
Chapter 318 There is no trace

Fuck!! Zhuo Tian's anger is soaring to the sky, and my hidden spirit insect!!

Losing contact with the owner means that the hidden spirit bug has died. Zhuo Tian almost roared out in pain. These are all his precious pimples. Although the number of hidden spirit insects have been promoted one after another, this thing is too precious and useful!

Fortunately, he has locked a small cliff isolated in the night sky in front of him, urging the big crow to fly there!

When the distance was not far away, suddenly there was a bang, and the cliff suddenly burst open, and the stones burst. Under the shadow of the moon, I saw a tall figure flying out of the cliff and fell into a forest opposite, hiding in the endless darkness without any movement.

Zhuo Tian shouted, "Do you want to escape? Are you going to get over my monster?!"

A big crow flew to the top of the black forest in an instant, carrying enough spiritual consciousness to search down.

At this time, even if the other party's cultivation is higher than his own, if he wants to continue to escape, he must release spiritual fluctuations. Although it is difficult to find his figure in this forest, he can't break free from his divine consciousness.

The big crow fluttered its wings and hung in mid-air, and Zhuo Tian's divine consciousness searched within a few miles with this point as a radius.

But no spiritual fluctuation is felt.

"Do you want to hide and not escape?" Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "I'm going to spend it with you. Let's see where you can hide!"

Zhuo Tian is almost sure that this person is now within the search scope of his divine consciousness, but he does not dare to fall to the ground rashly... The hemp stone repair is one level higher than his cultivation, not to mention this practitioner who raised his hand and killed Mazi? If you attack secretly, you can't avoid it... You can't do anything risky!

After a long time, there was still no movement.

Zhuo Tian gradually couldn't stand it. With one move, he continuously released the empty-eating beast, the mixed beast of heaven and earth, the camel lightning, the gray-spotted spear snake and the lost beast of the sky. He fell to the ground and caused a burst of tremor and shouted, "Search for me!"

The monsters dispersed and searched little by little in the dark forest. Zhuo Tian and the big crow black wind continued to hang in the air to warn.

"Kun! " quack!" The birds and beasts were shocked, but the practitioners disappeared.

A few miles of circle is a very small place for these huge monsters, and they quickly searched everywhere.

The camel lightning returned first, shaking its fat head to show no.

Zhuo Tian shouted, "You're not lazy?"

The wind camel lightning almost broke its head and was eager to return to the demon tower and kept screaming.

One after another, several monsters all returned to the bottom of Zhuo Tian and did not find any clues, but finally came back with a slow twisting buttocks, with something in its mouth.

Zhuo Tian made a move, and the thing flew into his hand and looked carefully.

This is a hard thing like a goose egg, but there are some turtle-like cracks on the surface of the lacquer ground, which seem to be made of several pieces. There are no abnormality on the surface. Zhuo Tian can't figure out what this is. He wants to break this thing along the crack, but he doesn't dare... In case this is Some kind of magic weapon exploded and there was no good fruit to eat. He tossed and turned for a while, but still didn't investigate the reason.

This thing is definitely not naturally generated, and there are obvious traces of artificial creation.

In this barren mountain forest, mortals will not come here easily. Maybe it was left by the practitioners who had just escaped.

But what about this person? Where did you hide it? Is it possible to escape?

Zhuo Tian was unwilling to put the turtle egg into the invisible ring, and then looked down and saw that the monsters below were a little irritable... It turned out that they suddenly came to this boring and barren world without any spiritual power, all of which were a little flustered and uncomfortable. Zhuo Tian waved and received them all in the demon tower.

Zhuo Tian finally saw someone with the same hiding skills as him, but he hid in the invisible storage ring, but the man did not know what method to use to make himself helpless.

The hiding methods of practitioners are strange, such as water escape, earth escape, urine escape, space magic weapon, and transformation into other things...

He was always unwilling. After thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "If this guy is invisible here, the defense may not be tight. Wait for me to blow you up!"

He remembered Yichun's poisonous bird, the colorful seven-tailed phoenix and Lan Jiuzhen's two-headed peacock.

However, these two monsters did not fit their blood and could not be summoned directly, so they had to penetrate their divine knowledge into the storage ring demon tower to check their two beautiful future daughters-in-law... But these two maids were not there and didn't know where they had gone.

For good, the two monsters were still there, and Zhuo Tian summoned the camel to invite the colorful seven-tailed phoenix and the two-headed peacock.

Two huge birds appeared and flew in the air, with colorful glow, like a spirit bird in the sky descending from the sky.

After Zhuo Tian explained, he flew to the edge of the cliff in the black wind of the big crow and found a broken cave near the upper part. The big crow hovered, and Zhuo Tian jumped into the hole before taking a long breath. The cave was very shallow. When he looked at it, he saw the captured little boy lying motionless on the ground, next to the body of Pazi Shixiu. A big hole was blown in his chest, and there were fragments of flesh and blood nearby.

He tried the little boy's pulse and didn't get any harm, but his body was banned, and then he didn't know how to make him dizzy.

Zhuo Tian lifted his prohibition and put some spiritual power into his body. After a while, the little boy woke up.

"Where is this?" The little boy opened his dark eyes and found Zhuo Tian and asked, "I remember that I was caught by that puch and couldn't move, and then he patted me on the head and fainted."

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "It's all right now. That pique is dead. I'll save you!"

The little boy saw Ma Zishi Xiu beside him in a blink of an eye and said happily, "Sure enough, Sister Xing didn't see the wrong person. Her favorite is really a world-class hero! Such a powerful Shi Xiu was killed by you!"

Zhuo Tianzheng turned around and tossed up the items on Ma Zi's body, but found nothing. The storage ring had long been taken away by the strange man.

Hearing the little boy's words, he just smiled and didn't explain. Suddenly, he asked, "Whose child are you?" Do you know that this dead man is Shi Xiu?

The little boy hesitated not to say the origin, but just said, "I listened to those people in the lobby of the restaurant..."

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "When I go back, I'll ask you if the child of a true person has run away from home? Now we have to leave immediately, or we will have to be buried in this cave!"

He grabbed the little boy and quickly left the cave and jumped on the back of the big crow black wind outside.

The little boy smacked his tongue and said, "What a big bird! Where did you catch it? It's so majestic!"

But in a blink of an eye, I couldn't help but be stunned after seeing the scene not far away.

I saw a big bird with seven colorful tail hairs like a giant sword, and a huge peacock with two colorful heads, both suspended in the air, shining on its body, and more beautiful in the night sky, forming a thrilling and suffocating with the huge body and beautiful feathers. The effect... The huge strange bird with colorful tail hair is constantly spraying huge pink balls one after another, falling into the dark forest below one by one.

The little boy asked on the back of the big crow, "What are these two just? Is it the divine bird in the sky?! Is it yours? If you don't catch it back, it's much better than the black ugly bird we're riding now!"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Be careful that I peck you!" Those two beautiful big birds are in front of me, and they are just little brothers!"

Soon, in the black forest a few miles away, pink fog faintly appeared on the canopy one after another, swimming darkly in the breeze, and it looked like a strange picture under the moon.

"All the way! Almost done!" Zhuo Tian laughed.