Chaotic Thief

Chapter 68 Black Eat Black, Xu Lingmiao Oath

Throw the young man's body slightly and don't deal with it. Chen Ying knows that it is now a perfect merit. In addition to adding more dangers, the harvest is very little.

Slowly sank into the ground and escape little by little. Until he could no longer escape, he walked through one side. Chen Ying's five elements the day after tomorrow are now only in the water and soil, which is much simpler and easier in the water.

As soon as I got outside, I looked up and looked at the top, but I didn't find anything strange. I took a big mouth and sucked a large ball of energy around the world, slightly replenished the magic in my body, and then began to walk down step by step.

Now I have just run away halfway up the mountain. Looking at the pure black and thick magic clouds in the sky above my head, I am sure there is any prohibition. In today's situation, it's better to go down the mountain and be steady. The lower the mountain, the more relaxed Chen Ying became. She took a brisk step and hummed a little song. Looking at the foot of the mountain getting closer and closer, her heart was relieved.

"Don't make a sound, come with me!" At this moment, a familiar voice floated out from behind Chen Ying. Chen Ying was shocked to see the old woman who loudly commanded the newcomer's worship in the spirit beast hall, passing behind and slowly walking in front of him.

"I don't know what the senior has to order?" Chen Ying asked quietly. You can feel the six-fold cosmic energy from the old woman's body. It is certain that it will be at least six-fold through the heavenly realm. Unlike the spirit beast hall, the body is full of breath. Nothing can be found except the simple atmosphere that can be seen on the surface.

"Come with me obediently. If you fall out here, it's not good for you. Believe me, you won't make much noise here with your heavy realm." The old woman smiled softly and began to turn to the spiritual beast hall next to her.

"If you don't make it clear, the younger generation won't let you play tricks on him." Looking at the old woman's route, Chen Ying stood firmly in place, secretly carrying magic skills in her body, ready to swallow a magic stone at any time, soaring to the sky, no matter what his life or death, even if he wanted to die, he had to die vigorously.

"Are you afraid now? Why weren't you afraid when you seduced my young master's wife? The old woman said viciously.

"Joke, Qiu Rong and I have just known each other since childhood, and we have the same personality, so we have a better relationship. Which one seduced her again?"

Chen Ying didn't dare to joke about this point. She could know as soon as she left, but Li Qiurong, who stayed, couldn't say what treatment she would receive.

Looking at Chen Ying's serious expression, the old woman instantly turned into a smiling face; "Haha, the old body is teasing you, and you are so witty..."

"Chen Ying, the master ordered the old man to invite you here this time. There is no malice. You can rest assured."

"What!" Chen Ying was just a little shocked when she heard that the other party actually said her name, and she calmed down again. His magic clothes can only change the shape of his body, but he can't do anything about the realm of cultivation. He has many doubts all over his body. Any person who knows the heavenly realm will wonder why he, such a master who knows the sky, appears among the disciples of the outer disciples of the Shimo Palace.

"Don't be in a hurry to deny who you are. We have almost found out who you are. Qiu Rong's family has encountered a great disaster. Now the whole family, together with neighbors from all parties, have been settled down. There are no young playmates at all, not to mention that there is no in the outer door. With the young master's understanding of the young master's wife, there is only Chen Ying who can let her treat her like this. It's just that two years ago, you actually went from the beginning to the world now, which made us sigh very strangely!" The old woman came slowly, smiled and motioned Chen Ying to walk forward.

"That's it. Just say what you want to come to me!"

"Here?" The old woman looked left and right, then came to Chen Ying and leaned slightly over.

"Hmm?" Chen Ying did not dare to despise that she had grabbed a top-quality magic stone with her left hand, and sent the black bamboo to her right hand, ready to turn around at any time.

"There is nothing more to say. The master only hopes that you can give her a magic ascension elixir!" There was peace in the old woman's eyes.

" know a lot." Chen Ying is not going to deny it. That's all, and it's too naive to deny it.

