married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 130 One day, I will make you have no way out

Zhang Xiaoxiao, who was about to attack, suddenly stopped. She quickly walked to Zou Weijun's face, and her face almost pressed against Zou Weijun's face. Zou Weijun took a step back, and Zhang Xiaoxiao followed him and took a step forward, "You want to leave, right?"

Zou Weijun took another step back, and Zhang Xiaoxiao followed again, "Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Zou Weijun simply didn't move. His hands were in his pocket, and his expression was cold and arrogant. "Do you think this is interesting?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao roared at Zou Weijun's face, "Interesting! You are using me at all. Why are you coming back?"

Zou Weijun frowned slightly, and the expression on his face remained unchanged. "If you don't welcome me, I should leave."

Zhang Xiaoxiao held Zou Weijun's arm tightly, and flames spewed out of his eyes. "Don't think, I won't let you leave."

Zou Weijun raised his eyebrows and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, "What? Are you going to house arrest me? Do you have this ability?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao loosened Zou Weijun's arm and slowly took a step back, as if she wanted to see Zou Weijun more clearly. Then she suddenly threw herself on Zou Weijun's body and wrapped her arms firmly around his neck. "Listen, I can let you die and let you stay with me."

Zou Weijun's heart tightened, and he was still cold on the surface. Zou Weijun pushed Zhang Xiaoxiao away, and Zhang Xiaoxiao stably fell to the ground. Zou Weijun tidied up his clothes, didn't look at Zhang Xiaoxiao, and strode past her side. Zhang Xiaoxiao hugged Zou Weijun's thigh with all her strength, raised her head and begged to look at him, "Brother, don't leave me, brother, I... I'm wrong!"

Zou Wei tried his strength to pull out his legs, but Zhang Xiaoxiao hugged him tighter. Zou Weijun bent down to open Zhang Xiaoxiao's arm, but he didn't expect that Zhang Xiaoxiao's whole body curled into a circle and surrounded Zou Weijun's legs in the center of the circle. Zou Weijun stood up straight, "Do you think this can keep me?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao did not look up, but his voice hit the ground and reflected back into Zou Weijun's ears. So her voice sounded far away. "I know you're investigating me, and I always know. Brother, you are using my love for you, and you are using me. Why don't you ask me directly? I'll tell you, you know, and I'll confess to you."

Zou Weijun didn't react. The woman's thinking was jumping. She was shopping in the city at the first moment, and climbed Mount Everest at the next moment. Zou Weijun remained silent, and he did not want to interrupt Zhang Xiaoxiao. Zhang Xiaoxiao maintained the same posture and continued, "Brother, I don't want to hurt anyone. I really just want you to walk with me. Brother, do you know? The underworld is a very cold place. I want you to hug me and give me a little warmth. Brother, I'm really scared. Please don't leave me.

A sneer appeared on Zou Weijun's face. He stood with his hands on his chest and tried not to touch Zhang Xiaoxiao. "Are you afraid? Are you afraid to hurt me? If you live enough, let me die. Is this your love?

Zhang Xiaoxiao's body began to tremble, shaking so much that Zou Weijun almost stopped. Zhang Xiaoxiao hugged Zou Weijun's leg more tightly, "I didn't know that woman was in the car. I thought the person in the car was you. Brother, we can only be together if you die. Brother, it's my happiness to die with you.

Zou Weijun's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he especially wanted to ask Zhang Xiaoxiao directly, "Did you do the bombing?" But he resisted, and he didn't want to be suspected of confessing. Zou Weijun moved his leg, "What are you talking about? Let go of me, I'm leaving here."

At this time, Zhang Xiaoxiao slowly raised her head until she could see Zou Weijun's face. "You can't leave me. I have killed a person for you. You must stay." Due to the need to solve the case, the police announced that the female soldier injured in the bombing had died, so Zhang Xiaoxiao always believed that Xiao Zijun was dead.

Zou Weijun sneered again, and his voice was cold at minus 40 degrees, "Killing for me? I think you are really sick, but it's not brain cancer, but mental illness.

Zhang Xiaoxiao sat on the ground and laughed, "Yes, I'm mentally ill. I've been in a mental hospital for you. But this time, I became a murderer. Don't be in a hurry to get rid of the relationship with me. I just killed people for you.

Zou Weijun couldn't stand it anymore. He twisted his legs hard and threw Zhang Xiaoxiao out directly. Zou Weijun didn't look at Zhang Xiaoxiao and turned to the gate. Zhang Xiaoxiao crawled on the ground like crazy. This time, she did not hug Zou Weijun's leg again, but stopped directly at the door. "I killed for you. Do you still want to leave me? Zou Weijun, you are not a human!"

