married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 11 Hospital is a good place

Xiao Jing was hospitalized for food poisoning. After careful investigation by the police, the source of the poisoning was freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice. Because the hotel used unripe tropical fruits, it caused a large-scale food poisoning this time. The hotel not only refunded all the wedding expenses, but also paid all the medical expenses. In addition, a lot of expenses have been compensated. In Zou Weijun's words, "We not only didn't spend money on this marriage, but also made a lot of money. The most important thing is that we are now celebrities in Binjiang City, much more popular than Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou."

In this wedding, Xiao Jing's harvest was the hospital. She found that the hospital was actually a good place. She said to Zou Weijun, "I really think the hospital is very good. I sleep when I don't want to talk. I don't want to eat and sleep when I don't want to talk to people. Anyway, as long as I say I'm uncomfortable, everyone has to go around me. , how nice!"

Zou Weijun said while cutting apples, "Then you plan to live in Shajiabang for a long time!" Then I can be down-to-earth."

Xiao Jing suddenly thought of something and sat up excitedly and said to Zou Weijun, "Then let's treat the hospital as an old place!" I said that you knew it was this hospital in the old place. How about it?"

Zou Weijun handed the apple in his hand to Xiao Jing and looked at her helplessly and in surprise. He said, "Wife! You are really different! Treat the hospital as an old place, my husband, I'm really speechless!"

"Originally! Our wedding night was spent in the hospital. The hospital has different meanings for us, honey, don't you think so? Xiao Jing ate the apple with a big mouthful, gurgling in her mouth, and had another brain on her forehead. Zou Weijun said calmly and seriously, "Don't talk when you have something in your mouth. It's impolite and indecent."

"I'm your wife, and you still bully me." Xiao Jing rubbed her forehead and complained, "I'm going to tell my parents to go."

"It's all my wife, and then I remember to complain!" Zou Weijun couldn't help laughing. This little thing is really humorous!

"Yes! I'm going to sue." With that, Xiao Jing was about to get out of bed and stopped before putting on her shoes. "No, past experience told me that my mother would not look at me, and my father listened to my mother's command, so it was useless to sue."

Zou Weijun rubbed her hair and said gently, "You have to take good care of yourself. You haven't been my wife yet!"

Ah? I'm your wife!"

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I mean a real wife."

Xiao Jing was stunned for 3 seconds, and her face began to turn red. She muttered in a low voice, "You are a soldier, you are a hooligan."

In the loud laughter of Zou Weijun, Xiao Xiong and Wang Lanzhi walked into the ward. Because Xiao Xiong, Wang Lanzhi and Zou Weijun did not drink fruit and vegetable juice on the wedding day, the three of them were fine. The only protagonists of the wedding were hospitalized by Xiao Jing. Therefore, Xiao Jing has found the feeling of being a child again these days. The whole family revolves around her alone. This feeling is really great. Xiao Jing sings in her heart: "I don't want to grow up."

Zou Weijun stood up, gave the chair to Wang Lanzhi, and moved a chair to Xiao Xiong. He said, "The chief, mom, Xiaojing is much better. The doctor said that she can be discharged tomorrow."

Xiao Xiong nodded with satisfaction and didn't say anything. Wang Lanzhi said, "Xiaojing is relieved to have you take care of us. You should also pay attention to your health and don't be too tired." She turned around and said to Xiao Jing, "You should treat Xiaojun well in the future, otherwise your mother will not let you go."

Xiao Jing seemed to be used to her mother's attitude towards Zou Weijun and herself. She nodded honestly and said, "Oh, I know, Mom."

The family chatted happily for a while, and it was time to visit. Zou Weijun went to see Xiao Xiong and Wang Lanzhi off and left Xiao Jing alone in the ward. Xiao Jing put on headphones and lay in ** listening to the novel. I don't know what happened, an idea flashed through her mind, "Why did he call him mother instead of dad?"

Xiao Jing suddenly sat up from **, and she remembered another thing: "If I remember correctly, he only called him mother at the wedding, not Dad, but the chief. It's just that I didn't care at that time. It's really strange to think about it now! And that cousin named Zhang Xiaoxiao, I haven't said anything about my love experience at my wedding! She said it happily. At that time, she was moved by her story, and now she is strange enough to remember. Does she need to be so excited about her cousin's wedding? And her disease is strange enough. It doesn't hurt or itch, and it doesn't affect anything. It's the first time I've seen such a terminal disease.

