
Chapter 361 How to Rescue

Flying Dance turned his head and stared deeply at him.

"Am I wrong?" Zhuo Tian said, "Just think I didn't say anything. Go ahead."

He also ignored these people and walked to his barbecue shop. He stood in the hall and stopped and began to look sad. He sighed, which even moved the red slave.

She said, "Auntie, don't be too sad. I don't think the cultivator who took Miss away doesn't seem to be a bad person. Maybe it's just for some purpose. You don't have to worry so much..."

"I'm upset. Why was this store smashed again and again? It costs a lot of money to repair the roof and buy tables and chairs.

"Go to hell!"

Zhuo Tian didn't care about the red slave's eyebrows and staggered back to the backyard with bracelets. The big crow black wind had long been taken back... Because it is not happy to see the empty-eating beast now, and he wants to curse; at this moment, Chitose is accompanying Xing Ruyu outside and does not follow Zhuo Tian.

"I will put you in the demon tower later. At this moment, the practitioners here have been exposed, and there may be dangers in the future. Lan Lan and Yiyi have gone to retreat. While practicing the basic formulas, you also help me take care of the spiritual insects and monsters there." Zhuo Tian went to the backyard and looked around and whispered to the two little girl secretly.

The bracelet and the head have always listened to him and agreed together.

"Yes, and that Gui Ronger..."

Zhuo Tian remembered that she had a slight headache, and he would not gradually become a shelter for women in distress, right? The daughter of the city owner is now full of hatred, but she still doesn't understand her character. Once she goes to the demon tower, what happens is not worth the loss. Only trusted people can tell this secret. Now they don't even know Montenegro. How can they let her know it? But it's not a matter for a mortal to always live here. The people of the Wang family must still want to kill her. What should they do?

"Is she awake now?"

"She woke up when we just came out, but she didn't say anything."

"Let's go and have a look."

"But don't you worry about Mrs. Qing? She has just been abrun!"

"What's the use of worrying about it? I'll go on a date in the evening."

Zhuo Tian is actually a little worried, especially the young man in black who showed the image of a pervert. Although there are some pretentious elements, no one knows whether human nature will change at a certain time and place! He sighed and went into his room with bracelets.

Gui Ronger lay half covering the quilt, and her eyes widened blankly. When she saw Zhuo Tian come in, she was suddenly shocked and her body trembled obviously.

"Don't be afraid, you're safe now." Zhuo Tian felt that this was the work of nagging aunts and aunts. He would never persuade a girl who was deeply trapped in an extremely sad situation. What should he say? Say "Don't be sad anymore"? Isn't that bullshit? Will you still smile as if nothing happens when your whole family is dead? Why does it sound so pretentious to say, "If you want to cry, just cry?" And once the other party really cries endlessly, he is simply looking for himself to suffer.

"Have you participated in killing my whole family?" Gui Ronger suddenly gritted her teeth and asked.

"Damn it, you can't talk nonsense!" Zhuo Tian was shocked and said hurriedly, "The lord of the city has always been my most admired person. I regarded him as my idol when I was a child. Princess, you are more like a noble and beautiful swan in the eyes of my little man... Besides, I am not a crazy person. How can I participate in killing the whole family?"

"But you are together. They are your accomplices."

"Don't mention it. I was arrested at first, but these people had something to do with my sect, so they let me go again. I also died last night!" Zhuo Tian said, "Isn't the man and woman who forced your father to die and kill your whole family the Wang family in the city? And the middle-aged man surnamed Cheng also has sworn hatred with me. Don't you remember what happened in those years? The Wang family killed more than a dozen of my brothers!"

"I know this, and then you are all missing."

"That's good. You should know that I hate them as much as you do." Zhuo Tiandao.

"Will you teach me how to take revenge?"

"Of course, but you can be my wife and concubine..."

"I promise you!" Gui Ronger turned pale and clenched her teeth and said, "As long as you can avenge me, I promise you everything!"

"Great! Then don't mention it at this time. I won't marry you, because I already have several daughters. Zhuo Tian smiled and saw the bracelet standing on one side in a blink of an eye, and said with one finger, "Look, there are two more daughters-in-law in reserve!"

The two little girls blushed their delicate faces, but secretly lowered their heads and smiled.

Although Gui Ronger also felt strange in her sadness, what's wrong with the famous hooligans in this gate city? Why are the two beautiful women so handsome and delicate in love with him so much, and they also have his charming wife. However, he was also relieved in his doubts. Fortunately, the other party was not a villain in danger, and his lifelong event would not come to such a bleak end.

"I want to send you to a place to practice your skills, but I want you to abide by a condition." Zhuo Tian looked into Gui Ronger's eyes for a long time and said, "If you agree, you can go immediately. If you don't agree, forget it, because this place can't be practiced now, so you have to wait until later."

"What conditions?"

"Because that's a secret place, I don't want outsiders to let them know its existence. So if you go, you may not come out without my order for a long time, and you may still be monitored there.

"But I still have revenge."

"When you can take revenge, I will find an opportunity for you to come out and get what you want."

"Okay, I agree!"

Zhuo Tian quietly transmitted the bracelets and hairpins in the room, asking them to stare at Gui Ronger and not let her move her things, even a spiritual grass or a medicine worm. The two girls nodded their heads like chickens. Then he was a little relieved and sent the three of them to the demon tower with a magic formula.

After staying in the room for a while, Xing Ruyu came into the room with the empty-eating beast Guo Qiansui and the red slave stone kid Black Mountain. Seeing the empty room, the red slave and the stone kid felt a little strange, and the others seemed to be nothing.

"Did you send them away?" Xing Ruyu squeezed his lips and smiled.

"Yes, but I'm really a little worried. You, the hostess, have to take care of it often, otherwise the house may be messed up!" Zhuo Tian smiled.

"Well, I will go there often. Chitose is not bad, and he can do it too." The air-eating beast also followed Xing Ruyu and flattered her very smoothly, which made her feel very comfortable. She couldn't help saying a good word for him.

"Well, now he only has you as the mother-in-law in his eyes, and he doesn't pay attention to me as a father at all!" Zhuo Tian said angrily, "In this case, I will assign some work to you immediately. I will bring some silver coins to find a few masons to finish the roof for me today, and buy some more tables and chairs!"

"No problem, father!" Chitose replied with a smile.

He has just turned into a human form and is thinking of strolling around this mortal world to feel the feeling of being a man. Zhuo Tian's words fulfilled his wish.

Thousands of years ran out, and before leaving, he turned back to the red slave and said, "Beauty, would you like to go together?"

The red slave snorted and ignored him.

Zhuo Tian sent her and Shi Xiaogui back to her room and discussed with Xing Ruyu how to save Qingrou'er at night, and felt that he was not sure at all. Xing Ruyu advocates dispatching six masters together. Zhuo Tian feels that this idea is not very good. Masters like Fan Chongfei Tianwu will certainly not come forward for Zhuo Tian's affairs. If you bring a bunch of junior disciples, they will not only not play the role of intimidating their opponents, but also easy to mess things up. If It really hurt Qingrouer when he provoked the other party, and Zhuo Tian was really uncomfortable.

"I'll go by myself!" Finally, he said, "I always feel that the young man in black is coming for me!"

"I'll follow quietly, too!" Xing Ruyu said, "If I work hard, I should be able to fight with that person for a while, although the outcome is still undecided."

"Well, that's fine."