married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 121 Mother and son who fled

Zou Weijun made a "please" gesture to Li Bo, "Since this matter started by Dr. Li, please ask Dr. Li to say it first!"

Li Bo secretly wiped the sweat in his hand on his trousers and tried to make himself look normal and serious. He pressed his tension in the bottom. Li Bo smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. First, please ask Mr. Zou Weijun to admit that Mr. Wu Youran is the biological father of two children and give him appropriate respect. Second, Ms. Xiao Jing can also recognize Mr. Wu Youran and let the two children follow Mr. Wu Youran's surname.

Xiao Jing gritted her teeth tightly, and Zou Weijun felt her hand holding his hand fiercely. Zou Weijun patted Xiao Jing on the back of her hand with the other hand and told her, "Don't be angry, don't be tricked by him." Xiao Jing received a hint from Zou Weijun, and the expression on her face became natural little by little.

Zou Weijun nodded. He looked straight into Li Bo's eyes and said, "Can you show me the documents in your hand?"

Li Bo felt that Zou Weijun's eyes were a strong light shining at him, so that he had nothing to escape and almost suffocated. Li Bo couldn't help nodding and walked over and handed the document to Zou Weijun. Zou Weijun opened the result document with one hand and read it carefully until the last word. Zou Weijun did not look up at Li Bo, "This document is fake."

Li Bo misunderstood Zou Weijun's body language. Li Bo felt that Zou Weijun did not dare to look at him, but was shocked by this document. He said that the document was fake, but it was just a final struggle. So Li Bo felt that he was not so panicked, and he slowly felt strong and down-to-earth. "Is there any evidence for Mr. Zou to say this? You are slandering me."

Zou Weijun suddenly raised his head and looked straight into Li Bo's eyes, allowing him to escape at all. Zou Weijun smiled beautifully, "Of course I have evidence. I just hope Dr. Li won't regret it."

Li Bo found himself fooled at this time, and he quickly went through all kinds of possibilities in his mind. What worries him most is the person he bought out. Being able to bribe him and Zou Weijun to bribe him, Li Bo intends to do it first, "Mr. Zou is really a good trick! Your evidence is either overpowered or bought with money.

Li Bo's words had a very good effect, and the originally quiet people around him began to move again. Zou Weijun smiled more easily and beautifully. Before the crowd got up, he poured them a basin of ice water. Zou Weijun raised his voice gently and said, "Director Wang, please popularize science!"

Director Wang Lei of the blood center of a hospital came out of the crowd and introduced himself as he walked, "I am the director of the blood center. My name is Wang Lei. About Dr. Li, I feel very strange. I take the liberty to ask, what is your brother, Mr. Wu Youran?

Li Bo's mind exploded with a "buzz". He closed his eyes in pain and thought, "Why am I so stupid? No matter what the result of DNA is, the most basic blood type is not right... I'm really stupid."

Xiao Jing leaned forward and whispered in Li Bo's ear, "It's too late to regret now." Then, Xiao Jing stood up straight and poured a clear voice into everyone's ear, "Mr. Wu Youran has type O blood, and I have type AB blood. Director Wang, you'd better say it!"

Wang Lei spoke in the tone of a university professor, as if he regarded the Xiao's hall at this time as his big classroom. "Hematology is a science, and science cannot tolerate any falsehood. Children conceived by type O blood and type AB can only be type A blood or type B blood. Among the dragon and phoenix fetuses born by Mr. Zou and his wife, one child has type AB blood. Therefore, Mr. Wu Youran can't be the father of the child anyway.

Li Bo calmed himself down and said unyieldingly, "Isn't there any special situation?"

Wang Lei smiled and nodded, "Yes, the probability is almost below zero."

Since there are special circumstances, it cannot be completely ruled out. What's more, my documents are also from the formal testing center, and your evidence cannot prove that my documents are false.

"Of course, it can prove," Zou Weijun put one hand in his trousers pocket and loosely wrapped one hand around Xiao Jing's waist and said improperly, "Did you say it yourself? Or shall I speak for you?"

A young man lowered his head and lingered out of the crowd. Wang Lei grabbed his collar and said, "You boy, you are getting bolder and bolder. Do you even dare to do this kind of thing?"

The young man pitifully took his hand and dared not look at Wang Lei. "Dad, promise not to tell mom that I'm here."

Wang Lei let go helplessly, "Let's talk about your affairs in private. Let's talk about the matter here first."

The young man pointed to Li Bo, "He gave me money and asked me to make a fake report. I have evidence that he paid me, and... and I didn't file this fake report, and the center doesn't have this document.