Zou Weijun almost laughed angrily at her, "What does the person you killed have to do with me?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao's back was straight against the door, and there was no begging and pity in her voice. "My brain cancer is advanced, and the doctor said that I can't live this year. I have nothing to regret. The only thing I can't let go is you, so you have to die with me. I spent a lot of effort to get a remote control bomb, bought people, and installed the bomb in your car. I calculated every step very carefully, but I didn't count that the woman would be in your car.

Zou Weijun still had a cold smile on his face, and he had already cut Zhang Xiaoxiao thousands of knives in his heart. But in reality, Zou Weijun can't be too hasty. He must calm down. "Since you have been following me, how can you not know that I have got out of the car?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly lit up. She suddenly stood up from the ground and her body shook, "Do you believe me? I really killed people for you."

Zou Weijun did not help Zhang Xiaoxiao. Instead, he took a step back and opened the distance between him and Zhang Xiaoxiao. Zhang Xiaoxiao was not angry this time. What she saw was that Zou Weijun was one step away from the gate. "I lost you. When I found the car again, the car was already parked by the roadside. The distance is so far that I can't see the people in the car clearly. Seeing that the person in the car locked the car and was about to leave, I pressed the remote control as soon as I was in a hurry.

"So you really did it?"

"Yes, I did it. What I want is you, not that woman. It's her bad luck!"

"Did you do it alone? I don't believe it."

"Of course I can't do it alone, but there is a thing in the world called money. As the old saying goes, 'Money can make ghosts grind.' This is an eternal truth.

"Aren't you bankrupt?"

"Li Bo has a lot of money, and he won't object to me using some."

"Did you steal his signature and seal?"

"It's not stealing, it's borrowing."

"You are so shameless."

"Thank you for the compliment! For your sake, I also admit shamelessness."

Zou Weijun's current task is to delay the time, and Officer Huang must be on his way to arrest Zhang Xiaoxiao. Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed and naturally walked to the window. She lit a cigarette and said to Zou Weijun, "I know who you are waiting for. I love you, but I'm not a fool. Do you really think I don't know what you're doing in this room?"

Zou Weijun shrugged his shoulders relaxedly, "I don't understand what you said at all."

Zhang Xiaoxiao exhaled a puff of smoke and sat on the sofa, "Brother, you really don't know me. The man who took care of me was better than you. In the end, he was sent to the gallows, and I retreated. Over the years, I have escaped again and again. Don't you really think about why?

Zou Weijun walked to the window and looked down. The community was very quiet, and there were few pedestrians. "Well, it sounds like you are very powerful. What's wrong? Join the underworld?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao continued to swallow the fog, "That's not true, but there are just a few good brothers."

Is that right? I'm afraid your brothers will also be able to escape. Before Zou Weijun finished speaking, he directly grabbed Zhang Xiaoxiao in the sofa. As soon as his hand was strong, he felt that his arm was numb and unable to force it.

Zhang Xiaoxiao stood up leisurely and spit out a puff of smoke on Zou Weijun's face, "This smoke smells good! Specially customized, ordinary people can't smell it. But don't worry, I won't kill you now. I will let both of us die at the same time on the same day of the same year, so that we will never be separated.

Zou Weijun felt that his consciousness had begun to be lax, and he was unwilling to stretch out his hand to catch Zhang Xiaoxiao. Just now, Zou Weijun has seen Officer Huang walking into the door of this unit. He just needs to hold on a little longer. But Zou Weijun found that he really couldn't do it. Zhang Xiaoxiao in front of him was blurred, his limbs began to paralyze, and all the consciousness in his mind disappeared. He gritted his teeth and said, "One day, I will make you have no way to escape."

After saying that, Zou Weijun fell to the ground heavily and lost consciousness.

Zhang Xiaoxiao has stepped out of the window with one leg. When she heard Zou Weijun's words, she looked back at Zou Weijun on the ground reluctantly and whispered, "One day, I will be with you forever." After saying that, he jumped down and landed impartially on the huge air cushion that had been opened behind the building.

Zhang Xiaoxiao just fell down and left. Two men helped her up. The three of them hurriedly got into a car, and the car left the community.

When Officer Huang broke into the room, there was only Zou Weijun lying unconscious on the ground, and there was no trace of Zhang Xiaoxiao at all. Officer Huang hurriedly called an ambulance and sent Zou Weijun to the hospital. After treatment, Zou Weijun woke up quickly. He fainted because he inhaled a lot of nerve anesthetics.

As for why Zhang Xiaoxiao was not anesthetized, the doctor explained, "It is possible that she has used this anesthetic for a long time and has antibodies in her body. This situation is similar to some people who won't get drunk no matter how much they drink, and some people will get drunk unconscious after drinking a little. It is also possible..."

Before the doctor finished his words, the door of the ward was kicked open, and Xiao Jing's hot eyes fell directly on Zou Weijun's face, "Zou Weijun! Are you worthy of me?"