married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 117 The past is dusty

Zou Weijun silently accepted the letter and put it neatly in his clothes pocket. Xiao Jing asked strangely, "Don't you take a look?"

Zou Weijun patted the pocket of the letter and whispered, "I will see it, but not today."

"Why? Don't you want to know the answer?"

"I already know the answer, or I don't need the answer anymore."

"Can you... really put it down?"

Zou Weijun walked to Xiao Jing's side and held her in his arms. The two looked at Xiao**'s Hanhan and Duoduo together. Zou Weijun gently wiped Xiao Jing's cheek with his lips, "Jing, the past has been dusty, and the future has not come yet, and now we are a family, and we are very happy. Isn't that enough?"

Xiao Jing slowly exhaled and relied herself deeper in the arms of Zou Weijun, "jun, thank you for loving me so much. I think I have the answer, too."

"What's your answer?"

"I won't tell you that this is my secret." Xiao Jingqiao looked at Zou Weijun with a smile. Zou Weijun fondly nodded her forehead, and then hugged her hard and smiled contentedly.

These days, Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun are busy with two babies, and Wang Lanzhi and Xiao Xiong are also busy with two babies. Even Zhang Xiaoxiao and Li Bo are busy for these two babies. Zhang Xiaoxiao and Li Bo are working hard to complete Sister Chen's plan, and they tried their best to get a DNA test report. This report will prove that the child is not Zou Weijun's, but Wu Youran's.

Sister Chen's plan sounds very beautiful and in line with Zhang Xiaoxiao and Li Bo's thoughts. But it is really difficult to implement. First of all, Wu Youran is a felinal, and Li Bo can't get a sample of his hair at all. Secondly, Zou Wei's army avoided Zhang Xiaoxiao, and Zhang Xiaoxiao could not get his hair sample. Again, the two babies are mother and baby having sex, is it not easy for their hair samples? Finally, people in the laboratory of the blood center not only need to buy a lot of money, but also need an honest and reliable person. And this is not a task that can be completed in a short time.

After running for three days, Zhang Xiaoxiao and Li Bo sat in Li Bo's luxury apartment exhausted. Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at Li Bo feebly and satirized him, "You are really useless. You didn't get anything and made yourself the target of public criticism."

Li Bo held a glass of whisky without ice, and he unconsciously shook the glass. Zhang Xiaoxiao's face was deformed from the cup, just like a medieval black witch. Li Bo raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "What, Miss Zhang has gained a lot of knowledge recently! I know how to use idioms."

Zhang Xiaoxiao bowed her body, grabbed the whisky in Li Bo's hand, and drank it all as soon as she looked up. "Don't talk nonsense, what should we do next?"

"What should I do, salad!"

"What do you mean? Make it clear."

"My Miss Zhang! It couldn't be clearer. Do you think it is necessary and possible for this plan to be implemented?

Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly fell back to the sofa and looked at Li Bo in a daze, as if she didn't understand his words. Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoxiao stood up aggressively and pointed to Li Bo's nose, "Are you and your mother and son playing with me together?"

Li Bo turned his head to one side. He didn't like people pointing at his nose, especially a woman. He stood up and poured himself a glass of whisky and drank it like Zhang Xiaoxiao just now. "Can you use your brain? Why should I play with you? Is it funny?

Zhang Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, and her head began to hurt again. In the past month, her head has often been inexplicably painful. Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't take it seriously. She usually doesn't sleep well, and she is highly nervous. Headaches are also common. However, in the past few days, the headache is getting worse and worse, and the painkillers have begun to work.

Zhang Xiaoxiao endured the headache, poured herself a glass of wine at the bar, and drank it with a mouthful of painkiller. She finally survived the headache, "You mean, Sister Chen knew from the beginning that she would not succeed, and she wanted to delay us?"

"Only this explanation is more reasonable. Do you have any other explanation?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao continued to pour wine for herself and continued to drink, "Is she protecting you or others!"

Li Bo also took a bottle of wine and poured it down. Seeing a bottle of whisky, he saw the bottom. There was a wry smile on his face, "Women are difficult to understand. A woman who has become a mother is another kind of creature and can't understand at all."

An abnormal blush appeared on Zhang Xiaoxiao's face. It can be seen that she has drunk too much. "What do you know? You will only hide in your own imagination. Let me ask you, have you ever slept with a woman? Do you know what a woman is? Let me tell you, you are not a man at all.

At peacetime, Zhang Xiaoxiao's words are enough to anger Li Bo and make him lose control of his emotions. But today, Li Bo is not angry, not because his self-control has improved, but because he is also drunk. Li Bo didn't listen to Zhang Xiaoxiao at all, but saw her smiling mocking and contemptuously at him.

