
Chapter 306 Go to the fun

Montenegro was very surprised. Didn't you see what the big brother put on the car when you get on the car?

The four bright red wines in transparent bottles are fine. The wine jar is not small, and it is completely impossible to hide them on your body!

... It's almost as big as my own pickled vegetable jar.

And after Zhuo Tian put the wine jar and bottle in front of the car, Montenegro actually saw a few shiny golden barbecues.

"Xiaohei, don't underestimate my wine and meat, which can't even be eaten and drunk in this Fuyun Building!" Zhuo Tian laughed.

Montenema is skeptical. Now it's very late. He has been a little hungry for a long time. He is not polite at the moment. He picked up a piece of barbecue and took a bite fiercely. He immediately opened his eyes and was stunned.

The skin is crispy, but the inside is soft and juicy. It doesn't use too many seasonings. It just seems to be sprinkled with some salt to maintain the freshness and deliciousness of the ingredients. Hei Mountain only feels that he has never eaten such delicious food in his life. After swallowing it, it is full of endless aftertaste.

Montenegro nibbled a few times and stuffed his mouth full, and then asked vaguely, "Brother, who made this barbecue? It's so delicious!"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "It's your second sister-in-law... that is the baked one with two pairs of dimples with a smile. Her craftsmanship is average, and she is not as good as your eldest brother. The main reason is that this meat is not something that ordinary people can taste."

"What kind of meat is this?" Montenegro stopped chewing and suspected the tunnel.

In his own impression, it seems that he has never eaten anything except human flesh and mouse meat, and other poultry and livestock, including wild animals, has also been eaten? This big brother won't say anything terrible, will he?

Zhuo Tian grabbed a piece of barbecue, took a bite, narrowed his eyes and tasted it carefully, and sighed comfortably for a long time.

"Xiaohei, try that piece... Why don't you eat it? What you just ate is a kind of bird meat, which is a kind of beef meat, which I brought back from far away. Zhuo Tian did not say that it was a spirit bird, and a kind of cow is another kind of monster flag cow newly found by Yichun and Lan Jiuzhen in the demon tower, which is also an excellent delicacy.

Montenegro was relieved. According to his words, he picked up the roast beef and took a big bite. Sure enough, it was completely different from the two flavors he had just eaten. This beef is full of toughness, but it is not difficult to chew. It has some preserved aromas but no other odors. It is an excellent side dish.

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Don't just eat meat, let's drink one!"

After saying that, he opened two bottles of Zhuguo fairy wine, handed one bottle to Montenegro, and said, "This wine is known as fairy wine, but it is a favorite of girls. It is a sweet wine with little strength. We can drink it all at once!"

At this time, Zhuo Tian suddenly felt the spiritual power fluctuation on the second floor of the Fuyun Building, and almost broke through the room and shot directly a few miles away!

Then I heard a bang upstairs, like a group of people beating in the group. Then, the window was broken, two chairs flew out of a table, and fell to pieces not far from Zhuotian and Montenegro.

The two looked back and said, "Come on, do it!"

I took the wine bottle and touched the wine bottle of Montenegro.

Montenegro has to admire the eldest brother's unsurprise, and I don't know who fought on it, and his daughter-in-law and family are still inside!

He asked worriedly, "Will anything happen to my sister-in-law?"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Who dares to provoke that female tiger? Big brother, I'm afraid of her, and others won't get well with her!"

Montenegro raised the bottle and drank all the wine.

...What kind of wine is this? It's simply the best wine in the world! Heishan was stunned and stunned for a moment. He quickly grabbed another bottle of Zhuguoxian wine. He raised his neck and put another bottle in his stomach.

Zhuo Tian smiled and looked at the night sky as if looking at the sky.

Sure enough, many people suddenly appeared in the darkness around, and some actually went to the room and quietly observed what was going on.

That huge spiritual fluctuation attracted all the nearby practitioners to watch.

Zhuo Tian is a little worried. If there are few people, they can kill them all, but how can so many practitioners now keep the safety of Zhuo Kuangxing?

