Chaotic Thief

Chapter 54 Residual

Between the strong aura and magic, Chen Ying kept flying in one direction. She didn't know how long it would take before she finally reached the edge of the continent. She turned over and turned outside. Chen Ying flapped her wings a few times and saw some blue light flashing on it, so she flew there.

Fly and higher, as if flying ten feet high, then came to the blue light. When Chen Ying finally found that the thing shining blue light turned out to be a portal at the peak of the mainland. The door was dark blue, and endless spiritual light flashed up and downs in it.

Chen Ying fell in front of the door and looked up. She saw that the two doors seemed to be infinitely high. In his current complete Kunpeng form, he stood on the ground as if an ant had come to the foot of the mountain.

Chen Ying stretched out her wings and tried to push the door, but found that the two doors with strong blue light did not respond at all. She arched hard and still could not play a role. Then he exported his magic spirit, and the magic spirit of the group was patted on the blue door with one wing. Unexpectedly, after this blow, the blue door surged up infinite deep blue**, turning into a huge wave and patting Chen Ying.

Chen Ying hurriedly flew away from here, and the huge wave was only slightly momentum, and then withdrew to the door. Closely connected to the two blue doors is a transparent light mask. Above the light mask, there are runes. Between the runes, countless subtle energies swim along. Chen Ying only got a little closer and felt that she was pressed by a danger and trembled all over. Through the light mask, Chen Ying saw that there was an infinite desert inside, without any green.

Chen Ying looked at the mask in front of her and made up her mind to move silently. After one disappeared, she still appeared in place and could not move to the mask. After several attempts, she still failed.

It doesn't work here. Chen Ying continued to fly forward along this ring of light mask and began to turn around half a day later. The continent is not square and gradually shrinks inward. Chen Ying knew that she must have begun to turn. This flight, feeling tired, she grabbed the stones on the edge of the continent with two huge claws to rest for a while and rest. Almost, and then re-explored.

Finally, when Chen Ying was flying to want to vomit, she found that there was another yellow light in the distance. Her heart was shocked, and she was immediately in a good mood. Her wings flew a few times and fell to the yellow light.

There are two gates standing here. Unlike before, the door here is not blue light, but a kind of yellow light. The yellow light is simple and pure, with a sense of stability. Chen Ying turned over again as before. Countless peaks flew out of the two doors. Each peak was full of green trees and flowers, so much so that she saw some young beasts fighting happily in it, but Chen Ying did not dare to stay any longer. These peaks came fiercely. Looking at that style, as long as he dared to slow down, it must be smashed. The end of the bone.

Chen Ying continued to set out alone and flew along the light mask for more than half of the way. Looking at the scene of the desert inside, Chen Ying was very strange. What kind of place is it? Is it so tightly closed?

Another gate soon arrived again, and this time the two gates were changed to gold and red gold colors. As soon as Chen Ying fell, she felt one of the different smells from before.

It was a strong warmth and deep call, accompanied by bursts of grief that hit his heart countless times. Chen Ying walked over gently, and her wings touched the door slightly, sinking in it as if nothing. Chen Ying was surprised, so she walked slowly and tried to drill into the door step by step. Sure enough, there was no barrier, as if the two golden gates emitting infinite golden light were like a layer of illusions.

Through the Golden Gate, Chen Ying stepped into the desert inside, but did not feel any dryness. A soft breeze flowed slightly in the air. Here, there was an urgent call to the deepest part of the interior!

The sky is clear, and there are no sun, moon, stars, and no floating clouds and birds. It looks extremely calm.

Chen Ying no longer stopped. She spread her wings and flew into the air and flew to the place with all her heart. The desert on the ground seemed to be endless. There was no other scenery except sand and sand along the way.

Gradually, after some broken and ancient stone houses, a strong bloody atmosphere rippled in it. After the stone house, it passed through a Grand Canyon. Various buildings in the valley were stacked, showing the prosperity that once existed, but what is left now is desolate, and the ground is even Some cracks that went straight into the center of the earth narrowly across the canyon and divided the canyon into two. One part of them just leaned together slightly, as if it would collapse with a slight force.

