
Chapter 354 Puppet

"Well, I have such a plan." Zhuo Tian suddenly remembered something, put away the three black magic beads, turned his hand, took out the turtle's back egg, and said, "Daughter-in-law, you have more knowledge than me. Do you know what this is?"

"Huh? Why do you have this?" Xing Ruyu asked in surprise, "This kind of magic weapon is not common in the world of cultivation."

"Do you remember that day in Fuyun Building? A pimp was kidnapped by the stone kid and fled. I had already placed a ghost on him and tracked him. Along the way, he actually had an accomplice hiding in a small cave together. I overheard that the pimp was killed by his accomplice and was worried that the stone kid would be killed, so I rushed over. I didn't know that the mouth of the cave would burst. A dark shadow rushed out and flew into the forest. He hid the spiritual fluctuations. I sent monsters to search within a few miles but found nothing. I only picked up the turtle-like egg, and I blew up the forest in anger. Zhuo Tian told the story of that day in detail.

"Father, you have been fooled." Chitose, the beast that eats the sky, also said.

"What's going on?" Zhuo Tianqi Road.

"My years of stealing the door were not short. The thief's door steals everything. I once saw an elder of their sect own this thing. This is a puppet." Chitose Road.

"Puppets? What the hell?"

"It's a well-made magic weapon, but the purpose is not to hurt people, but it can turn into the owner's appearance... Some are for escape, some are for deception, and some are to go to places they don't want to go instead of themselves... In short, it's something used by scammers." The stars are like jade.

Who knew Zhuo Tian was interested and laughed, "So I was cheated by that man?" He led me away with a stand-in, but he slipped away quietly? ...Damn, this is so funny. Why didn't Zhuo Kuangxing teach me the refining method in this field? What kind of person made this? I have to admire him for his ingenuity.

"How can Zhuo Kuangxing be interested in such a small skill of carving insects? This thing basically comes from two sects, one is the imperial armor sect in the 'eight sects', and the other is the artifact gate in the 'seven sect', which is the two super sects in the so-called 'eight good and seven evils'. Xing Ruyu frowned and said, "Is it possible that the people in these two sects also came to the gate city? The situation is more complicated.

Zhuo Tian thought for a while and said, "Daughter, none of these two sects are small. I accidentally let them slip away. You are a little dangerous in Fuyun Building. Be careful of them to revenge!"

"Well, I know... At worst, I'll stay with you, and I don't care about anything, hehe." Xing Ruyu smiled.

"Ov, how to use this turtle-back egg... puppet?"

Xing Ruyu took the turtle's back egg from Zhuo Tian's hand and smiled, "Your cultivation is not as high as the original owner, and there is no way to erase his mark. Let me try."

She made several formulas in a row, invaded the inside of the turtle's back egg, and then bit her little finger with her teeth. Her blood dripped into the puppet's crisscrossing lines. The puppet shook violently, and finally jumped as if she wanted to desperately break free from the control of the star-like jade. It was a series of tricks to go out, barely to control the turtle's back egg from flying away.

"This man's cultivation is so strong!" Xing Ruyu frowned, and her face became whiter and whiter, and she said.

Zhuo Tian was a little worried. He obviously saw that Xing Ruyu was a little struggling and said, "If it's difficult to erase his mark, just destroy this thing."

"To erase the mark of the other party, my cultivation must be much higher than his. It's a little difficult... But it's okay to take your time."

The sky-eating beast Chitose suddenly smiled and said, "Master, let me have a try!"

He is just a newly transformed spirit beast, which should be equivalent to a stage of stone cultivation or iron cultivation of the practitioner. It should be absolutely not be as good as stars and jade, but Zhuo Tian remembered his talent... At the beginning, the demon tower was banned and sealed by an alien, but he could not stand the unformed empty beast. After two days of continuous gnawing, even a powerful figure of the Extinction could not be broken, and it was slowly eaten by it.

Erase the mark set by a person may be a piece of cake for him now.

The sky-eating beast Chitose transformed again. This time, it only became a vicious beast about the size of a foot. Aomori Mori floated in the air. Zhuo Tian took the turtle's back egg from the star-like hand and threw it at it. The empty beast opened its mouth and sucked, and a black light swept the big egg into its mouth.

"Damn it, be careful not to swallow it."

The sky-eating beast Chitose seems to contain a piece of candy, and the ferocious beast's head cheeks shrank together, as if sucking * forcefully. Just a few times, he spit it out and said, "It's boring. I just picked up my addiction and it's gone... Now I really want to eat a big meal..."

Xing Ruyu was surprised and funny. I didn't expect that the talent of this air-eating beast was so powerful.

Zhuo Tian took the turtle's back egg in his hand, looked at it and asked, "Daughter-in-law, how to use this thing now? Can I turn it into myself?"

"It seems very simple. It should be similar to your manipulation of the array. Drop your own blood and then control it with your mind... I don't know. You can think about it yourself!" The stars are like jade.

Shi Qiansui turned into a human form and became the obscene and short white-bearded old man, looking at Zhuo Tian's operation with a smile.

Zhuo Tian pierced his fingertips, dripped blood into the vertical and horizontal lines of the turtle's back egg, penetrated his mind, frowned a few times, and finally, with a "kab", the turtle egg moved, and its shape kept changing. It sounded endlessly, like a dormant monster suddenly stretched its limbs for a moment. Later, a angular thing like a doll made of metal stood in Zhuo Tian's hand.

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "Interesting, interesting, the fucking organs here are really complicated, and it's not easy to build!"

Suddenly, he threw the doll into the air with a "bang" sound, as if the leather bag had been blown up, and there was no light. The naked eye could see that the puppet was growing up, the edges and corners gradually faded, and the facial features appeared in a trance, which gradually became clear from chaos, and the expression slowly became vivid. Xing Ruyu opened her mouth and saw that another Zhuo Tian was born in front of her... and she was also a naked Zhuo Tian.

"Fuck! ...This man is not dressed, and he lost the old man!" Zhuo Tian panicked through his mind and commanded the puppet Zhuo Tian to cover his key points.