"Do you think the Lord will let an unknown or perhaps enemy exist and easily make trouble with her? If it weren't for...", the old woman paused and said, "Don't say these are useless. The hall master just wants your magic ascension elixir. If you agree, if you have any trouble outside in the future, you can come to her for help."

"I don't know how the boy can be treated so kindly by a master of Wanhuajing?"

"You will know later!"

Chen Ying thought carefully and knew that if he disagreed, he was very likely to turn against him. Not to mention that the other party had a hall owner of Wanhuajing, he was not sure about the five-fold old woman in front of him.

The improvement of each weight in the realm of heaven is not just the number of cosmic energy. This involves a principle of great perfection. The simplest strength advancement. At each weight, as long as one cosmic energy is refined, it can be promoted to the next weight. From more than two, each more cosmic energy will naturally merge in Together, we move towards great perfection. This perfection is a magical method in the universe. By gathering at least nine kinds of cosmic energy, it can transform into itself, so as to continuously derive various powers, and finally serve as the foundation to impact on the realm of heaven and man. Nine is the minimum requirement, which can be the simplest to impact Wanhua realm, followed by 18 kinds, 27 kinds, 36 kinds, 45 kinds... Up to 81 kinds, these 81 kinds of cosmic energy do not exist alone, but still need to be integrated into nine kinds, but the fusion of cosmic energy is extremely dangerous. Carelessness will burst directly in the body, causing various attack methods, which makes people unpreventable.

The power of this fusion of cosmic energy is naturally greatly enhanced. In terms of strength alone, as long as nine kinds of cosmic energy can be integrated into one weight, it is at least a draw for a single type of master below five tiers alone, but until now, what Chen Ying has seen in others is only some Separate cosmic energy.

"If you make a deal, make a big vow!"

"What! Boy, don't bully people too much!"

"What? Don't you dare to send it?"

"Then do as you say." The old woman's face gradually became angry, but she had to agree, because this magic ascension elixir was solemnly asked by the Lord to get it.

This heart demon vow is to directly connect with the vow of the cosmic demon god. When the monk is at a high level of the heavenly realm, there will be a cosmic demon accompanied by the birth of the heavenly disaster. This heart demon is the most strange, directly attacking the human heart god, making the robber unconsciously captured and disappear. Fortunately, the demons generally do not take the initiative to attack, except when it hits the great disaster. However, in this case, if you take the initiative to communicate with the demon, if you break the oath, you will definitely come down to find trouble.

There was a vicious curse in the old woman's heart, and she hated Chen Ying to the bone, but now she didn't dare to offend too much. The master didn't know what was going on and said that this boy would be of great use in the future.

After a complicated fingerprint, and then blended with her own blood and spirit, the old woman slowly said, "The heart demon is on, and I, Xu Lingmiao, swear here that after the success of this transaction, I will send Chen Ying out of the Shimo Palace safely, and will not hunt down or stop him by any means. If there is any violation, it will not end well."

As soon as this oath came out, Chen Ying saw a dark shadow flying from the universe above the void. The shadow landed silently without triggering the obstruction of the world itself. Finally, she slowly flew to the old woman's hand casting the seal and turned into a black spot.

"Are you satisfied, boy?"

"Satisfied, I'm satisfied, and there's nothing I can do. Moreover, as long as the seniors don't have any other thoughts, this demon oath is just a joke and can't do anything." Chen Ying had a smile on her face and pretended to reach into her arms, but secretly took out the magic ascension elixir in the universe bag and handed it to Xu Lingmiao in front of her.

"Kid, what are you still pretending to be here? What else do you want to hide here? The universe bag in the Jubao Building was stolen by you... If you deny it again, I will look down on you..." Xu Lingmiao said leisurely and turned away.

"If you go back the same way, don't worry, no one will stop you in the spirit beast hall, but that universe bag is originally an unattractive object. If you cause any trouble when you use it in the future, it's not surprising... Hahaha!" Xu Lingmiao laughed from afar and disappeared into the hole.