After the canyon, it was a flat land, and there began to be some huge buildings. These buildings were half mountain high and piled together with whole pieces of black stone. However, at this time, they also became a pile of waste, awkwardly piled together, and only the shape of them could be faintly seen. This Pingchuan is afraid of being more than 100,000 miles in size, and it still took the boss a while to fly as fast as Chen Ying Kunpeng flew.

Finally, Chen Ying came to an endless square. The square was square, surrounded by various runes. The runes seemed to have been damaged, but its shape was left on the periphery, and the interior of the square was still empty. Chen Ying flew inside and found a huge array and set up a giant statue of Optimus. However, the giant statue is also a broken body, leaving only the bottom half. It can be faintly seen that it is a bird form, which is slightly similar to Chen Ying's body at this time, but it is more violent and majestic than him. Although it is only half a remnant, the amazing momentum emitted from it far exceeds that in the treasure building. What kind of landlord is that?

Chen Ying fell in front of the colossus and turned into a human shape to touch the broken stone statue. She only felt gentle, giving him the feeling that she was touching a flesh and blood body.

The giant statue standing in front of him, although he has no upper body, is still staring at him. This gaze is not vigilance or anger, but a kind of warmth.

Chen Ying walked around the colossus, but found nothing special, so she had to use the mother's scriptures. Take the mother sutra from the sea of knowledge, shoot a yellow light from it, and slowly move away from the colossus. On the first page of the mother sutra, the sea of clouds rises, the heaven and earth change, and the deduction is carried out with all their strength.

This deduction took the longest time. It took half an hour before the mother's scripture gradually withdrew the yellow light. A few words appeared on the first page. The deduction failed. The energy of the target object was too powerful, and the recovery of the body was not enough to be deduced.

"Can't be deduced?" Since Chen Ying saw this situation for the first time since she met her mother's scriptures, she looked at the statue in shock and carefully, but she couldn't see anything.

Chen Ying turned into a Kunpeng shape again, flew to the top of the remnant statue, and tried to fall down. His claws were next to the abdomen of the stone statue. He immediately felt that something was attracting him. Looking down along a crack, he could faintly see that there was a little golden light flashing in the crack. Chen Ying has the intention to take a look, but the cracks are really small, not to mention that his current body shape is human, and it is impossible.

"What should I do? I can't say what kind of baby it is!" Chen Ying thought about it and stared hard at it for a long time before she remembered calling out the black bamboo. Her mind controlled the black bamboo to shrink it vigorously. It was not until it turned into a small strip that she dangerously got in, swam between the cracks, and came to the golden light.

"Come out!" As soon as the black bamboo picked up the golden light, the golden light jumped up and fell on the black bamboo. Chen Ying carefully took it cautiously and cautiously. After a long time, she finally picked it out.

"What is this?" He took it in his hand and turned it over. After looking carefully for a long time, Chen Ying still didn't see anything. She could only see a small gold dot, emitting a hazy golden light.

"Try deduce it again. If it doesn't work, you really disappoint me..." Chen Ying used her mother's scripture to deduce to the golden point for a long time, and finally there was a little result this time.

Inheriting beads, a skill can be derived from it after refining. The skill is unknown and the consequences are unknown.

"The consequences are unknown again! It's really annoying..." Chen Ying sighed slightly, swallowed the golden beads in her abdomen, and immediately felt a coolness dispersing into his body. At the same time, a skill appeared in his sea of knowledge.

This small skill is also fragmented. It was probably intercepted from somewhere. It's just a move. This move is called the magic skill of swallowing the sky. Kunpeng's body is huge, and its breath can naturally trigger infinite power. Kunpeng, the ancient mythical beast, created this spell with this habit, swallowing the sky in one way, and everything in the world will not swallow. Swallow the stars up and down the mountains. There is no disadvantage and omnipotent!