Lan Jiuzhen had confronted Qing Rouer, and Zhuo Tian was shocked. He knew that the senior sister was not the opponent of the ghost girl.

"Why did you plot with him!" Lan Jiu really scolded angrily.

Qing Rouer smiled and stretched out her hand to touch the soft hair of her temples and said, "Sister Lan, don't be nervous. Ask him if I attacked him?"

Zhuo Tianfei put on the back of the mixed beasts of heaven and earth. After thinking about it, it seemed that the blue ball did not really attack him, and the direction should be the two little girls behind him...

"They have no grievances against you. Why did you kill them?" Zhuo Tian shouted.

Qing Rouer glanced at him with a smile and said, "You still have a conscience. You don't have time to slander me for sneaking you... If I want to harm you, how can I use only one of my combat power? If it's 20%, you can't take it!"

She also found that although Zhuo Tian's magic skills that blew up the cave were powerful, they seemed to accumulate spiritual power for a long time and cast spells for a long time, and the usual battle formulas were rushed out, which could only reach the initial level of stone cultivation at most. It seems that he That is to say, the magic skills are more powerful, and the basic cultivation is still very low.

Just now, the two attacked and defended, and the formula lasted for a very short time. The people present only saw a green light and a black shadow in front of them, and then they looked at it ignorantly.

At this time, when I heard that I was going to kill people, I knew that it was just a battle between immortals, and I saw flying knives all over the sky. Then I panicked and ran away, leaving only gongs and drum guys and firecrackers all over the ground, as a few lost shoes.

There was only one person present, that is, a middle-aged woman with a few baskets of eggs, and the stepmother of the two girls stood there in a daze.