Wang Lei patted the young man's head with his hand, "You're a boy." The young man lowered his head and continued to scratch his hand and stopped talking. Wang Lei looked at Zou Weijun with begging eyes, and Zou Weijun nodded to him, "We are all fathers. I understand your feelings. What I promised you will be done, and I hope you can fulfill what you said.

Wang Lei nodded and took the young man's hand. The father and son left the Xiao family's hall with contempt, sympathy or incomprehensible or indifferent eyes. Zou Weijun promised not to hold Wang Lei's son accountable, and Wang Lei promised to let his son resign and never become a doctor.

Now everyone's eyes in the hall are gathered on one person - Li Bo. Zou Wei's military looked at Li Bo with a very sincere expression and said to him very sincerely, "I really want to stay with you. Just now, I wanted to let you go. But you hurt my family again and again. Today, I won't be soft-hearted anymore anyway.

Li Bo looked at Zou Weijun's eyes and lost all the brilliance. A pair of dead fish-like eyes seemed to have seen his strangers. I don't know when there was an extra file bag in Zou Weijun's hand. He is now opening the file bag leisurely. Li Bo's breathing began to thicken, and his eyes stared at the file bag in Zou Weijun's hand, as if a prisoner was waiting for his death sentence.

In the hall of the Xiao family, it is as quiet as a hollow at this moment, and even the wind blowing in from outside the door has an empty sound. A woman's voice suddenly came out of the hollow, and everyone was shocked by the sound. Everyone turned around and looked at the door.

Sister Chen wore a black velvet cheongsam today, and the combined cut wrapped her still concave and convex body. Sister Chen put on light makeup and was no longer a housekeeper in the vegetable market, but a well-educated and knowledgeable woman. Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing are very strange to such Sister Chen, and only a sharp light flashed in Li Bo's dull eyes.

Li Bo, like an awakened beast, fell desperately at Sister Chen's feet and shouted, "Mom!"

Sister Chen didn't even look at Li Bo kneeling at her feet. She bypassed Li Bo and walked to Zou Weijun. His eyes were firmly glued to the document bag in Zou Weijun's hand. "Can you show mercy? I will take him out of here and never appear in front of you again."

There was no trace of pity in Sister Chen's request, but Zou Weijun heard sincerity. He hesitated for a moment, and it was always difficult to refuse a mother's request. But Zou Weijun also saw Xiao Jing. Because of pregnancy and fertility, Xiao Jing is no longer a beautiful girl with outstanding appearance and figure.

Xiao Jing is a little fat, her figure has not fully recovered, the facial features on her face are no longer delicate, and her skin is also a little loose. The most important thing is that Zou Weijun still clearly remembers the scene when Xiao Jing was giving birth. He almost lost his wife and children. The engulfing panic and fear are still the nightmares of Zou Weijun.

Zou Weijun shook his head decisively, "No, I must punish him, I must punish him."

Sister Chen didn't say anything more, just nodded, "I understand."

When Zou Weijun was about to take out the document, Xiao Jing suddenly pressed his hand. Xiao Jing said to Sister Chen, "Let him apologize to us and sincerely apologize to us in front of everyone."

Sister Chen's dead eyes were full of feelings and light in an instant. She took Li Bo's collar and looked at each other. "The last chance, I hope you can understand."

Deathmate Li Bo had a living breath in his eyes. He looked at his mother, Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing, and the dark people in the Xiao family hall. Li Bo nodded slowly and resolutely to his mother, and Sister Chen let go of her hand. Li Bo knelt directly on the ground. "I apologize to Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing, to Chief Xiao and his wife, and to the two children who are one month old today. Everything is what I say. I am a liar, a despicable and dirty liar. My purpose is to destroy the happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Zou, and to avenge my brother Wu Youran. I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong!"

Li Bo suddenly knelt on the ground and turned 180° and turned to the front of Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun. He actually kowtowed to them. The real head kowtowed on the real ground and made a "dong-dong" sound, which kept ringing over the Xiao family hall. It was shocking to hear.

Xiao Jing pulled the corner of Zou Weijun's clothes, and Zou Weijun roared, "Get out!"

Sister Chen picked up Li Bo on the ground without hesitation, and the mother and son rolled and crawled out of the door of the Xiao family.

When everyone is looking at me and making a silent decision to leave. Wang Lanzhi came downstairs with a happy smile, "Xiaojing, Hanhan and Duoduo will call their mother."

All abnormality and embarrassment were cleaned out of the Xiao family hall by this sentence, so the 100-day celebration continued, as if nothing had happened just now. The celebration was very lively and successful from beginning to end.