Chaotic Thief

Chapter 4 Newly revealed

Unexpectedly, he put his foot down, but he threw himself into the air and looked at it. Seeing the yellow face in front of him, he suddenly smiled and lay down slightly, avoiding his foot.

Mei Zhong was very happy. Seeing that the Huazi had woken up, he avoided it far away for fear of looking at the black-faced teenager again.

Chen Ying only said that in the drowsiness, she suddenly heard the noise in her ears. After a while, she felt a strong wind hitting her, but the speed was not fast, so she leaned back and flashed her foot.

Standing up, Chen Ying stretched out, raised her eyes and looked around. She found that the scene was clear, and she felt a trace of coolness around her in the middle. Her head was particularly clear at this time. She remembered some memories of her childhood again, and her heart was particularly comfortable and transparent.

I didn't have much experience, but I saw the black-faced teenager pulling out a short knife from his back and dancing a knife style, but there was nothing, and it was a method of random killing.

However, for a teenager who has not practiced any skills on both sides, this is also a very effective and shocking means. Mei Zhong next to him trembled and stunned by this style.

Although Chen Ying was a little flustered, she did not lose her sense of proportion. Fortunately, the black charcoal speed was too slow, otherwise today would be the time for my death.

Once, Chen Ying flashed back and forth without hurry, beating left and right, lowering her head, bending her back and rolling. Although the action was rough, fortunately it still works.

The black-faced teenager cut the time with a small half of incense. He shouted and his face was red. The short knife in his hand was full of strength at the beginning. After a while, he started to soften, but waved back and forth weakly, inadvertently trying to give the thin monkey in front of him a knife.

Chen Ying only feels relaxed, and there seems to be infinite strength in her chest. It is not difficult to move like this for another day and a half.

Seeing the teenager gasping in front of him, he knew that he was about to die.

Sure enough, after a while, the black-faced teenager finally exerted his last bit of strength, threw the knife and threw it aside. Regardless of the great enemy in front of him, he lay on the ground and gasped desperately.

"Bah, kill this boy." Mei Zhong in the distance rushed over with his eyes shining, picked up the knife on the ground, and wanted to kill the teenager on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Chen Ying kicked the knife in Mei Zhong's hand and asked him impatiently.

"Brother, this man is so abominable. He chased me for a long time. If I hadn't been smart, I wouldn't have seen you in the future. Then let me kill him. On the one hand, to relieve his hatred, and on the other hand, there is no rival. Mei Zhong did not dare to disobey, but looked at Chen Ying with a pitiful look.

"What kind of opponent is not an opponent, a group of fools, that is just a means to choose disciples. In your view, if a fool hides far away from the beginning and can finally be selected?" Chen Ying looked at Mei Zhong disdainfully.

"Really?" Mei Zhong and the black-faced teenager on the ground asked in unison.

Believe it or not, you will know in a few days. I guess that if he really had a well-qualified apprentice, the people of the Shimo Palace would not let him die here.

As soon as Chen Ying's voice fell, suddenly, a slow voice and an extremely old voice came from the side; "The boy is still smart. In this task, you are the second person to think of this, and you are also qualified to enter my Magic Palace. Is this qualification? Let me have a good look."

As soon as the old voice fell, a clear light came from outside the cave and stopped in front of the three people.

The object turned out to be a simple bronze mirror, which was facing Chen Ying. The other two didn't know what was going on.

Chen Ying saw clouds floating in the mirror, and there was a faint old man in a black robe with a clear face.

For a moment, Chen Ying saw that the old man looked more and more surprised and didn't know what he wanted to do.

"Yes, the body is pure, and the natural spirit."

When the three heard the old man's words, they didn't know what it meant.

Chen Ying thought in her heart, spiritual body? What is this?

When I was about to ask a question, I saw the old man in the mirror suddenly disappear. The mirror shot out a clear light and wrapped it around me. I felt that my whole body was tight, and I felt that I was raised to the sky by a strong force. The stone soil above my head broke and turned into a road residue. I drilled out of the hole with the clear light and flew away to the east. .