At this time, I heard someone in the Fuyun Building shouting, "Boss! These ten crystals are to compensate for your loss!"

Then as soon as the door opened, the young man selling solar stones strode out.

Hei Tian also heard it, smacked his tongue and said, "This man is so generous! Ten crystals, a thousand gold coins!"

Zhuo Tian sneered, ten crystals? This boy has a lot of crystals! How much did he sell the sunstone?! If all the economically allowed families in the gate city use the sunstone, this boy will make a fortune!

"Brother Taiwan! Why don't you drink? Are you leaving now?" Zhuo Tian said hello with a smile.

The young man looked at Zhuo Tian from afar, snorted coldly, and disappeared into the dark alley in the distance.

"Who is this person?" Montenegro asked.

Zhuo Tian was about to answer. Suddenly, as soon as the door of the restaurant opened, the dazzling light came out, and several people came out of it. Through the light, they looked carefully. It was five people who Zhuo Tian suspected were practitioners on the second floor.

The five people looked at it, waved their hands, and ran in the direction of the disappearance of the young man selling solar stones.

Zhuo Tian said to Montenegro, "Xiaohei, you drink here first. I'll find a convenient place and come back in a minute!"

Within the Black Mountain's answer, it has been a few times and followed.

In a deep alley, only the room next to it revealed a little light. The young man selling solar stone in the front began to walk in a hurry and gradually slowed down. Behind him were several practitioners pretending to be pedestrians as if nothing had happened. Finally, Zhuo Tianxiang thief hid to a large family. Behind the stone lion, he hid in the doorway for a while and poked out half of his head to peep at the front.

Finally, I got out of the alley. In front of me was a small temple in the city surrounded by layered private houses. The small square in front of me was still very lively during the day when all kinds of vendors gathered, but at night it was empty.

The young man selling sunstone suddenly stopped and stood there for a long time.

The few practitioners behind hesitated and didn't know whether to go there or hide. They also stopped and looked at each other.

"I've been following you for a long time. I don't know what's going on?" The youth road selling solar stones.

Several people hesitated for a moment, and one of them suddenly shouted, "It's still the same wherever you go!" What are you still hesitating about at this moment?"

The other nodded and said, "That's right! The brother in front of you, you came without avoiding the suspicion at all. You sold solar stones in broad daylight to accumulate wealth, and threw money bags on the restaurant to show off your wealth. Are you looking at the truth practitioners in the world?! It happens that our brother is short of money recently and wants to borrow some spiritual stones from you!"

The young man selling solar stones laughed and said, "Since you and I have come here thousands of miles away, we don't have to say anything clearly. It's okay to take a few spirit stones at hand, but I have to know who you are, right?"

"We are Dan..."

One person was talking, but the words were immediately interrupted by another person.

"We are all small free repairs!"

"Repair? Sanxiu only deserves to take some scattered spiritual stones from me!" The young man selling solar stones laughed wildly.

"What if we want all your spiritual stones?"

"Then you have to exchange your life!"

"It's not a big deal!"

The five people were so angry that they flew forward and surrounded the youth group selling solar stones. Although they had not released their spiritual power at this time, everyone knew that this was a time when it was imminent, and it was bound to be earth-shaking under one blow.

The young man who sells solar stones seems to not know that the crisis has come, and still looks up to the sky and laughs.

Suddenly, his body shook and released a spiritual fluctuation.

Those people suddenly looked at me, and I saw you laugh, as if they had seen something very funny.

"Tuxiu? No wonder it's so rampant!"

"Haha, I thought there was a super ability for a man who came across the ocean. It turned out to be just a soil repair!"

"A native wants to deal with five of us? Ridiculous!"

"Once the spiritual power leaks, other practitioners will soon feel it. Let's do it quickly!"

The five people also released spiritual fluctuations, and they are all earth cultivation, but everyone's level is higher than this young man who buys sun stones, and one of them seems to be about to break through to the realm of stone cultivation!