Chaotic Thief

Chapter 7 Domineering

Chen Ying thought that he was about to be torn apart. At that time, countless pores all over his body were bleeding at the same time, his eyes were wide open, and the blood was also full of blood.

In a faint way, Chen Ying seemed to hear a thunder sound coming from her body, and her whole body rolled, swollen and shrank together. Chen Ying had no intention to look at her situation, but gritted her teeth and endured the pain in the bottom of her heart.

After a swelling, Chen Ying's skin and flesh did not shrink back and was cracked.

When the clothes were shaken, they were broken into pieces, and so did the small pieces of skin of the whole body, but did not fall down, just stained the flesh and blood. From afar, it looked horrible.

The flesh and blood couldn't help wriggling. Gradually, a trace of dark yellow color was stained into it and merged with Chen Ying's flesh and blood, but the skin of the whole body was squeezed out, dry, blown by the wind and scattered everywhere.

Chen Ying's head is also dead and blurred. Fortunately, Xuanyin is protected by real water outside, otherwise I really don't know what the consequences will be.

"Come on, run the mental method." When Chen Ying was about to stand it, she heard the sound of the mother meridian in her mind. At the same time, a meridian road map appeared in Chen's mind.

The mother sutra was word by word, and she slowly read a piece of skill to him. Chen Ying recorded it according to the skill and forced Xuanyin Zhenshui to control it in his body.

From the bottom of the heart to the surface of the skin, Xuanyin Zhenshui no longer rotates around, but with the mental method transmitted by the mother's scriptures, it was blocked by Chen Ying and began to repair his flesh and blood.

From bone marrow to flesh, little by little, gradually calmed down, another layer of Xuanyin real water was exported from the body by Chen Ying, surrounded by flesh and blood, and turned into a layer of pale yellow skin by Chen Ying. The skin color is pure, and there is a feeling of crystal like topaz.

"Well, don't lie down anymore. This time you have successfully endured it. The second refining is different from the first time, and it is not a little bit stronger. Get up and feel it yourself." The mother said to him in Chen Ying's mind.

Chen Ying ignored him, but was indifferent to the feeling of the body on the ground. Although the pain had passed, her whole body still felt sour and numb.

For a moment, Chen Ying finally calmed down and stood up from the ground. She was extremely relaxed.

Looking at my** body, I found that it seemed to be much stronger, no longer as thin and weak as before.

Chen Ying pinched his right fist and suddenly waved it to the boulder next to him. With a strong wind, the boulder was smashed into pieces by his fist and flew out of his feet.

"It's so strong, it's really strong." Chen Ying was very happy.

"That trick?" Chen Ying tried to imitate Cheng Dahai's palm and suddenly waved out, and suddenly clenched his fists, hiss, and the wind squeezed out of the cracks and shot on the bamboo branches beside him. More than a dozen bamboo branches were cut through some cracks with a knife.

Feel the seemingly infinite power in your body. As soon as you raise your legs and wave your arms, a confidence to compete for power in heaven and earth is full of it.

"The second refining is over, boy, keep working hard. Xuanyin Real Water can help you improve your body ten times. The first three times are relatively easy, and it can only be carried out in a long time in the future. The mother said to Chen Ying.

"Ten times, this is only the second time, so powerful, how strong can it be after ten times?"

"Those things are not something to worry about now. Do you know how long it took you to upgrade to the second floor this time?"

Chen Ying was shocked; "Yes, although I didn't calculate the time carefully, I knew it was not a day and a half."

"Twenty-eight days, two days away from your set January period. If it hadn't been for the automatic absorption of Xuanyin real water to maintain life during the refining process, you would have starved to death. Now you, I guess you can defeat him, but in case, I can pass on another punch to you. Mother's scriptures.

Chen Ying's eyes turned; "What kind of boxing? Can you defeat him with this boxing in two days?"

"What I said definitely makes sense, but two days is still too short. If you are willing to use these two days to refine the Xuanyin real water and give it all to me, there is hope. Otherwise, with your current progress, no matter how hard you work, it is impossible to upgrade to the third floor in two days."

