married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 37 The Beautiful Major

Xiao Jing looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao's back as she left, and suddenly felt a little nervous. Xiao Zijun's words sounded in her ear: "Only by knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can you be invincible." Although she absolutely trusts Zou Weijun, people like Zhang Xiaoxiao are good at playing with yin and should still beware. So Xiao Jing sent a WeChat message to Xiao Zijun: "I'll treat you to dinner."

Almost at the same time, Xiao Zijun replied with a WeChat message: "Okay."

Xiao Jing was laughed at by her and returned with her voice. She said, "Can we have a little start? If you hear it, you won't die."

Xiao Zijun also came back with voice. She said, "What is a foodie? Do you know? Why do you have to die if you have something to eat!"

"Oi, I completely admire you. Don't you like spicy food? I'll treat you to red oil.

"Good! It doesn't taste good."

"Don't worry, it's definitely distinctive."

Xiao Jing and Xiao Zijun made an appointment to meet. Xiao Zijun drove to pick up Xiao Jing in casual clothes. After the two met and lost each other, they set out to eat red oil. Xiao Zijun asked, "Isn't this Sichuan red oil wonton our wonton?"

"I'm not very clear either. The difference should be in the soup. Most of the wontons in the north are clear soup, and there are many kinds of soups, and each flavor is different.

"How about this store? Is it delicious?"

"Absolutely first-class. Although it is a small shop, it is distinctive and tasteful."

"So you are also a foodie! I don't want to eat big restaurants. The good ingredients are ruined.

"I feel the same way. When I have time, I will take you to eat all the streets and alleys of Binjiang City to ensure that you are as happy as a mouse."

Xiao Zijun freed a hand. Xiao Jing and she hit the palm of her hand. Xiao Zijun said, "It's a deal."

"It's a deal."

Two foodie beauties came to the red oil copy shop mentioned by Xiao Jing. The name of the shop is very interesting, called "douban sauce". Xiao Zijun asked the shopkeeper, "Why did you use this name?"

The shopkeeper said, "The combination of North and South! The red oil in the south and the bean paste in the north have a unique flavor. My WeChat and Weibo are all 'douban sauce'. If you like it, follow me!"

"Good" Xiao Zijun took out his mobile phone and typed bean paste. Sure enough, this small shop appeared. Most of the content was the owner's introduction of the food in the store, as well as some of the shopkeeper's own life perceptions and trivial things. Xiao Zijun pressed the attention button.

After ordering, Xiao Zijun looked at this special shop. The store was very small, with only three tables and a bar table. The menu was written on the wall and used many online languages. For example, Xiao Zijun was more interested in "random desserts", but Xiao Jing shook her head and gave up.

The wall and table of the shop are covered with all kinds of sticky notes, and the contents are various. Under the glass plate of the table in front of Xiao Zijun, there is a copy of which says, "The red oil copy is delicious, but I don't understand why wontons are called copyers after crossing the Yangtze River."

Another one said, "He brought me to this small shop. I like it, but he is gone."

Xiao Zijun looked up at the wall, and one of them was probably written by the shopkeeper. "I hope you have good luck this year. My bean paste is getting more and more popular."

Suddenly, two connected heart-shaped notes attracted Xiao Zijun's attention. She stood up and almost stuck her face to the wall. One by one of the two heart-shaped notes said, "May my Jing always be happy and beautiful." The other one says, "Wu Youran, I love you." Xiao Zijun stood in front of the note for a while and sat down in silence. Xiao Jing knew what Xiao Zijun saw when she saw her every move. She didn't move and didn't say anything.

At this time, the red oil they wanted came, and there was also a plate of French fries called "Wolf Tooth Stick". The two lowered their heads and ate, constantly giving "um" praise. Generally speaking, foodies don't talk when they eat good food, because speaking affects eating, but affects the taste, so Xiao Zijun doesn't talk until he is full.

She said to Xiao Jing, "Why do you still keep it?"

A brainless sentence, Fortunately, Xiao Jing could understand it. She said, "If you come, you can calm down. Even if you tear it off, it doesn't mean that you haven't come and haven't loved it."

"Well, respect history and respect facts."

"Get out of here, whatever you say will turn into your mouth."

Xiao Zijun laughed, and then tilted his head and said to Xiao Jing, "As the saying goes, 'Take other people's hands short and eat other people's short mouths'. If you don't say it when my hands are short and my mouth is short, then I won't accompany you."

Xiao Jing narrowed her eyes and said, "It's easy to talk to people. I want to know Zhang Xiaoxiao."

Xiao Jing wants to investigate Zhang Xiaoxiao. The reason why she found Xiao Zijun is that Xiao Zijun has been a package of inquiry since she was a child. As long as it is the people and things she is interested in, she dares to go to the nine heavens and the five oceans to catch turtles, not to mention digging three feet of the earth, which is not impossible for Xiao Zijun. Of.