Xiao Jing lay flat on ** wearing headphones and thought about the wedding day from beginning to end. The happiest person is her mother, the busiest person is Zou Weijun, the most silent person is Wu Youran, the most unexpected person is Yang Jie, the strangest person is Zhang Xiaoxiao, and the biggest idle person is herself. Never has a bride would be so leisurely that she doesn't have to toast, socialize or sensational. Basically, if she hadn't worn a wedding dress, she would have made others treat her as an unrelative idle person. In fact, this situation really can't blame Xiao Jing, but her groom is too capable and protects her too well, and Xiao Jing finds that Zou Weijun has a temperament of not being angry and arrogant to others, especially his comrades-in-arms, who not only respect him but also a little afraid of him. Xiao Jing heard the title of "Cold-faced King of Dire" for the first time in their mouths, but she could not connect this title with the Zou Guards she knew.

After thinking about it, Xiao Jing found that her attention to the wedding had changed. Her wedding was to make Wu You repent, but when she asked, "Do you regret it?" She found that she didn't care about Wu Youran's answer, because at that time, she looked at Zou Weijun rather than Wu Youran. Compared with her, she cared more about Zou Weijun's attitude. Xiao Jing quietly exhaled deeply. She felt relaxed all over. Now she is another person. She is the wife of a man named Zou Weijun, so everything before has passed. Whether it is love or hate, regret or resentment, it has passed. From now on, it has nothing to do with her. She is going to start a new life.

Of course, Xiao Jing does not simply think that the new life will be smooth, but she feels that the new life is worth her efforts and her serious. Xiao Jing stretched out, took the headphones out of her ears, sat cross-legged ** and looked out of the window, smiled and said to herself, "I said that the hospital is a good place! You see, I figured it out. It's still good to stop entanglement.

The next day was a sunny day. It is rare to have such a refreshing blue sky in the city. The sun shines on the viaduct around the city, reflecting a little light from metal, glass and asphalt. Xiao Jing has always thought that this is a busy era. Everyone and every car is very busy. When we are busy, we lose time, family, love and friendship, and ourselves. The sun shines on every corner of the city, and we are the shadows moving in the sun, busy like headless flies.

Xiao Jing doesn't want to live such a busy life and doesn't want to be a busy headless fly. She wants to live a slow life contrary to the times, which is her biggest dream. When she was in college, the girls in the same dormitory were talking about her behind her back.

"If you don't have a good father and mother, otherwise you will live slowly! I'm afraid it's even difficult to eat.

"Isn't it! He is the second generation of the army, and you can't envy him.

"You see, she usually faces up. She is of the upper class, which is different from us."

"Come on, you can't eat grapes."

Xiao Jing has been used to such comments since primary school. Some of these comments are from her classmates, some from teachers, and some from the parents of her classmates. When Xiao Jing was young, she quarreled with them and told her mother, but every time her mother smiled lightly and said, "He said freely. , people are still me. Don't take some things too seriously.

At that time, Xiao Jing didn't quite understand it. As she grew older, Xiao Jing gradually understood the meaning of this sentence and learned to automatically block these negative comments little by little. Even if she heard it, she didn't care at all. Xiao Jing was very clear. In fact, what those people said were right. At first, Xiao Jing wanted to prove something with her own efforts, but as time went by, Xiao Jing often thought, "What am I proving? Who can prove it to? Who can prove my life? Why can't I make my own decisions?"

After experiencing many disappointments and setbacks, Xiao Jing was a little unwilling to contact others. She wanted to hide and live her own life. In the past, she wanted to live with Wu Youran, but now the person who lives has become Zou Weijun. Xiao Jing hopes that Zou Weijun can give herself some time so that she can accept him naturally, especially when she becomes a real couple. She hopes that Zou Weijun can endure it. Xiao Jing was a little nervous about this. She was not sure whether her request was excessive and whether Zou Weijun would agree.

After lunch, Xiao Jing took a good shower with an anxious heart, nervously dressed in pajamas, lay nervously **, nervously watched Zou Weijun cover herself with a quilt, and then quietly walked out of the room. Xiao Jing lay nervously and didn't dare to sleep or ask. It was really uncomfortable. Time passed bit by bit. Xiao Jing never knew that the time was so long. Just when she felt that she could not support it, the door was finally opened. Zou Weijun put his hands in his pocket and stood motionless. Xiao Jing was so nervous that she could not breathe.

In the silent darkness, there was only a light at the door. Xiao Jing could not see Zou Weijun's expression. Her body lying in the quilt was stiff. Zou Weijun took two steps forward and stopped again.