married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 93 Ran'er, you are the pride of your mother

A trace of panic flashed on Bai Yali's face, and the prosecutor said, "Judge, I object." This time, the presiding judge quickly replied, "The objection is invalid, and the witness must answer the question."

Bai Yali opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer. The defendant's lawyer smiled and said in a sarcastic tone, "It's hard to say, isn't it? Then let me speak for you! You and Liang Meili used to be gay, but she returned to Wu Youran's side again, so you hate Wu Youran, and you are just taking revenge on him.

"No, no, you're lying."

"Judge, I have sufficient evidence to prove it." The defendant's lawyer took out a document and said, "This is the house and vehicle given by Liang Meili to Bai Yali, a room shared by two people in the city's luxury club, and a photo of Liang Meili and Bai Yali kissing." As he said, the defendant's lawyer handed over the documents to the court.

The prosecutor stood up unhurriedly and said, "The defendant's lawyer..."

"I'm sorry, you can call me Lawyer Su."

"Okay, the evidence presented by lawyer Su can only prove that there is a close relationship between the witness and Liang Meili, but it cannot directly prove that the two are homosexuals, let alone that the witness is waiting for the opportunity to retaliate against the defendant because of his hatred."

"I draw the public prosecutor's attention that women's jealousy is very terrible, otherwise how do you explain why Bai Yali did not take out the evidence at that time, but had to take it out at this time."

"Liang Meili gave up protecting her legitimate rights and interests at that time. Lawyer Su, the witness is just a doctor. What she can do is very limited. It is also because the witness has the same experience as Liang Meili that the witness sympathizes with Liang Meili and preserves the most primitive medical records for her.

"So, can the witness or prosecutor tell me why the witness received the house and car given by Liang Meili?"

The prosecutor was stunned, but quickly said, "Maybe it's because Liang Meili wants to repay the witness, maybe..."

"I ask the public prosecutor to pay attention to the fact that please don't use the ambiguous word 'may' in the trial of murder cases."

The prosecutor sat back in the chair. Lawyer Su said to the presiding judge: "In view of the above evidence, I have reason to doubt the reliability of the witness's testimony. Please ask the court to verify it." After saying that, he also sat back in his chair.

The presiding judge said to Bai Yali, "Witnesses can withdraw from court."

Bai Yali lowered her head and walked slowly. She saw Zou Weijun with the corners of her eyes. He was asking Xiao Jing if she was comfortable. Bai Yali sighed gently in her heart and suddenly remembered an old saying: "Sometimes there must be something in your life, and there is no time to force it in your life."

The first round of intense court defense was over, and the presiding judge announced a 15-minute adjournment.

Zou Weijun helped Xiao Jing stroll in the corridor. Xiao Jing said, "I said this female lawyer is very powerful! It's a good way for her to use such a method to attack Bai Yali.

Zou Weijun shook his head and said, "I can't see it. It's just flashy."

Xiao Jing tilted her head and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Zou Weijun smiled and said, "Her entry point is good, which will also make the court have a certain sense of distrust of the witness testimony, but she has not been able to fundamentally overturn the evidence, so Bai Yali's testimony is still valid."

Xiao Jing said unconvincedly, "At the beginning! Let's wait and see." Zou Weijun just wanted to laugh and tease Xiao Jing, but suddenly saw Xiao Jing's face change, slowly protecting her stomach, and big drops of sweat rolled down her face. Zou Weijun was scared at a glance. He said, "Don't you feel well? Let's go to the hospital." After saying that, he picked up Xiao Jing and trotted away all the way.

Because of Xiao Jing's sudden state, she and Zou Weijun don't know what will happen next. Less than five minutes after the court opened again, there was an emergency. The hospital called the court directly. Yang Jie, the mother of Zou Weijun, was critically ill and was afraid she could not be cured. She wanted to see her son before she died. The presiding judge, the judge and the collegial panel quickly held a meeting and agreed that letting Wu Youran see his mother for the last time would help clarify the case as soon as possible.

When Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing stepped into the hospital, Wu Youran was escorted by three police officers and came to his mother Yang Jie's bedside. Yang Jie held her breath desperately just to see Wu Youran. Wu Youran suddenly knelt down in front of her mother. Yang Jie stroked her son's forehead with her trembling hands. She seemed to see Wu Youran, who had just come home from school when she was a child, and acted coquettishly in front of her for rewards. A cloudy tear flowed down the corners of Yang Jie's eyes. She opened her mouth with difficulty and struggled to speak. Wu Youran stood up and put her ears to Yang Jie's mouth, but still couldn't hear what she said.

