
Chapter 321 Eat meat

Zhuo Tian saw the little black fox hiding in a remote corner in a blink of an eye. It felt very interesting. Other monsters, including those cubs, were much bigger without seeing it for a period of time, but it was still the same as usual, just like an ordinary beast, without any magical power fluctuation.

But it seems that it is more careful than monsters... What is it practicing?

Zhuo Tian walked over, and the little black fox was shocked and turned around to escape.

"I wipe it, don't run!" Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "You can go in and out of my house. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have let the monsters tear you up. What are you afraid of me?"

The little black fox seemed to understand his words, pricked his ears and fell down again.

Zhuo Tian squatted down and stroked its black and shiny fur and smiled, "What skills do you have now? You are so small but meat-eating, I'm afraid it's not easy to survive in the monster world outside, right?

The little black fox looked at him with big black eyes, but suddenly his eyes tilted to one side, and there was greed in his eyes.

It turned out that a white light flashed in the demon tower, and the lost beast bit two spirit birds and came back. It was sitting there and began to eat and chew.

With its current talent skills, it is easy to catch a few flying monsters. The little black monkey, and the colorful * sky beast blue tiger also rushed up and enjoyed it together, and the lost beast Xiangshuai seemed to have been used to being eaten by these little monsters. He was not angry, and also bit off the tenderest meat to give them... Only another little monster holy bird flying snow deer was herbivorous and stood aside. It seems to be waiting for the return of the wind camel and lightning.

The little black fox's eyes are undoubtedly coveted, and it can't catch the spiritual monster.

"Do you want to eat it?" Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "You can only practice quickly if you want to eat the meat of monsters... If you want, come with me. They won't hurt you. Don't be so lonely. You have to be in the group... Look, the little monkey is actually grabbing the meat on the mouth of the big blue tiger. He is not only not guilty at all, but also angrily dislikes that the big tiger blocked his sight. The old man How good the tiger is!"

Zhuo Tian picked up the little black fox, came to the lost beast and said, "Xiang Shuai, give it some of the monsters you caught in the future!"

Although this lost beast likes to be cool and handsome, he is the most gentlemanly of all monsters and nodded when he heard the words.

Zhuo Tian put the little black fox on the ground and laughed, "Go!"

The little black fox obviously showed a happy expression in his eyes and ran over, but did not eat meat. He gnawed the head of the spirit bird. After a while, it bit out a big hole and began to lick the monster's brain with relish.

"Damn it! Earlier, these monsters don't eat their heads, and you don't want to grab food!" Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "You really know how to eat. As the saying goes, you must be the smartest in the future!"

In the past, the remaining bone fur eaten by these monsters was burned to ashes by the two-headed peacock or Lan Jiuzhen and Yichun. I don't know how much brains were wasted.

Now that they are not there, Zhuo Tian found that the tower was in a mess, and several leftover monster remnants were thrown on the ground.

Zhuo Tian said angrily, "Fuck you eat like this. If Yichun and senior sister are not cleaned up for a year, won't the bones in the tower pile up like a mountain?! Isn't this the largest garbage dump in the world?! Who will be responsible for cleaning up the leftovers in the future!"

The little black monkey and the little blue tiger were full and ran lazily to the side to look up to the sky to dry their bellies. The wandering beast pretended not to hear it.

Zhuo Tian was so angry that he didn't clean up his leftovers, let alone expect other monsters.

"Do you still expect me to be your servant?"

I saw that the little black fox licked the brain of a spirit bird, ran around and bit the heads of several other monster remnants, piled them up in one place, and suddenly turned over, rolled up a whirlwind on the flat ground, rolled up the remaining remnants, wrapped them and flew outward behind the little black fox. The shadow flashed and went out of the door.

Zhuo Tian was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the little black fox really had some magical power... If he let other monsters clean up by themselves, I'm afraid he would have to carry it out little by little in a stupid way.

He followed and saw that the little black fox had hovered the wreckage above a small pit, and then the whirlwind stopped and all fell into the pit.

Then the whirlwind rose again, rolled up the earth and rocks to fill the pit.

Zhuo Tian muttered, "So careful? If you say you are not a female fox, I won't believe it... If you ask those vulgar monster men to clean up, I'm afraid they will scatter the ground when they go out of the tower door. The tower is clean, but they will have to be blocked in a few days..."

He returned to the tower and linger for a while before flying out of the demon tower.

Now it's almost dinner time. In addition to walking lazily to the front hall, Zhuo Tian saw acup and bracelet sitting at the counter together, but there were no customers in the store, empty.

Chu'er was also very surprised to see Zhuo Tian and jumped over.

Zhuo Tian pinched her face with a smile and asked, "Why is business so bad?" Unexpectedly, there is no guest?"

Chu'er pointed out the door.

Zhuo Tian was very strange and walked out of the barbecue shop. He saw four big men in black on the left and four big men in black on the right at the door, all of whom were fierce and evil. As long as someone curiously wanted to enter the newly opened barbecue restaurant, sixteen bronze bell-like eyes stared at them together, and their ferocious faces made people hide back. Go, don't take a step forward again.

Fuck, are you here to smash the scene?!

But Zhuo Tian looked carefully and recognized two familiar brothers from Montenegro... What are they going to do?

When eight big men saw Zhuo Tian bowing together, they shouted, "Good brother!"

Zhuo Tian grinned, stretched out his hand and asked, "What's the situation?" Where are you practicing here?"

"Yesterday, Brother Montenegro knew that his store had been smashed, so he let his brothers guard it to avoid another accident..." A big man in black said.

"Fuck! In this way, others think that I am the entrance of the underworld! Who dares to come in for dinner?" Zhuo Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "Get rid of it quickly! Yesterday, I was not in the store, otherwise who could come to me?

"...Then shall we... go?"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "All of them have gone. By the way, where is the mouth of the hall that cut all over Tianhu Ba Dao?"

Yesterday, I was busy all night and delayed the matter that I was going to teach Hu Badao a lesson. Zhuo Tian decided to go there tonight, which was also worthy of these brothers who were usually bullied, and also vented his store.

"It's diagonally opposite the patrol gate in the west of the city." A big man.

"Oh, all right, you guys break up!"

After these people withdrew, some guests, especially some young people, came into the store. As soon as they saw the beautiful little boss's bracelets and cupboards behind the counter, their eyes were almost straight. After tasting the barbecue and some side dishes, they patted the table and cheered them up... The chef originally found for Montenegro, he was good at cooking, and Zhuo Tian Although the ingredients given to them are not beautiful monsters, they are also wild animals that are not available on this island continent. Naturally, they taste very good.

And the two chefs are also very careful, making the internal organs, head, feet and claws and other ingredients, which are brine or mixed, or fried or sauced, and some local ingredients, fruits and vegetables, into a dish of different snacks, which can be said to be the only flavor shop in Mencheng.

Coupled with the hard work of the second store outside the door, the store will soon be full of seats.

Zhuo Tian stood aside with a smile and looked at the bracelets who were busy collecting the bills, and the guys shuttled quickly to the dishes and served wine. He deeply felt that the business had been done.

Even the fat little green in the antique store opposite turned over and bought a few pieces back.

A few years later, Xiaolu used to be the girl of an antique store, but she didn't know how to hook up with the shopkeeper. Now she has become the shop owner's wife, and now she is getting fat and richer.

Alas, first love is always unforgettable. How is Xiaoqing now?