
Chapter 374 begins to mess up

So Zhuo Tian naturally occupied the position of the doorkeeper of the divine palace. The door owner's charm was hidden in the dense sea and was not searched by Xingruyu and Qingrouer. Now he can't take it out. Qiu's uncontrollable cultivation has been banned to the level of an air practitioner, and he can't start the secret sea at all. He has to wait until Xingruyu Only after lifting the ban for him can he take it out by himself.

Zhuo Tian proudly entered the demon tower, and the little old man Qiu, who watched him disappear behind, also showed a cunning smile and finally threw this hot potato to others.

At this time, the sky-eating beast Chitose hurriedly flew into the demon tower.

Although Zhuo Tian's puppet has been thrown outside, Zhuo Tian still has some divine thoughts to control it. Originally, his cultivation was raised by relying on the elixir and herbs. The divine thoughts were not very powerful. It was very painful to use one mind and two times. So Zhuo Tian let the puppet sleep in the room most of the time, so Qiansui If something happens, you have to fly into the demon tower to find him.

"What's the matter?"

"Montenegro came to report that there have been many battles in the gate city recently. I don't know why."

"Oh, I'm going to see him."

Black Mountain had to have a big meal every time he came to the barbecue restaurant. When he was buried in destroying the last leg meat on the plate, he looked up and saw Zhuo Tian coming in through the back door with a smile. He quickly wiped his mouth and stood up.

"Brother, the city is in chaos now!"

Zhuo Tian waved his hand to let him sit down and knew that he loved to drink. He took out a jar of golden millet and poured two bowls, and each of them had dried several bowls first.

"It's right. Fuck, so many practitioners don't go to find the wild secret land, but gather in the gate city. It's like firewood full of fire oil, igniting. Pravists have never lived in groups except for their respective sects." Zhuo Tiandao.

"Well, the brothers occasionally hear a piece of news, which seems to be no secret among those practitioners... They say that the entrance to Zhuo's crazy secret land is in the gate city!" Montenegro Road.

Zhuo Tian was shocked. Who spread the bullshit news? How can Zhuo's crazy land be here? No wonder these practitioners don't leave!

"This must be a fucking conspiracy." He muttered.

"Yes, big brother, so it's particularly chaotic outside now. If you don't agree, those practitioners will start to do it. Some of them will no longer hide their identity as practitioners at all. The brothers have suffered three casualties..."

Zhuo Tian secretly thought that if the practitioners with profound cultivation fight in the gate city and completely destroy the gate city, maybe the common people in his hometown will suffer. It seems that he can't watch the bustle and have to minimize the damage, otherwise he will see those neighbors he is familiar with. If you die one by one, you will definitely feel extremely guilty.

"Montenegro, how many brothers do we have now? How much can you trust?

"Since we killed and cut the whole world, our territory has expanded a lot, and there are more brothers who have come to defect. Now there are more than 60 brothers, which are basically trustworthy." Montenegro Road.

Zhuo Tianxia made up his mind and said, "You gather them together and ask if they are willing to go to a place with me to practice?" However, I don't know when I will return. If there are old and young people in the family who don't want to take care of it, whether they come or not, they will give a sum of money to settle down so that their families will have no worries about food and clothing in the future... We will not be underworld in the future. I want to set up a triad in the world!"

Heishan was overjoyed to hear this. He had already seen Zhuo Tian's method and begged to practice with Zhuo Tian for a long time. He hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll gather them to ask!" I'm going, haha! Finally, I can practice with the boss!"

"Well, go! I asked Chitose to prepare the money for you. Zhuo Tian laughed.

Seeing that his demon tower was brought in by his two daughters-in-law, he was taken in by so many people. Although there are four girls in charge, he is also worried that he will mess up his small world. It is better to put some of his brothers to cultivate their own power, and second, he can also have someone to manage it.

Heishan left happily. Zhuo Tian sat alone in the store for a while and drank a few more bowls of wine.

Suddenly, I heard a noisy sound outside the door, and the pedestrians who were coming and going peacefully also began to flee around. Someone also shouted, "There's a fight again. Run away!"

Damn it, is there really a war? What's the point of these people? Is it not too late to find the treasure?

