
Chapter 287 There is always a way

Zhuo Tian and others rushed to the original residence of the remaining disciples of the two sects. It was really empty. Only Yanxing Palace led a disciple of the Royal Spirit Sect, four disciples of the Five Immortals Sect, as well as Shui Yingying, Fang Yuting, Saleng Dao Hongnu and others there.

Yan Xinggong frowned and meditated. It was not until Zhuo Tian and the others flew to the ground that he suddenly raised his head.

"Master, what's going on? Why did Elder Hua take someone away? Zhuo Tian jumped off the monster and shouted, "Is it possible to meet the enemy again?"

Seeing that Yan Xinggong was still holding a note in his hand, he looked at Zhuo Tian and others, and then looked down again.

Zhuo Tian came to the side of the Yanxing Palace curiously and looked sideways. He saw the note saying, " Elder Yan of the Royal Spirit Sect, Fan Yong, the son of the Elder of the Five Immortals Sect, was killed in the Yuling Sect. As the elder leading the team, I took great responsibility and specially waited for the disciples of your sect in front of the mountain. Now I am lucky to get the weight of your Sect. If you want the disciples of the elders, you can go back to apologize. Elder Yan, don't chase it, otherwise I will kill one person when I see the enemy of the Royal Spirit Sect. If I forcibly rob, the net will be broken. I have no way out. I hope Elder Yan don't force me to do this! "Furry to Hua Yelong."

Zhuo Tian was shocked. More than 20 disciples of Yao Wangfeng and more than a dozen other disciples of Feng were all taken captive by Hua Yelong, the immortal? No wonder he relied on Yulingzong and refused to go back. It turned out that he didn't dare to go back and was waiting for the opportunity to make contributions... This is also bold enough with Huayelong. Isn't the agreement completely torn up by the six alliance?!

This is enough to cause the two wars to start immediately. Although there have been some signs of tension for a long time, it has always been *!

It's not easy for this old man Yan to get out of the mountain and encounter a series of accidents. What should he do now?

Lan Jiuzhen also stretched out his head to see clearly and couldn't help but be furious.

"What should I do now? Master!" She said, "Let's chase it right away?"

Shui Yingying had read the note for a long time. At this time, she looked pale and said, "The mechanism was smart but mistakenly. Originally, I wanted to protect these disciples, but I didn't expect to be taken away by the enemy. This time I'm too guilty!"

Zhuo Tian shouted, "Naturally, you have the greatest responsibility! If you hadn't been here, how could those disciples have been taken away?! ... Fortunately, there are still four disciples of the Five Immortals here now, waiting for me to kill them!"

The four disciples of the Five Immortals Sect had long been banned by Yanxing Palace and trembled with fear when they heard the words.

One of them boldly said: "It is unpardonable for Elder Hua to lead the team, which led to the killing of the son of the Elder. Now he has arrested the disciples of the Youzong, that is, they openly rebelled against the Five Immortals. We are all irrelevant disciples, and it is useless to kill us! Why don't we go back to the Five Immortals to report to the master to treat him!"

Yanxing Palace brushed his beard and said, "It's really useless to kill you. You go now! Go back and tell your suzerain that the Royal Spirit Sect is pursuing the murderer of Fan Yong and has no intention of being an enemy of the Five Immortals. I hope they will treat our disciples well.

After saying that, he casually lifted their ban and waved to them to leave quickly.

The four disciples, as if they had escaped from death, hurriedly released their flying weapons, soared away, and disappeared in the distance for a moment.

Zhuo Tian looked at it coldly and thought about what Yanxing Palace meant.

It does not seem to be wise to kill these four disciples or take these four disciples as hostages. The other party will not care about the life or death of these ordinary disciples, but makes Yulingzong tear his face from a potential struggle to a table.

After all, it is still a nominal alliance between the six sects, the contradiction between the Five Immortals Sect and the Yuling Sect. At this time, the Yuling Sect is already at a loss. At this time, it is time to make a gesture to the other four sects, so as not to be caught by others. Although those disciples are arrested, they will not be in danger for a while.

