married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 102 My chip is your kindness

The next week was calm. Not only did Li Bo find any trouble at all, but even Zhang Xiaoxiao seemed to disappear out of thin air. Xiao Jing's heart became more and more nervous. She always felt that there was a suffocating storm hidden under the calm performance. At the beginning, Xiao Jing could still calm down. As time went by, Xiao Jing's mood became more and more irritable.

Zou Weijun saw Xiao Jing's emotional changes. He knew that it was useless for him to say anything now. Zou Weijun saw that Xiao Jing was about to be unable to stand it, and he decided to startle the snake. Although this is likely to fall into Li Bo's trap, he can only do this in order to settle down and raise the fetus.

Today, Zou Weijun came back from a walk with Xiao Jing. He let Xiao Jing rest at the head of the bed and sit by the bed by himself. "These days are a little too quiet, aren't they?"

Xiao Jing's shoulder trembled slightly, "Yes! But I feel more confused."

Zou Weijun stretched out his hand and touched Xiao Jing's hair and smiled softly. "What do you think of us?"

Xiao Jing moved her body uneasily, held Zou Weijun's hand and looked at him, "Maybe Li Bo is hoping that we can do this. It's not good."

Zou Weijun sighed in his heart, but on the surface it was calm. "I just want to cure your panic, otherwise the babies will be affected."

Xiao Jing smiled and bit Zou Weijun's hand, "I know that I love the babies and don't care about the baby's mother."

Zou Wei's military uniform grinned and said aggrievedly, "You wronged me again."

Zou Weijun wrapped Xiao Jing's hands tightly with his own hands. "I think he is waiting for a suitable opportunity to make trouble us. You are about to give birth. If I were him, I wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity.

Xiao Jing looked down at the two people's clenched hands, and her voice was a little depressed, "Yes! We will be overwhelmed at that time."

"So, I want to solve the problem now."

"Army, I'm a little scared this time."

Zou Weijun took Xiao Jing into his arms and gently stroked her back. "I'm here, I'm always here."

Xiao Jing put Zou Weijun's hand on her stomach and suddenly smiled, "Our life is really colorful! I don't know if babies will like this kind of life.

Zou Weijun also smiled, "It's hard to see you smile for many days."

Xiao Jing stretched out her hand and brushed Zou Weijun's eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips with her fingers, as if she wanted to draw him on the canvas. She looked at him and said, "Milit, I'm very happy."

"Jing, I'm also very happy."

"We are so numb! Will the babies laugh at us?

"If you laugh, just laugh! Let's continue to work hard for a lifetime and make them laugh enough.

Xiao Jing smiled softly, and the haze in her heart finally dispersed. Zou Weijun breathed easily, "Tomorrow, I'll go to Li Bo. It's time to solve the matter."

Xiao Jing nodded, "Don't worry, the babies and I will be fine."

The next afternoon, Li Bo looked at the uninvited Zou Weijun, both happy and anxious. Happy, Zou Weijun finally couldn't help it. He was worried that he didn't expect Zou Weijun to come so soon. Neither he nor Zhang Xiaoxiao were ready. Zou Weijun sat opposite Li Bo. He didn't want to think about this man anymore. "Dr. Li, I'm here today to inform you of something."

Zou Weijun deliberately stopped. Sure enough, Li Bo asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

"I'm not going to care about Zhang Xiaoxiao anymore." Zou Weijun came straight to the point and didn't say a word.

"How can this be? You, you... can't." Li Bo was so excited that he stood up from his chair and was incoherent.

Zou Weijun raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. He looked sideways at Li Bo, "You know very well, I can."

Li Bo immediately realized that he had lost his temper. He sat back in the chair and said, "Okay! The hospital is not a charity. It seems that Zhang Xiaoxiao can only go back to the street.

Zou Weijun's face did not change, "I think Dr. Li misunderstood me. I mean, I won't come to see her again, and I didn't say that I wouldn't pay her medical expenses."

Li Bo was shocked. He was too anxious and confused. Li Bo quickly adjusted his state, "That's it! It seems that I misunderstood."

"Dr. Li is really a good doctor. He is so concerned about the patient's affairs."

"Where, this is my job."

"Dr. Li, I remind you that some skills can be done, but some skills will kill people."

Zou Weijun stood up after saying that. After waiting for Li Bo to react, Zou Weijun continued, "Dr. Li, I don't want to see you again in the future. Say goodbye."

Looking at Zou Weijun's head and stride away, Li Bo's face smiled. This smile is like a shadow in the sun, which makes people feel gloomy and uncertain. "Don't meet? I'm afraid you'll be disappointed."

Li Bo immediately found Zhang Xiaoxiao, "The plan has changed. We can't wait any longer."

"Isn't it waiting for her to give birth?"

"I said I can't wait. Just do it."

"You... are really unbearable."

