married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 17 Don't forget my existence

When Zou Weijun was having dinner with Xiao Jing's family, his mobile phone kept ringing. Fortunately, Zou Weijun had foresight and changed his mobile phone to a vibration. In the past few days, Zhang Xiaoxiao called him every day, and there was nothing to do when he picked it up. He always said that he would go to see her. She is a patient, and he should take more care of her and pity her. Zou Weijun did not go to see Zhang Xiaoxiao. On the one hand, he is now facing Xiao Jing every day and is unwilling to see Zhang Xiaoxiao behind Xiao. On the other hand, Zou Weijun arranged his subordinates and contacted several good friends in the hospital to ask his subordinates to take Zhang Xiaoxiao to his friends for inspection. He did not show up.

Yesterday, his subordinates told Zou Weijun that Zhang Xiaoxiao did not want to see a doctor and had to see him first. So today, before Zou Weijun went out, he turned his mobile phone into a vibration. He didn't want to talk to Xiao Jing about Zhang Xiaoxiao at this time. He needed to know whether Zhang Xiaoxiao's illness was true or not, and what she wanted to do before he could confess to Xiao Jing.

Who knows, Xiao Jing talked about Zhang Xiaoxiao on her way home. She said, "How's your cousin doing recently? I haven't seen her since the wedding.

Zou Weijun's hand holding the steering wheel tightened. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "I have arranged to treat her. Anyway, medical treatment is the first priority."

"She has no other relatives in this city. We should take care of her."

"Don't worry! I will arrange it."

"Well, you are always so capable that you seem to be so incompetent."

Zou Weijun rubbed Xiao Jing's hair with one empty hand and said with a smile, "Little thing, I'm a man."

"You are my man."

"So I have to do better than you."

Xiao Jing gently leaned on Zou Weijun's shoulder and smiled contentedly and happily. For Xiao Jing, Zou Weijun has become more and more important. In addition to her own interior design work, everything about Zou Weijun has gradually filled the space of her life. Unconsciously, Xiao Jing has closely linked her life with Zou Weijun. Xiao Jing didn't know whether this was love or not, but the unprecedented sense of peace of mind and security made Xiao Jing willingly shrink in the world of Zou Weijun and live her ideal slow life.

With the deepening of getting along and understanding, Zou Weijun found that Xiao Jing especially likes to stay at home. It has been almost a month since she got married. Zou Weijun has only met Xiao Jing's two senior best friends, one named Lily, who is three years older than Xiao Jing. In Lily's own words, "My profession is Madou. As long as you shop online, you will definitely see her. Pass me." Xiao Jing explained to Zou Weijun for a long time before Zou Weijun figured out that Lily was a model in the online store.

The other is Dongfanghong, a senior entertainer who is three years older than Lily. Dongfanghong introduced himself like this: "I'm afraid that the world will not be chaotic. The more chaotic the better. If it's not chaotic, I won't have nothing to eat." Xiao Jing did not invite Lily and Dongfanghong to attend the wedding, but she and Zou Weijun were invited alone at home after the wedding. Lily and Dongfang Hong have a good impression of Zou Weijun, and Zou Weijun is very strange why Xiao Jing's best friend is older than her. Xiao Jing said with a smile, "I'm psychologically mature."

Zou Weijun couldn't help laughing. He said, "Are you still mature?" Why didn't I see it?" He stared at Xiao Jing with one eye open and the other closed. Xiao Jing hasn't had a seizure yet! Dongfanghong said, "This is easy to understand. If it is too close, you can't see it clearly."

Lily said, "Xiao Jing is definitely the kind that looks like a goddess. If you come into contact with her, she will be the goddess..." She turned her head and looked at Dongfang Hong, and the two said together, "Goddess... is sick."

As soon as the words came out, Lily, Dongfanghong and Zou Weijun laughed together. Xiao Jing tried her best to hold back her smile and made a very sad expression. She said, "I made friends carelessly and married unsly. I'm so pitiful!"

A meal was full of joy and fun. Zou Weijun was originally worried that Xiao Jing did not have bosom friends. He was usually busy with work, and Xiao Jing would live a lonely life. Looking at the two senior friends of Xiao Jing in front of him, they were excellent and unrestrained, and had a successful career. With them, Zou Weijun was relieved. He exchanged phone numbers with Lily and Dongfang Hong, and he felt much more at ease.

A month passed quickly, and Zou Weijun is going to start busy work again, and in the barracks, there are many things that he can't decide by himself. I'm afraid it will be difficult to guarantee that he will even go home every day in the future. Looking at Zou Weijun, who was particularly busy and afraid of negligence, Xiao Jing quietly walked behind him, wrapped her around his waist from behind, and put her face on his back. She said, "I know, you don't have to say anything. That's how mom and dad came here. Please believe me."

