married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 96 Do you want to be kind?

Zou Weijun took a step back and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Zhang Xiaoxiao." The dirty woman in front of her raised her head and stared at Zou Weijun with bloodshot eyes. Zou Weijun felt a sense of nausea, but he couldn't help retreating. Zou Weijun carefully looked at the woman like a beggar in front of him. She was really Zhang Xiaoxiao. But how did she come to such a point?

Zou Weijun maintained a consistent expression and said coldly, "Do you have something to do with me?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't seem to expect him to ask such a question. She looked at Zou Weijun in a blank way and suddenly began to turn around and said, "I'm looking for you... I'm looking for you... Why am I looking for you? There must be something, there must be something." Zhang Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked at the cold Zou Weijun. She didn't understand and didn't say anything.

Zou Weijun found that Zhang Xiaoxiao's spirit did not seem to be normal. But he couldn't trust her and couldn't judge whether Zhang Xiaoxiao was real or pretending. So Zou Weijun still treated Zhang Xiaoxiao in front of him with an attitude towards normal people. He said, "If you have nothing to do, then I won't accompany you."

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't seem to hear it, lowering her head and scratching her fingernails back and forth. Zou Weijun's heart suddenly had an ominous premonition, but he still planned to leave. When Zou Weijun opened the door and was about to sit in, Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly raised her head, and her eyes radiated with light, as if it were a sharp sword of murder. Zou Weijun did not avoid and looked directly into Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up little by little, not like human eyes. Suddenly, it darkened, as if it were covered with a layer of mist. Before Zou Weijun reacted enough, Zhang Xiaoxiao had fallen to the ground and foamed all over his body.

Zou Weijun sighed secretly and thought to himself, "Well, there's another trouble. It's only been a few days!" Although he was very reluctant, Zou Weijun hurriedly took Zhang Xiaoxiao into his car and rushed all the way to the hospital. After Zhang Xiaoxiao entered the emergency room, Zou Weijun called Xiao Jing and briefly talked about the current situation. Xiao Jing said, "Jun, you must be careful. Why do I think something is wrong?"

Zou Weijun said, "I also think something is wrong, but that's the only way now."

Before hanging up the phone, Xiao Jing told him, "Call me in time no matter what the situation is."

Zou Weijun looked at his mobile phone tiredly for a while and thought repeatedly, "How could Zhang Xiaoxiao fall to such a point? What has she experienced? What does she want to do now? Jing and I finally calmed down and couldn't let her disrupt it. However, I can't completely let go of the situation at present. Alas! Let's see the diagnosis results!"

After some first aid, Zhang Xiaoxiao's vital signs have returned to normal, but the doctor suggested staying in the hospital for observation. Zou Weijun did not go to the ward to see Zhang Xiaoxiao, but went straight to the doctor's office. Zhang Xiaoxiao's attending doctor asked, "Are you a family member of the patient?"

Zou Weijun shook his head and said, "Doctor, how is Zhang Xiaoxiao's situation?"

"Sorry, we only introduce the patient's immediate family members to the patient's condition. If you are not a family member of the patient, it is not convenient for me to disclose the patient's condition."

Zou Weijun smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay! Whatever you want. This is my contact number." After saying that, Zou Weijun walked directly out of the doctor's office. After paying the hospitalization fee for Zhang Xiaoxiao, Zou Weijun drove to work. In the busy day, Zou Weijun almost forgot about this matter. It was not until after dinner that when he was walking with Xiao Jing that Xiao Jing asked, Zou Weijun remembered.

Zou Weijun carefully told Xiao Jing about the whole story. Xiao Jing frowned slightly, "Do you think she pretended?"

"I don't look like it. If you don't see her, you will understand."

"So... what else is she going to do?"

"Don't worry, no matter what she wants to do, we just be careful."

"But you can't prevent it!"

"I have done my best. I have found a nurse to pay the hospitalization fee for her, and she should also receive it as soon as she sees it gets better."

Xiao Jing leaned on the shoulder of Zou Weijun and whispered, "Milan, what do you think when you see her like this?"

Zou Weijun was silent for a moment and said, "If my heart is not uncomfortable at all, it's a lie to you. I'm not a hard-hearted or a cold-blooded animal. However, she is also to blame herself today, and she can't blame others.

Xiao Jing stopped talking. She needed to think about it. Xiao Jing was not surprised by Zhang Xiaoxiao's reappearance. But Zhang Xiaoxiao appeared with such a face, which was really out of Xiao Jing's expectation. In Xiao Jing's impression, Zhang Xiaoxiao is the kind of woman who has to wear world famous brands when she sleeps. She is afraid that others will say that she is shabby and that others will look down on her. Therefore, every time Zhang Xiaoxiao appears, she will arm herself with a famous brand to make herself look rich and touching.

Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun walked quietly, and there was a "rustling" sound of leaves in their ears. Xiao Jing inexplicably remembered a sentence, "The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop." Maybe there is no way to escape. Since Zhang Xiaoxiao has appeared again, let her face her well. This is a war between the two women. Although Xiao Jing has got the whole heart of Zou Guard, Xiao Jing still wants Zhang Xiaoxiao to lose convincingly.

Xiao Jing held Zou Weijun's arm tightly and walked slowly. She said, "She is fine and the best. If she has something, let's discuss it again!" You can't let her die!"

Zou Weijun patted the back of Xiao Jing's hand and looked at Xiao Jing's beautiful face in the moonlight. He said, "I don't want her to appear in our lives again. I will be very cautious."

"Jung, I know your heart, and you should also know me."

"Jing, I know, I know best in this world."

Life is actually like this. Originally simple and clear things will become complicated and complicated just because there is one more person. Love is not a one-man monologue, let alone a stage play for three people. Love is only suitable for two people, and only the love between two people will be happy and long-lasting. In fact, everyone knows this truth, but in real life love, it is inevitable that a person called "unwilling" will appear.

Because we are unwilling to take it to the end, because if we are unwilling, we will make many mistakes and even commit unforgivable sins. The ups and downs in the world are nothing more than the word "qing".

Zou Weijun finally said to Xiao Jing, "Let's discuss it again depending on the development of the situation."

A week later, Zou Weijun received a phone call from Dr. Zhang Xiaoxiao. He said, "We can't find other relatives of the patient. We can only contact you. I hope you can come to the hospital."

"I will find time to go to the hospital."

The next day, Zou Weijun came to the hospital. The doctor said to Zou Weijun, "Zhang Xiaoxiao's body has basically recovered, but she seems to have some mental problems. We are not a professional psychiatric hospital. You'd better take her to see a neurologist!"

Zou Weijun frowned and asked seriously, "You mean that Zhang Xiaoxiao is mentally ill?"

"There is no diagnosis, and I'm not a neurologist. You'd better take her to check it!"

"Then why do you say that she is mentally abnormal?"

"From her performance and the examinations I gave her, it shows that Zhang Xiaoxiao's current spirit is not within the normal range." As the doctor spoke, he took some examination reports to Zou Weijun and explained them to him in detail. Zhang Xiaoxiao is sometimes sober and sometimes confused. When you are awake, your words and deeds are normal, and you can't control your emotions when you are confused. I think she is on the verge of mental breakdown. I hope you can contact her relatives as soon as possible.

Zou Weijun's heart was like being stuffed into a wet and cold cotton ball, so that he couldn't breathe. After a long time, Zou Weijun followed this tone and said, "I know it all. Let me think about it."

Zou Weijun did not go to see Zhang Xiaoxiao. He immediately went home after the hospital. Xiao Jing knew that Zou Weijun came back early today because of Zhang Xiaoxiao's matter. Xiao Jing pulled Zou Weijun back into the bedroom and asked anxiously, "What did the doctor say?"

Zou Weijun took off his military uniform, loosened his tie and said, "It may be more troublesome than we thought. The doctor means that Zhang Xiaoxiao needs to go to the neurology department for treatment."

Xiao Jing suddenly understood and said, "So, her spirit is abnormal?"


Zou Weijun sat silently by the window, and the breeze blew gently on his face. He felt more comfortable. Xiao Jing walked behind Zou Weijun and gently put his head on her big belly, as if to say to herself, "Do we... want to be kind or not?"

Zou Weijun put his ear to Xiao Jing's abdomen and listened carefully to the movement inside. He understood what Xiao Jing meant. For Zhang Xiaoxiao, Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing, they all had lingering palpitations. I'm afraid that if you want to take care of it, you must take care of it to the end, so will there be an unknown change in their peaceful life? If you don't care, Zhang Xiaoxiao has no relatives and no money now, will she really let her live and die? After all, Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing are both kind people. In the face of Zhang Xiaoxiao, who can't live independently at this moment, they can't sit idly by.

Xiao Jing said softly, "Milan, she won't threaten our lives. Let's... let's take care of it again!"

Zou Weijun stood up and gently put Xiao Jing in his arms. Zou Weijun gently put his chin on the top of Xiao Jing's head and said, "I will treat her, but I won't let her intervene in our lives."

The only constant thing in life is change. No matter how perfect the plan is, it cannot be executed unchanged. No one can tell what will happen in the future.