Look at the remaining few people, I look at you, I don't know what to do now.

Yanxing Palace said, "What should you all say now?"

Lan Jiuzhen said: "Of course, we will track Hua Yelong immediately. They are also a large number of people. The march must be very slow, and it is easy to show traces. After we follow them, we can wait for the opportunity to save people!"

Shui Yingying said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate. I think Hua Yelong is also an extraordinary repairer. What if they find us following us and really jump the wall and hurt our disciples? You should know that these disciples are not ordinary disciples! I think it's better to go back and report to my father and let him send someone to negotiate with the Five Immortals. When he is not openly the enemy, he will always solve the problem peacefully!"

Qingrouer had nothing to do with her business and said with a smile, "I think Sister Lan is right. If you sit on your monsters, you will definitely catch up with them in a few days. At that time, you will be killed and injured in the fight. If we kill your disciples, we will completely annihilate them and avenge them against the enemy. In this way, you are cruel, and I am more ruthless than you. Let's see who is the most ruthless in the end!"

The red slave said, "Miss is right! There is no way to worry so much about killing!"

Fang Yuting said, "I still think what my cousin said makes sense... Well, Honger, in fact, what your young lady said also makes sense... Well, I didn't say anything..."

The evil scholar is much better now. He stands far away from Zhuo Tian. He didn't intend to speak. After hearing Fang Yuting's words, he said coldly: "The two ends of the first mouse! I think what Honger said is extremely reasonable. I only order Honger to look forward to the horse!"

Sareng Dao and Gao Tianhu did not talk, and Ouyang Bao and another disciple of Yulingzong looked ignorant.

Yan Xinggong shook his head and asked Zhuo Tian, "Why don't you talk?" What do you think?"

It is rare for the first time that Old Yan asked himself for advice so humbly. Zhuo Tian felt that he had to think about it carefully. After thinking about it for a long time, he also felt that he did not have a too thorough plan. The current situation is simply too passive.

"This matter is not simple, master." Zhuo Tian said, "How did Hua Yelong take away the disciples of the Royal Spirit Sect? You should know that in addition to a few dung bets, there are also many good hands in our team, such as Miao Sheng, Long Xingkong, Yu Xiaoyu and several others who are all cultivation of practitioners. Even several brothers and sisters of Yao Wangfeng, such as Fang Yuxuan, Shi Xiaoqian and Tang Rui, although they have not been among the ranks of practitioners, they have passed through the teachers. Fu's **, the combat effectiveness is almost the same as that of Tu Xiu. Moreover, the monsters of each of those disciples of Waifeng are extremely extraordinary, and there is no trace of fighting here, and the people in the town are not aware of it at all. This matter is really a little strange!"

Yan Xinggong nodded slightly and said, "But have you thought about it? What if Hua Yelong also hides his cultivation and is an unfathomable figure? If there is a sneak attack, even if he doesn't have such a high cultivation, as long as he secretly restrains a few leading disciples with high cultivation, won't the other disciples be captured?

Zhuo Tian said with awe, "My disciples still don't have a thorough master. The master must have a way."

Yanxing Palace has rarely lost its temper and continues to say to Zhuo Tian with a pleasant face: "Don't think about how they were arrested now. In your opinion, how should this be done? I want to hear your thoughts."

Zhuo Tian said, "Disciples have no choice."

Yanxing Palace said kindly, " Sooner or later, you have to venture into this world of cultivation alone. You can't rely on your master all the time. If you are leading the team now and people are kidnapped, how can you say that there is nothing you can do? Although your sister's future achievements will be extraordinary, she must still not be as good as yours. You still have to protect her in the future. How can you be so frustrated to say that there is nothing you can do? You know, as long as there is a problem in the world, there must be a way to solve it!"

Zhuo Tian felt that the old man's performance today was very strange. He felt that he was indescribable and uncomfortable now.