
Chapter 323 What a strong wind

Are you involuntarily afraid? This made Hu Badao feel extremely angry and made him hysterical. He shouted, "Kill! Kill! Kill this boy! Let's go together!"

Montenegro had long pulled out the machete at his waist, stepped forward, shouted, and cut at Hu Ba's knife's neck! His experience in fighting is also extremely rich. He knows that the group fight must kill the other party's leader or be taken hostage in the shortest time, so the little ones below will have scruples or disperse.

Hu Badao kept holding a big knife in his hand and waved it to block the attack of Montenegro.

Zhuo Tian rolled up his sleeves again, tied his belt, took a posture and jumped to the front. Facing the dark crowd, he suddenly shouted, "Close the door and let the dog go!"

Then he stood aside and looked at these people with a smile.

Hu Ba Dao is fighting with Montenegro. His strength, speed and cutting skills are similar to those of Montenegro, and he is incomprehensible. He can't help but be stunned when he hears Zhuo Tian's shouting.

Then he swept with the afterglow of his eyes and couldn't help but be shocked.

Suddenly, there was a sudden whirlwind among more than 100 people.

At first, it was only slender, but it kept getting bigger and stronger at a very fast speed, constantly rolling up the dust and confetti on the ground, making the group of people unable to open their eyes, their clothes flying, and staggering staggering almost unsteadily.

Soon, this whirlwind seemed to suck the dark clouds near the sky, and the bottom became thicker and thicker to completely wrap more than 100 people!

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Xiaohei, work harder!" There will be brains to drink in a moment!"

I saw a little black dog-like animal jumping out of the dark and wagging its tail to cast spells more vigorously... This is the little black fox in Zhuo Tian's demon tower!

The reason why Zhuo Tian used it is that it is not a monster, and there is no demon power fluctuation on his body. Even if he walks on the street, no one can recognize his identity as a true practicer, and there is no spiritual power to release it when fighting, which cannot attract other practitioners; and the magic power of the little black fox is just right to deal with more than 100 people... Otherwise, it will not be used. It's really not easy to beat mortals by practicing the truth.

The practitioners are strong and naturally not afraid of being hurt, but when they wave their hands to defeat the enemy, they will inevitably reveal their spiritual power.

Hu Badao was shocked. It turned out that this dog was doing something wrong?!

...Do you still eat human brains? What kind of monster is this?!

Finally, a person in the huge whirlwind couldn't stand up. He shouted briefly and was tired by the wind. He disappeared in an instant. After landing, several people flew up one after another. Then the whirlwind became a huge hanging tool, and almost all people were sucked up without a trace like a bird thrown into the forest!

How can I still play this? Hu Badao's heart was cold.

I was already scared and just wanted to retreat, and then I was distracted. I was cut a long cut on my clothes by Montenegro with a knife, and I almost hurt my skin and skin.

Zhuo Tian's murderous heart was moved at this time, and he did not hesitate. He shouted to the little black fox, "Stop!"

The huge dark whirlwind suddenly disappeared.

At this time, there was not even a trace of wind on the street, and only the sound of things falling from the air was heard one after another. At first, it was sucked down by the broken bricks and tiles of the nearby people's houses, and then human bodies fell down one by one, and some of them were not fainted. There was also a long scream, and it was not until it fell to the ground that the red and white things burst out silently.

How can these people be swept up to the sky up to more than 100 feet and fall freely?

For a moment, the brain splashed blood. At this time, the street was like a slaughter ground, full of corpses.

More than 100 people died like this?

Hu Ba's knife was as dull as a wooden chicken, and a stream of heat flowed down his lower abdomen along his thighs and calves, and a circle of expanding water appeared behind his shoes. He finally knew the horror of this former gate city boss.

If you are more than your ability, you can't compare with others; if you are more ruthless, you are far inferior.

With a "bang", the big pass knife fell to the ground, and the black mountain machete waved and put it on Hu Ba's knife's neck.

Zhuo Tian stood there in a daze, looked at the bodies on the ground silently for a while, and then muttered, "The world is also a law of the jungle. If I don't have any means, I will definitely be killed by you, and my family's wife will certainly be endlessly humiliated by you... Originally, I wanted to forgive you, but for Why do you have to challenge my bottom line and greatly provoke me?

The little black fox was secretly taken into the demon tower when Zhuo Tian stopped.

At this time, Zhuo Tian was unhappy. After all, he was very uncomfortable after killing so many people. He sighed and turned around and left.

Montenegro also looked at this scene in a daze. Seeing that Zhuo Tian was lonely, he asked, "Brother, how to deal with this person?"

Zhuo Tian shook his head and said, "Let him go!"

But at this moment, suddenly there were a few gloomy sneer in the street, which clearly came to Zhuo Tian's ear in the night wind. Zhuo Tian suddenly looked back, but there was no one on the street

"Who is it?!" Montenegro shouted.

"Watch the scene." A voice replied.

Zhuo Tian looked along the sound and saw a man slowly coming out of the dark alley not far away, as he seemed to carry a burden in his hand. As he spoke, he showed a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

Far away, Zhuo Tian recognized this person as the young man who sold the sun stone the day before yesterday!

"It turned out to be Brother Taiwan. What a coincidence!" Zhuo Tian regained his smiling nature, saying.

Although he looked relaxed, he was alert in his heart.

Why did this person appear here? And with him, there are often those killers in black who kill silently. Does he come for himself?

"Don't get close. I just passed by here and saw a group of people fighting here in the distance. I was separated from the road, so I had to wait for a while." The young man stepped forward without looking back and said, "Now it's time to keep going. Don't pay attention to me."

"You were sneering just now?" Zhuo Tian laughed.

Those sneers were very strange, and they didn't come from the direction of the young man selling the sun stone at all, but when Black Mountain asked, the young man talked to each other.

"No, look back yourself."

Zhuo Tian felt strange while talking in this young man. He suddenly turned around and looked at it, and couldn't help but be shocked!

I saw the pile of dead bodies in front of me, and suddenly a few people slowly stood up!

Is there anyone who hasn't been killed?!

Or did the unjust soul and immortal ghost come back to revenge?

These dark shadows slowly wiped away the blood stains on their faces, and then slowly moved towards Zhuo Tian, really like ghosts.

"Someone is miserable." The young man selling solar stone muttered, "It's actually going to get into trouble with the practitioners."

Montenegro asked strangely, "What is a true person?"

Zhuo Tian had understood for a long time, but he didn't expect that the practitioners in the gate city were all pervasive. These people actually lurked among the gangsters... But don't you think that he was also the owner of a small restaurant? One day, it was not surprising to see a vegetable seller, begging or turtle * suddenly become a true scholar.

With a "wish", suddenly one of the dark shadows raised his hand, and the steel knife in Montenegro's hand fell to the ground like a rotten ancient book.

"This is the true practice." The young man sighed.

Zhuo Tian turned his eyes and smiled, "Why can't you stop?"

"There will be a group fight here again. Why should I leave?" The young man rolled his eyes and said, "If the people in front of me think that I am being provoked forward, won't I suffer a reckless disaster?"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "They may not come to fight desperately. I'm a little gangster, and I don't seem to have provoked them, right?"

"You blew them into the sky and fell to the ground like shit. Who are they looking for if they don't look for you?"

"That's purely an accident. I'm also secretly wondering how such a strong wind suddenly blew!" Zhuo Tian said with a smile, "I was just still celebrating, otherwise more than 100 people would have stepped on the carpet... How could it be that I blew it? Wouldn't I become a fairy?"

The young man selling sunstone looked up at the sky and was speechless.