married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 124 I'll spoil you today

The next day, Xiao Jing handed over Hanhan and Duoduo to Wang Lanzhi and the nanny and asked for a morning's leave. Since Han Han and Duoduo came to this world, Xiao Jing has not left them. Wang Lanzhi said to Xiao Jing, who turned around step by step, "You should get used to it. You and him are not a lifetime."

Xiao Jing turned her head around and lowered her head to come out of the house. Walking fast all the way, I unconsciously burst into tears. This feeling is really uncomfortable. Xiao Jing thought of Zou Weijun again, "Even if you don't want me, don't you want children? Why are you so stubborn? I didn't say anything!"

Xiao Jing originally planned to go to the barracks, but later she thought that once Zou Weijun had a task, she didn't want to disturb his normal work. So Xiao Jing returned to her and Zou Weijun's home. Open the door of the house, and everything inside is tidy. Since Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun lived in the barracks, Zou Weijun hired a part-time worker and came to the house to clean once a week.

Xiao Jing sat quietly in the living room, which smelled of Zou Weijun. It's also strange. How can I think of his smell first? Psychologists said: "The most reliable memory of human beings is not vision or hearing, but smell. No matter how many years have passed, human olfactory memory will never go wrong and will never be forgotten.

Xiao Jing walked alone in the room, following the smell of Zou Weijun. She saw him cooking for herself. He was busy working. He was making her happy. He was feeding her apples... Every bit of the past came to her mind. Xiao Jing cried. How much she thought that Zou Weijun was by her side now. He would definitely coax her with pain, "Good wife, don't cry!" Xiao Jing smiled again. She seemed to see Zou Weijun's ruffian smile, "Crying and laughing, little naughty."

Now Xiao Jing knows that Wang Lanzhi is right. She is spoiled by Zou Weijun. The two have been married for more than two years. She doesn't care about anything. No matter what happens, she will push it to Zou Weijun to solve it. Zou Weijun did everything a man could do for her in this family. He trained her fiercely, and he also accompanied her as gentle as water. Unconsciously, Xiao Jing has become the center of Zou Wei's life, and all his decisions are based on her.

And Xiao Jing seems to have done nothing for Zou Weijun except to enjoy Zou Weijun's love. She doesn't even understand his heart. This heart is full of her! The song "Two People Are Good" sung by Zou Weijun suddenly sounded in Xiao Jing's ear, and Xiao Jing smiled with tears in her eyes.

After Xiao Jing left her and Zou Weijun's home, she did not go to find Zou Weijun. She went straight back to the army compound. Xiao Jing intends to confess to her husband in the oldest way. She sat in front of the desk, took out a few pieces of letter paper, and began to write to Zou Weijun:

"Baby husband: Hello!

I never thought of writing to you. What era is this? I actually decided to tell you in such an old way: 'From today on, I will spoil you.' You don't have to object, that's it. I know it's all for my good. I shouldn't question you, but I'm also for your good! Can we stop the cold war? Husband, I really miss you. Hanhan and Duoduo also miss their father. Go home quickly!

Besides, even if you are angry with me, you can't be angry with the babies! Do you really don't want Han Han and Duoduo at all? Zou Weijun, you have no conscience, I didn't say anything! You had a cold war with me, and you learned not to go home. Well~~~ It seems that the tone is wrong! I was supposed to confess to you gently, but I was impulsive again.

It's all because I miss you so much. If you don't go home, I will be really angry! Jun, I know I'm spoiled. I don't think about you. I don't understand your difficulties and always fight with you. Jun, you are a good soldier and a good leader. How can you leave your own soldiers after half of the training? I'm half of the soldiers you trained. Come back quickly, or you would have trained in vain before.

Jun, I promise that I will learn to be a good wife and mother from now on, and I will learn to spoil you for your own. Just for the sake that I haven't written so many words by hand (and there are no typos) since I graduated from middle school, come home! Kiss!!!

Wife: Jing

on the same day

Xiao Jing finally found an envelope, put the letter in the envelope, wrote the name of Zou Weijun, and asked the guard Xiao Li to hand over the letter to Zou Weijun in person.

Since Xiao Li left, Xiao Jing has been waiting without soul. When feeding, he actually fed Hanhan twice, but Duoduo didn't eat it once. Xiao Jing looked at her crying daughter apologetically, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Blame your father. If he doesn't go home, the three of us will go on a hunger strike together.

Wang Lanzhi slapped Xiao Jing fiercely from behind, "Nonsense, I can't see you at a glance. Hurry up and feed Duoduo. If the child has any questions, I will ask you.

Xiao Jing smiled at Wang Lanzhi, "Hasn't this already been eaten? I have enough milk, mom, don't worry."