Zou Weijun turned around and held Xiao Jing tightly in his arms. At this moment, even if there are thousands of words, there is no need to say more. Zou Weijun knows in his heart that he and she will not be separated in this life. He will protect her well in his own world. If she wants to live a slow life, he will build a complete space. Let her live freely. She wanted to stay at home, and he built his home into a small city, not for complete but exquisite. His purpose is actually very simple. He wants to watch her smile happily every day.

The next day, Zou Weijun returned to the barracks. Xiao Jing began her slow life at home, which was also strange. The person who could sleep until the sun woke up on time at 8 o'clock this morning. She went into the bathroom in her pajamas and picked up her toothbrush in a daze, but saw that the toothbrush had been squeezed. Well, toothpaste, there is an instant sticker on the mirror in the bathroom, which says, "You should brush your teeth up, down, left and right, and ensure that you brush your teeth for more than 5 minutes each time. When brushing your teeth, the toothbrush needs to move up and down. Don't squeeze the toothpaste too much, and rinse your mouth cleanly. You have to brush your teeth once for breakfast, and you can't have breakfast until you brush your teeth in the morning. Don't eat anything after brushing your teeth in the evening.

Xiao Jing stared at the instant post while brushing her teeth. She felt funny in her heart. When Zou Weijun became a mother-in-law, he could say a car when he brushed his teeth, but it seemed to be right. Xiao Jing still brushed her teeth as written by Zou Weijun.

After washing, Xiao Jing went to the kitchen for breakfast. Just as she was about to open the refrigerator, she saw an instant sticker on the door of the refrigerator, which said, "Breakfast is hot in the pot. The things in the refrigerator can't be taken out and eaten directly. Milk should be hot to drink. Fruit should be put in room temperature. When it's not cold, wash and eat leftovers. It can only be eaten on the same day, and it should be eaten after it is hot. You must eat regularly. You can't have a full meal or overeat. You should eat well alone.

Xiao Jing's big eyes narrowed at the instant sticking her teeth and said to herself, "You're so wordy!" Xiao Jing opened the lid and looked inside. There were porridge, steamed buns and a bag of milk in the pot. Xiao Jing was not polite about the authentic Chinese breakfast and began to have breakfast. How could it be? I have never had such a delicious breakfast. Although I have eaten it for a month, it is still very delicious.

After breakfast and washing the dishes, Xiao Jing stood in the living room and suddenly felt a little lonely. She began to think about Zou Weijun. Xiao Jing saw the door of her past room. Since she moved to Zou Weijun's room, Zou Weijun was always a mysterious person in that room, and he didn't let Xiao Jing see it. Xiao Jing wanted to steal in several times, but failed. Now that Zou Weijun is not at home, Xiao Jing thinks it's an opportunity for her to go in and find out.

Xiao Jing gently rotated the door lock, but the door was not locked. An idea flashed in her heart, "He knew she was coming." The window in the room was blocked and looked dark. Xiao Jing walked in and opened the curtains. The moment she turned around, she was stunned and couldn't close her slightly open mouth.

It turned out that Zou Weijun completely transformed the room into a private design room, which was complete with regulations and supplies. Xiao Jing walked over, looked carefully one by one, touched carefully, and a happy tear fell on her smiling face. Xiao Jing took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Zou Weijun: "Honey, I love you."

Zou Weijun quickly replied, and he said, "Okay, I see."

Xiao Jing looked at the text message and shook her head with a doting smile. This is Zou Weijun, who never asked. This was the first time she said "I love you" to him. If he didn't know it, he would think he was a cold and incomprehensible person. In fact, he only cares about the present, the present and the moment. Xiao Jing knew that she was very lucky, because she was a person who always liked to live in memories, and Zou Weijun could always pull her out of her memories, so that she could truly experience the joys and sorrows in real life.

Xiao Jing, who was immersed in happiness, received a phone call from Zhang Xiaoxiao. Zhang Xiaoxiao said, "I know my brother has returned to the barracks. I really don't know who to turn to. Can you help me?"

Xiao Jing asked strangely, "What's the matter? It sounds serious."

Zhang Xiaoxiao began to cry with sobs. She said, "Can you come out?" I want to talk to you face to face."

Xiao Jing thought about it and agreed. She said, "It's the last coffee shop!" First come, first served.

Zhang Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and looked at the well-decorated house. She lit a cigarette and thought to herself, "Do you want to be happy? You have to pass me first. Remember, I won't let you forget my existence.

When Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun spent their honeymoon, Zhang Xiaoxiao was not idle. She bought a house with four bedrooms and two living rooms in Binjiang City. Directly opposite the house was Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun's home. Although she was not perverted to monitor their lives, as long as she stood at the window, she could see their entry and exit. This gives her a feeling that everything is in control. Every time she stood on a tall building and looked at the people and cars under her feet, Zhang Xiaoxiao knew that she could not lose everything, including Zou Weijun.