"It's useless. You can take out the skills you promised me first, and then talk about other things." Chen Ying knew that although the demand for Xuanyin Zhenshui was a little too strong, there was still no lie in what she said.

"Okay, you can remember this boxing classic first, but you can't practice it even if you practice it for two days. Therefore, as long as you help me with all your strength these two days, there is hope to stabilize the process of the sea. The mother still did not give up the previous request.

Chen Ying agreed.

The mother no longer spoke, but a picture appeared directly in Chen Ying's mind. She pretended to be a middle-aged man and stood alone on the top of a cliff and looked at the void above her head. Suddenly, the middle-aged man frowned and waved a punch in front of him. His fist was like a mountain. Chen Ying seemed to be standing opposite the middle-aged man, facing this A fist, an inexplicable panic, can't have the idea of resistance.

The 'boom' airflow was turbulent, and the fists burst out, and the sun and moon seemed to shake with this punch.

Chen Ying looked at this punch that covered herself, and a sense of despair involuntarily gushed out of her heart, and she shouted repeatedly. She was about to dodge, but she didn't expect that the picture disappeared in her mind as soon as it was dark.

"How about this boxing?" The mother asked Chen Ying with a smile.

"What kind of boxing is this? Just looking at it makes my legs numb. Chen Yingdao.

"This is 'domy boxing'. There is only one move in total, but it is this domineering artistic conception that ordinary people can't appreciate, so it is impossible for you to learn this move in two days." The mother continued to seduce Chen Ying.

"Do you have a way?"

"Yes, in two days, as long as you help me with all your strength, I can barely let you experience a little domineering mood. Although it's only a little bit, it's still easy to defeat a boy who refines his body."

"Okay, it's done." Chen Ying laughed.

"But what do you think it is in the nine realms of cultivation as I am now?"

"The entry of the skills of Xuanyin Zhenshui is different from the skills of this world. Barely speaking, it can probably be regarded as the middle stage of refining. If you upgrade another layer, your physical strength can slightly resist the mana of the peak of God. The mother said to Chen Ying with pride.

"Oh, my God, it's only been many days. I didn't expect that I, Chen Ying, can also be a master alone." Chen Ying is a little dizzy.

"The divine realm is just the beginning, and the future realm is the real difficulties and obstacles. With my mother's spells, Xuanyin Zhenshui to help you improve the power of your body is just a high starting point for you to stand together. If he is a little lazy, he will be just an unlucky man who died early.

Time is tight, Chen Ying no longer talks to her mother, and seizes the time to guide Xuanyin Zhenshui to deliver it to her mother.

Although the one-month deadline has not been agreed with anyone, Chen Ying always has the spirit of not giving up and wants to surpass the sea of the process.

Do you want to overturn the deadline you set by yourself? If you can't even win yourself, how can you beat others? This is contrary to Chen Ying's life goal.

With Chen Ying's full assistance, the mother made a comfortable sound or two in her mind from time to time.

Chen Ying once asked what the mother's scripture needs Xuanyin Zhenshui to do. The mother's scripture only replied that the body is damaged in many places and urgently needs to be repaired. It seems that the material of the body is very similar to Xuanyin Zhenshui. As long as the future can complete the body, she must be able to remember one or two of her past. After all, the mother vaguely remembers her own skills. The effect is not so simple.

Looking at the drops of Xuanyin real water being absorbed by the mother, Chen Ying couldn't help but feel a little distressed. She secretly said that if she was fooled this time, she could no longer listen to it in the future.

Two days will pass soon.

This afternoon, Chen Ying finished running the last skill and asked about the mother's scriptures; "How about it, are you sure?"

The mother meditated for a moment and said, "I need these mysterious cloud real water to perform a spell, but there are not many in two days. It's hard to say how long it will take, but it should be enough."

"Okay, then I'll find someone to fight with Cheng Dahai."

"Yes, go to bed early after dinner tonight, have a good rest, and get up before dawn tomorrow. I'll cast a spell for you." Mother's scriptures.

Chen Ying can't think of what it can do. Can she learn to do boxing tomorrow morning?

"Brother Chen, the food has been delivered." A familiar voice came again, and Chen Ying knew that it was the child who delivered the meal.