Although Xiao Jing spoke to Wang Lanzhi, her eyes did not look at Wang Lanzhi, but at the door behind Wang Lanzhi. Wang Lanzhi smiled and said, "Don't worry, you have to work first and then take care of your family. Xiaojun and your father are both like this. Don't worry, he will definitely come back today.

Xiao Jing looked at her mother strangely, "Do you know? How do you know?"

Wang Lanzhi smiled and touched Xiao Jing's hair affectionately, "Silly child, I'm a mother, and my mother knows everything."

Xiao Jing looked down at Duoduo, who was asleep after eating and drinking enough in her arms, and whispered, "Mom still has this function? I don't even know."

Wang Lanzhi took the Duoduo in Xiao Jing's arms and patted it to see if she was asleep. Then he put Duoduo in the small bed and whispered to Xiao Jing, "Time flies. Looking at Duoduo, I can think of you. In a flash, you have become a mother."

Xiao Jing held her mother's arm and lay coquettishly in her mother's arms, "I don't want to grow up. It's not good to grow up."

Wang Lanzhi smiled, "In my eyes! You will never grow up."

Xiao Jing buried her head in her mother's shoulder, "But some people want me to grow up. Still competing with me. He is a bad guy. Let's fire him!" Xiao Jing said a sentence at a time, but felt that her back was cold for no reason. She suddenly turned around and saw Zou Weijun looking at her with a bad smile. Xiao Jing was not surprised. Suddenly, she threw herself into Zou Weijun's arms and cried loudly.

Wang Lanzhi shook her head helplessly at Zou Weijun, bypassed Xiao Jing, who was crying in a mess, and went back to her room to hide quietly.

Zou Weijun's belly fire flowed down Xiao Jing's tears. He held his wife crying in his arms and kept whispering, "Good boy, don't cry, wake up Han Han and Duoduo. Honey, didn't I come back? I promise I won't have a cold war with you anymore. Good boy, please don't cry.

Xiao Jing ignored him at all, as if she had made up her mind that she would never finish her work if she didn't cry enough today. Zou Weijun smiled helplessly at himself and whispered, "He also said he would spoil me!" Don't keep your word."

Xiao Jing stopped crying all of a sudden. She wiped away her tears with Zou Weijun's clothes, opened her eyes and said, "I keep my word. From today on, I will definitely spoil you and let you think about everything for you."

Looking at Xiao Jing, who was as serious as a child, Zou Weijun's nose was sour for no reason, and his eyes were a little wet. He gently kissed Xiao Jing's nose and wiped her face with his hands. "I believe that I will wait for you to spoil me in the future."

Xiao Jing smiled proudly and happily. She pulled Zou Weijun to the edge of the baby's cot, raised her finger at him, and made a "hush" action. Xiao Jing was afraid that Zou Weijun would wake up the babies, but Zou Weijun pointed to the bed with a smile. Xiao Jing looked back and saw that Han Han and Duoduo looked at them with big shining eyes and were not sleepy at all.

Xiao Jing pouted, "It was you who woke up Han Han and Duoduo."

Zou Weijun looked at Han Han and Duoduo in the small bed, and the expression on his face was laughing or crying. "Some people are really good at wronging people!" I'm really wronged! I don't know who it is. I cried so shockingly just now. How dare you say it!"

Xiao Jing's face suddenly turned red, all the way to the tip of her nose, "Who cried? Ah! Who cried?

The two little people raised their little hands almost at the same time and pointed to Xiao Jing's direction together. Zou Weijun laughed. This is really the first happy thing this year. Finally, someone can do justice for him. Xiao Jing raised her eyes and put her hands on her waist, "You two dare to rebel! Don't want to eat?"

Han Han and Duoduo turned over at the same time, and no one looked at Xiao Jing. Zou Weijun took Xiao Jing's shoulder and said with a smile, "It's okay. It's okay. Anyway, they have just eaten. There is still some time before the next meal! Don't worry!"

Xiao Jing also smiled. She leaned her head in Zou Weijun's arms, "Husband, what should I do? Why do I always grow up? It's always worrying!"

Zou Weijun patted Xiao Jing's head and stabilized her. "It doesn't matter. The three of us spoil you together so that you will always enjoy the treatment of being a big deal." He said to Hanhan and Duoduo in the small bed, "You two said, didn't you?"

Hanhan and Duoduo did not seem to agree with Zou Weijun's opinion, so they did not respond to his words. Zou Weijun touched his nose and blinked his eyes and said to Xiao Jing, "Husband, I'll spoil you. We won't grow up and love whom."

Xiao Jing opened her mouth and bit Zou Weijun, and then bowed left and right to kiss his face. "It's better to be my husband. I rely on you for the rest of my life. Husband, I love you.