
Chapter 376 Gate City is sealed

"None! As an important disciple of the Royal Spirit Sect, this little request has been rejected? What's the point in the six cases?!"

No one expected that Zhuo Tian actually fell out with Liuzong for the people of the Shengong Gate. At the beginning, even if the Royal Lingzong was destroyed, he did not think of revenge immediately. His brother was harmed by Cheng Fei. He is still dealing with the elder of the Five Immortals Sect because of his lack of strength.

Even Fei Tianwu didn't expect that this disciple of Yulingzong, who had become a puppet power, suddenly became abnormally tough today, which was greatly beyond her expectation. She originally wanted to suppress Zhuo Tian as one of the current leaders of the six local sects, but she touched the ashes of her nose.

Now she can't get off the stage, squinting and thinking about things, but the occasional cold light can kill Zhuo Tian 10,000 times.

Zhuo Tian's strength has greatly increased, coupled with the star-like jade and the sky-eating beast Chitose, at least he is not afraid of flying at this scene.

"Okay! It seems that you want to be the enemy of Liuzong? The sky danced coldly.

"If you think so, you can't do it!"

"Is that forcing me to kill you?"

"It's a pity that it may not be as you wish." Zhuo Tian laughed.

Fly Dance's body suddenly had great spiritual power, and a fiery body shield suddenly rose out, flowing like blood and shooting a slight light. After all, it was the daughter of a patriarch, and the hood launched was also different.

Zhuo Tian is on guard. He is really not sure whether he can defeat this woman alone.

However, he saw that everyone except Chitose was in the demon tower, and he had no worries. If it really didn't work, could he still slip away? Can Flying Dance still catch him?

Just as the two sides were ready to fight, a loud noise suddenly appeared. When the storm broke out, the whole gate seemed to shake. Houses continued to collapse and trees fall. Suddenly, dark clouds were thickened in the sky, and the rolling black and red clouds were as ferocious. The group of evil beasts came generally... Both the ordinary people and the practitioners with a little cultivation present were crooked in the harsh roar and shaking, and some of them even fell to the ground and could no longer get up.

The loud noise continues, and the shaking continues to increase. The wind is like a magical storm from the alien world, and the black smoke rolled up makes it impossible to see any scene a few meters away.

Flying in the sky, I don't know what happened.

Zhuo Tian was also stunned. He has lived in Mencheng for so many years and has never seen such a terrible scene.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to escape back to the demon tower, but he wanted to see what happened.

The screams have spread all over the city. I don't know whether it's the people or the practitioners.

After a while, this horrible vision finally disappeared, and everything returned to calm. Except for some destroyed houses and trees, it seemed that the gate city had returned to its normal situation. Except for a little darkness, it was like dusk.

But soon the sharp-eyed practitioners found a vision that the blue sky and white clouds above had disappeared, and were replaced by a dark yellow-brown dome, as if someone had added a huge cover over the gate.

"This...what's going on?" Someone shouted in horror.

Zhuo Tian and Fei Tianwu also looked at the vague thing in the sky, and didn't know what happened.

Soon, several practitioners couldn't hold back their curiosity. The crowd below looked up to the sky and saw several figures suddenly rise in several places in the gate, which rose to the sky like the occasional scattered eyes of someone after the New Year, and rushed up quickly.

Naturally, the masters above the level of practitioners are stepping on the flying sword to find out.

Countless people's eyes are looking down.

I saw that those practitioners had turned into smaller black spots from afar and touched the dark mask almost at the same time. Suddenly, a few sparks appeared, just like flying insects touching the hot steel melting water. After a faint green smoke, people will never see again.



Everyone below exclaimed. Everyone knew that these practitioners disappeared when they touched the cover, and there was not even any resistance. Under this terrible thing, their lives were as humble as ants.

"What is this? What the hell is this?!" Someone shouted hysterically.

At this time, Fei Tianwu no longer had the idea of fighting to the death with Zhuo Tian. She was surprised. She didn't know whether this was a natural phenomenon or something that a true scholar could get... If it was man-made, then this person was too terrible?! At least it should be a fairy or a half fairy!

At this time, several monsters flew from afar, led by Du Yuan, the elder of the Royal Spirit Sect.

After he saw the flying dance, he began to shout.

"Miss Fei, the patriarch of the six sects has entered the city! It seems that we have been plotted!"

Fly Dance had a cold war. Why did the six suzerains come so soon? And they still came together. Who dares to plot them in such a lineup? Does it have anything to do with the hood in the sky?!

"Don't panic! What the hell is going on?" Flying in the sky and shouting coldly.

"The six patriarchs suddenly brought the elite personnel of the six sects here, and when they entered the city, they suddenly launched a large array from nowhere! Now the gate city has been sealed!"

"Ah?!" Fei Tianwu was shocked. Originally, they invited Mr. Gao to come and didn't know that a large array of people were going to seal the city, but that would be a future event. Why did they be closed now? And everyone in the six sects is still in the dark?!

"Where's Mr. Gao?" She shouted harshly.

She is a smart person. She now seems to know that all these conspiracies seem to be to deal with six sects. The other party is fearless. Is it possible that they are sure to win?!

"Gone! Elder Fan and the six suzerains can't find him!"

Fei Tianwu's face is even more ugly. She doesn't know much about Mr. Gao's identity. In short, she should be a mysterious figure.


Zhuo Tian over there suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, and he could finally be sure who Mr. Gao was.

"What are you laughing at?" Fei Tianwu said angrily, although she no longer wanted to fight, she still had the impulse to come forward and kill him when she saw the bastard in front of her.

"Mr. Gao, hey hey, Mr. Gao!" Zhuo Tian suddenly shouted, "Mr. Gao from Gao Laozhuang in Wu Xiuzhen! Don't you know who set the trap yet?!"

" is it possible." Fei Tianwu's face turned pale in an instant.

"Hahahaha, why is it impossible?" Suddenly, a long smile sounded in the distance: "The people of Gao Laozhuang are here!"

Suddenly, after a building, countless people rose up, looking as if there were more than thousands of people. The leader was the mysterious Mr. Gao. He shook his fan and smiled, "From now on, all six sects belong to my Gao Laozhuang!" The original territory of the Black Emperor Sect has countless secrets! If Wu Xiuzhen hadn't competed for the benefits of fishing for the clams, how could he have allowed you to wait for the six small sects to occupy?! None of the people here can escape from now on!"

The thousands of people in Gao Laozhuang can take up into the air. It can be seen that they are all masters. What he said is not bragging or exaggerating at all.

"Ha ha, don't flash your tongue! The water of the royal spirit suzerain is here!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the far side, and then the same group of people rose into the air.