Suddenly, Wu Youran knelt on his collapsed knees and hit his head hard on the ground. The sound of "dongdong" echoed in the rescue room, which made people feel creepy. Suddenly, Wu Youran heard Yang Jie calling him, "Rean'er, come to your mother."

Wu Youran looked up at Yang Jie, who was smiling at him. He walked to his mother's side and clenched his mother's hands tightly with his handcuffed hands. Yang Jie said, "Raan'er, mom is leaving and can't help you anymore. You have to eat on time by yourself. You must pay attention to your health, okay?"

Wu Youran couldn't say anything, but nodded desperately. The eyes of the policeman standing aside are also red, yes! Everyone has a mother. Yang Jie continued, "Rain'er, you are your mother's good son and the pride of your mother's life. Remember to live proudly and not kowtly. Remember?"

Wu Youran tried his best to wipe away the tears from his eyes with his sleeve. He wanted to see his mother's face clearly, and he wanted to remember his mother's face. He nodded and said, "Mom, don't worry, I remember. Mom, don't leave me. I'm scared alone."

Yang Jie wiped the tears from Wu Youran's face with her hand and said with a smile, "Silly child, don't... be afraid, mother... always... accompany... you..." Yang Jie's hand slipped weakly from her face and hung silently by the bedside without moving.

Wu Youran did not jump on Yang Jie's body and cried loudly. He didn't even say a final goodbye to his mother. He just covered Yang Jie's quilt very quietly and gently left the emergency room. He mysteriously raised his finger at the three bailiffs, "Shh! Mom is asleep, so we can play secretly. But you have to go home before your mother wakes up!"

Wu Youran looks like a naughty little boy. He finally waited until his mother took a nap before sneaking out to meet his friends. The big eyes showed innocent childishness, and his movements suddenly returned to the teenage boy. The three policemen looked at each other and did not show a surprised expression. They have too much contact with such things. Under special circumstances, people will have a certain mental abnormality, but they will recover soon.

Wu Youran was escorted in the middle by two police officers, followed by a policeman. When the four people were about to walk out of the hospital gate, Wu Youran suddenly saw Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing should have been in the gynecological ward, but she always remembered the things in the court. Zou Weijun was afraid that she would think nonsense when she was alone, so he took Xiao Jing to the price building downstairs. Zou Weijun put Xiao Jing on a chair beside him and went to line up to pay the price by himself. It was at this time that Wu Youran saw Xiao Jing.

Wu Youran didn't know where his strength came from. He suddenly shook off the two justice guards, rushed through the crowd, and stood directly in front of Xiao Jing. Wu Youran's behavior was too sudden. The first moment was decadent and powerless, and the second moment was like a hungry wolf. The three police officers did not react at all. Xiao Jing looked up at Wu Youran, who was gasping for breath, and she was also stunned.

Wu Youran grabbed Xiao Jing's arm and lifted her whole body from the chair. He looked straight at Xiao Jing and shouted, "Jing, come with me. I will never let you leave me this time." While speaking, Wu Youran has already kidnapped Xiao Jing and walked to the door of the hospital. Suddenly, he saw three policemen at the gate. He immediately changed his route and took Xiao Jing to the elevator.

Xiao Jing never knew that Wu Youran's strength was so strong. Under his coercion, Xiao Jing was unable to move at all. Seeing that she was about to get on the elevator, Xiao Jing shouted anxiously, "Cou Weijun!" Zou Weijun was shocked and turned around to see Wu Youran holding Xiao Jing hostage. He rushed over in a panic, but could only watch the elevator door close in front of his eyes.

Everything happened in a few seconds, when the police and Zou Weijun reacted. The elevator taken by Wu Youran and Xiao Jing has been activated, and it depends on the situation. At this time, the hall of the hospital was completely messed up. People didn't know what had happened. Some cried and screamed, and even some people directly grabbed the police and asked in a panic and loudly.

Zou Weijun took a look at the elevator next to him. It will take some time for the elevator to reach the first floor. So Zou Weijun rushed into the safe passage and ran up the stairs. The three policemen had their own division of labor. A policeman and Zou Weijun chased Wu Youran together. A policeman stayed in the hall and appeased everyone's emotions with the hospital's security guard. A policeman went to notify the court and the police for support.

Soon, the people in the hospital lobby were evacuated, and the gate of the hospital also pulled a cordon. The car of the court downstairs of the hospital, the car of the police station, the car of the fire brigade, and the ambulance are all ready. A large number of police entered the hospital building and began to search forward. According to the report of the police with Zou Weijun, he and Zou Weijun have not found Wu Youran and Xiao Jing yet. They did not go to the top floor, but got off the elevator on which floor in the middle.

So, the police evacuated all the doctors and patients in the hospital building and began a carpet search.