Chaotic Thief

Chapter 91 You poor and stupid boy

After delivering the Zhongpin Lingshi, Chen Ying pulled Tang Rujiu out of the store with this scattered smile.

"Miss Tang, are you sure you're not doing this stupidly?"

"Well, of course I can be sure. Besides, isn't there still you to protect me? If it really doesn't work, you will become a big bird and escape with me. Tang Ru's face was full of smiles.

It turns out that Tang Ru's old intention is to use this dowry audition to make himself enter the interior of the demon door. As long as he can find a way to dress himself ugly when meeting the demon prince, he will not suffer losses...

"Well, that depends on you, but it has to be agreed that if something goes wrong, I will forcibly rescue you. I can't watch you be killed by that demon..."

"Get out, you have to go. I won't be so stupid..."

The two fought all the way. As the flow of people came to a ring in the center of Bliss City, there was a dark purple silk on the ring. The scene inside could only be slightly seen under the stage. What exactly it was, that is, they had to enter it to see clearly.

"Today is the 98th dowry audition of our demon son. Women with aspirations are welcome to sign up on the stage. If any other Taoist friends want to enter the ring for careful evaluation, everyone only needs to pay a hundred medium-grade spiritual stones!"

As soon as Chen Ying and the Tang Dynasty came to the stage, they heard a person on the stage come out and say this to the crowd under the stage.

100 medium-grade spiritual stones per person? You really can't underestimate here..."

"Stupid boy, haven't you seen Lingshi? Are a hundred of them scared like this? At this time, a young man next to him gave Chen Ying a cold look and strode forward to give the small bag in his hand to the man on the stage.

The man on the stage weighed his hand slightly and said with a smile, "That's right. You can go in."

The young man turned his head and looked at Chen Ying under the stage and said, "If you don't have money, stay away from the beautiful woman around you. If I meet you next time, I will definitely beat you so much that your mother can't recognize you!"

Chen Ying shouted to him angrily after hearing this; "Kid, wait for me..." As he said, he pulled up Tang Ru and rushed to the ring.

"This is a hundred medium-grade spiritual stones, and I want to go in." Chen Ying said urgently.

"You can go in, just your companion..." The man on the stage looked at Tang Ru.

"I'm also here to participate in the audition. Do I also want to hand over the spirit stone?" Tang Ru's old way.

"This is not necessary. Since the girl also came to participate in the audition, she can enter with him." The man said and took out a jade ring from his arms, with ninety-eight numbers written on it.

"You are the 98th woman in this audition. Please keep this jade ring, and someone will arrange the competition for you."

Chen Ying didn't wait for him to speak any more. He hurriedly pulled Tang Ruji and ran in, trying to quickly find the hateful young man and prove to him that he was not a poor man...

Only after he quickly entered it, he found that there was also a little space magic inside, which was not like the little place seen outside.

The first purpose is a row of seats, which are gathered in the middle of the ring. At this time, there is still no one in the middle of the ring, and there is only an old woman sitting at the back entrance of the stage.

There are hundreds of people sitting on the seats around, most of whom are young people, and there are also a few old men, and their faces are also reddish, which makes them extremely happy.

In the old dynasty, Chen Ying nod her head and was about to walk towards the old woman. Chen Ying hurriedly narrowed her black bamboo into her palm and motioned her to put it away carefully.

Tang Ru took over the black bamboo, looked at Chen Ying slightly and smiled at him and walked over.

After walking to the back, the old woman looked at the jade ring in her hand and called out a little girl from behind to lead Tang Rujiu in.

Chen Ying raised her eyes and looked around and found that the young man was sitting in a seat not far away. After a short run, Chen Ying came to him.

"Kid, look who's here?" Chen Yingdao.

"Yo? It's you poor boy. How did you sneak in? The young man looked at Chen Ying's eyes full of doubts.

"Haha, so it is! I didn't expect you to come up with such a way to sell your female companion here..."

"...I came in with a spiritual stone!" Chen Yingdao.

"Come and lie to me. Anyone who has companions or family members to participate in the election can bring a person into the scene. That beautiful woman has been sent here by you. What kind of spiritual stone do you need?" The young man shook his head.

"Is that true?" Chen Ying was shocked.

"Is it possible that you still came in with 100 medium-sized spiritual stones? What a silly boy." The young man's expression when he spoke was extremely saric, which made people want to grab him and beat him.

Chen Ying saw that the man's face was full of treachery and slippery, and his eyes were in the direction of the observation platform from time to time, and there was a little sweat flowing from his forehead.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Ying did not reproduce him, but just sat behind him and carefully guarded him.

Since Tang Ru entered, he slowly entered five or six women, all of whom were beautiful and moon-looking, but their eyes soared to the sky, as if they could become a red man in the arms of the demon prince in a blink of an eye. From then on, he enjoyed full glory and power in his hand.

With the entry of these women, the seats around Chen Ying are gradually filled with people, which also shows the wealth of practitioners here on the one hand.

"Gentlemen! This is the end of the registration for this dowry audition. Please come to the stage and conduct the first level of the test. This level will eliminate the worst players!" The man who shouted was the man outside the ring just now.

With this order, a row of women slowly came out from behind the stage. These women were dressed one by one, but there were many fat people. At first glance, they seemed to meet a sow. They didn't know what these people thought and dared to appear here.

Tang Rujiu was just vaguely lined up at the end. She was light green and mixed with this pile of messy colors, and it was also a little conspicuous. However, because of the position, Chen Ying could only see half of her body.

"Once these women stand on the stage, they are arranged according to their own positions and arranged in a small square. Either aura or magic in their hands will be put into the jade ring in their hands, and instantly shoot their corresponding numbers from the jade ring and appear above the body."

At this time, a group of women slowly walked out from behind the stage. These women slowly walked to the women on the stage and carefully looked at the discussion. As they walked, they pointed there. Finally, a woman in the middle nodded, and the person next to him gently touched the jade ring in her hand. Chen Yingli I saw that the numbers on the heads of the sows on the stage slowly disappeared.

"Please come out as soon as possible. If any of you have any different opinions, please come up and talk about it in detail!"

"No, no, hurry up and get rid of these ugly monsters. The old man is about to throw up." As soon as the man on the stage finished speaking, countless people under the stage were loudly agreeing.

"Next, this level will test the skill of the players. Everyone will learn from this spell. Whoever can understand success in the shortest time is considered to pass, and the last ten will be eliminated!"

After the man finished speaking, someone handed over a stack of books to an audition woman.

These women did not hesitate. As soon as they got into their hands, they immediately understood. For a moment, the aura and magic on the stage were mixed with each other, and the black and white colors responded to each other.

Some of these women only have the realm of God, and some of them have reached the realm of Tongtian as much as Tang. This enlightenment spell is to see the realm, and the other is to see the nature of understanding.

So the women who passed through the sky realized successfully in a blink of an eye and played a flame spell in their hands. The spell radiated quickly, but the colorful and colorful did not have any power, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

This test was a little time-consuming. With the successful understanding of a large number of people, the remaining 20 people were not successful. They frowned and lost their temper one by one.

The man on the stage saw this situation and nod to the side, and the man manipulated again, and the numbers on the heads of the 20 women also disappeared.