Chaotic Thief

Chapter 66 Carpet Scratch

Chen Ying followed the crowd into the depths of the cave and came to a hall. At this time, the hall was full of joy, with colorful lights hanging everywhere and flower paper. bursts of cheerful music came from behind and rippled in the whole hall.

The Han Dynasty ordered the teenagers to stand in two rows at the gate of the temple to wait for the arrival of the newcomers, and then turned around and left here. Chen Ying looked at the decorations around him, looking at the busy little girls, a happy scene.

After these little girls fiddled around, a woman in gorgeous clothes walked in from behind, followed by dozens of women, in front of the women's seat in turn, lined up in two rows on both sides. The woman was happy and sat firmly in a purple circle chair in the middle. She stretched out her hand and waved her hand to the side. She saw an old woman shouting: "The auspicious time has come, please enter the hall to salute..."

Following the opening of the door, Zhang Shuping and Li Qiurong, who were covered with red covers, slowly passed through countless disciples of the spirit beast hall on both sides and came to the hall.

At the end, Chen Ying looked at the bride under the red head and was also happy. She watched the couple slowly enter the hall and walk to the woman step by step. The old woman next to her shouted with a smile: "Worship heaven and earth!"

The new couple bent down and knelt down. After kowtowing, Zhang Shuping stood up with Li Qiurong and laughed at the woman in front of him. This boy still knows how to hurt people..."

"Two-time teaching!" Only then did Chen Ying know that the second worship was the owner of the Shimo Palace, but the owner was not here, and most of them were also a form of worship.

The bride and groom still knelt down and knelt down again.

"Three visits to the elders!"

This time it was the woman in the seat. The woman didn't wait for them to kneel down, so she came forward and helped them up and said, "Okay, that's it. If you kneel down again, you won't kneel this flowery new daughter-like? Haha”

"The master spoils them so much." The old woman next to her just smiled and said this and then shouted again.

"After the three visits, guests, please sit down and have a drink and share the beautiful scenery..." After the old woman shouted, someone came out to bring Chen Ying, a group of teenagers, into a lobby behind the hall. At this time, the lobby was set up to buy a banquet, and hundreds of people from the four passages poured in one after another to find their seats.

Zhang Shuping and Li Qiurong also came to the front with the woman in Chinese clothes and sat around the round table. At this time, Li Qiurong went to the red head, with a red face and delicately lowered a pretty face in front of him.

"Song Yuanfeng is here to wish that the master of the hall will rise step by step. The young master and the young master's wife are happy with their wedding and enter the real world as soon as possible. I specially took two concentric jades from the treasure building and specially dedicated them to the two newcomers!"

Seeing that everyone sat down, a young man got up and came to the round table to bow his hand to salute, he took out a wooden box in his hand and put it on the table.

"Yuanfeng, you are bothered this time. That's good. You can go down first." The woman nod her head slightly and smiled more comfortably.

"Zhang Dabao also wishes the Lord to be promoted to the throne of elder as soon as possible, and the two newcomers will grow old." After saying that, he took out a pale green and light white jade piano from his arms and put it on the table and retreated.

Next, it seemed to be the gift session. One after another, the disciples of the Spiritual Beast Hall came forward and put the gifts they chose on the round table. There were all kinds of rare and some rare materials.



After a wave, finally no one went up. At the end of the banquet, the faces of a group of outside disciples were slightly red. They all said that they were in a hurry and forgot to prepare gifts. They missed a good time to get close to the owner of the Spirit Beast Hall, and pinched them in their chest one by one.

When everyone was annoyed, they saw a thin teenager next to him slowly stand up and gently walk to the innermost part. Their eyes were angry and whispered to find out who this bitch was. Why have you never seen him?

"Mo Cang, a disciple of the outer door, wishes Brother Zhang and Sister Li a happy marriage. I wish the two of them an early birth of a noble son, a happy life, and never be separated forever!" After saying loudly, Chen Ying handed over something in her hand, but did not put it on the table, but quietly stretched out to Li Qiurong.

"Hmm?" The woman frowned and said, "Just put the things down on the table."

