
Chapter 301 Beauty's Fury

Flips again?! Wang Bo can't believe it.

Why is this bastard always so lucky? Does someone always come up for him at the critical moment?

But this young man didn't seem to want to cause too much trouble and said coldly to Wang Bo, "Why don't you take your people to get out of here quickly?! Don't make me angry again!"

Wang Bo said palely, "Why are you angry? I'll just leave..."

The lively people around him are puzzled. Just now, he saw that Wang Bo was very arrogant and didn't fight. Suddenly, he softened? How can this group of people feel the spiritual fluctuations of the practitioners, and their release has no impact on them at all.

Zhuo Tian looked coldly at Wang Bo and turned his head and left with several families without saying anything.

He knew that many people must have come to the Five Immortals Sect this time. Wang Bo himself could not cross the sea between the islands and the mainland. I'm afraid that Cheng Fei also followed him. Not only will he be in big trouble in the future, but even this brave young practitioners will be hurt by them.

Wang Bo took more than a dozen steps and suddenly turned his head and smiled at Zhuo Tian, "How is Mr. Gao? Is he still in the gate?"

Zhuo Tian said, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. He's fine here now!"

Wang Bo sneered and left without saying anything.

Zhuo Tian turned his head to see that the young monk was also leaving. He hurriedly shouted, "The sunstone seller... Thank you for your rescue. How about I go to the restaurant and buy you a few drinks?"

The young man didn't look back and said, "Don't thank me. They were going to deal with me, but I just inadvertently relieve you by the way. Please leave quickly!" If he comes back again, I can't control it!"

"I just want to remind you that that that guy had a distant relative and elder who was a powerful immortal just now. He seemed to come from a far away place, and there are countless immortals under him. All the people in the gate city know that you should be careful!" Zhuo Tian shouted.

The young man really paused and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm just a businessman and I don't want to make trouble."

"Selling Sunstone..."

The young man turned his head angrily and shouted, "What do you want to do so much?! You don't look like a good person! It's just a small ruffian who bullies the city. Don't think that if I save you, you will be entangled with me!"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "I just want to buy some sunstones from you. Why are you so excited?"

"No sale!"

"Ten spiritual stones!"

"No sale!"

The young man's head did not look back, and the onlookers also dispersed.

Zhuo Tian had no choice but to spread out his hands with the bracelet and said, "I can't help it. He won't sell me..."

I thought to myself that I have saved at least a hundred spiritual stones. Looking at the way these two little girl likes, I'm afraid it's not unfair to buy more than a dozen... It's not easy for me to make money!

The chap and bracelets are disappointed. They like the colorful stones so much. It must be very beautiful to put them in the store at night. It's okay to decorate their own room!

Looking at their lost appearance, Zhuo Tian couldn't help sighing and whispering, "You two have lived in the tower with Yichun for more than a month. Don't you know that I have a lot of things? They are all thrown everywhere in storage bags, selling more than this one on the ground, and the color is richer than him. Just go back and take care of Yiyi..."

The two girls were overjoyed, their faces appeared, and their eyes were bent with laughter.

Looking at the weather, it's getting late. Zhuo Tian felt that he should go back, but he didn't know how the tigress at home was now? Is it life-threatening to go back now?

He had to go back. Zhuo Tian stood for a while and felt that he had prepared the big truth, and then confidently walked back to the direction of the steamed bun shop along the street with hairpins and bracelets... People should be reasonable, right? Although women are basically messed up.

Seeing that the steamed bun shop was more than ten feet in front of him, Zhuo Tian pretended to whistle easily. But in a blink of an eye, I saw the fat middle-aged woman chasing him with a feather duster in the morning leaning in front of her shop and winked at him.

He was so scared that he had a cold war and quickly continued to walk forward with no expression on his face.

When he arrived at the door of his steamed bun shop, Zhuo Tian was shocked.

I saw that the store was in a mess, the tables and chairs were overturned and smashed, the dishes were scattered everywhere, and the walls were splashed with oil... Two chefs and four clerks stood there sighing and whispering about something.