Zhuo Tian and the sky-eating beast Chitose paced out of the store and went outside to watch the bustle.

I saw the smoke and dust on the far left street, and a group of people stumbled around. Some people seemed to have been injured, and magic weapons were flying behind them, as if a group of people were chasing them.

"Is it just a group of little people who dare to fight in the city so boldly?" Chitose followed Zhuo Tian and said, "Now the practitioners are really getting more and more arrogant!"

The empty-eating beast is right. At least the group of practitioners in front of them seem to be basically at the level of practitioners, otherwise they would have fled desperately with flying swords. Poor they can neither fly nor control monsters. They can only rely on the spiritual power and spells of practitioners to escape quickly, which is faster than ordinary mortals. A lot of disease.

The people of the gate city have already hid in the house, and the rest of them have hidden under the eaves of the street and watched these practitioners fighting in horror, but in the chaos, the magic weapon is not long-eyed. The magic weapon that has been knocked out often shoots on the buildings on the street before it can be taken back, constantly Some houses were destroyed or collapsed. For a while, they screamed repeatedly. Many of the people were injured and killed. What's more, they were directly hit by magic weapons and turned into blood fog with a bang, and even the corpse residue could not be found.

Zhuo Tian was furious and shouted, "Thousands, go and collect all their magic weapons!"

At this time, this group of chaotic practitioners had come to the door of the "Old Man's Barbecue Restaurant". The empty beast answered, and their bodies flashed into a green smoke and flew out.

The flying speed of the air-eating beast is as fast as lightning, and it is good at destroying various formations and prohibitions. Naturally, it is not a problem to clean up this group of low-skilled practitioners.

The thousand-year-old figure of the sky-eating beast can't be seen at all in mid-air. The practitioners with slightly higher cultivation can only see the faint blue shadows constantly flashing in the air and the crowd. Suddenly, they feel that their spiritual consciousness is chaotic, and their magic weapons suddenly lose contact with themselves and disappear without a trace. Without the slightest fluctuation, there are fewer and fewer flying magic weapons, and more and more practitioners are shocked.

Some practitioners who had not yet lost their magic weapons were aware of this situation and tried to collect their equipment. Suddenly, a flying sword broke through the chaotic struggle and flew diagonally forward.

That direction is the rouge shop next to the barbecue shop, the fat female boss... That is, the one who often chases Zhuo Tian with a chicken feather duster. This woman is surprisingly bold and is leading her equally chubby little son to the door of the restaurant to look at the lively fighting scene outside, and the flying sword is running for her. Her son shot her chest, but she didn't realize that the disaster had come. The reaction of mortals was not proportional to the speed of the flying sword.

Zhuo Tian was shocked and stretched out his hand. The woman and the little son who was held by her hand only felt a huge suction and rushed to Zhuo Tian involuntarily; then a black iron brick hit the flying sword behind them with a "bang" sound, and the flying sword was smashed to pieces. Several slightly large residues blew up several big holes in the doors, windows and walls of the rouge store.

"Oh, damn it!"

The fat woman was pulling the child and bumping into Zhuo Tian. As a cultivation man with not low cultivation, she would not be hit by the two mortals at all. However, Zhuo Tian has been used to playing with this boss's wife since she was a child and deliberately shouted, and two meat mountains, one big and one small, crushed Zhuo Tian to the ground.

"Aunuch, it's time for you to lose weight... How can you weigh me heavier than last time!" Zhuo Tian also took the opportunity to pat the woman's fat buttocks on his body.

"You stinky hooligan, you bastard!"

The owner's wife of the Rouge Store pulled her son up and began to chase Zhuo Tian. Zhuo Tian ran away with a mouse in his head, but took the opportunity to collect or smash the magic weapons that might accidentally hurt the people in the melee circle.

There were few eye visions left. He suddenly shouted and a strong whirlwind rose on the ground. He drew a big crow black wind, and then jumped on its back and looked down at the crowd below in the black smoke on the back of the huge monster.

"All stop it! Otherwise, I will let you die!" He shouted majestically.

"Oh, my God! It turns out that this hooligan is also a fairy!" The owner of the Rouge store looked up at Zhuo Tian on the huge monster and covered her mouth and exclaimed.