The clear light is very fast. Before long, I have seen the land. There is a town near the surface of the water. Chen Ying has never been here, but it seems to be very rich.

At this time, as soon as the sky was bright, the people in the town had been busy working.

Some are spread and swept, and some are steamed with fire.

But these people are Chen Ying, who is very conspicuous in the low sky. No one can see it, as if Chen Ying just doesn't exist.

After passing through the room, Chen Ying was taken to a small room. The room was fragrant and clean, with nothing on all sides. There was a bed in the corner, a table and a chair, which was very simple.

The old man seen in Chen Ying's mirror was sitting in a chair at this time.

As soon as he arrived, the light went out, and the bronze mirror was taken back by the old man.

Chen Ying stared at the old man and said, "Are you from the First Demon Palace? What is a spiritual body?

The old man was curious about Chen Ying's directness and ignored him. He stretched out his hand and patted Chen Ying on the head.

Chen Ying was shocked and dodged, but did not dodge. She only felt a slight heat rushing in under the palm of her head. The heat followed a meridians from the top of her head and galloped quickly in her body. However, all the way, it became cooler and cooler. Finally, just halfway, it turned into a cool air and exhaled out of Chen Ying's nose.

"Yes, it's really a spiritual body or a water attribute." The old man looked at Chen Ying with an excited face.

"You haven't answered my question yet..."

"You will know in the future. I am the outer gatekeeper of the Shimo Palace. Seeing that you have good qualifications and intelligence, this task can be selected, but you can no longer continue. Go back to the palace quickly with me, choose a magic weapon for you, and learn the supreme decision as soon as possible. This is the reason."

Chen Ying thought about it and knew that this psychic body was probably closely related to the Xuanyin Zhenshui. What's good about her body? How could she be so thin and weak in the past? Maybe she had been accepted as an apprentice by a senior.

Chen Ying showed a burst of joy on her face and came forward to worship; "Apprentice Chen Ying, I wish Master invincible and unify the world."

"This, if you want to be invincible, it's far from enough to be a teacher. If you work hard in the future, you can also try it." The old man shook his head and said.

"What other relatives do you have in your family?" The old man asked Chen Ying.

Chen Ying couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in her heart at this time. If the old man asked about these things yesterday, Chen Ying really didn't know. She only said that she was a fatherless orphan. When she woke up from a coma in the cave just now, she was washed by Xuanyin Zhenshui, and her brain was instantly clear and suddenly remembered these. It happened when I was a child.

It turned out that his parents were hunted down by their enemies at that time. They hurriedly put Chen Ying, who was crying in their arms, into a family and fled far away. However, Chen Ying firmly remembered what their parents looked like. They swore in their hearts that they must investigate well in the future, and even the person who chased them would not let go.

After Chen Ying told the truth, the old man said calmly, "If you have no worries, you can concentrate on practice. The human feelings of the world can't be hung in your heart. Only by success as soon as possible can you do whatever you want.

Chen Ying even claimed that it was.

The old man called softly; "sushan".

Chen Ying saw a young man enter from outside the door.

"I'm going to take your brother Chen Ying back first. This task will be handed over to you for review."

After listening to the order, the young man retreated and left the hut silently.

"This is your brother Sushan. He usually works extremely hard, but his qualifications are too poor, and fortunately he is loyal and obedient. If you stay by your side, you can also do a little bit." The old man sighed.

"Yes, Master, disciples will work hard and will not live up to Master's love."

The old man pointed his hand happily, and the bronze mirror flew up again, turned into a clear light to wrap Chen Ying, and flew along the east as he rose to the sky.

All the way, Chen Ying saw the old man's sleeves swinging rapidly by the wind, but she was very calm in the clear light. I didn't feel a trace of wind, and I secretly praised it in my heart.