Zhuo Tian was furious and rushed into the store and asked, "Who the fuck did it?! Is it her or her?!"

Zhuo Tian pointed to the backyard of the store and the fat middle-aged woman who was still flirting outside.

According to his idea, one of these two must have done it, and Qingrou'er is the most likely. She didn't catch up with herself like crazy. When she came back, she must smash things to vent her anger... This woman is so hateful that she just ruined my body and let me break my money?

I didn't know that six people shook their heads together.

Didn't they do it? Who else can it be? With such an angry tigress like Qingrou'er, who dares to be wild?

"Who is it?!"

"It's a group of gangsters in the west of the city. Who in the city doesn't know that these people often fight with Uncle Black Mountain and bullied them here again today." A chef seems to be very familiar with the underworld, Zhuo Tiandao.

Zhuo Tian finally understood that it was this group of underworld rising stars who bullied Montenegro and they were used to bullying them. Hearing that Montenegro's former boss came back, he deliberately came down!

Fuck, how can a repairman be bullied by these mortals? I won't believe it!

Zhuo Tian grabbed a small bag of silver coins and threw at the chef who had just answered. The chef was overjoyed.

"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss!" He said excitedly.

"You're welcome. Use this money to buy a new table, chair, bench, tea cup, tea bowl and plate immediately!"

The chef's face immediately became like a bitter gourd.

"You drink tea for the rest of the money!"

Zhuo Tian rushed to the backyard of the store, leaving only this sentence echoing in the air.

The chef fiddled with the pocket pocket money bag in his hand and thought to himself: After buying things, the remaining copper can also fucking buy a cup of poor quality tea for each person... Isn't the boss stingy?

"Why don't you stop them from smashing the store?! My money! Is it so gone for nothing?!"

Zhuo Tian rushed to Qingrou'er, who was sitting in the room, and the red slave stood aside, as if he was holding back and not having fun.

Qingrouer now looks completely back to normal, as quiet and indifferent as a lady, and smiles at Zhuo Tian. What's wrong with others? Zhuo Tian is a little hairy.

This is not normal! Why are you so civil?

"If I stop it, I'm afraid I can't even see your house now..." Qingrou said leisurely.


"Because if my anger is not vented, not only will I smash your store, but I'm afraid that even the house will set you on fire." Qing Rouer said, "Fortunately, these little hooligans who came to make trouble helped you, so I watched the bustle with a smile. I know you are the least stingy person. Thinking about your flesh pain, I gradually became happy..."


restraint, restraint, can't provoke her anymore... Zhuo Tian said in his heart.

Calculation, if it can calm down like this now, the result is not very bad. Well, the compensation is not too much... Although Zhuo Tian is full of grievances, weigh it, as long as Qing Rouer does not lose his temper, everything is fine.

Qing Rouer now seems to have forgotten what happened in the morning and laughed, "I've been hungry all day. Can I eat now?"

"Everything in the store has been smashed. What else to eat?" Zhuo Tian is not very angry.

"Isn't there a restaurant in such a big city?"

"There are many..."

"Then what are we waiting for?"


I know that when their cultivation has reached this stage, it is no problem not to eat for a long time, but Zhuo Tian doesn't know why Qingrouer suddenly has painstaking efforts**.

"Isn't Sister Lan and Yiyi together?" Qing Rouer stood up and gathered her hair with her slender jade hand.

"They won't go. They want to alchemy."

"Good!" Qing Rouer became angry again and shouted, "Show me the alchemy in the beast spirit bag!" It's strange not to burn you all!"

Zhuo Tian rolled his eyelids and said, "My bag is specially made, not afraid of water and fire."

"Where is your beast bag? Take it out and show it to me!" Qing Rou'er shouted.

The red slave stood next to him and listened, and his eyes gradually moved from Zhuo Tian's face to Zhuo Tian's lower abdomen. Suddenly, he couldn't help laughing, and his face was like a flower.