married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 76 I don't know anything about this

The next morning, Zou Weijun felt frightened. He felt nervous for no reason, and it was the kind of nervousness that could not be relieved. It seemed that something was waiting for something to happen. If it didn't happen, he could not sit down until the end, his soldiers reported, "Mier, there are three leaders who want to see you."


Each of the three soldiers who came in was higher than that of Zou Weijun, and each of them was at the level of chief. Except for some large-scale military activities, Zou Weijun has never seen so many generals appear together. But the tension in his heart disappeared the moment he saw the three leaders, and he could finally sit down.

"Please report your name, rank and military position."

"Report leader, Zou Weijun, colonel of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, currently the commander of the 358th Regiment of Group A."

"Please sit down."

After Zou Weijun sat down, he lowered his head and was silent. He seemed to want to resist something with silence, but what can silence resist?

"Zou Weijun, do you know our intention today?"

"Report leader, I don't know."

"Please sit down. We just came to learn something today, and we also need to inform you of some information.

"Yes, chief."

"Please sit down. Comrade Zou Weijun, don't be nervous! This is a very ordinary conversation, but you should keep the content of the conversation confidential.

"Yes, chief."

Zou Weijun did not stand up this time, because he felt that his legs were as heavy as lead. Comrade Zou Weijun, how old were you when your father Zou Jianguo died?

"Report to the chief, I am a posthumous son and have never seen my father."

"So, didn't your mother tell you about your father?"

"No, my mother only said that my father was a hero, so that I would become a hero like him when I grew up."

"Are you a soldier through the relationship between commander Xiao Xiong?"

"No, I became a soldier through normal recruitment channels."

"Did Chief Xiao Xiong take special care of you? For example, what you did when you went to the military academy, or what you joined the Party and did.

"No, everything in my army is in accordance with organizational procedures, and there is absolutely nothing shady."

"Comrade Zou Weijun, we hope you can treat this matter correctly and don't have personal emotions."

"Report leader, what I said is true, and there is no personal emotion. I accept any censorship of me by the organization.

"However, the situation we have is different from yours. Army commander Xiao Xiong has been taking good care of you and married his daughter to you. Do you think these are normal?"

Zou Weijun's first reaction was to say, "Aren't you talking nonsense? What's wrong? Is it possible that I married the military commander's daughter and became a wanted criminal? However, the excellent psychological quality cultivated by the army for many years has played a decisive role at this time. Zou Weijun tried to calm down his bad mood and explained patiently, "Xiao Jing and I are in a free relationship. Whether before or after marriage, Chief Xiao Xiong has never used his position to get any benefit for me. I admit that before I joined the army, Army Chief Xiao Xiong took care of me and my mother, which was also out of my father's relationship. Please ask the organization to investigate these situations clearly.

The three generals looked at each other and said to Zou Weijun, "Thank you for cooperating with our investigation. Please believe in the organization."

"Report leader, I am a party member, and I will definitely believe in the party and the organization."

"In addition, we want to show you a letter, hoping that you can confirm whether some of the contents of the letter are true. In order to protect the person who wrote the letter, we hid his name. I hope you can understand.

While saying that one of the generals took out a file bag from his briefcase and gave it to Zou Weijun. Zou Weijun took the file bag with both hands and tried to stabilize himself with a breath, as if he was relieved, he could shake it into a sieve. Zou Weijun opened the file bag and took out the copy inside. What appeared in front of him was the real-name report letter.

Zou Weijun used all his strength to calm himself down and read this letter three times word by word. The content of the letter was roughly summarized into three points: the first point is that Lv Yan showed his identity, indicating that he was completely out of a fair mind and never knew the two parties mentioned in the letter. The second point is that Lv Yan explained how he accepted the task and was forced to terminate this investigation. The third and most important point is that Lv Yan combined with various original materials in his hand and carried out a lot of reasoning and analysis, and finally came to the conclusion: "Comrade Zou Jianguo's sacrifice was not caused by slippery roads on rainy days, but by man-made destruction."

Zou Weijun believed that the attached photos that Zhang Xiaoxiao showed him yesterday must also be attached, because it was the most powerful original evidence on the scene. It was because of those photos that Xiao Xiong was taken away for no reason, and the three generals appeared in Zou Weijun's office. Zou Weijun's hand holding the letter has not been put down, and his eyes have been staring at the letter paper. He doesn't know how to face the next inquiry for a while.