Because of this, Xiao Jing did not doubt what Xiao Zijun said about Zou Weijun's father, although at that time, Xiao Jing and Xiao Zijun, including Zou Weijun, were not born.

Xiao Zijun leaned his body on the back of the chair, gently touched his chin and thought for a while and said, "Oi, wrap it on me. I'll give you the answer in a week."

Xiao Jing took a breath and said to Xiao Zijun, "Thank you so much, sincerely."

Xiao Zijun suddenly put his face close to her and said with a bad smile, "Do you want me to investigate your little army by the way? How about I buy one and get one free?

"Go, if you dare to investigate the small army, I will turn against you."

"Don't! Who took me to eat all over Binjiang City!"

Xiao Jing rolled her eyes to God and thought darkly, "God! Open your eyes and have a look! Hurry up and take away this disaster!" Without saying anything, she heard Xiao Zijun's quiet voice saying, "Don't beg God. If he is happy, you don't need me to inquire about it."

"How do you know that you are also a roundworm in my stomach?"

"You haven't grown up at all since you were a child. You want to write everything on your face, and you can see it with long eyes. Your little army is also a roundworm in your stomach!"

"Yes! Every time he is black, let him catch him straight.

"That's because every time you have the same dark content, and you don't have any creativity at all."

Xiao Jing smiled and looked worried. She said to Xiao Zijun, "I and Xiaojun are very confident in our marriage, but I'm always worried about 'unpredictable weather'. I don't know if there will be an unpredictable force that will separate us. Just like I once thought that I could be with Wu Youran for the rest of my life.

Xiao Zijun knew that Xiao Jing began to be sentimental and sad again. She said, "People are incomparable. Wu Youran is a hypocrite. His favorite is always himself. Zou Weijun is different. He is definitely a man who has the ability to protect you. Sister Jing, can we not get sick?"

Xiao Jing's heart suddenly lit up, and she was sick again. She said to Xiao Zijun with her teeth, "Periodic illness, who stops me from biting who."

"No, you'd better go home and bite your little army! I haven't been vaccinated against rabies yet!"

"Oc, I won't bite you this time. I'll bite you when you get the rabies vaccine." Xiao Jing stood up to settle the bill, took Xiao Zijun's arm and walked out of the shop. The wind outside was beautiful, and the two began a good day of shopping.

A week later, Xiao Zijun gave Xiao Jing a very detailed report on everything about Zhang Xiaoxiao, including her favorite pet car, height and weight, disgust with hobbies or chicken eyes, etc. Xiao Zijun sat in Xiao Jing's design room and waited patiently for Xiao Jing to finish reading the report. When Xiao Jing looked up at her, the surprise in her big eyes was very obvious.

Xiao Zijun smiled and said, "I didn't expect her to be a rich woman!" I didn't expect her to be neighbors with you! I didn't expect her and Wu Youran to be lovers! I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect her to have such a good method."

To be honest, I didn't expect it. I think the best thing is that she dealt with her former lover, a girl under 20 years old. After being cheated of her virginity, she followed the man impatiently and kept collecting his evidence of guilt, until she finally knocked him a lot of money and escaped perfectly. She really gave birth to the wrong era, otherwise she would definitely be an excellent erotic spy.

"So, I need to treat her well, because her current goal should be me, including her and Wu Youran, which must also be to deal with me."

"Only defense is still not good. With her personality, you can't defend at all. We still need to find a breakthrough and take the initiative to attack."

"There is only one gap for her now. What I can do is to guard against it."

Xiao Zijun stood up and paced in the room. Xiao Jing turned her head as she moved. Xiao Zijun said as she walked, "She just wants Zou Weijun. The way is to squeeze you out. You have taken a few moves, but she will definitely get worse in the future. What you need to do now is not to be shaken. **, keep your home."

Xiao Jing lowered her head and said, "You are all right, but trust is not for no reason. If one day Xiaojun no longer trusts me, then the chips in my hand will be gone."

"Xiaojun will not trust you. You have to remember that you and he are in the same trench. This truth must also be made clear to Zou Weijun that you two are comrades-in-arms in this family defense war."

"I believe we still have this tacit understanding, but what should I do now?"

"Do nothing, wait and see how much it changes, and move much more wrong. In the past, she was in the dark and you were in the open place. Now that we are fine, we will wait for her to see what other cards she has.

Xiao Jing nodded and asked Xiao Zijun confusedly: "Xiaojun won't be angry when he sees this report, will he? Do you want me to show it to him?"

Xiao Zijun shook his head sadly, touched her hair and said, "I finally believe that the IQ of a woman in love is negative. Since you and he are comrades-in-arms, you should share resources, you know?"