Li Qiurong looked at Chen Ying's outstretched hand and panicked. He got up and found that it was a bead. The beads were surrounded by purple and white, surrounded by a red coil.

"Mom, this brother Mo Cang is a friend of my outer door. I hope you can forgive his recklessness." After Li Qiurong hung the beads on his body, he motioned Chen Ying to go down quickly.

Chen Ying smiled, saluted the three people, and then returned to the middle of the seat.

Next, the woman in Hua took Zhang Shuping and Li Qiurong away from here, and the rest of the people bombarded, and began to drink and eat meat incomparably, and went wild.

"Kid, who are you? Why have I never seen you?

This had long been Chen Ying's expectation. When she saw a bunch of teenagers around her, she questioned herself angrily.

"Sit down, all of you, don't allow you to make noise in the spirit beast hall!" Before Chen Ying decomposed, a big man stepped into the hall and came to Chen Ying to scold the teenagers.

Everyone hurriedly sat down and focused on eating wine and meat, and dared not look back.

"Kid, are you Mo Cang? I heard that you are a good friend of our young master's wife, so the young master specially ordered me to invite you. He wants to be close to you so as not to let others say that he is ignorant. Come on, come with me!" After saying that, the big man went outside the hall and waited for Chen Ying without saying a word.

"Alas, I wanted to leave immediately, but I still got into trouble." Chen Ying sighed slightly, got up and sat and walked outside the hall; "This brother, I still put some excellent precious materials outside. I wanted to give them to Brother Zhang together, but I was afraid that others would say that I was flaunted Brother Zhang, so I quietly put it outside and asked my brother to pick it up with me, just as this trouble. I know my reward."

"What good things can you have? Let's go and have a look. If not, don't blame me for being rude? After hearing this, the big man's eyes were shining and urged Chen Ying to walk out.

"Brother, why don't you see anyone coming on the happy day of Brother Zhang and Sister Li this time?" Chen Ying suddenly had a thought, turned her head and asked the big man.

"What do you know? Recently, our palace master has to practice with all his strength and ordered the elders to guard the palace master's hall together. They will start to attack the realm of heaven and man at any time and jointly resist the great disaster of heaven and man. How can they casually come down to participate in the wedding of a younger generation? Even the hall owner will have to enter the hall and wait beside the palace master." The big man mocked Chen Ying.

"So all the masters in our Demon Palace are on it. In case an enemy enters, it won't cause any big trouble?"

"What's the big trouble? Now the world is peaceful, and the major sects have been at peace with each other. Who will come to us for no reason to make trouble? Those other scattered practitioners dare not come to them. After saying that, the big man said in his heart that with this holy mountain under his feet, which one can block the attack of the forbidden law?

The two walked all the way out of the cave, but Chen Ying still did not stop. She took the big man far away before stopping; "Brother, the place has arrived."

"Have you arrived at the place? Where is the good thing you said? The big man looked at him in surprise.

"Things are right here!"

Chen Ying pointed to his mouth with a smile, and then suddenly carried the magic skill of swallowing the sky, sucked up the big man, shrank into a ball of particles, and sent it into the ora in his body. As soon as he entered, he was smashed by several heavenly disasters.

In this way, a powerful man was silently swallowed up by Chen Ying. Chen Ying just squeaked her lips, and an indescribable feeling rose in her heart.

"There is no tiger in the mountain. It would be too negligent for me to do it." Chen Ying smiled and looked at the high, low and orderly halls above her head. In an instant, she disappeared into the ground and went to a place on the peak above her head that had already been explored.

As soon as Chen Ying disappeared into the ground this time, a black light followed and shot Chen Ying. Chen Ying did not realize that she was only about running up. Seeing that the black light was about to hit Chen Ying, she might as well fly out a tiny magic shadow from his body. The shape of the magic shadow was horrible, just like what Chen Ying and others had seen at the foot of the White Bone Mountain before. A demon-like, the magic shadow appeared slightly, and the black light disappeared to the ground in an instant.

Chen Ying didn't know what happened behind her. She only cared about her happy head into the hall and quietly emerged from the ground.