His heart was repeatedly entangled, "Say I know, so what do I know? Say I don't know, I can't lie to the organization. I need to make a choice, a decision. I'm sorry, I'm going to be a deserter. Zou Weijun didn't know who he was sorry for. Anyway, he just felt sorry in his heart.

People are like this. They are always uncertain when making choices, and once they make a choice, they will be determined. Zou Weijun put down the letter with a calm face, seriously put it back in the file bag, then handed it back with both hands, and then kept silent. The three generals were obviously surprised by his reaction, and one of them asked, "Do you know about this?" Or have you ever heard of it?

"Report the chief, I don't know anything about this."

"Do you have any ideas now?"

"I believe that the organization will investigate clearly. I will wait for the results of the organization's investigation."

"Okay! If you have anything to say, just say it without any mental burden.

"Report to the chief, I don't have any ideological burden. I fully trust the organization and commander Xiao Xiong."

The three generals who came to investigate can be said to have left without finding anything. Zou Weijun felt that he was like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand. Only he did not want to know, but everyone had seen him. Zou Weijun immediately decided to hide this matter from Xiao Jing and didn't mention a word in front of Xiao Jing.

Today, Xiao Jing is coming back from City D. Zou Weijun is a little afraid to face Xiao Jing. He doesn't know what kind of mood and face he should use to face her. He suddenly feels that not everyone can be a deserter. At this time, Xiao Jing was sitting in Liang Tongsheng's car, leaning against Lily, thinking about what she knew, analyzing and telling Zou Weijun, and then discussing with him what to do next.

Xiao Jing didn't know that in just one day, her relationship with Zou Weijun had changed dramatically, as if it was the Milky Way drawn by the Queen Mother's jade hairpin, and she was at a loss.

Xiao Jing called Zou Weijun, but he didn't answer. He called several times, but he didn't answer. Xiao Jing thought that maybe he was on a mission, so she sent several WeChat messages to Zou Weijun, but there was still no reply. Xiao Jing thought that his traffic had run out and he didn't go to WeChat, so she sent a few more text messages, but it was still silent.

It's ten o'clock in the evening. Xiao Jing, who was in a daze at her mobile phone, began to panic for no reason. She thought, "Is there something wrong? No. But he hasn't contacted me for a day. What's wrong with him? Isn't there really something wrong? No, Xiao Jing, don't think nonsense. If something happens, the army will inform me. Xiao Jing, you are stupid! What are you thinking about? Xiaojun, what's wrong with you?

Xiao Jing's nervousness also infected the babies in her stomach. Today, the babies not only had very severe fetal movements, but also Xiao Jing had a pregnancy reaction again for more than five months, and she spit out all the food she ate at night. Xiao Jing felt uncomfortable all over, her waist was heavy, and her stomach also fell down. Although it was faint, the pain continued.

Xiao Jing originally wanted to rest earlier, but she couldn't contact Zou Weijun, which made her restless. She lay in ** and couldn't sleep. In the middle of the night, Xiao Jing was about to fall asleep in a daze, but there was a sharp pain in her stomach, and Xiao Jing's sweat suddenly came out. She felt a pair of big hands squeezing her stomach. The pain made her unable to distinguish between southeast and northwest. She couldn't shout, and her vision began to blur. Xiao Jing instinctively felt that something had happened to the babies.

Xiao Jing closed her eyes helplessly and grabbed her hands unwillingly, trying to catch something. Suddenly, a cold thing was caught in the palm of her hand, which was the mobile phone she put on the pillow when she was about to sleep. Xiao Jing's heart was ecstatic, but she was so painful that she couldn't dial any phone number. Xiao Jing stared at the wardrobe in front of her, and her sweat had already soaked her pajamas and the bed under her.

Xiao Jing bit her lips viciously, and a bloody breath rushed into her mouth, making her awake for a moment. Xiao Jing took advantage of this moment of sobriety and used the last bit of her body to smash her mobile phone into the wardrobe. The mobile phone hit the glass sliding door of the wardrobe. After a crisp sound, the mobile phone and the glass sliding door broke to the ground.

In the moment when Xiao Jing passed away in a coma, she heard her mother's scream and the sound of Lily rushing in. Xiao Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said to the babies, "Don't be afraid, mom is here. You have to be obedient!"