Li Bo looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao gloomically, "Tolerable? Do you need to put up with me?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao stood up fiercely and said loudly, "I won't use it after tonight."

Li Bo suddenly took Zhang Xiaoxiao into his arms and said in her ear, "Remember, you have to be pitiful, if you are the most pitiful person in the world."

Zhang Xiaoxiao pushed Li Bo away in disgust, "I know."

Li Bo stretched out his long arm, pulled Zhang Xiaoxiao close to his arms again, and grasped the hair behind her head tightly. "You have to be obedient, or we will never end up."

Zhang Xiaoxiao was grabbed by Li Bo's hair and hurt for a moment, so she stayed in his arms and did not move. "I will be obedient. You can let me go!"

Li Bo laughed and let go of Zhang Xiaoxiao and blew off a few long hair in his hand. "Don't worry, I won't touch you. I think you're dirty."

Zhang Xiaoxiao raised her hand angrily and slapped Li Bo in the face without thinking about it. "I'm dirty, and you're even more disgusting."

Li Bo was not angry. He rubbed the beaten face and said, "Okay, go back!" Let's take action tonight and have a good rest.

Zhang Xiaoxiao quickly left the treatment room without looking back. Li Bo is a very terrible person in her heart. Because Zhang Xiaoxiao never knows what he is thinking, but every step of his plan will be realized. Li Bo seems to know people's hearts very well and seems to be afraid of people's hearts. Zhang Xiaoxiao always feels that there are two words that Li Bo is the most accurate: pervert.

Night, no, it should be early morning now. Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing's mobile phone rang at the same time, and both of them were shocked in the quiet night. Picking up the phone and hanging up, Zou Weijun said, "Zhang Xiaoxiao committed suicide."

Xiao Jing said, "It's being rescued."

Zou Weijun said, "Go to sleep!" I'll take a look."

Xiao Jing grabbed Zou Weijun and said, "I'll go too. Anyway, I can't sleep."

Zou Weijun took a look at Xiao Jing's stomach and seemed to have made a great determination, "Okay! You change your clothes and I'll drive. Try not to disturb Mom and Dad."

The phone calls are from the mental hospital and the central hospital respectively. Even if Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun know that this may be Li Bo's trick, they must visit Zhang Xiaoxiao in the face of uncertain life and death. This is Li Bo's bargaining chip. What he bet on is the kindness of Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing.

When Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun rushed to the hospital, Zhang Xiaoxiao was still rescued in the operating room. Seeing Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun, Li Bo stood up from the chair calmly. He smiled, "Both of them are here. It's good."

Zou Weijun couldn't wait to punch Li Bo, but Xiao Jing held his hand tightly. Xiao Jing asked Li Bo, "How is she?"

Li Bo shrugged his shoulders indistinguishly. "I don't know, both wrists have been cut off and shed a lot of blood."

Xiao Jing walked to Li Bo and stared into his eyes, "You instigated it."

Li Bo smiled brightly, "You are so smart."

"What do you want?"


"You are very confident!"

"Yes, I'm very confident because I have chips in my hand."

"Zhang Xiaoxiao, right?"

"No, my bargaining chip is your kindness."

Xiao Jing suddenly felt a burst of sadness. She admitted that Li Bo had won this game. Neither Xiao Jing nor Zou Weijun can watch Zhang Xiaoxiao die and watch her live and die on the street. Li Bo, the only bargaining chip, worked, so he won. Zou Weijun has been following Xiao Jing. At this time, he whispered to Xiao Jing, "He is right. We can't help but be kind."

Xiao Jing suddenly looked up at Zou Weijun, and her big eyes were full of tears. "I don't believe it, I..." Xiao Jing didn't go on, and Zou Weijun understood her inner struggle. He gently wiped away Xiao Jing's tears and smiled gently, "Jing, I'm here!"

Xiao Jing took a few breaths fiercely and put back her tears, "Yes, I'm not afraid."

Looking at the loving couple in front of him, Li Bo, who had won the battle, suddenly felt a sense of frustration. He stared at Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun fiercely, "Don't show your love in front of me. Be careful that I will let you die without burial."

Li Bo's words made Xiao Jing feel much more relaxed. She deliberately and intimately leaned into Zou Weijun's arms and touched Zou Weijun's face with her hand. "Don't be afraid, the two of us will always be together, even if it's the hell will not be lonely. Unlike some people, he is a lonely ghost even in the world.

Li Bo gritted his teeth angrily. Before he could speak, Zou Weijun said, "Honey, it's not good for you to do this. As the saying goes, 'If you expose people, don't expose them, and if you hit them, you won't hit them in the face.' Aren't you hitting Dr. Li in the face?"

"Oh, that's right! Dr. Li, I'm sorry, why did I forget that you are a lonely person without any relatives! It really shouldn't be!"

Li Bo gritted his teeth fiercely and said word by word, "You two are really a married couple. They are a perfect match!"