Li Bo doesn't like the gloomy smile on Zhang Xiaoxiao's face. He wants to break it and tear it up. "I also tell you, don't be proud. A woman who can't be a mother, what are you proud of?

Zhang Xiaoxiao was excited, and more than half of the wine woke up. She asked Li Bo, "What are you talking about? Who can't be a mother?"

Li Bo saw that the annoying smile on Zhang Xiaoxiao's face disappeared, and he was very proud. "What medicine do you think I took for you? Why do you have a stomachache after taking the medicine? Let me tell you! You no longer have fertility, and even Hua Tuo can't help you again.

Zhang Xiaoxiao strode to Li Bo and raised her hand high. Just as Zhang Xiaoxiao was about to fight down, she saw Li Bo shaking with drunken eyes. Obviously, he was drunk. Zhang Xiaoxiao changed her mind at once. She wanted to investigate this hypocrite. Usually, Li Bo is very strict with people. It is difficult for Zhang Xiaoxiao to stay in his apartment, so it is even more difficult to find something.

Today's opportunity is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she won't miss it. So Zhang Xiaoxiao put down her raised hand, picked up her glass, touched his glass gently, and said sadly, "Ok, I don't blame you. Anyway, I don't like children, which is just right. Come on, let's drink for a lonely person like you and me!"

Li Bo drank the wine in the glass without thinking about it, and then Zhang Xiaoxiao filled him with wine, and the two continued to drink. To be honest, Li Bo is really good at drinking. If he hadn't been in a terrible mood today, and he had drunk a lot of wine before, even two Zhang Xiaoxiao would not have been unable to drink him.

Zhang Xiaoxiao patiently exchanged cups with Li Bo and watched him get drunker and worse in front of him. Finally, he fell on the carpet and fell asleep. Zhang Xiaoxiao pushed Li Bo hard and added him softly. Li Bo did not respond at all. Zhang Xiaoxiao was sure that he was indeed asleep. After that, Zhang Xiaoxiao found the key to Li Bo's study, opened his computer, and easily cracked Li Bo's password.

Don't be surprised that the reason why Zhang Xiaoxiao can access Li Bo's computer so easily is that Zhang Xiaoxiao has been preparing for this day. As the saying goes, "Kung fu pays off." Zhang Xiaoxiao has been preparing for a long time to get rid of Li Bo's control of herself.

Zhang Xiaoxiao carefully observed Li Bo, and she never let go of a trace of him. When she was able to get in touch with Li Bo, Zhang Xiaoxiao observed his every move, his habits and movements when he spoke, and his idioms. In this way, we can analyze Li Bo's psychological and personality characteristics. When she couldn't get in touch with Li Bo, Zhang Xiaoxiao collected all the news and materials related to him. Read and analyze carefully, and never let go of any clues.

Zhang Xiaoxiao is solving Li Bo like Sherlock Holmes's case. Therefore, once she can seize the opportunity, she can hit it with one blow. Today, Zhang Xiaoxiao succeeded. She discovered Li Bo's biggest and most inhuman secret. Zhang Xiaoxiao copied the relevant materials in the computer into her USB flash drive and quietly put them in her bag. Then, she drank her wine, lay on another carpet not far from Li Bo, and fell asleep soundly.

The next day was a rainy day, and it seemed that the prelude to thunder and lightning began in the middle of yesterday. When the sky was bright, it finally began to rain. Although compared with the thunder last night, today's rain looks a little light. However, the rain still occupied the whole city without panic, leaving the mark of rain on every tile, wall, street and window.

Li Bo is lying in his apartment**, thinking about what happened last night with a headache. But he had no clue. He only remembered that he woke up this morning and saw Zhang Xiaoxiao sleeping on the carpet in the living room. Li Bo checked his computer and there was no sign of being moved. He seemed to be a little relieved, but he just couldn't be completely relieved.

Zhang Xiaoxiao walked on the streets of the city happily with the fruits of last night's victory in the rain. She was particularly happy in her heart, and she thought she was free.

Han Han and Duoduo lay happily in their parents' arms, enjoying the first rain of their lives. What a magical rain! It washed the whole city, making the original difference, but the original difference became the same. Zou Weijun said to Xiao Jing, "I must ensure that Li Bo is no longer a threat before I can let him go."

Xiao Jing held Han Han, and Han Han's hand had been holding Duoduo in Zou Weijun's arms. Xiao Jing said, "I understand. It's just that. Let's not talk about it first. Let's leave a way for him to survive until we have to!"